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Topic: what is this all about
toshi's photo
Sat 12/12/09 11:57 AM
so im kinda seein this girl that i lived with for a month and things got weird so i moved she wants to hang out and date and get to know eachother better but she wanted to sleep on the couch last night.and said it was for her.whats this all about?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:00 PM

so im kinda seein this girl that i lived with for a month and things got weird so i moved she wants to hang out and date and get to know eachother better but she wanted to sleep on the couch last night.and said it was for her.whats this all about?
:smile: Sounds like she is playing games:smile:

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:02 PM
If she don't put out, throw her out. Just my opinion.

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:03 PM
Sounds like she needs a straight jacket.

toshi's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:05 PM
was hopin for a girl to tell me whats up with that

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:10 PM
sounds to me like she is confused about what she wants. or maybe she just wants to start fresh with you. Have you asked her?

Plain and simple...we can only guess. She would know what she is thinking

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:12 PM
She told you.. She wants to try again, take it slow.. Which means she wants to be around you but doesn't want to convolute things by having sex..

no photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:17 PM
Maybe she already knows what you're like in bed and figured why bother?

I'm kidding.... I'm thinking it's more of a case of let's see where this goes before we end up sleeping together?

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:32 PM
when we first started going out, my girlfriend said she wanted us to move slow

so I walked around in super slomo and talked like "mwaaaaaah bwaaaaah bwaaaaaah..."

she wasn't amused

RKISIT's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:42 PM

so im kinda seein this girl that i lived with for a month and things got weird so i moved she wants to hang out and date and get to know eachother better but she wanted to sleep on the couch last night.and said it was for her.whats this all about?
she seems to be a keeper...'that was almost the greatest sex we never had" she likes you but wants to take the time to know you before bumping uglies:smile:

RKISIT's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:45 PM
or she is one major di(k teaselaugh laugh i had to be melaugh

cottonelle's photo
Sat 12/12/09 12:56 PM

so im kinda seein this girl that i lived with for a month and things got weird so i moved she wants to hang out and date and get to know eachother better but she wanted to sleep on the couch last night.and said it was for her.whats this all about?

did you try following her out to the couch with a bottle of jack daniels, a box of condoms and a pitched tent saying "heres pointing at you, kid!"?

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sat 12/12/09 01:31 PM

so im kinda seein this girl that i lived with for a month and things got weird so i moved she wants to hang out and date and get to know eachother better but she wanted to sleep on the couch last night.and said it was for her.whats this all about?

What do you mean "things got weird"?

MelodyGirl's photo
Sat 12/12/09 02:13 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Sat 12/12/09 02:27 PM
It sounds like mind games and drama. whoa

She is guilty of playing games and drama.

You are guilty of allowing games and drama.

Find someone mature enough to understand what she wants, and someone that can handle a relationship. Don't move in together and "play house" until you are ready for marriage.

I wish you the best in making better decisions. flowerforyou

wux's photo
Sat 12/12/09 02:18 PM

when we first started going out, my girlfriend said she wanted us to move slow

so I walked around in super slomo and talked like "mwaaaaaah bwaaaaah bwaaaaaah..."

she wasn't amused

Funny. I'm sure she only pretended to be not amused.

Can you get an erection from 1 to 9 in a half hour? Gradually.

wux's photo
Sat 12/12/09 02:22 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 12/12/09 02:24 PM

so im kinda seein this girl that i lived with for a month and things got weird so i moved she wants to hang out and date and get to know eachother better but she wanted to sleep on the couch last night.and said it was for her.whats this all about?

Seeing you did not object to anyone, I must admit I completely misunderstood your post. I thought that the girl was supposed to put her coat on and go home, but no, she forced herself on your couch and refused to leave you be in your own home.

I wonder how that would have changed the answers others have given you. I suspect, not even an iota.

My version of understaning your story is not at all that far fetched. I used to know a guy, he lived in an apartment building, and one woman he had made love to camped out in the little garden in the car-turn ramp in front of the building. Another of his ex-lovers kept checking the cargo ships that came up the St. Lawrence seaway, because he was a sailor.

Goofball73's photo
Sat 12/12/09 07:09 PM
Take your pecker out, whack her on the forehead and say "Touch It! Touch It!" If she doesn't, move along.

Updawg's photo
Sat 12/12/09 07:10 PM
she needs a rent check

no photo
Sat 12/12/09 09:45 PM

so im kinda seein this girl that i lived with for a month and things got weird so i moved she wants to hang out and date and get to know eachother better but she wanted to sleep on the couch last night.and said it was for her.whats this all about?

Accept it at face value, and be patient with her. "Things got weird" is pretty generic, but it sounds like she wants to take it a little slower so at least her half isn't so weird.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Sat 12/12/09 11:48 PM

she needs a rent check

Yup, she needs a place to stay. And what do girls do when they need a place to stay? Yep, say no more, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Know what I mean? Eh?

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