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Topic: God is great, guns are good. Our Freedoms are Fading
willing2's photo
Sun 11/29/09 04:31 PM
Thankful for Fading Freedoms
by Chuck Norris

Abraham Lincoln once said, "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."

But what if those who restrict our freedoms are the very people who are in charge of securing them?

Over just the past year, Washington has worked double time to limit your liberties, despite the fact that such reductions have been cloaked under the guise of governmental progress.

First and foremost, Washington has reduced our freedoms and restricted our future by heaping upon our posterity astronomical amounts of debt, trying to jump-start the credit circus in our economy. Despite borrowing $787 billion from China to stimulate the economy with a promise to cap unemployment at 8 percent, unemployment has climbed to 10.2 percent and shows no sign of decreasing. And right now, a record 14 percent of homeowners are either in foreclosure or behind by at least one mortgage payment.

Because of Washington's excessive spending, bailouts and borrowing, the value of the dollar has decreased, which has restricted our financial freedoms further. Since just March 2009, the U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the strength of the dollar against other major currencies, plunged more than 15 percent, making U.S. stocks cheaper for foreign investors.

Washington also is reducing our medical choices or freedoms, by mandating a government option upon all of us.

Despite the biggest economic recession since the Great Depression, like a ramrod, Washington believes it's also a good time to force another $1 trillion on American taxpayers, by providing another governmental entitlement, called universal health care. In so doing, Washington is reducing our financial freedoms further and slowing future economic recovery by placing even more increased debt and taxes upon all of us.

To add insult to injury, Washington is going around the backdoor to provide illegals with universal health care by seeking their amnesty. That means Americans eventually would pay for another 14 million people's government health care. Amnesty also would reduce the number of jobs available to the unemployed by adding more to the legal work force and simultaneously would slow down the rate of the unemployed's being re-employed.

Washington also has reduced our speech freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment, by passing a hate crimes bill that was amended to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, criminalizing conservative free speech if it can be proved to have contributed to assaults based upon sexual orientation.

The White House even has reduced religious freedoms, by belittling America's rich Judeo-Christian heritage, enabling a secular-progressive and pro-Islamic agenda, and remaining indifferent to certain issues, such as the American Civil Liberties Union's disposal in the Mojave Desert and at Mount Soledad of memorial crosses for veterans. It also has turned a blind eye to the whitewashing of our godly heritage from Washington's historic landmarks and on U.S. artifacts.

In addition, Washington would restrict religious freedoms and freedoms of conscience by forcing pro-life citizens to pay for abortions via universal health care.

Washington also has reduced our Second Amendment firearm freedoms by appointing anti-gun advocates, such as Justice Sonia Sotomayor and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's David Michaels, by seeking to micromanage gun ownership via proposed legislation, including H.R. 45, and by politics as usual, such as blaming guns rather than Islamic extremism for the shootings at Fort Hood. (Those who believe that the Second Amendment is a foundational right and freedom might want to consider my new limited edition Chuck Norris Tribute Revolver -- available through America Remembers -- on their Christmas wish lists.)

Washington also has reduced our freedoms (and those of our service members) by increasing the threats to our country via the delay in response to our generals' requests for more troops in Afghanistan, allowing Gitmo detainees and terrorists to come to the U.S., and enabling homegrown terrorists, such as Maj. Nidal Hasan, within the very fabrics of our military.

As I consider these many freedom robbers and the political culprit enabling them all, two thoughts repeatedly come to my mind.

The first is from Daniel Webster, who said, "The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power." I believe we are in the fight of our lives -- since the Revolution itself -- for American freedoms. I don't know who said it, but I definitely prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery.

The second thought is one attributed to M. Grundler: "It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."

I don't think I ever have been as thankful for American freedoms as I am now. I must admit that I'm appallingly alarmed that some of them might not exist at all by this time next year. Like a sunset dropping over the horizon of our Founders' dreams, our freedoms are vanishing from view.

So if you lack something for which to be thankful this Thanksgiving, you don't need to be eloquent; just bow your head, and say from your heart this simple prayer a good friend wrote and sent to me:

God is great

Guns are good,

Let us thank them for our food and freedoms.


no photo
Sun 11/29/09 05:37 PM
This is the biggest bunch of crapola I have ever read. Get real.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:09 PM
shocked:laughing:slaphead :angel:

AndrewAV's photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:18 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Sun 11/29/09 06:19 PM

This is the biggest bunch of crapola I have ever read. Get real.

Don't go talking bad about Chuck Norris. He could punch you from where he stands lol.

While I'm all for personal liberties, the right to own a gun, and the right to practice religion as you choose, i do not believe in forcing these on anyone (namely the religion one, the other mentioned and many others have to be forced on those that want to limit liberties).

While our nation was built primarily by protestants, it was also founded on the principle that no religion would be forced on the people. That means freedom to be islam, christian, hindu, buddhist, whatever. Being that most of the original colonies were built by those fleeing religious persecution, it was a logical step.

And the Maj. Hasan thing was total bs. that was not due to his religion but due to obvious failures within our military. Part of freedom and liberties are being able to call shenanigans when you see them and not have the fear of being called a bigot. political correctness is what caused that.

I agree that liberties and freedoms are falling, but if you can read the Patriot Act and tell me that it didn't take freedoms, I'll laugh in your face. Both sides have been taking our liberties for years, just in different places.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:21 PM
I haven't noticed anyone taking any of my freedoms or liberties

I still go where I want when I want and nobody bothers me

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:23 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sun 11/29/09 06:26 PM
Where was Chuckie when all this was festering under the GOP? Oh yeah he was busy brown-nosing Huckabee...isn't Norris just a Hollywood elitist?


OK, in all seriousness...IF President Obama had not continued the Dippic's bailouts this deep recession would have been by now a complete depression...the only way out was to spend baby spend!

Things are getting better except for the high unemployment but unemployment is usuallly the last thing to recover after a recession.

The Health Care bill must be passed or it will certainly bankrupt our economy, it's going to be tough to get the votes but we have to try.

Those opposed to HC reform are like Norris, only in it to defeat progress for political see they don't care that 44K people a year die because they do not have HC in this country.

Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!

We pay twice as much as any other industrialized country in the world yet our HC ranks 37th...sure if you have a good plan or are rich you get the best but under the GOP it's "screw the rest".

The RWers rail about representation in DC yet it's weird that many of them don't know that they are just parroting propagandas from the HC/Big Pharma industries to defeat, for their inefficient and over-charged, that may cancel your coverage and let you die. It's really that simple.

The HC industry spends about $1.4 million a day to promote people like Norris, the T-baggers, False News, AM static, and angry left-over GOPers...and it's obviously not in the best interest of America...just for their profits..and of course let's review: POLITICAL GAIN.

Oh yeah, and all these same people claim to be "people of God".

dazzling_dave's photo
Mon 11/30/09 03:17 AM

Where was Chuckie when all this was festering under the GOP? Oh yeah he was busy brown-nosing Huckabee...isn't Norris just a Hollywood elitist?


OK, in all seriousness...IF President Obama had not continued the Dippic's bailouts this deep recession would have been by now a complete depression...the only way out was to spend baby spend!

Things are getting better except for the high unemployment but unemployment is usuallly the last thing to recover after a recession.

The Health Care bill must be passed or it will certainly bankrupt our economy, it's going to be tough to get the votes but we have to try.

Those opposed to HC reform are like Norris, only in it to defeat progress for political see they don't care that 44K people a year die because they do not have HC in this country.

Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!

We pay twice as much as any other industrialized country in the world yet our HC ranks 37th...sure if you have a good plan or are rich you get the best but under the GOP it's "screw the rest".

The RWers rail about representation in DC yet it's weird that many of them don't know that they are just parroting propagandas from the HC/Big Pharma industries to defeat, for their inefficient and over-charged, that may cancel your coverage and let you die. It's really that simple.

The HC industry spends about $1.4 million a day to promote people like Norris, the T-baggers, False News, AM static, and angry left-over GOPers...and it's obviously not in the best interest of America...just for their profits..and of course let's review: POLITICAL GAIN.

Oh yeah, and all these same people claim to be "people of God".

I see a lot of talking points in this post. Any facts? When was the last time that you were able to get out of debt by spending more? When was the last time that your personal finances improved by going deeper into debt? If our health care system is so horrible, why do all the wealthy people from the countries that have the health care system that some think is so much better come here to be treated?

Tell me one thing thta the government has ever been able to run better than private industry. Our government couldn't even run a brothel "deficit neutral." If they couldn't break even selling sex and booze, what makes you think that they can do so much better with health care?

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 11/30/09 03:29 AM
"Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!"


Prove that 44 thousand died because of LACK OF HEALTH CARE!

2000 + pages of bought votes and inserted 'thefts' and you call that health care!

Most americans are NOT for health care as it stands now in the senate... AND OUR POLITICIANS KNOW THIS and they proceed anyway...


They seem to think we are fooled by the constant misdirection outright lies and bs.

I for one hope thy continue to fool themselves right up to the point when we remove them from power.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 11/30/09 10:12 AM

"Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!"


Prove that 44 thousand died because of LACK OF HEALTH CARE!

2000 + pages of bought votes and inserted 'thefts' and you call that health care!

Most americans are NOT for health care as it stands now in the senate... AND OUR POLITICIANS KNOW THIS and they proceed anyway...


They seem to think we are fooled by the constant misdirection outright lies and bs.

I for one hope thy continue to fool themselves right up to the point when we remove them from power.

44K die per year due to lack of HC coverage:

The polling varies and we will see as the next weeks of debate on the Senate bill where Americans stand. The only polling that shows a negative is Rassmussen...which is a RW leaning polling org...can't trust anything they report on.

"poppycork"?...LOL...and I explained the "truthiness" that many of you parrot...not worth my time.

AndrewAV's photo
Mon 11/30/09 10:19 AM

"Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!"


Prove that 44 thousand died because of LACK OF HEALTH CARE!

2000 + pages of bought votes and inserted 'thefts' and you call that health care!

Most americans are NOT for health care as it stands now in the senate... AND OUR POLITICIANS KNOW THIS and they proceed anyway...


They seem to think we are fooled by the constant misdirection outright lies and bs.

I for one hope thy continue to fool themselves right up to the point when we remove them from power.

44K die per year due to lack of HC coverage:

The polling varies and we will see as the next weeks of debate on the Senate bill where Americans stand. The only polling that shows a negative is Rassmussen...which is a RW leaning polling org...can't trust anything they report on.

"poppycork"?...LOL...and I explained the "truthiness" that many of you parrot...not worth my time.

try gallup. they show more against and it beats the spread (MOE). The more time goes on, the less people like this.

cashu's photo
Mon 11/30/09 02:08 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 11/30/09 02:11 PM
middle earthling , I don't know but I think that is the reason the murdered him .

Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/30/09 02:10 PM

Where was Chuckie when all this was festering under the GOP? Oh yeah he was busy brown-nosing Huckabee...isn't Norris just a Hollywood elitist?


OK, in all seriousness...IF President Obama had not continued the Dippic's bailouts this deep recession would have been by now a complete depression...the only way out was to spend baby spend!

Things are getting better except for the high unemployment but unemployment is usuallly the last thing to recover after a recession.

The Health Care bill must be passed or it will certainly bankrupt our economy, it's going to be tough to get the votes but we have to try.

Those opposed to HC reform are like Norris, only in it to defeat progress for political see they don't care that 44K people a year die because they do not have HC in this country.

Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!

We pay twice as much as any other industrialized country in the world yet our HC ranks 37th...sure if you have a good plan or are rich you get the best but under the GOP it's "screw the rest".

The RWers rail about representation in DC yet it's weird that many of them don't know that they are just parroting propagandas from the HC/Big Pharma industries to defeat, for their inefficient and over-charged, that may cancel your coverage and let you die. It's really that simple.

The HC industry spends about $1.4 million a day to promote people like Norris, the T-baggers, False News, AM static, and angry left-over GOPers...and it's obviously not in the best interest of America...just for their profits..and of course let's review: POLITICAL GAIN.

Oh yeah, and all these same people claim to be "people of God".

ain't that the

Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/30/09 02:11 PM

This is the biggest bunch of crapola I have ever read. Get real.


cashu's photo
Mon 11/30/09 02:14 PM

I haven't noticed anyone taking any of my freedoms or liberties

I still go where I want when I want and nobody bothers me

you better be careful what you say or lose your job . Thats one right you have loss .lately

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/30/09 04:08 PM

This is the biggest bunch of crapola I have ever read. Get real.

Don't go talking bad about Chuck Norris. He could punch you from where he stands lol.

While I'm all for personal liberties, the right to own a gun, and the right to practice religion as you choose, i do not believe in forcing these on anyone (namely the religion one, the other mentioned and many others have to be forced on those that want to limit liberties).

While our nation was built primarily by protestants, it was also founded on the principle that no religion would be forced on the people. That means freedom to be islam, christian, hindu, buddhist, whatever. Being that most of the original colonies were built by those fleeing religious persecution, it was a logical step.

And the Maj. Hasan thing was total bs. that was not due to his religion but due to obvious failures within our military. Part of freedom and liberties are being able to call shenanigans when you see them and not have the fear of being called a bigot. political correctness is what caused that.

I agree that liberties and freedoms are falling, but if you can read the Patriot Act and tell me that it didn't take freedoms, I'll laugh in your face. Both sides have been taking our liberties for years, just in different places.

"""""""""""but if you can read the Patriot Act and tell me that it didn't take freedoms,""""""""""

do not forget clinton and the anti terrorist act

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 11/30/09 04:10 PM

I haven't noticed anyone taking any of my freedoms or liberties

I still go where I want when I want and nobody bothers me

you better be careful what you say or lose your job . Thats one right you have loss .lately

I don't have a job

and believe you me NOBODY stops me from saying whatever I want

markumX's photo
Tue 12/01/09 02:36 PM

"Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!"


Prove that 44 thousand died because of LACK OF HEALTH CARE!

2000 + pages of bought votes and inserted 'thefts' and you call that health care!

Most americans are NOT for health care as it stands now in the senate... AND OUR POLITICIANS KNOW THIS and they proceed anyway...


They seem to think we are fooled by the constant misdirection outright lies and bs.

I for one hope thy continue to fool themselves right up to the point when we remove them from power.

Apparantly you've never been to Appalachia

If Jesus was a Republican: "i can not heal pre existing conditions"

Fanta46's photo
Tue 12/01/09 03:19 PM
LOL,, poppycork.
It's Poppycock!

cashu's photo
Tue 12/01/09 04:53 PM

If Jesus was a Republican: "i can not heal pre existing conditions"

Most Republicans are christians or they say they are . but have a person ask they for help and watch them turn all red and say your lazy and how they made it all on there own with hard work . and a few may even believe that crap . but the Bible says to help the poor just like the Koran . It also says to to forgive all debts every 7 years . They the greatest of all people turn purple spewing hate at people who get bankruptcy . Be ware of hypocrites .

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 12/01/09 05:00 PM

Where was Chuckie when all this was festering under the GOP? Oh yeah he was busy brown-nosing Huckabee...isn't Norris just a Hollywood elitist?


OK, in all seriousness...IF President Obama had not continued the Dippic's bailouts this deep recession would have been by now a complete depression...the only way out was to spend baby spend!

Things are getting better except for the high unemployment but unemployment is usuallly the last thing to recover after a recession.

The Health Care bill must be passed or it will certainly bankrupt our economy, it's going to be tough to get the votes but we have to try.

Those opposed to HC reform are like Norris, only in it to defeat progress for political see they don't care that 44K people a year die because they do not have HC in this country.

Defeating HC is a defeat to president Obama and the DEMS...thus they think that will help them in the 2010 and 2012 elections...that's a gamble for them since most Americans are FOR HC reform...and as well a gamble they will take that will ensure another 44K will die next year as well...gee thanks! How compassionate of them!

We pay twice as much as any other industrialized country in the world yet our HC ranks 37th...sure if you have a good plan or are rich you get the best but under the GOP it's "screw the rest".

The RWers rail about representation in DC yet it's weird that many of them don't know that they are just parroting propagandas from the HC/Big Pharma industries to defeat, for their inefficient and over-charged, that may cancel your coverage and let you die. It's really that simple.

The HC industry spends about $1.4 million a day to promote people like Norris, the T-baggers, False News, AM static, and angry left-over GOPers...and it's obviously not in the best interest of America...just for their profits..and of course let's review: POLITICAL GAIN.

Oh yeah, and all these same people claim to be "people of God".

Ha,ha,ha I'm not sure you believe what you just said let anyone anyone else who reads your post. laugh Still blaming Bush are ya?Somehow I don't remember reading "Obama is signing George Bush's bill into office today" anytime since he has taken office.Every bill he has signed has nothing to do with George bush or was written by George bush.

Spending your way out of a recession?That should make the top ten list for Darwin awards.You really think the best way to get out of being dead broke is to go on a spending spree?You think the best way to pay down debt is to spend more on credit cards?You get out of debt by spending less and saving more.

How has anything gotten better since Obama took office?Rising debt,staggering unemployment,news that both medicare and social security are going broke,many states are totally bankrupt,banks and factories closing every month,worthless re-estate,falling dollar.

Health care reform is a good idea but the wrong people to run it.When was the last time you read that the government saved millions let alone billions in any type of project?It's a miricle if the Government can do anything on budget let alone under budget.What ever they estimate you might as well double the price tag as it will never cost what they estimate it as.

You ever bother reading news other than what is posted on you did,you would have read the news on the health care reform debate and know that the big pharmaceutical companies are not against the health care bill they are for it.You don't have to be too smart to realize if you are adding millions of new patients it is going to add massive increases of new drug prescriptions.

As far as using Jesus Christ as a political scapegoat.Get real!Jesus did not play politics.When he was on trial in front of the whole town what did he say?Nothing but a few words.

I believe in 2011 the Democrats are going to get their *** handed to them on a silver platter by the voters of this country.At the rate Obama is going Chuck norris would have a better chance of beating him in a election.

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