Topic: Single mommy | |
I have had 2 seriouse relationships in my life , both woman had a young child when we met, I raised thier children , loved them and treated them as my own. When they left , it was double heartbreaking , like taking away your own child...Also most woman I meet that have children don't want to give you one of your own... How fair is that ?
I have had 2 seriouse relationships in my life , both woman had a young child when we met, I raised thier children , loved them and treated them as my own. When they left , it was double heartbreaking , like taking away your own child...Also most woman I meet that have children don't want to give you one of your own... How fair is that ? That is the part that scares me. It's already happened to me with friends kids. It's heartbreaking. |
guys its fine to date single moms as long as it's for physical pleasure...thats all..don't go home with them ...buddy you are sunk.!
As long as it a "ram bang thankyou mam"kinda thing you are fine,or else you're Head's screwed..!!
Most of the woman i have dated have been single Mommy's.. They have all for the most part been smarter and more fun to enjoy.. Most are still my friends..
Not that this is on topic, but I have no kids of my own and would really like to meet and date a single dad. <~~~~ Single dad ![]() |
I am of the opinion that if there is chemistry between two people, children are not an issue. For some it is a stumbling block and they miss out on what could be. Therefore, the chemistry is just not there and they are saving you your precious time. Just be patient, op, and your knight in shining armor will come.
My issue is just the opposite, because of the world we live in, I find it hard to let anyone in because I am a single mother. My child's welfare and protection are my number one priority, so it is hard to let anyone close to me. |
My issue is just the opposite, because of the world we live in, I find it hard to let anyone in because I am a single mother. My child's welfare and protection are my number one priority, so it is hard to let anyone close to me. That is how I am. I had a relationship with one man (that I happened to meet on Mingle) after my divorce and after dating for five or six months I introduced him to my kids. My kids adored him and he adored my kids, when it didn't work out after a year my kids were heartbroken. I have went on other dates but none that came close to meeting my kids again. It's hard to know when to involve the kids when dating. It's even harder when you fear your kids getting attached to someone and it not work out. For these reasons (and my own fear of being hurt) I tend to take things extremely slow and some men do not understand that and that is okay, but my kids come first. As for dating a single mom, I know of single dads and men with out kids of thier own who don't think twice of a woman with kids. I also know of ones that don't want the "baggage". It's preference. As for me I would date a single dad and I would dad a man without kids. It's all about the chemistry. |
Edited by
Fri 05/14/10 08:16 AM
i love kids and moms.
![]() i look forward to playing silly games, sports, homework, and doing the babysitting and getting someone else to do the babysitting and fooling around with mommy when the kids are not around. ![]() diapies don't scare me either. ![]() |
i love kids and moms. ![]() i look forward to playing silly games, sports, homework, and doing the babysitting and getting someone else to do the babysitting and fooling around with mommy when the kids are not around. ![]() diapies don't scare me either. ![]() Yeah for you! ![]() |
I wouldnt use the word "scary" but for me, Ive raised my kids, dont really want to raise someone eles kid.
Some guys want ladies with kids, some dont, just like some ladies want a guy that owns a house or a type of car, or guys that want only blondes, red heads, whatever, people are different, and want different things. I personally LOVE kids, wanting to coach little league baseball again, love being around kids, teaching/coaching them, but dont want to raise anymore. |
Edited by
Fri 05/21/10 10:15 PM
Can anyone tell me why a woman with a child is scary to some men? ![]() what they see: it could be many different thing that they mistrust in you or your interaction with your children. it could also very well be a barrier that is in place for some reason(i.e. you wont let him get close to your children or you try to keep your children seperated from him). it could be an ex involved that is causing problems or prone to be very volitile(sp?). what they have seen: any of the above in past relationships or maybe even worse. however since you answered your own question within your question I precieve that this is not really your question and as most of these thread are it is merely your atempt at seeing if anyone agrees with you. but hey this is only my opinion |
wish i could i think single woman with kids are great because that shows they are doing there best when the dad would not and on a personal note i would date or marry a single mom in a second flat if we matched up
Because a lot of guys aren't ready for the responsibility of a child. It's a preference like wanting to meet a woman that doesn't smoke or has no knowledge in the use of automated weapons.
Personally, I don't shy away from "mommies". I've always wanted to start a family. The automatic weapon thing DOES scare me though. Especially if she knows how to use them REALLY well. |
I don't know i'm not in that department yet..
i have 2 kids myself... i don't its the kids that scare us away...just not the right guy for you. there is only about 4 billion more guys out there, why worry about 1?
My issue is just the opposite, because of the world we live in, I find it hard to let anyone in because I am a single mother. My child's welfare and protection are my number one priority, so it is hard to let anyone close to me. hard to find a guy that way ain't it? |
A woman and a child shouldnt be scary.Some men think that the woman in question is looking for a daddy replacement and they dont want to take the responsibility.Others think that particular woman is looking for some stablization know,a sugar daddy.
I myself am not scared of women with children.I think children are great
My issue is just the opposite, because of the world we live in, I find it hard to let anyone in because I am a single mother. My child's welfare and protection are my number one priority, so it is hard to let anyone close to me. thats good and bad, from a guys point, he will always be second in your life, never an equal,, turns alot of guys off, and you could missing out on what could be. |