Topic: The Vibration Of Meditation | |
I ask a lot of questions when this kind of topic comes up for several reasons. One is that trends change over time as one idea or another gains in popularity. What I've found is that some new way to present information about the idea tends to change the name of the phenomina that is being exploited. (ie. Aura becomes vibrations) I use the word exploited because these types of phenomena are not easily given over to sceintific proof. But there are so many who experience similar types of phenomena that they are prime targets for those looking to make a buck. So people lookign to get rich quick and easy, rename the phenomena, add some creative elements to it and will often erroneously site science theory or bogus statistial information, then repackage the whole deal and sell it to anyone looking for confirmation and explanation of the phenomena they are experiencing. My personal opinion is that if a phenomina is natural and intuitive, then there is no need for it to be explained by a lot of books, diagrams, statistics or even scientific method. If the phenomina is causing distress, it is likely related to a mental state more than to the phenomina itself. Here is my reasoning. If negative vibrations produce a physical affect on individuals who are sensitive to vibrations, then positive vibrations must have, at least, an equal affect. I doubt that there are many poeple who don't have a single worry or care in the world. On the other hand, I doubt that there are many people who have only negativity within. The field of social psychology offers a wide variety of findings indicating that while most people experience some worry or even a negative attitude about a particular thing, overall, those people are generally happy with thier life, feel fortunate, and can site many reasons why they have more to be thankful for than not. These studies run the gambit from the very poor, the teminally ill, the young, old, and the very rich. So if an individual is sensitive to these vibrations, they must also be picking up the good ones, which are much more plentiful than the negative. This makes me question what a person knows about the phenomina being experienced, where the information has come from, and in some cases I question the mental state of the individual. Some people have a history that makes them suseptible to depression, to fears, to being shy and so on. These are all stessors that in a public situation can, in fact, depleat a person's energy, cause confusion and prevent the individual from enjoying portions of their life. In the case of sensing vibrations, It makes no sense that this would not be a pleasant experience. For it to be otherwise indicates, to me, that there is some other underlying cause. So I ask a lot of questions - in order to know how to respond. You make a valid point as far as exploitation... I will agree with you that there are way to many exploiting the "self help" industry. Since "The Secret" and other such concepts, many have taken advantage of those struggling to find a way to improve their lives..I find it repulsive that so many would make a buck on one's vulnerability, to take advantage of a sincere individual. My path is my own. I do not pay thousands or even hundreds of dollars to attend "guru" type gatherings. The only thing close to a guru for me is a Cherokee Elder that I speak with several times a year, and I do not pay him..he wants nothing from me. We are friends and I respect his 75 years of life, I know there are things I can learn from him. Nothing of what were covering here comes from him. I also do not make any money off of anyone. I do tarot readings and chakra clearing and balancing and I do if for those who ask. Some will gift me in the form of a candle, a bottle of lotion, or lunch. I accept the exchange, I ask for nothing. Spirituality can not be bought or sold. Intuitiveness can not be bought or sold. Empathy can not be bought or sold. As to your quote below... "Here is my reasoning. If negative vibrations produce a physical affect on individuals who are sensitive to vibrations, then positive vibrations must have, at least, an equal affect." They do... I am able to feel the positive vibration and experience this with one. Particularly my children, friends and those I am closest to. Also my employees that I am with each day. However I am able to pick this feeling up with strangers when I am near them. Sometimes even during a phone conversation. I will go so far as to say even with a very few people in this forum that I have developed a strong connection with. There are many, many times I am fortunate to experience joy and happiness with others via their energy, vibe...whatever term you are comfortable with. Now as to your quote here below.. "In the case of sensing vibrations, It makes no sense that this would not be a pleasant experience. For it to be otherwise indicates, to me, that there is some other underlying cause." I am not understanding why this makes no sense to you, why there would be indication of an underlying cause, or why my mental state, or anyone for that matter, would come into question. I have a unusually high level of empathy. Just as I can experience the positive and joy with others ...I am also able to feel their pain. This would be the part that at times can be the unpleasantness. It can be overwhelming, and takes a very delicate balance. If there is a question to my mental state or underlying cause it would simply be that I have my own stuff I deal with. I am a 49 year old single mother, I have employees who count on me, I have friends who have difficulties. I pull into myself their hurt as I do their happiness. I don't intentionally do any of it, it is just there, it happens. You had said my definition of vibration was not much...I do hope that the time here gives you some understanding as to what I experience. Or you'll take me to be a nutcase. Either way, I have addressed your comments. I am extremely grateful for this gift of empathy, it has given me the opportunity to walk in the shoes of many, so to speak. Which had led me to a level of compassion that helps me sleep at night, also gets me slammed now and then in some threads. ![]() |
Do you feel that if enough people were to meditate together on love and peace that it could have an effect on our world...?
Absolutely. Without a doubt. The question is determining the number and distribution of what constitutes "enough people". If the entire world population meditated this, yes, there would be permanent peace. If everybody but one person in every city (of a population larger than 100,000) meditates, it's still doable. If everybody but the people populating the Pentagon and Tehran's war ministry does this, there would be no guarantee for peace. |
Do you feel that if enough people were to meditate together on love and peace that it could have an effect on our world...?
Absolutely. Without a doubt. The question is determining the number and distribution of what constitutes "enough people". If the entire world population meditated this, yes, there would be permanent peace. If everybody but one person in every city (of a population larger than 100,000) meditates, it's still doable. If everybody but the people populating the Pentagon and Tehran's war ministry does this, there would be no guarantee for peace. Well that's the sad part about it..many don't think it would change anything so they wouldn't bother..and the others who wouldn't do it... wouldn't do it because they don't want love and peace. kinda sucks I'd say... |
I am extremely grateful for this gift of empathy, it has given me the opportunity to walk in the shoes of many, so to speak. Which had led me to a level of compassion that helps me sleep at night, also gets me slammed now and then in some threads. ![]() I couldn't agree more. Very well put. ![]() |
Do you feel that if enough people were to meditate together on love and peace that it could have an effect on our world...?
Absolutely. Without a doubt. The question is determining the number and distribution of what constitutes "enough people". If the entire world population meditated this, yes, there would be permanent peace. If everybody but one person in every city (of a population larger than 100,000) meditates, it's still doable. If everybody but the people populating the Pentagon and Tehran's war ministry does this, there would be no guarantee for peace. And I suppose if everybody but one person in every city of population of 100,000 meditates - there might be a little more peace, at least during the time they all consumed in their meditative state. I certainly don't have the latest statistics on how many people attend one or another religious service on any given day, but they don't seem to be doing a very good job of creating peace. Of course they may not be meditating correctly, it may just be a slight dogmatic issue. What do you think? |
WARNING - long post and the questions within it are for you Ladylid and for you Ruth - I'm not expecting answers, I think you'll understand if you can make it through this novelette.
Now as to your quote here below..
"In the case of sensing vibrations, It makes no sense that this would not be a pleasant experience. For it to be otherwise indicates, to me, that there is some other underlying cause." I am not understanding why this makes no sense to you, why there would be indication of an underlying cause, or why my mental state, or anyone for that matter, would come into question. I have a unusually high level of empathy. How do you know your level of empathy is unusually high? To what do you compare it? To what do you attribute your empathetic characterists? What made you look for ways to contol how you feel? The questions I'm asking you are with regards to your mental state. This is what I call questioning your mental state. Sometimes these questions refer to your cognition, how you think. Questioning a mental state is not about finding mental illness, it's simply a way to track down what might be causing adverse affects on a person. Just as I can experience the positive and joy with others ...I am also able to feel their pain. This would be the part that at times can be the unpleasantness.It can be overwhelming, and takes a very delicate balance.
Do you feel quilty if you cannot drop everything and immediately help a person? Do you ever feel like you are the only one who can help? Is there some burden you feel accompanies your ability to empathise? Does what you feel prevent you from providing assistance when you are able? Yes, all those questions have to answered in order to strike a balance between your life and the damands of others on you. If there is a question to my mental state or underlying cause it would simply be that I have my own stuff I deal with. I am a 49 year old single mother, I have employees who count on me, I have friends who have difficulties. I pull into myself their hurt as I do their happiness. I don't intentionally do any of it, it is just there, it happens.
Women tend to be predominantly more empathetic than men. Part of the reason has to do with how we are put together or wired and a part of it has to do with how females are raised and socialized. Women, the home-grown care takers of the world, were given this burden thousands of years ago and the arrangement has been mutually accepted even in the face of greater demands and a heavier load. Just as you have stated, there can be a feeling of inadequecy when we face the fact that we simply cannot shoulder the burden. Often we blame ourselves because "we have accepted" this burden that is what our culture, our language, how we are socialized has taught us to believe. So we look for excuses, we prioitize based on rationalizations and sometimes we look outside ourselves, and we suffer for how we feel. But we have not accepted this burden it has been thrust upon us becasue cultures, languages, traditions, have not kept pace with the roles we play. You had said my definition of vibration was not much...I do hope that
the time here gives you some understanding as to what I experience. Or you'll take me to be a nutcase. Either way, I have addressed your comments. Ladylid, I understand your empathy, my personal experiences are not unlike what I have heard from you and include many other experiences that we may or may not share. In my own search for 'excuses' I too have found 'the balance' (most of the time). For me, the greatest relief has only come in the last 6 or 7 years when science gave me answers instead of excuses. Or it could be that science just seemed like a 'better excuse' ![]() Anyway, as I've said before, I know that others find viable alternatives so there is absolutely no way I would EVER take you for a nutcase or even think there is anything wrong with you. I take these posts as sincere exchanges to share the different options available because, like you, when we find something that finally help relieve the burden we want to share it. I am extremely grateful for this gift of empathy, it has given me the opportunity to walk in the shoes of many, so to speak. Which had led me to a level of compassion that helps me sleep at night, also gets me slammed now and then in some threads.
Empathy is an important human characteristic. It is so highly valued that it has been instilled in women for thousands of years through cultures, language, and tradition. That is the problem, women shoulder the burden of keeping it alive, while men still run the world. Wouldn't it be great if we equalize this characteristic between the sexes? I'm willing accept my share but I am no longer willing to accept more than I can handle. I'm certainly not slammin you Ladylid or you Ruth, just offering other options. ![]() HI TO YOU TOO WUX & ABRA & LaM (did I miss anybody?) ![]() |
WARNING: Long Post for Di.
![]() Hi Di, I read over your post on page 2 and had a view thoughts I'd like to share. Di wrote:
My personal opinion is that if a phenomina is natural and intuitive, then there is no need for it to be explained by a lot of books, diagrams, statistics or even scientific method. I look at this quite differently. Evidently speaking comes natural to humans too, yet we still send our kids off to school to learn how to read, write, and communicate better. I don't see why learning to communicate with our auras should be much different. If the phenomina is causing distress, it is likely related to a mental state more than to the phenomina itself. I would agree. But what are you calling the 'phenomenon' here? Hearing is a phenomenon. But hearing itself does not cause stress. Instead, it is what is heard that causes stress. Also, different people are affected differently by the same sounds. All sounds do not affect everyone the same. Everyone is not motivated by the same music or beats either. So in this same way. The phenomenon of being sensitive to an aura (or emotional vibrations) should be viewed in the same way. Not everyone is around people who have the same level of aura output either. Some people have aura that shout, other people have auras that whisper. Just like some people speak loudly whilst other speak softly. Everything that applies to audio communication would also apply to the sensing of vibrations of someone's aura. Here is my reasoning. If negative vibrations produce a physical affect on individuals who are sensitive to vibrations, then positive vibrations must have, at least, an equal affect.
I doubt that there are many poeple who don't have a single worry or care in the world. On the other hand, I doubt that there are many people who have only negativity within. Well again, I see this quite differently. It's easy to make noise on a violin. It's difficult to make really beautiful music. If we were never truly trained to be aware of our aura, sensitive to other people's aura, and have been taught about how to store energy in our aura, ground energy from it, or share energy with others, then it's like we're running around with a violin just making noise with it. Just because we have good thoughts doesn't automatically mean that they will be transmitted to others via our aura as good feelings. In fact, I've read that we naturally tend to draw good vibrations toward us and exude negative vibrations always from us. This is why many people can drain your aura without even attempting to do it. They are sucking up all your good variations, and replacing them with all their unwanted garbage. They have no clue that they are even doing this. It's just natural to dump out the bad, and take in the good. So people who haven't been consciously taught how to property use their aura tend to actually emanate bad vibrations more so than good vibrations, even if they are basically in a good mood themselves. So your assumption that most people should be emanating good vibrations all the time may not be as true as it appears that it should be at first thought. The field of social psychology offers a wide variety of findings indicating that while most people experience some worry or even a negative attitude about a particular thing, overall, those people are generally happy with thier life, feel fortunate, and can site many reasons why they have more to be thankful for than not. These studies run the gambit from the very poor, the teminally ill, the young, old, and the very rich. So if an individual is sensitive to these vibrations, they must also be picking up the good ones, which are much more plentiful than the negative. Well, again your assuming that this would just happen naturally with no conscious effort which may not be a valid assumption. I've been studying books and practicing exercises to learn how to control my aura for over a year now and it's not the easiest thing to do. However, I also feel that one reason it may be so difficult for me is because of my age. I'm 60. I think if I had learned how to control my aura when I was a child I would have grasped the concepts much quicker. In fact, I even read that it's quite possible to lose some abilities altogether if you never use them. It's also hard to change old patterns. Getting back to your scientific thinking. If you believe that these aura patterns may actually be detected and generated by the physical biological nervous system (as some sort of antenna, transmitter-receiver), then it would make sense that a young child who is physically developing quickly would benefit from practicing these techniques far more than a person who has a 60 year old body that has already been programmed to be a couch potato. ![]() This makes me question what a person knows about the phenomina being experienced, where the information has come from, and in some cases I question the mental state of the individual. Again, I would ask, what are you calling "phenomena"? Is it the aura that you are calling phenomena? That would be like calling an eardrum or vocal chords a "phenomena". When learning to talk you don't think about eardrums and vocal chords. You think about "sounds". Well, it's the say way with an aura or emotional vibrations. You don't try to think about the physical detector-transmitters involved (that's scientific thinking). To actually use the aura all you need to do is "tune-in" to the emotional or psychic vibrations. Learning how to tune in may require quieting of the mind. Purposeful methodic meditation. That may require practice. Some people have a history that makes them suseptible to depression, to fears, to being shy and so on. These are all stessors that in a public situation can, in fact, depleat a person's energy, cause confusion and prevent the individual from enjoying portions of their life.
In the case of sensing vibrations, It makes no sense that this would not be a pleasant experience. For it to be otherwise indicates, to me, that there is some other underlying cause. I'm not sure I understood your last paragraph there. However I would like to address the first paragraph about depressing, fears, being shy, and so on. Many of those things may actually stem from the very fact that we had never truly been taught how to properly control and maintain our auras. From the books I've been reading, we can store a lot of emotional and psychic energy in our aura field. And it's stored in many 'layers'. (take that metaphorically and you can compartmentalize it scientifically anyway that works). The point being that we can actually be storing up energies that make us feel depressed (and that storage may physically take place in the form of chemical imbalances in the brain , or whatever) In fact, I've recently read that doctors aren't sure whether chemical imbalances in the brain cause depression, or whether being depressed is what causes the brain to become chemically imbalanced (which then perpetuates the condition). It could work both ways. Same thing with fear and shyness. What is fear but a retained belief that something is going to go wrong. Some psychic thought is being stored and accumulated and built-up in the nervous system of brain to have significant presence. Thoughts are vibrations. And, YES, vibrations are physical can probably can be explained in terms of physics and biology. But this is where science falls apart! We say, "Ah Ha!" we've found the "physical thing" that is causing fear, or shyness! It's right here in this part of the brain, change the pressure or chemicals here, and bingo, the fear goes away! We have reduced the problem to a purely physical explanation. But that's utterly shallow and wrong thinking! So, big deal? So we found how these energies are stored in the body. Does that change the fact of how they got there in the first place? Of course not. If the person had been trained right from childhood to ground their fears, and not dwell on being self-conscious, and not dwell on being depressed, then they might have never build up to those extreme conditions in the first place. I mean, sure, you're still going to have the occasional genuine "physical defect" that causes otherwise healthy people to end up with pressures or chemicals in their body or brain where they shouldn't be. But at least in those cases we'd know that truly was a physical defect. As it is now, we are allowing ourselves to actually create these gross imbalances simply by not being taught how to properly deal with our energies in the first place. Whew! This was a long post, but you posted the questions and concerns and said you'd like some feedback, so there you go. ![]() |
Hi again Di. I just wanted to further comment on something you said in pure post on this page:
Di wrote:
For me, the greatest relief has only come in the last 6 or 7 years when science gave me answers instead of excuses. Or it could be that science just seemed like a 'better excuse' Yes, I agree that science is great and it most certainly does give some answers. The only thing that I find totally disheartening is when people view those scientific answer as the final answer to everything. It's not. We can't just say, "Oh well, it's been discovered that shyness or depression or whatever, is just a certain lack of a chemical in the brain at certain locations and that's all there is to that" That's way over-simplifying the human condition! There's far more to the picture than just that. Why did such a chemical imbalance build up in the first place? We can't just look at the scientific answer and say, "Oh that explains it all". It doesn't. Bushio was trying to make a claim like that in another thread. Love is just certain stimulus of the brain and now we can artificially stimulate "love". Gimmie a break! The next thing you know drugstores will be selling "scientifically approved" genuine LOVE POTION #9. ![]() Is that truly love? Where is that kind of scientific thinking going to take us? ![]() To my way of thinking, that's some pretty shallow science right there. It just demonstrates how idiot science can truly be if taken to the extremes. I'm all for science. But when science becomes our religion and philosophy for the meaning of life, it seems to me that this is where science breaks down and fails miserably. You millage may vary. |
I'm willing accept my share but I am no longer willing to accept more than I can handle. I was raised by a single mother, and feel the same way, what does that say?
Wow...this has gotten interesting..
![]() Di, I am Lori and you may certainly refer to me by name. I was reading your long post and pondering a reply..and saw Abra's, and as always interesting indeed. The op was what I thought to be a fairly simple it possible to change our world by each raising their personal vibration level towards peace and love, if we ALL meditated at the same time. I do believe it could happen, also understand it never will. We will not ever have the opportunity to have ALL humans do this together.. What has happened is the thread has taken on an entirely new discussion via your question for me to describe my "personal vibration level". I will respond to your "long" post. ![]() I have had some very personal experiences over a period of many years that have gotten me to this moment. While I appreciate your concern and interest in the topic sort of switching gears, there are some things I choose not to post in a forum for all to see..while I'm sure some would understand I think it is safe to say most wouldn't. I won't put myself out there for any possible judgment. I can share with you a couple of details that maybe, or maybe not will help you to understand where I am coming from. I have died...I was dead for several minutes. That experience had changed me forever in ways I can not post here even if I could find the right words. I have never been the same since, and my entire way of thinking, feeling, living, loving, eating, driving, brushing my hair, speaking to my boys...I mean everything changed in my life. I compare my empathy levels to all I know and have ever known. Very few have true empathy for one another. Very few understand or even grasp the concept of unconditional love. Most people have compassion to some degree, more so with those they care, friends etc. I see everyone that way. Everyone is 100% equal in my eyes.... I am able to forgive the unforgivable. I see only the divinity in all. I understand that we can not harm another without harming ourselves in some way. I am able to feel the pain of one who has inflicted pain on someone else. I have an ability to see, feel and experience both sides of a issue, or problem, or even a crime. Guilt is not a factor at all. I do not feel a need to save or fix anyone. I help if I can, if there is no way to help I simply experience some uncomfortableness and move on. Like I had said, many of these experiences I feel are from complete strangers. If it becomes overwhelming, which sometimes it can be..I take time for meditation, a hot lavender bath..a hike up the canyon(well now I can't because of the weather)or some other way of relaxing, breathing, a cup of hot tea. As of late some feelings have been stronger, I feel possibly because of my pro peace stance and the division in the country right now over political issues. I believe all people are good...some have just disconnected themselves from themselves. Such feelings have pissed off more than a few in some threads...I am learning to just stay out of them. I use humor, flirting, dirty jokes..whatever to keep it light, for myself and those who STRONGLY disagree with me. So when I say that I approach all ideas with a spiritual edge, attitude, I mean that in every sense of the word. I am not special, I just have been thrown into a very special situation. And as I stated before, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to have my heart completely burst open. It's sort of a hurts so good thing... I just don't know what else to say here. I have been very transparent and I think I have said enough...this is an open forum and I am quite fine with expressing myself, like I said to a degree. I can not fully understand all that has happened, therefore makes it challenging to fully explain it. I do know that it has been a most interesting and rewarding growth experience. Perhaps that answers some questions..perhaps it stirs up more ![]() Either has been an interesting discussion with you. Peace and Love Sister ![]() |
In real life I am actually a patient in a mental institution and can't answer long posts because the straight jacket interferes with my typing ability.
![]() Gotta go, Napoleon B. needs to use the computer. ![]() |
In real life I am actually a patient in a mental institution and can't answer long posts because the straight jacket interferes with my typing ability. ![]() Gotta go, Napoleon B. needs to use the computer. ![]() ![]() ![]() be careful in that thing, don't hurt yourself ![]() ![]() |
In real life I am actually a patient in a mental institution and can't answer long posts because the straight jacket interferes with my typing ability. ![]() Gotta go, Napoleon B. needs to use the computer. ![]() ![]() ![]() be careful in that thing, don't hurt yourself ![]() ![]() ![]() Oops, gotta go again. Marie A. needs to email the peasants. Something about "eating cake". ![]() |