Topic: Americans Want Government to Spend for Jobs, Send Bill to Ri
Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:13 PM
Have a little compassion and understanding for those less fortunate than you.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:14 PM

Have a little compassion and understanding for those less fortunate than you.

there are not many people less fortunate than me

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:24 PM

the poor don't hire very many people

and they don't spend shiit to pump up the economy

I say we screw with them instead

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

There's a saying.
It goes like this, "You can't get blood from a turnip"

It means that you can't get money from a person who has none.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:28 PM

Have a little compassion and understanding for those less fortunate than you.

there are not many people less fortunate than me

I hear a lot of rich folk brag about how much they give to charities, but what good is that if at the same time they are looking down their noses at them.

Then they'll talk about what a great tax write off it was.

If they are so generous and compassionate why do they cry every time someone mentions them getting a tax increase?

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:30 PM
I dunno

they don't give me shiit

unless I clean the windshield of their limo while they are stopped at the red light.

and then the driver usually gives me a buck

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:36 PM

I dunno

they don't give me shiit

unless I clean the windshield of their limo while they are stopped at the red light.

and then the driver usually gives me a buck

Eh, most money given to charity goes to a third world country.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:46 PM
Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment?
Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them?

I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low.

I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder.
They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition.

What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did.
Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint?

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:48 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Thu 12/10/09 08:48 PM
I've noticed that

liberals tend to hang out with only liberals

and seem to not believe that there are just as many conseratives as there are liberals

(and the same for conservatives)

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:51 PM

I've noticed that

liberals tend to hang out with only liberals

and seem to not believe that there are just as many conseratives as there are liberals

(and the same for conservatives)

Yep, it's an even split. That's why I always say it's the Independent (unaffiliated) who determine the elections.

no photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:54 PM
I don't think unemployment will ever go down again below 6%. That will be the new norm. And we not going to get there anytime soon.
Government can only provide temporary jobs at a high cost to taxpayers. Businesses provides jobs when the profits are right.
Anything that the government does to increase the cost of business reduces jobs. Seems to me that we are going in that direction.....that is, increasing the cost of doing business.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:57 PM

Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment?
Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them?

I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low.

I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder.
They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition.

What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did.
Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint?

The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:59 PM
I would vote for that

as long as its a universal draft

meaning EVERYONE

the military as an organization doesnt want it though. They are proud of being all volunteer and unwilling conscripts tend to drag the quality down

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:03 PM

I don't think unemployment will ever go down again below 6%. That will be the new norm. And we not going to get there anytime soon.
Government can only provide temporary jobs at a high cost to taxpayers. Businesses provides jobs when the profits are right.
Anything that the government does to increase the cost of business reduces jobs. Seems to me that we are going in that direction.....that is, increasing the cost of doing business.

What about the infrastructure. It's a sad fact that the infrastructure in the US has been neglected and in need of upgrading for years.
Just look at the power grids, and most cities water and sewer needs.
The government can create jobs. By upgrading the power grids to newer technologies they can kill a couple birds with one stone.
Move us to greener more self sufficient power sources, and create good paying jobs.
Putting the long needed gov capital into infrastructure would also flood the business sectors with capital.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:08 PM

I would vote for that

as long as its a universal draft

meaning EVERYONE

the military as an organization doesnt want it though. They are proud of being all volunteer and unwilling conscripts tend to drag the quality down

That's the military, and it isn't them who are against the draft. It's the politicians who have to endure the protests once more people are asked to do their part to sacrifice.

What I'm talking about is a National service. They would handle many needs right here at home. Most would never leave the US.

AndrewAV's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:11 PM

Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment?
Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them?

I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low.

I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder.
They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition.

What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did.
Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint?

The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses.

Do you realize what it would cost to train that many if we instituted a draft? Like our military doesn't already have budget problems.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:14 PM

Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment?
Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them?

I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low.

I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder.
They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition.

What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did.
Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint?

The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses.

Do you realize what it would cost to train that many if we instituted a draft? Like our military doesn't already have budget problems.

It would nearly pay for itself, if not entirely.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:19 PM
The government's job is to keep and create an environment that is necessary and ideal for people to live in, that includes a place where jobs can be created.


It's not the government's job to create jobs. The government can have job positions for the government but the bullet supposed to stop right there.

Is this too hard to understand?

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:25 PM

Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment?
Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them?

I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low.

I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder.
They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition.

What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did.
Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint?

The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses.

Actually, this is not so. For all that work to be "created" there must be an entrepreneur with capital to pay for the labor. Otherwise, the State must use taxation/inflation to keep the economy afloat. Did you realize also that what you are suggesting was tried by the Soviet and Roman empires-and this contributed heavily to their collapses? Read up especially on Diocletian, Constantine, Kruschev, and other such emperors who tried such command/control economics. It ALWAYS fails.

AndrewAV's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:29 PM

Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment?
Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them?

I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low.

I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder.
They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition.

What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did.
Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint?

The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses.

Do you realize what it would cost to train that many if we instituted a draft? Like our military doesn't already have budget problems.

It would nearly pay for itself, if not entirely.

huh? since when does the military make money?

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:29 PM

Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment?
Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them?

I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low.

I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder.
They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition.

What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did.
Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint?

The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses.

Actually, this is not so. For all that work to be "created" there must be an entrepreneur with capital to pay for the labor. Otherwise, the State must use taxation/inflation to keep the economy afloat. Did you realize also that what you are suggesting was tried by the Soviet and Roman empires-and this contributed heavily to their collapses? Read up especially on Diocletian, Constantine, Kruschev, and other such emperors who tried such command/control economics. It ALWAYS fails.

I saw it, first hand, working in W Germany!

How much do you think Calif pays every year to bring in trained people from all states to fight fires and clean up flood damage?