Topic: Rate me,,,,,NOT the What ,but the WHO? | |
I just had someone dear, tell me something I never thought of, much. I want you all,,,to tell me about ME, I have been here long enough for all of you to have read something I wrote? Tell me what kind of a MAN, You THINK I am? Yes,,,a first here in this section,,I admit,,, But THIS is where, we look at, review, all of who we THINK we our, right? So w/o any me being offended at your truths,,tell me if you think I am a decent man, a friend, a flirt, a user, a feel-sorry-for-me-type. TRULY folks,,,,I will NEVER be hurt by ANYONE truth of how THEY FEEL... So with that,,,,,,HELP-ME,,,to see the impressions I am giving off to others and also your personal opinions,hell,,,I give MINE,,lol,all-the-time... This will help me to really see ME, as to who you feel, I am...? THANK YOU all for reading,,,now ,,,,,go spill my beans,,, even if you hate me,,its all good,,,and COOL,,,I will NOT come back to this post in ANY MANNERS of QUESTIONS as to your opinions. This is in a sense,,,MY understand to have a positive -reinforcement to evaluate, and TRY and CHANGE who I show I am like,,,if thats possible wink.... Thanks again..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I don't know you well enough to make any deep or meaningful statements about you. But, from the posts I have read by you, you are someone that would be worth taking the time to get to know better in real life and spend some time with. I think you have a lot of knowledge to share.
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I think you are a SWEET man who has a WONDERFUL HEART &if you were closer we would be GREAT FRIENDS!
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Edited by
Sat 11/28/09 12:53 PM
HHMMmm... As the Terry I met 2 1/2 years ago in a dive truck stop off of I-55, you seemed to be a lot smaller than you seem here in
Nah. you asked a serious q, and I'll give you a serious a. You have been a good friend to all those that you have met, from what I see. You wear your heart where all can see it, and sadly, just as in everyone's life, some folks have taken advantage of that fact, and you. When that has happened, you get bummed out, like we all have/will do, but you keep getting up, dusting yourself off, and putting your heart right back out there to (possibly) get trounced on again. To me, that's a sign of someone that is willing to put trust in people, which is a good thing to do. It says to me that you're a man of integrity, and that you're not lacking in character, compassion, or trust. I will gladly draw swords, and stand next to you, my Bro, when there's any evil monster that needs slaying. There are others here, I'm sure, that will say the same. |
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Well Terry, because you and I are, just as of late are becoming friends I think your a good man with a good heart...that is my first impression and first intuitive instinct with you. I am generally good with my intuition..
If we were closer I believe we would have met by now. ![]() |
I cant say as we have never chatted but from the other posts you seem to be a nice guy keep it up.
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![]() Terry, Terry, Terry...What can I say? In my personal opinion, YOU are one hell of a great GUY!!! You have a huge heart and I too would stand by you, or behind you, or with you, or wherever you needed me to...(and if Sully misses any dragons, I'll get em...LOL!) ![]() Just keep on truckin' and smilin', and makin the world smile with ya! |
I truly don't know you at all, only by comments in your posts.So with that said and reading between a lot of lines, over all I'd say, one would guess, your a heart sence man, you may keep that tucked away a bit, and roll with the flow of others.But guessing if and when your on a one to one conversation.Your a gentleman, funny,can flirt if provoked(in good taste),and a good listner.
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I SEE,,,no others,,,to guide my way,,,,
I think THIS DUDE SUCKS!!!!!! HE hates everything!!!!! And he,,,looks,,,,,,just,,,yuk,,,, I mean,,,,wow,,,,I hate reading your words,,,, no-one feeling any of THAT,,,,wink,lol nine out of 2000 folks,,,,,I need to go figure,,,wink,lol ![]() |
Okay, here's a bit of harsh criticism for ya.........
You use,,,,,,instead of...... and that annoys me. ![]() I hope this helps! ![]() ![]() |
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HHMMmm... As the Terry I met 2 1/2 years ago in a dive truck stop off of I-55, you seemed to be a lot smaller than you seem here in Nah. you asked a serious q, and I'll give you a serious a. You have been a good friend to all those that you have met, from what I see. You wear your heart where all can see it, and sadly, just as in everyone's life, some folks have taken advantage of that fact, and you. When that has happened, you get bummed out, like we all have/will do, but you keep getting up, dusting yourself off, and putting your heart right back out there to (possibly) get trounced on again. To me, that's a sign of someone that is willing to put trust in people, which is a good thing to do. It says to me that you're a man of integrity, and that you're not lacking in character, compassion, or trust. I will gladly draw swords, and stand next to you, my Bro, when there's any evil monster that needs slaying. There are others here, I'm sure, that will say the same. Terry, I would just like to echo what Sully said here. You and I have been here a long time, and we've exchanged a lot of messages and talked about a lot of things. I know you like to use the word REAL a lot, and I think maybe that's because it fits YOU so well -- so much better than most. I have always been a big fan of your posts, and you were one of the first people to welcome me when I got here. So, in my estimation, you're one of the greatest, most supportive, most helpful, most caring people on here, and I'm glad you're on my friends list! ![]() |
You and I have shared a many of email and nudges, even on this day.
I think you are a wonderful person. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 12/01/09 12:38 PM
I SEE,,,no others,,,to guide my way,,,, I think THIS DUDE SUCKS!!!!!! HE hates everything!!!!! And he,,,looks,,,,,,just,,,yuk,,,, I mean,,,,wow,,,,I hate reading your words,,,, no-one feeling any of THAT,,,,wink,lol nine out of 2000 folks,,,,,I need to go figure,,,wink,lol ![]() I have nothing against you, your personality or your morals. You are a nice guy, a bit sentimental, a bit bent for the underdog. All of those are nice, kind traits. I have a huge issue, however, with your typing habits, and it's more of a reflection on me, as a shallow guy, than on you. I do not condone many commas for no reason whatsoever between words. The last time I gave this harsh opinion to a guy he said he had two index fingers, a thumb and nothing else. Industrial accident. I apologized to him profusely. My opinion is that if you became more conforming to typing norms, you'd be much more easily accepted. It's an image problem, not an issue of your inner worth. But here, in America, everything is an image problem. You can't get away from that. Improve your image, and you improve your reception. Typing would be a good start, I'd say. |