Topic: Evidence for a Designer... - part 2 | |
Sky wrote:
I understand what you’re saying, but I think you’re a little off the mark regarding “meaning”.
In my view, meanings are fundamentally comparative associations. A single thing by itself (i.e. an object, action or a property), has no intrinsic meaning. It must be compared/associated with something else for there to be meaning. A single thing does not exist, does it? I fail to see the relevance to what I wrote. Given your expressed thoughts added to my partial description, I can see why you would think that about my understanding of meaning. I think your equivocating between things which are manmade, and thus have manmade – subjective - meaning, and that which is not and does not. Now, I very well may be wrong here... ![]() My last post only made the distinction between objective properties and subjective meaning in order to demonstrate exactly why only the objective, intrinsic properties can be used to identify a thing - in and of itself. I showed how and why subjective meaning does not necessarily correspond to an object's intrinsic properties, and therefore must not be considered a reliable means to assess an objective existence. That post should have driven a wedge establishing the possible difference(s) between what an object actually is - in and of itself - and what the subjective meaning may be. I meant to demonstrate that difference, because that must be kept in mind while assessing what a thing actually is, rather than what it's name may mean to someone. This is especially true for a conversation concerning the inherent properties which we use to identify things in this universe. Subjective meaning is irrelevant to the identification of what something actually is(or means) - in and of itself. I did not take enough time to hash out the differences between intrinsic and subjective meaning, and that alone is a formidable task. I believe there is an important distinction between the two, and yet those differences are often not taken into consideration when discussing the meaning of certain behavior(s). It does not always apply, because all properties of behavior do not always indicate nor reflect one intrinsic meaning. Only when examining cases like that(one possible meaning) can we even attempt to establish any intrinsic meaning behind exhibited actions/behaviors. It is only possible when such an objective display always represents but one thing. Properties, on the other hand, are just as you say. They exist regardless of whether they are observed, thought about, or compared/associated with anything else.
That is what must be used to objectively assess the physical universe, because only the intrinsic properties identify it - in and of itself. Intrinsic meaning is displayed by properties belonging to objective behavior(s) as well. The properties of behavior that have an intrinsic meaning also fit the above description and exist regardless of whether or not they are observed, thought about, or compared with anything else. Your smile and a cat’s tail straight up are not meanings, nor do they “have” intrinsic meanings. Neither does the state of “happiness” have any intrinsic meaning. It is only when the smile/cat’s tail is compared/associated with the state of “happiness” that meaning comes into being.
Neither one - property or behavior - is a meaning, it exhibits the intrinsic meaning, because it displays that which is had - in and of itself.My smile and a cat's tail held straight up are objective properties of behavior which indicate an intrinsic meaning, that of which we call 'happiness'. The label 'happiness' does not cause the meaning to exist. The meaning is intrinsic to such behavior because my cat feels that way with or without having a name for the meaning which is responsible for causing that behavior. The cat knows what it means without thinking nor uttering a word about it, because it is intrinsic. The behavior displays the meaning - in and of itself. Therefore, in a case like this, we do not determine the meaning by naming it, rather we label that which already exists. We identify the intrinsic meaning. Those behaviors have intrinsic meaning. I smile because I am happy(I cannot fake it). A cat hold it's tail up straight because it is happy. That is intrinsic meaning, and just like objective properties, it does not depend upon our recognition, assessment, comparison, nor label to exist. Subjective meaning comes into play when we label things. As soon as we label it 'happiness', the intrinsic meaning displayed obtains a subjective description. The name 'happiness' begins to mesh with all of our other associations existing for the word which may or may not equate to the original intrinsic meaning being identified. A good example is a word such as “better”. Its meaning is explicitly dependent on a comparison. Without a comparison of at least three things (two objects and a “rule” of some sort) , the word “better” cannot have any definite meaning.
I agree that the notion of 'better' is dependent upon comparison and therefore the meaning of the term(label) is also subject to one's idea of 'worse', and those ideas vary from person to person. That is also a value assessment, and I am not claiming that those have intrinsic meaning. And since the only thing that can do the comparing/associating is an observer, “meaning” is entirely dependent on an observer performing that action. Thus, we do “give meaning” by comparing/associating.
A cat's tail which is being held straight up means the same thing, whether or not that particular cat ever sees a person. A cat's howling while in heat also has intrinsic meaning. A rooster's crow. A dog's growl. Etc. While the our acknowledgement of these meaningful displays does require associative measure, the intrinsic meaning behind them does not. Acknowledging intrinsic meaning does not establish it, it recognizes and identifies that which was already established. The display is full of meaning because it is intrinsic, not because another thing has given it a label by which to reference it. A consequence of self-awareness and the need to understand the world around us can skew our perspective in such a way that we unconsciously project ourselves onto the rest of the world. In doing so, we can fail to realize that we are not the only creatures with a sense of meaning naturally intact. ![]() Ok, I think I get what you mean now. When you say “intrinsic meaning” you’re talking about a cause-and-effect association where when we see the effect(behavior), we know what the cause(meaning) is. As indictated by these statements with my labels added in {braces}: “. . .intrinsic meaning{cause} - which is displayed by properties of behavior {effect} . . .” “Intrinsic meaning{cause} is displayed by properties belonging to objective behavior(s) {effects}. . .” “Those behaviors{effects} have intrinsic meaning{cause}.” “I smile{effect} because{indicating cause-and-effect!} I am happy{cause}” “(I cannot fake it{indicating cause-and-effect!}).” “A cat hold it's tail up straight{effect} because{indicating cause-and-effect!} it is happy{cause}.” “A cat's tail which is being held{effect} straight up means the same thing{cause}.” “The behavior{effect} displays the meaning{cause} - in and of itself. {exclusive of any other factors}” So I will agree with “intrinsic meaning” being defined as a cause-and-effect association, as differentiated from “subjective meaning” being defined as a comparative association. ![]() |
is there a universe that is not the physical universe? That would depend on how you want to define or understand the term "universe." fair nuff. in that case i'd like to define the term "universe" as it is understood by the physical sciences as it is the only universe that is supported by physical evidence. there being no evidence to suggest the existence of other universes. Then I will concede that there is only one "physical" universe that I know of, under your restrictions of "physical science." But if you recall, your question was "Is there a universe that is not the physical universe." Yes, I believe there is.--No, I can't prove it. I imagine that "Reality" exists in many different frequencies. "Physical" is within a certain frequency. Yes, I imagine there are other "realities" that are not physical that exist in different frequencies. Whether they are part of the same "universe" I would not know.
firstly, imagination is imagination. reality is reality. secondly, i'm confused with your use of the word "frequency" here. frequency as in reoccuring? radio? electrical? sound? cannot comment without understanding what you refer to. (First "Reality" is what we collectively decide it is, but lets not get into that discussion.) Frequency is vibration. Light and sound, and all objects have frequency. It is a vibration. Everything in this physical reality has frequency. But I imagine and it could be possible that other very different universes exist. And again it would depend on how you describe "universe."
well as you suggested that i define the term, let's talk possibilities with science upermost in mind. scientific methodology. evidence that can be tested using scientific methodology. If that is what you want to do, then you are talking to the wrong person. I am not a scientist of that kind. Just call me "delusional" and move on. You can learn nothing from me. Nothing at all. But if you want to learn more about frequency as it relates to 'science' perhaps that is where you should look. Frequency (sound)weapons are being developed that can reek havoc on objects and on the mind. Well we've already got some bullets that just make so much noise people in confined spaces fall over disoriented from it. I remember reading about them when the hunt for Osama seemed like they'd eventually get him. Other realities: To give an example, an astral body is not considered to be "physical." There is also an "astral" reality. But this is not necessarily to be considered a separate "universe" as it is actually part of and very connected to this physical universe. As far as I know, our physical (popular and public) science has not recognized the astral world and astral "material" as even being "real." Therefor, a discussion about them with someone who insists on remaining within the boundary of physical science would be quite pointless. Truth be told people try just as hard to disprove every new idea in science. The ones that it seems like nobody questions anymore are the ones that, try as they might, nobody could knock down. Because people tried so hard to discount that evidence but failed we can be that much more certain that we've found something genuine instead of just false positives. |
No one believes me but this is really the evidence for a designer
---------) . (----------- Yes that little dot is the evidence of how everything started. Now stare at it for a good 3 minutes and say 'oooooooooooohhhh' ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 11/17/09 01:49 PM
Unimaginable cruelty is a good aspect of a game?From my perspective, this universe looks like a good design by almost any standard I can think of – especially if one looks at it like a game. ![]() So do you want to go back to your “unimaginable cruelty” issue regarding the game? Sky: As I've said the universe is expanding out to heat death. Eventually any new "players" would start with nothing to work with unless they were lucky in which case they might get a single particle.Fix that phrase if you want me to accept that you meant what you just said. That’s easy enough. I’ll just put it back the way it was before you altered it…“unlimited supply of raw materials for individuals to shape new forms and plots to serve their own personal, functional and esthetic needs and desires”Not only that, but (according to some beliefs) reincarnation itself is a personal mystery to be solved and when one does finally solve it, all the experiences of, and abilities gained in, past lives are unlocked and available in future lives. And it even allows one to change the very rules of the game itself. Who's ever changed action and reaction or that objects with mass exert an attractive force on each other? Seriously though, I don’t agree with your assessment of what makes games fun. As I see it, what makes games (or anything else) “fun” is the personal satisfaction of overcoming barriers in the pursuit of a goal. The barriers in a sandbox are understanding the rules. After that you exhaust your ideas quickly by either doing them or seeing that they can't work in that sandbox. Play Scribblenauts and tell me how many words you use throughout the course of the game.Or do we only go through like four or five lives and that's it? After reading your reply about “respawn points”, I think that would be a perfect analogy for reincarnation. You “die” and then “come back to life”. So you can go through as many lives/respawns as you want.
Edited by
Tue 11/17/09 01:44 PM
I messed up the quote tags again so here's my reply. Refer to top of this page for context. ------------------------------------------- Ok, I think I get what you mean now. When you say “intrinsic meaning” you’re talking about a cause-and-effect association where when we see the effect(behavior), we know what the cause(meaning) is. As indictated by these statements with my labels added in {braces}: “. . .intrinsic meaning{cause} - which is displayed by properties of behavior {effect} . . .” “Intrinsic meaning{cause} is displayed by properties belonging to objective behavior(s) {effects}. . .” “Those behaviors{effects} have intrinsic meaning{cause}.” “I smile{effect} because{indicating cause-and-effect!} I am happy{cause}” “(I cannot fake it{indicating cause-and-effect!}).” “A cat hold it's tail up straight{effect} because{indicating cause-and-effect!} it is happy{cause}.” “A cat's tail which is being held{effect} straight up means the same thing{cause}.” “The behavior{effect} displays the meaning{cause} - in and of itself. {exclusive of any other factors}” So I will agree with “intrinsic meaning” being defined as a cause-and-effect association, as differentiated from “subjective meaning” being defined as a comparative association. |
No one believes me but this is really the evidence for a designer ---------) . (----------- Yes that little dot is the evidence of how everything started. Now stare at it for a good 3 minutes and say 'oooooooooooohhhh' ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 11/17/09 02:01 PM
I’m not interested in discussing personal moral views in this thread. It’s way too far off topic. So do you want to go back to your “unimaginable cruelty” issue regarding the game? What is there to ask?
As I've said the universe is expanding out to heat death. Eventually any new "players" would start with nothing to work with unless they were lucky in which case they might get a single particle. If/when that happens, then I guess you and everyone else, as co-creators/co-players will have to start a new game – if you still want to play.-_-; As I've been saying the game turns into a bland purgatory. Isn't there any way to not just sign out of the game but turn ourselves off as well? I can't find where they tell me how they made their "Psyleron true random event generator." For patent purposes I could understand them not giving a schematic of the thing but you can say well enough how a nuclear power plant generates electricity without telling someone everything they need to build one. I want to know if these things are "random" in that they're measuring radioactive decay. Showing that human thought could alter the rate of radioactive decay would be pretty huge news. I did hear "quantum electric field" in there somewhere but they've only used it as a technobabble diversion as far as I've seen. I'd like for that to not be the case but I can't find what I need to make it anything more. But you're saying it's one that we "get to" play forever? Like any other game, you play it for as long as you want or not at if you don’t want.After reading your reply about “respawn points”, I think that would be a perfect analogy for reincarnation. You “die” and then “come back to life”. So you can go through as many lives/respawns as you want. Naw, you respawn with the general equipment you were wearing and at least basic guns, though with a relatively small amount of ammo.
What's really important though is that it's on the same map and you go right back to the task you were working on before dieing until the end of the match. If you start up a whole new match that's "just spawning." |
No one believes me but this is really the evidence for a designer ---------) . (----------- Yes that little dot is the evidence of how everything started. Now stare at it for a good 3 minutes and say 'oooooooooooohhhh' ![]() ![]() Hold on! I will throw a little fire on it. ![]() |
No one believes me but this is really the evidence for a designer ---------) . (----------- Yes that little dot is the evidence of how everything started. Now stare at it for a good 3 minutes and say 'oooooooooooohhhh' ![]() ![]() Hold on! I will throw a little fire on it. ![]() I thought you made a point as well as anyone else. ![]() |
I spent too much time around 4chan
---------) . (----------- just reminds me of goatse DDD: *one frowning mouth wasn't enough but three seemed like about the right number. |
Edited by
Tue 11/17/09 04:46 PM
I’m not interested in discussing personal moral views in this thread. It’s way too far off topic. Personal moral views are of paramount importance if we're discussing the subjective.As I've said the universe is expanding out to heat death. Eventually any new "players" would start with nothing to work with unless they were lucky in which case they might get a single particle. If/when that happens, then I guess you and everyone else, as co-creators/co-players will have to start a new game – if you still want to play.As I've been saying the game turns into a bland purgatory. Isn't there any way to not just sign out of the game but turn ourselves off as well? So let me put it this way. Where does the “character” go when it dies? Well, since it’s an integral part of the game (i.e. the game is really just bits in the computer and the character is a subset of that) the character doesn’t really “go” anywhere. Those memory locations just get reused. Just like the components of our bodies are a subset of the components of the universe and get reused. But the player/creator does not “die”. He is eternal as far as the game is concerned. So I don’t even know what it would mean for an eternal being to “turn himself off”. “How could an eternal being ‘turn itself off’?” Answer that question and you’ll have the answer to yours. I can't find where they tell me how they made their "Psyleron true random event generator." For patent purposes I could understand them not giving a schematic of the thing but you can say well enough how a nuclear power plant generates electricity without telling someone everything they need to build one.
The PEAR site ( has a lot of papers online at
I want to know if these things are "random" in that they're measuring radioactive decay. Showing that human thought could alter the rate of radioactive decay would be pretty huge news. I did hear "quantum electric field" in there somewhere but they've only used it as a technobabble diversion as far as I've seen. I'd like for that to not be the case but I can't find what I need to make it anything more. This one goes into fair detail about how there device is calibrated and the math used in the statistical properties of it’s output. I recall running across a more detailed physical description of the REG, but I don’t remember where. All I can remember off the top of my head were some references to thermal noise. And I’m almost positive they were not measuring radioactive decay. Although I seem to recall something about quantum randomity. Note that the REG is not the only device used in the experiments. One of them was a “balls dropping through a pegboard into buckets” type, to produce a probability curve. I also read some references to fluid motions and even some investigations in to crude “robot control”. But I don’t recall the details. If you’re interested you can scan through all their stuff at the PEAR website through the above links. That’s the best I can do for now. But you're saying it's one that we "get to" play forever? Like any other game, you play it for as long as you want or not at if you don’t want.And from that perspective, I don’t know of any human-created game that comes anywhere near that perfection – by many, many orders of magnitude. After reading your reply about “respawn points”, I think that would be a perfect analogy for reincarnation. You “die” and then “come back to life”. So you can go through as many lives/respawns as you want. Naw, you respawn with the general equipment you were wearing and at least basic guns, though with a relatively small amount of ammo.
What's really important though is that it's on the same map and you go right back to the task you were working on before dieing until the end of the match. If you start up a whole new match that's "just spawning." |
I’m not interested in discussing personal moral views in this thread. It’s way too far off topic. Personal moral views are of paramount importance if we're discussing the subjective.Here are some quotes: Well yes, that wold be true, since aesthetics are wholly subjective
I’d just like to see more focus on how the subjective affects the objective.
The fundamental problem, as I see it, is that up until very recently (the last few decades), the last few centuries of “scientific” investigation have been steadily and purposefully moving toward a position that completely excludes the single most important factor in all of life – the “subjective”.
So are you now saying that it's not an extremely important factor in life (the game) that influences it's very nature and by which we should (possibly exclusively,) evaluate the game? As I've said the universe is expanding out to heat death. Eventually any new "players" would start with nothing to work with unless they were lucky in which case they might get a single particle. If/when that happens, then I guess you and everyone else, as co-creators/co-players will have to start a new game – if you still want to play.As I've been saying the game turns into a bland purgatory. Isn't there any way to not just sign out of the game but turn ourselves off as well? So let me put it this way.
I'm an organ donor so I don't think the pieces that make me or memory positions that store me are me. I'm a combination or a pattern- wipe that away and I'm gone; take the pieces apart and they're just generic pieces.
Where does the “character” go when it dies? Well, since it’s an integral part of the game (i.e. the game is really just bits in the computer and the character is a subset of that) the character doesn’t really “go” anywhere. Those memory locations just get reused. Just like the components of our bodies are a subset of the components of the universe and get reused. But the player/creator does not “die”. He is eternal as far as the game is concerned. "As far as the game is concerned" is a bad way to look at things when we're talking about if the game is perfect or not. As far as any game is concerned it's perfect- except maybe if it contains any information stating it's a piece of junk or something.
So I don’t even know what it would mean for an eternal being to “turn himself off”. You talked about playing a different game. I'm comparing that to playing different characters in the same game and after long enough playing these games should become a horrible existence. Everything should be so infinity is really just a trap.
I'm try to lead this into the bigger question of how we get out of the trap. “How could an eternal being ‘turn itself off’?” Answer that question and you’ll have the answer to yours. Take itself out of all of eternity. Erase itself past present and future.
I can't find where they tell me how they made their "Psyleron true random event generator." For patent purposes I could understand them not giving a schematic of the thing but you can say well enough how a nuclear power plant generates electricity without telling someone everything they need to build one.
The PEAR site ( has a lot of papers online at
I want to know if these things are "random" in that they're measuring radioactive decay. Showing that human thought could alter the rate of radioactive decay would be pretty huge news. I did hear "quantum electric field" in there somewhere but they've only used it as a technobabble diversion as far as I've seen. I'd like for that to not be the case but I can't find what I need to make it anything more. This one goes into fair detail about how there device is calibrated and the math used in the statistical properties of it’s output. I recall running across a more detailed physical description of the REG, but I don’t remember where. All I can remember off the top of my head were some references to thermal noise. And I’m almost positive they were not measuring radioactive decay. Although I seem to recall something about quantum randomity. Quantum stuff is hard enough to measure as it is- we have giant contraptions concentrated on doing so so that little box isn't directly measuring anything like what the word quantum makes us think of (else you would have to wait years between each cycle of numbers if it was tip top in ability to sense these things per it's size.
Note that the REG is not the only device used in the experiments. One of them was a “balls dropping through a pegboard into buckets” type, to produce a probability curve. I also read some references to fluid motions and even some investigations in to crude “robot control”. But I don’t recall the details. If you’re interested you can scan through all their stuff at the PEAR website through the above links. I looked through a bunch but couldn't find any others that gave any actual data.
That’s the best I can do for now. Well Google has informed me that other groups can't replicate the results so as of right now it looks like they don't just have bad methodology but that it was a hoax. There's still room to vindicate them in the future but as of right now the outlook is grim.
But you're saying it's one that we "get to" play forever? Like any other game, you play it for as long as you want or not at if you don’t want.And from that perspective, I don’t know of any human-created game that comes anywhere near that perfection – by many, many orders of magnitude.
Ya, "real life doesn't have any respawn points" is a joke but I knew it wasn't going to be funny after I had to explain what those were.
After reading your reply about “respawn points”, I think that would be a perfect analogy for reincarnation. You “die” and then “come back to life”. So you can go through as many lives/respawns as you want. Naw, you respawn with the general equipment you were wearing and at least basic guns, though with a relatively small amount of ammo.
What's really important though is that it's on the same map and you go right back to the task you were working on before dieing until the end of the match. If you start up a whole new match that's "just spawning." |
No one believes me but this is really the evidence for a designer ---------) . (----------- Yes that little dot is the evidence of how everything started. Now stare at it for a good 3 minutes and say 'oooooooooooohhhh' ![]() ![]() Hold on! I will throw a little fire on it. ![]() I thought you made a point as well as anyone else. ![]() and I used less words to explain my point! Now just imagine that ![]() |
I spent too much time around 4chan ---------) . (----------- just reminds me of goatse DDD: *one frowning mouth wasn't enough but three seemed like about the right number. ![]() ![]() |
I found something interesting: The most extensive analysis yet undertaken of the structure and contents of the universe conclusively proves the universe was created not by a single entity, as has been widely suggested, but by “a fractious and disorganized committee or committees given to groupthink and petty infighting”, according to Drs. Karl Pootle and Yumble Frick, co-authors of the study. The analysis is expected to have profound implications on the theoretical underpinnings of many popular religions….
“Biodiversity is the primary stumbling block,” said Dr. Pootle. “Whoever created this cacophony of species would have had to be infinitely powerful and infinitely creative, but also infinitely schizophrenic to come up with the myriad different solutions to identical problems that the creators of the universe have. Either that, or we’re looking at a different kind of process altogether”…. “If you’re one guy designing a universe, why come up with twenty different ways of tackling the same issue?” Pootle said. “If you’re omnipotent, presumably you know perfectly well whatever the one solution is that will work best, and you go with that. The fact that the world obviously doesn’t work that way is what led us first to the committee theory. The plants and animals that inhabit the Earth show the kinds of random and incoherent thinking that can only otherwise be found in the products of design committees where there’s a lot of CYA and turf protection going on.” ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually, I think I might have contemplated this possibility if it had been an option when I was 11 and getting into trouble in confirmation class. ![]() |
Copied and pasted from the burden of proof thread...
No extra charge! ![]() Abracadabra wrote: Some people are convinced of things easily. And that includes people who are convinced that there is no evidence for design. That's having been convinced of something too!
It dosn't matter whether the thing they are being convinced of is a 'positive assertion' or a 'negative assertion'. If they have been convinced of it, then they have been convinced, it doesn't matter. JB responded: Thank you James. I would bet that there are some who would disagree with this. There are some people who insist that proof is proof, and it does not matter if anyone believes it or not.
Of course it is usually their proof that they are referring to, not the proof that someone else has for the opposing view. In other words, all they are saying is that they are 'right' and the other guy is 'wrong." They are convinced by their proof and if the other guy is not convinced, then he is just ignorant or wrong or blind. I know, because that's the way I feel about some people. LOL I freely admit it. I can relate to both sides. When I see evidence of intelligent design everywhere, I can't believe it when someone makes the assertion that their is no design anywhere and no intent or purpose to anything and no intelligence or intelligent designer needed. To me, its like a person in downtown New York proclaiming, "I see no evidence of a City." Or a person surrounded by trees saying "I see no evidence of any forest." For me, it just does not compute. Abracadabra answered: Well, not only that, but listen to their argument:
"This universe follows absolute precise and perfect laws of impeccible logic that cannot be denied and are never wrong! And it does this purely by happenstance!" I mean, come on! That very claim is itself an argument for DESIGN! How can anyone even pretend to hold that 'logic' should have any meaning or value at all in a happenstance universe? Why should we trust anything in a happenstance universe? If logic has any value at all, that very notion points to design in and of itself. To suggest that it leads to any other conclusion is necessarily "illogical" anyway. Like you say, that would be like using the presence of a city to deny its very own existence. Logic itself implies intelligence by it's very presence. Why would an unintelligent universe behave logically? I am reserving comment on this, for now. Anyone else care to take a 'stab'? ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 11/17/09 08:07 PM
I found something interesting: The most extensive analysis yet undertaken of the structure and contents of the universe conclusively proves the universe was created not by a single entity, as has been widely suggested, but by “a fractious and disorganized committee or committees given to groupthink and petty infighting”, according to Drs. Karl Pootle and Yumble Frick, co-authors of the study. The analysis is expected to have profound implications on the theoretical underpinnings of many popular religions….
“Biodiversity is the primary stumbling block,” said Dr. Pootle. “Whoever created this cacophony of species would have had to be infinitely powerful and infinitely creative, but also infinitely schizophrenic to come up with the myriad different solutions to identical problems that the creators of the universe have. Either that, or we’re looking at a different kind of process altogether”…. “If you’re one guy designing a universe, why come up with twenty different ways of tackling the same issue?” Pootle said. “If you’re omnipotent, presumably you know perfectly well whatever the one solution is that will work best, and you go with that. The fact that the world obviously doesn’t work that way is what led us first to the committee theory. The plants and animals that inhabit the Earth show the kinds of random and incoherent thinking that can only otherwise be found in the products of design committees where there’s a lot of CYA and turf protection going on.” ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually, I think I might have contemplated this possibility if it had been an option when I was 11 and getting into trouble in confirmation class. ![]() The most extensive analysis yet undertaken of the structure and contents of the universe conclusively proves the universe was created not by a single entity, as has been widely suggested, but by “a fractious and disorganized committee or committees given to groupthink and petty infighting”, This falls in line with my world view of how the universe was created or manifested for sure. Not only that but the "petty infighting" is rampant. What would make anyone think that "heaven" was a peaceful place when our world (a manifestation of theirs) is not? Look at the way governments are run. Same thing. Large companies and corporations. Same thing. It is the nature of the beast..(the universe.) |
Sky wrote:
I messed up the quote tags again so here's my reply. Refer to top of this page for context. No sweat, I knew which words were mine, and therefore could reasonably conclude which ones must have been yours. ![]() Ok, I think I get what you mean now.
When you say “intrinsic meaning” you’re talking about a cause-and-effect association where when we see the effect(behavior), we know what the cause(meaning) is. Not quite, actually, but very close. Meaning is not the cause. Although the displayed behavior is an effect and has a cause, the intrinsic meaning is not that. This gets a little 'hairy'... like I said earlier, I may be wrong. ![]() Displayed behaviour = dog growling and upraised hair on back Cause = an unfamiliar sound at night Intrinsic meaning = the dog is uneasy, defensive, and alert “I smile{effect} because{indicating cause-and-effect!} I am happy{cause}”
I smile{effect} because I am happy. I am happy because I just heard something funny{cause}. Being 'happy' did not cause the smile, the joke did. The smile is an objective property of displayed behaviour which has an intrinsic meaning. The smile means I am 'happy'. “A cat hold it's tail up straight{effect} because{indicating cause-and-effect!} it is happy{cause}.”
A cat holds it's tail up straight{effect} because it is happy. It is happy because it just woke up from a long nap and smells fresh food while walking back inside{cause}. Being 'happy' did not cause the tail posture, being relaxed and smelling food did. The tail posture is an objective property of behavior which has an intrinsic meaning. It means the cat is 'happy'. So I will agree with “intrinsic meaning” being defined as a cause-and-effect association, as differentiated from “subjective meaning” being defined as a comparative association.
Not quite in the same paragraph yet, on the same page though... ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 11/17/09 09:31 PM
I smile{effect} because I am happy. I am happy because I just heard something funny{cause}. Being 'happy' did not cause the smile, the joke did. The smile is an objective property of displayed behaviour which has an intrinsic meaning. The smile means I am 'happy'.
That's absurd. The joke cannot cause the smile. Your own interpretation of the joke and your sense of humor found the joke to be 'funny.' It was that thought that caused you to smile. The smile does not mean "I am happy." It could just mean "I thought that was funny." I have seen people who recently lost a loved one who can still smile or laugh at a joke. And if you want to know about cats, just ask me. I am the 'cat whisperer." |
Perhaps a unintelligent universe doesn't know it is working logically? It is an act of luck?
Perhaps a intelligent universe is functioning illogically on purpose or without control. Does that make sense? Not that I am a expert or anything, but I am sure there are many variations people can play around with to try to figure out what or how it all was created. To me it seems like an impossible feat. I would rather just believe that this following created the designs of everything we now enjoy -------------) . (------------- Stare at it for a good moment and believe! ![]() |