Topic: Continue the story.... | |
and in rushed The Flash with a horrified look on his face because
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Fri 11/27/09 05:03 AM
Homer and Dr.Nick were reading assorted "mens" magazines. Dr. Nick was showing Homer an issue that featured Marge in uncompromising...
hair colors, which made Homer
get a major woody and he had to get Marge home and get some of her right now,
so off they went home to have an afternoon delight and when they walked in the house |
they found that Marges' friend bob had run off with
the neighbors dog and the neighbor was chasing it, them down the street..
and singing a song about how bob left me for the neighbors dog, it was a country song. The others neighbors however were not entertained by this at all and this one guy who drank beer and ate pickled eggs and farted alot of smelly ones yelled |
I'm a little tea pot short and stout.....and he drank some more and forgot the rest of the words to the song. Luckily for him, a Leprchaun was walking by, and..............
and said "aye, always after me lucky charms..I'll race ya to the end of the rainbow for the pot of gold and I'll win cause I'm short and fast and sober and smarter than you...and your just an old drunk that stinks of booze and prostitutes." Well the drunkard didn't like this at all and got out his cell phone and called
Bruce Jenner....yeah, that Bruce Jenner. The former olympic runner. Anyways, so ol' Bruce shows up, collects his $20 bucks from the drunk (times are hard on ol' Bruce) and begins to stretch. The leprechaun is not phased by this, and so he decides to call in a pinch runner as well, as he calls.....
mini me..cause he is soooo evil and mini me calls Dr. Evil who comes out of his hidden cave castle where all the evil deeds are created by the master minds of evil doers...and they devise a plan..and it's a doozy, and a goofy one, they all put their evil minds together and come up with
Lavender post it notes???????? Dr. Evil cannot believe it. He was working on a potion to make himself uber fast, so that he could defeat the great Bruce Jenner. Instead, he has created Lavender Post-It's. Mini me loves the smell, and is quite aroused by them. Dr. Evil loses all hope, but then suddenly.......
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Fri 11/27/09 02:23 PM
Sam Drucker decides not to sell Arnold Ziffle the newest copy of Play Hog. Arnold gets so upset he..........
along comes Bertha..Bertha Butt, one of the Butt sisters and when I say they are the Butt sisters I mean it. And in the middle of a conversation between the sisters, a bunch of black rappers bust out in.."I love big butts and I can not lie". The girls were rippin pissed and said
I don`t like what you are rapping about my big butt and about my sista`s.They then proceeded to the rush the stage and......
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got up on stage and started throwing all their leftover halloween candy out of their pillowcases. And they decided to blind fold everyone and give them bats and to try breaking the disco ball as if it were a pinyata (can't spell) but they were all beating the crap out of each other because they couldn't see and
along comes a swarm of killer bees's they are buzzing all over the place, stinging here, stinging there, people are screaming and flailing their arms around and crying and those allergic are seems to never stop..people are bleeding, going blind, Bertha is swinging some skinny guy to defend herself and it's working but everyone else it's not so good GAWD...Good golly Miss Molly all of a sudden
Tarzan came swinging in on a jungle vine then started dancing to the grape vine with the california raisins. The place was so crowded that
George of the jungle ran into
Snoop Dog....puff, puff, pass my brotha....and so he did......
but George wasn't used to Snoops high powered stuff and became