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Topic: It's A Fricking Whiteout!!
JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/14/09 02:31 PM

some Beatles music and mingle. What else does a girl need...

Better music.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 11/14/09 02:54 PM

some Beatles music and mingle. What else does a girl need...

Better music.


RKISIT's photo
Sat 11/14/09 03:38 PM
in florida people sniff whiteoutindifferent

krupa's photo
Sat 11/14/09 03:45 PM
whiteout......... You must be having an acid flashback. It is 87 degrees with gorgeous skies.

That is okay. We will talk you through it.

krupa's photo
Sat 11/14/09 03:46 PM
whiteout......... You must be having an acid flashback. It is 87 degrees with gorgeous skies.

That is okay. We will talk you through it.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 11/14/09 03:49 PM
It's still 53 here in Michigan, I think it was a nice day, I was asleep for it.
As I recall from living 33 yrs out west in Colorado.............

"We need the water!!!"

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 11/14/09 04:57 PM

in florida people sniff whiteoutindifferent

Snowblind Friend...

CatsLoveMe's photo
Sat 11/14/09 05:38 PM
Hi Happy Valley, Utah. Yes, you guys got it first, I heard it was snowing heavy in Salt Lake this morning. Here in Denver, this second storm has already started and we may see 6-12" between midnight and 10 AM. Got my fire blazing so I'm good.

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