Topic: The Vibration Of Meditation
Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:40 PM
Spiritual Vibration

A spiritual vibration
is a conscious meditation
focused on the purpose
of cerebral transformation

It fills the soul with ecstasy
and manifests creation
it permeates and consecrates
a global realization

Every conscious psyche
that contributes to the plot
undulates awareness
through the oceanic thought

The ripples of compassion
flow from mind to mind
melding all together
as a psychic thought entwined

The thumping of their empathy
like sonar in the sea
disperses through the atmosphere
as poignant potpourri

Touching unsuspecting souls
instilling them with love
Filling them with adoration
and all the things thereof

All this comes from gentle thoughts
vibrations in our mind
combining our cerebral watts
to pacify mankind


Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:33 AM

Pehaps the Tao needs to have it's highs and lows to exist?


Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/22/09 07:56 AM

As an avid practitioner of meditation, I absolutely believe it can raise
our personal levels of vibration. Anyone who has sat with a group of
Buddhists while chanting also understands this.
Do you feel that if enough people were to meditate together on love and
peace that it could have an effect on our world...or at least the group
meditating and those nearest to them? Can we affect others vibration by
raising our own?

Please explain what you mean by "personal level of vibration".

I will attempt to give my explanation you and also to Novaroma since you both are asking the same question..I refer to the levels of vibrations as fast or slow.

I believe that we, all of us and everything else is merely energy..our intentions, thoughts, actions, all that we are, have different levels of vibrations. If I am in a bad mood, sad, worried, angry, depressed, jealous..or experiencing any emotion that would be considered "negative" personal vibration level slows down. This is when I feel sad, have a lump in my throat, pain in my solar plexus, and even a bit crabby, unmotivated, lazy.
When I feel good, happy, excited, optimistic, compassionate, that which I would consider the "positive" vibration is moving on the faster level. I experience much more tolerance, have a lightness in my step, there is no body pain, and I'm cheerful. My heart is open, I have clarity of thought and my day in general goes better, smoother.
Through meditation I am able to shift the level of my is easily recognizable to me by all that I am feeling..either in my thoughts or body, usually both, well always both.
We all understand how another's energy can affect us..for example walking into a room where an argument has taken place and the term "the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife"
So as one who meditates regularly..I know the difference it makes in my life. My "vibration" affects those around me, my children, co workers, those I come in contact with throughout the day.

And to NovaRoma..I believe it exists because I live it and experience it.

As Abra so eloquently has in his poetry, this is the state of creation, manifestation....where I can create my day as I wish my day to be.

Hope that explanation is clear...I just got up and finished meditating and am now drinking my coffee... lol

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:05 PM
What has been explained about vibrations is not much.

Are the words aura and vibration synonomous? If not what makes them different?

hakushaku - as a student of psychology you probably understand the importance of maintaining awarness - cognitively experiencing your surroundings rather than allowing hueristics to guide actions.

Understanding that means that we are able to recognize small changes that would alert us to some underlying condition. For example, Ladylid suggestes that "the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife". Is that really a function of vibrations or is that a perceptions based on small changes that are not normally present? (body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and many other things).

Another question I have regarding vibrations - what is their boundary? Two foot diamater - 100 feet - infinate?

What is the potential of this vibration? Can it change things/people around you or only things inside you?

One other thing for hakushaku - in the groups you speak of, do you think group-think has any influence?

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:27 PM

What has been explained about vibrations is not much.

Are the words aura and vibration synonomous? If not what makes them different?

hakushaku - as a student of psychology you probably understand the importance of maintaining awarness - cognitively experiencing your surroundings rather than allowing hueristics to guide actions.

Understanding that means that we are able to recognize small changes that would alert us to some underlying condition. For example, Ladylid suggestes that "the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife". Is that really a function of vibrations or is that a perceptions based on small changes that are not normally present? (body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and many other things).

Another question I have regarding vibrations - what is their boundary? Two foot diamater - 100 feet - infinate?

What is the potential of this vibration? Can it change things/people around you or only things inside you?

One other thing for hakushaku - in the groups you speak of, do you think group-think has any influence?

Sorry wasn't much..I just got up and was drinking my coffee...laugh
I was attempting to use my own thoughts and my own terminology rather than a quote or a copy/paste or something other than what this means to me.
For me, my aura changes with my vibration... I can see mine, and others.
The expression of the tension being so thick, etc. is picking up on the energy of others, for me anyway. Body language, facial expression...all of that would be involved, I suppose. I "feel" before I see any thing else.
In Peruvian Shamanism the "luminous energy field" as it's called is the length of your arms all around the body. When we as a group open our energy fields we sit and full circle our arms. Factually what is the distance, scientifically what is the distance...I do not know.
I think one with a fast vibration can affect those around them...are we not affected by others moods. To me that is just different verbiage.
And yes, I do believe a group of like minded thinkers, vibrating near the same level can make a difference.
All this of course being my own opinion and experiences...someone else may feel completely different about such things, and I'm quite sure there are those who disagree entirely. Again, I use my own experiences and spiritual
guidance for all factors in my life.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:33 PM
I don't see vibrations or auras but I very much feel them. I think that's part of why I'm such a loner and a homebody. It's just to much to feel all that all the time. And, most of the vibrations and the auras are not pleasant.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:38 PM

I don't see vibrations or auras but I very much feel them. I think that's part of why I'm such a loner and a homebody. It's just to much to feel all that all the time. And, most of the vibrations and the auras are not pleasant.

I see the colors..I feel much, much more....
and understand what you are saying.
And that is the connection you and I had
picked up on along time ago...I feel. flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:47 PM

I don't see vibrations or auras but I very much feel them. I think that's part of why I'm such a loner and a homebody. It's just to much to feel all that all the time. And, most of the vibrations and the auras are not pleasant.

Perhaps if you change your attitude, say to believing that your good mood and joy in life can have good effects on those around.

To stay in your house is to admit defeat - that others are controling your actions by their mood (or vibrations) when you are really the one in control.

If the idea of vibrations as Ladylid describes and as you claim to feel is true, then YOU carry the positive energy to offset it.

Come-on help us all out and get out there and share some good vibes with others. I don't buy what people sell when it comes to our beliefs - but I know for a fact that individuals have the ability to command great change - even if it's only in small doses and even when you don't recognize it.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:52 PM

I don't see vibrations or auras but I very much feel them. I think that's part of why I'm such a loner and a homebody. It's just to much to feel all that all the time. And, most of the vibrations and the auras are not pleasant.

Perhaps if you change your attitude, say to believing that your good mood and joy in life can have good effects on those around.

To stay in your house is to admit defeat - that others are controling your actions by their mood (or vibrations) when you are really the one in control.

If the idea of vibrations as Ladylid describes and as you claim to feel is true, then YOU carry the positive energy to offset it.

Come-on help us all out and get out there and share some good vibes with others. I don't buy what people sell when it comes to our beliefs - but I know for a fact that individuals have the ability to command great change - even if it's only in small doses and even when you don't recognize it.

Sometimes the low energy of others is hard for some to overcome. Ruth has a beautiful spirit and a good heart, and the negativity of others may be too much for her at times because of her sensitivity. I was a hermit for years because of the "vampires" that drained me...everyone gains their strength at their own time in their own way...

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:00 PM

I don't see vibrations or auras but I very much feel them. I think that's part of why I'm such a loner and a homebody. It's just to much to feel all that all the time. And, most of the vibrations and the auras are not pleasant.

Perhaps if you change your attitude, say to believing that your good mood and joy in life can have good effects on those around.

To stay in your house is to admit defeat - that others are controling your actions by their mood (or vibrations) when you are really the one in control.

If the idea of vibrations as Ladylid describes and as you claim to feel is true, then YOU carry the positive energy to offset it.

Come-on help us all out and get out there and share some good vibes with others. I don't buy what people sell when it comes to our beliefs - but I know for a fact that individuals have the ability to command great change - even if it's only in small doses and even when you don't recognize it.

I think you may have misinterpreted what I meant by homebody. I am not a recluse. But, your comments and suggestions are well-intentioned and I appeciate the thought. flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:05 PM

Sometimes the low energy of others is hard for some to overcome. Ruth has a beautiful spirit and a good heart, and the negativity of others may be too much for her at times because of her sensitivity. I was a hermit for years because of the "vampires" that drained me...everyone gains their strength at their own time in their own way...

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:47 PM
I might as well play the Devil's Advocate here and ask what empirical evidence you have that any of this is real? I used to believe in the same nonsense, with energy, auras, psychic vampires, meditation, magick, etc. That is, of course, until I understood that it's almost definitely a product of one's own imagination.

If you can demonstrate any of this to be real and viable, then why not contact James Randi? He's got $1M waiting for anyone who can "prove" the existence of the supernatural.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:53 PM

I might as well play the Devil's Advocate here and ask what empirical evidence you have that any of this is real? I used to believe in the same nonsense, with energy, auras, psychic vampires, meditation, magick, etc. That is, of course, until I understood that it's almost definitely a product of one's own imagination.

If you can demonstrate any of this to be real and viable, then why not contact James Randi? He's got $1M waiting for anyone who can "prove" the existence of the supernatural.

If it is all my own imagination how could I possibly prove it to anyone...
Come and live in my home for a couple weeks and watch..other than that I can prove nothing via this forum. flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:57 PM

I might as well play the Devil's Advocate here and ask what empirical evidence you have that any of this is real? I used to believe in the same nonsense, with energy, auras, psychic vampires, meditation, magick, etc. That is, of course, until I understood that it's almost definitely a product of one's own imagination.

If you can demonstrate any of this to be real and viable, then why not contact James Randi? He's got $1M waiting for anyone who can "prove" the existence of the supernatural.

I am completely unable to prove to another person that any of this is true. However, I have seen enough in my own personal life to believe it to be true for myself. And, since it is neither here nor there to me if anyone else believes it, I will not worry about proving it. happy

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/22/09 02:12 PM
Just as I figured. Carry on then.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/22/09 02:12 PM

Just as I figured. Carry on then.

Thank you! flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 11/22/09 04:15 PM
Di wrote:

To stay in your house is to admit defeat - that others are controling your actions by their mood (or vibrations) when you are really the one in control.

I do precisely that. And I confess it. I am a recluse by choice for the very reason that I find it impossible to control the aura of others and I am often adversely affected by the aura of others. They often bring me down and drain me of energy.

I also believe that some people are open to being easily affected by the aura of others. Sounds like both Ladylid and Ruth are easily affected by the auras of others. However, I also believe that there are people who are not affected by the auras of others, on the contrary they carry quite powerful and large auras of their own and tend to overwhelm those who are more sensitive to the aura.

This is why I would never count on my meditations having any affect on other people, especially on people who already have strong negative vibrations. My meditations might be sensed by people like Ladylid and Ruth, but they are alreadly meek in spirit.

Jesus spoke about the "strong in spirit" and the "week in spirit", I think he was referring precisely to this situation with the aura and karma fields.

People who are "strong in spirit" tend to have overwhelming auras that affect the people around them strongly, yet they are not affected by the auras of the people around them. They may be totally oblivious to the auras of other people, as well as to the power and scope of their own aura. They are like a wild bull in a china shop that has no clue what's going on.

People who are "weak in spirit" tend to have light auras that are more receptive to the aural vibrations of those around them. They are the "meek in spirit" they are strongly affected by spirit (or aural energy), but they don't emanate a strong aura in large amounts themselves. They can share their positive vibration with other meek spirits, but when in the presense of those who have strong aura fields they really have no affect at all. They are simply overwhelmed by the person who has the strong aura field.

LaMurete wrote:

If you can demonstrate any of this to be real and viable, then why not contact James Randi? He's got $1M waiting for anyone who can "prove" the existence of the supernatural.

I don't consider any of this to be supernatural, as far as I'm concerned it's perfectly natural. The effects of this phenomena obvious.

How would it be proved? Just look at the behavior of humans and you can see it. What needs to be "measured" beyond that? what

Can you not already see that some people are very meek and easily affected by emotions whilst other people are quite hardened off and not easily affected by the emotions of those around them?

These are facts of life. What's to be proved? what

Are you seeking a proof of precisely how this works? I wouldn't even care to attempt to disect it in terms of physicality. It's just an obvious part of the human condition.

Have you ever felt the emotions of another person?

If so, you are open to their emotional aura.

If not, then you're not open to their emotional aura.

What's to prove?

The people who are open to the aura don't need proof, they can feel it.

The people who are closed to the aura of others will just deny that any such thing exists.

The proof is in the sensing of the aura.

How would you build a detector to detect it? Perhaps the only detector would be a fully complex conscious human body. And even only certain ones of those function well as aura detectors. Since many people don't seem to be sensitive to the auras of others anyway.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:13 PM

Spiritual Vibration

A spiritual vibration
is a conscious meditation
focused on the purpose
of cerebral transformation

It fills the soul with ecstasy
and manifests creation
it permeates and consecrates
a global realization

Every conscious psyche
that contributes to the plot
undulates awareness
through the oceanic thought

The ripples of compassion
flow from mind to mind
melding all together
as a psychic thought entwined

The thumping of their empathy
like sonar in the sea
disperses through the atmosphere
as poignant potpourri

Touching unsuspecting souls
instilling them with love
Filling them with adoration
and all the things thereof

All this comes from gentle thoughts
vibrations in our mind
combining our cerebral watts
to pacify mankind


Really like this Abra...thanks for posting it in here. flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 11/22/09 08:05 PM
I ask a lot of questions when this kind of topic comes up for several reasons. One is that trends change over time as one idea or another gains in popularity. What I've found is that some new way to present information about the idea tends to change the name of the phenomina that is being exploited. (ie. Aura becomes vibrations)

I use the word exploited because these types of phenomena are not easily given over to sceintific proof. But there are so many who experience similar types of phenomena that they are prime targets for those looking to make a buck.

So people lookign to get rich quick and easy, rename the phenomena, add some creative elements to it and will often erroneously site science theory or bogus statistial information, then repackage the whole deal and sell it to anyone looking for confirmation and explanation of the phenomena they are experiencing.

My personal opinion is that if a phenomina is natural and intuitive, then there is no need for it to be explained by a lot of books, diagrams, statistics or even scientific method.

If the phenomina is causing distress, it is likely related to a mental state more than to the phenomina itself.

Here is my reasoning. If negative vibrations produce a physical affect on individuals who are sensitive to vibrations, then positive vibrations must have, at least, an equal affect.

I doubt that there are many poeple who don't have a single worry or care in the world. On the other hand, I doubt that there are many people who have only negativity within.

The field of social psychology offers a wide variety of findings indicating that while most people experience some worry or even a negative attitude about a particular thing, overall, those people are generally happy with thier life, feel fortunate, and can site many reasons why they have more to be thankful for than not.

These studies run the gambit from the very poor, the teminally ill, the young, old, and the very rich. So if an individual is sensitive to these vibrations, they must also be picking up the good ones, which are much more plentiful than the negative.

This makes me question what a person knows about the phenomina being experienced, where the information has come from, and in some cases I question the mental state of the individual.

Some people have a history that makes them suseptible to depression, to fears, to being shy and so on. These are all stessors that in a public situation can, in fact, depleat a person's energy, cause confusion and prevent the individual from enjoying portions of their life.

In the case of sensing vibrations, It makes no sense that this would not be a pleasant experience. For it to be otherwise indicates, to me, that there is some other underlying cause.

So I ask a lot of questions - in order to know how to respond.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 11/22/09 10:37 PM

Spiritual Vibration

A spiritual vibration
is a conscious meditation
focused on the purpose
of cerebral transformation

It fills the soul with ecstasy
and manifests creation
it permeates and consecrates
a global realization

Every conscious psyche
that contributes to the plot
undulates awareness
through the oceanic thought

The ripples of compassion
flow from mind to mind
melding all together
as a psychic thought entwined

The thumping of their empathy
like sonar in the sea
disperses through the atmosphere
as poignant potpourri

Touching unsuspecting souls
instilling them with love
Filling them with adoration
and all the things thereof

All this comes from gentle thoughts
vibrations in our mind
combining our cerebral watts
to pacify mankind


Really like this Abra...thanks for posting it in here. flowerforyou

I'm glad you like it. flowerforyou

You know, it's kind of funny in a way because this poem says a lot, not in the words that it consists of, but in it's mere existence.

This poem was inspired by your thread. Had you not started this thread, this poem would have never come to be.

In poetic irony this poem is a manifestation of the flow of spiritual vibration.

It came to me though the spirit of your thoughts. It was your thoughts that inspired me to write it.

So in a sense this poem is an example of the everyday utility of psyche capability. :wink: