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Topic: some people ...
Jill298's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:53 PM
Just don't think at all...

On animal planet they're talking about a woman that was killed by a crocodile attack.

Now, I know that sometimes when people travel into unknow areas in other countries, you're not familiar with the wildlife and maybe you're unaware of some dangers.
However, when I think of Austrailia, I think of crocodiles.
These people went by boat to a place called "crocodile creek" and went swimming.
They were shocked when they were attacked by a crocodile.
I'm having trouble having sympathy for them... I feel bad the woman died, and in a horrible way. But it was pretty easily preventable. slaphead

Dict8's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:56 PM

Just don't think at all...

On animal planet they're talking about a woman that was killed by a crocodile attack.

Now, I know that sometimes when people travel into unknow areas in other countries, you're not familiar with the wildlife and maybe you're unaware of some dangers.
However, when I think of Austrailia, I think of crocodiles.
These people went by boat to a place called "crocodile creek" and went swimming.
They were shocked when they were attacked by a crocodile.
I'm having trouble having sympathy for them... I feel bad the woman died, and in a horrible way. But it was pretty easily preventable. slaphead
Ya' think? laugh :tongue:

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:56 PM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Wed 12/16/09 10:57 PM
Evolution win!

Totage's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:56 PM
It's serves as a good reminder to always respect nature.

Jill298's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:57 PM

It's serves as a good reminder to always respect nature.
indeed. I think sometimes people always think that happens to "other people" but not them. Nature will come after everyone equally.

Dict8's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:00 PM

It's serves as a good reminder to always respect nature.
indeed. I think sometimes people always think that happens to "other people" but not them. Nature will come after everyone equally.
Yea...we still have our little Jurrasic Parks! :tongue:

Jennerling's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:01 PM
Some people are ****ing retards :banana: drinks smokin

Jill298's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:02 PM

Some people are ****ing retards :banana: drinks smokin
I know "retards" that wouldn't go swimming in crocodile creek. Even they know better than that.

Jennerling's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:03 PM
oops :laughing:

Jill298's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:10 PM
It must have been horrifying for her, for that I feel bad. But come on... that was just stupid stupid stupidfrustrated

Dict8's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:17 PM

It must have been horrifying for her, for that I feel bad. But come on... that was just stupid stupid stupidfrustrated was called Crocodile Creek ya' know? laugh :tongue:

Jtevans's photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:23 PM
Steve Irwin couldn't save her ohwell

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 11:53 PM
When I think of Australia, I first think of kangaroo's.

But I will never go swimming in the New York sewers!
or any other sewer for that matter.
Wheres Amos Moses when ya need him?laugh

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:03 PM

Just don't think at all...

On animal planet they're talking about a woman that was killed by a crocodile attack.

Now, I know that sometimes when people travel into unknow areas in other countries, you're not familiar with the wildlife and maybe you're unaware of some dangers.
However, when I think of Austrailia, I think of crocodiles.
These people went by boat to a place called "crocodile creek" and went swimming.
They were shocked when they were attacked by a crocodile.
I'm having trouble having sympathy for them... I feel bad the woman died, and in a horrible way. But it was pretty easily preventable. slaphead

Maybe the dingo ate your baby? :laughing:

Actually, when I lived in FL, I saw my fair share of alligators. They are very bold. There are many canals and if you didn't have fencing around your property, they thought nothing of swimming in backyard pools. I know one woman who had her dog snatched and eaten right out of her yard.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:06 PM

When I think of Australia, I first think of kangaroo's.

But I will never go swimming in the New York sewers!
or any other sewer for that matter.
Wheres Amos Moses when ya need him?laugh

there are alligators in the city sewers too.

didn't you see this movie?


IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 12/17/09 04:44 PM
Thinking isn't taught, unfortunately. I do it fairly well, but I had to figure out how to do it myself, and it took a lot of work.

The story you describe is fairly common, and I think I'd classify it slightly differently than you do...yes, they didn't think things through, but I think the REASON it didn't occur to them to do so, is that they were hypnotized by modern television to think that the world was a safer place than it really is. People from rich countries do that kind of thing all the time.
They think all chimps are friendly comedians, and so they get one as a pet, and it rips the face off of their best friend.
They go to the Amazon, thinking that all the natives are friendly freedom-loving nature-children, and get murdered.

I wish we could teach basic reasoning processes in school, so that people MIGHT start voting for something other than hatred or fear of their neighbors.

no photo
Thu 12/17/09 04:50 PM

Some people are ****ing retards :banana: drinks smokin
I thinks the people that use the "r" word have never been around Special Olympics and know how that word can hurt "special" people!!grumble

Shasta1's photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:20 PM

Some people are ****ing retards :banana: drinks smokin
I thinks the people that use the "r" word have never been around Special Olympics and know how that word can hurt "special" people!!grumble

Some don't have a clue....flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:41 PM

Some people are ****ing retards :banana: drinks smokin

One less, apparently.

no photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:54 PM
My dad told me this story about a time when he was in Florida and he took my sister swimming in one of the lakes or ponds or something with one of his work buddies.

So they're just drinking, eating, talking, when the other guy's dog runs into the pond.

He runs up, cursing, and says, "I have to get him out of there! There are gators in that lake!"

My dad flipped out.

Hehe. Some people.

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