Topic: Evidence for a Designer... - part 2 | |
Shoku said The characters in a game are representations of people - are they actual, real people? No. They're illusions that look like people.
Ok, so label the game universe "fictional" or "imaginary" if you want. The label doesn't matter. It doesn't change the nature of the game or the players or the relationship between the players and/or the game.
I know illusion sounds a bit more like magic than technology but there's no significant difference between how "real" these things are. If our whole existence is a game we're all just imaginary. Whether it's exactly an idea in someone/thing's head or that idea has been written out into some kind of computer program doesn't matter. It's just as fictional. What matters is the fact that the game does exist and we do play it. And in playing the game we interact - with the game universe directly (or maybe more accurately, indirectly through the player interface) and with other players indirectly according to the rules of the game. Bottom line is: so what if it's fictional/illusory? Labeling it fictional or illusory doesn't change what it is. (Although it may change one's own attitude or perspective toward it - which may or may not be beneficial depending on the person.) I'm so glad you said that before that post of mine where I went into the same thing (reply to Bushido.) Just one problem: so what if it's an idea/game? Labeling it idea or game doesn't change what it is. (Although it may change one's own attitude or perspective toward it - which may or may not be beneficial depending on the person.) This is ultimately why I started pressing you about this topic. |
Even the greatest scientists are fully aware of the follies of science. Jrbogie has been quoting Stepthen Hawlking for several days down on how Hawlking asserts that there are no such things as facts and that nothing can be proven. The wisest scientists of all time fully understand that science does the best it can do, but ultimately even that falls short of proving anything. When it gets right down to the real nitty gritty, science fails to explain what's going on. And Quantum Mechanics (the central pillar of Modern Science) has left the door wide-open for many very interesting an potentially mystical explantions. Scientists do indeed admit that they don't know everything and that some things don't add up. That's what science is all about ... admitting what you don't know and doing what you can to figure it out! Sometimes admitting a 'folly' is just a step in the discovery process. I guess since religion itself is a 'folly' it would be hard for a religous organization to admit the same. Might lose some followers (money/power/control) to real evidence-based lifestyles. And quantum mechanics does not leave anything open to mystical explantions. There are rational explanations that are not yet discovered. Science isn't an ultimatum handed down by some sky-fairy ... its a continously changing body of knowledge. |
Honestly Abra, your a fool for making this your point. Your a fool anyways so it matters little to me, but its really quite illustrative of the weak arguments you propose, and how your mental faculty is either failing or never was strong. If you ever grow up let me know, maybe we can actually have a mature conversation someday. I won't bother holding my breath, so take all the time you need. ![]() Well, I can certain do without any need to call people fools. In fact, I certainly hope that people realize that I have never done any such thing. Hrm, let's scan a bit- "You can't expect the young greenhorns to comprehend this kind of wisdom" = inexperienced fool "believes that he's a sack of atoms that's not playing any game" sort of= shallow fool "If you ever grow up" = foolish child "filling people full of your pseudo-science nonsense" = stupid fool In two pages you've devalued people four times, or three if that first one wasn't part of the meaning in what you were saying. My personality analysis of you in all this time says that you probably meant that subconsciously but I can't say for sure so I'll make the numbers nicer and say three. But hey, three is practically the same as zero compared to infinity right? Bushio thinks that I'm a fool because I'm looking at things deeper than he is willing to look. Most of the people that call something deep can't understand anything greater than "ankles deep."
I'm fully aware of the success of macro physics and the "laws" that we have observed. You certainly call it a failure a lot for being aware of that.
I've worked in technology my entire life. Yet you won't tell us what subject you taught or give any of that sort of information.
It looks suspiciously like (read: is clearly) you're just saying this so you can sound like an authority and then just feed up appeals to authority nonstop. Of course, if you're not just baiting us you can share a little bit of that information. We're no asking for your social security number or anything after all~ I'm fully aware that we've put men on the moon and we have destroyed entire cities of people with our scientifically successful nuclear bombs. A bit nitpicky but I wouldn't say the entire cities were destroyed. With conventional bombs we lit up a city in the middle east (sorry, I don't recall the name and search results are too loaded with terrorist bombings,) for about three days and killed about 1/2 as many people as either of the nukes we dropped (averaged.) My memory is, unfortunately, really fuzzy here.
Anyway, we chose big urban areas that a 3 mile wide circle would devastate but avoided smaller targets for fear that they might be able to recover a dud bomb and reverse engineer it. However you might just be using the term "destroy" loosely in which case I'm only clarifying that you meant basically the same as devastate. The technological successes of science are not in question. Of course a person would need to be a fool to question that. That's always how it has to be before people give any ground in "God matters."
Quite a ways back saying that Pi was an irrational number was too offensive to people's beliefs but today it's undeniable. No creator seems a similar belief, though significantly less violently enforced, and years and years down the road people won't be able to deny the things that don't fit it. If he thinks I'm that shallow then he's not even thinking at all.
The bottom line when it comes to the philosophy of the truest essence of reality must transcend these shallow observations and look at the core issues. The core issue here is if there is evidence for us having been designed by an intelligent- well, god. That's basically a technological success sort of thing without any request for philosophy don't you think?
Yes, we live in a world of macro phenomena. And anyone would indeed need to be a fool not to recognize this well-established observation.
You should first convince me that what you're talking about is not the same thing we were doing at the birth of civilization.
None the less, we have also advanced in our ability to observe relality to a point that goes beyond that. Even Bushio recognizes that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is actually quite certain.
I think I missed the part where you explained how that had jack squat to do with a creator- or have I just put much of this thread out of memory?
In fact, it is the single most verified physical observation that we currently have. Nothing has been more verified experimentally than Quantum Mechanics and that absolutely includes the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We also know that virtual particles must exist (or at least some phenomenon that behaves in a way that we have labeled as 'virtual particles') In either case, the very concept of virtual particles popping into and out of 'physical existence' is a very well-accepted and well-established part of modern science. So now Bushio is going to call me a "fool" for actually accepting these modern scientifically established ideas? ![]() In the meantime he's trying to paint an almost "Newtonian" macro picture of reality whilst totally ignoring the quantum realm as being irrelevant.
We know the quantum stuff we have right now is significantly flawed so give him quantum gravity first.
With all due respect to everyone involved, it makes absolutely no sense to me for someone to be arguing that they support a "Scientific view" of the world whist simultaneously rejecting the very heart and pillar of modern science which anyone who knows anything about science at all knows is indeed Quantum Mechanics. This idea that Quantum Mechanics doesn't apply to the macro world so we can just ignore it, is to do nothing more than ignore the real issues and questions in favor of pretending that science is a Salad Bar where you can just pick and chose which parts of it you'd like to accept. But that's right. Quantum Mechanics doesn't apply to the macro world. Quantum Gravity should but we haven't figured that out yet.
It would really be best if you could quote him about this some so I could what he was saying. Quite frankly you've lost my trust when it comes to describing what anyone else has said in your own words. So call me a fool all you want. That part I truly couldn't care less about. Well I think you're a fool because of how you conduct yourself, mainly in ignoring fallacies unless they are used against you. I'm tempted to use the same fallacies your using just to prove that you understand that they're faulty logic but you don't fight the injustice of propaganda with counter propaganda so I'm stuck taking the high road.
But if you claim that your make-believe ideas of science should be considered as 'scientific' then please excuse me whilst I have a good belly roll.
![]() Hell's bells, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one here who's willing to genuinely accept the discoveries of modern science, whilst the people who claim to be scientific are calling me a 'fool'. How ironic is that? ![]() Seeing as you don't even accept general chemistry... |
Shoku said: The problem with religion (that I think everyone here recognizes,) is that it stalls your personal growth. You end up a permanent child and the only form of maturity praised is the growing dull enough to not ask questions.
Interesting commentary. Let me transpose a few things and see what you think.
Unfortunately I see most of this spiritualism in the same light. What I would really like right now is not for them to go on the defensive about that but look at themselves and see how this "whatever you believe" stuff is just a way to halt ever having to accept reality. There's nothing to be found in what you believe. To say that's all that matters is to claim that you already know everything and with as much distaste as they seem to have when they claim we're doing that I can only hope that this is eye opening. The problem with atheism is that it stalls your personal growth. You end up a permanent child and the only form of maturity praised is the growing dull enough to admit that you can never know anything. I've even suggested that our actions could be deterministic which means that if you can just get a proper snapshot of the universe for a single moment you automatically know everything, so long as you have the computing power to handle it. Unfortunately I see most of this materialism in the same light. What I would really like right now is not for them to go on the defensive about that but look at themselves and see how this "whatever you can or can’t know" stuff is just a way to halt ever having to accept any belief.
What coin are we talking about?
There's nothing to be found in what you know or don’t know. To say that's all that matters is to claim that you do not believe anything, and with as much distaste as they seem to have when they claim we're doing that I can only hope that this is eye opening. In short, “there are two sides to every coin”. It is the refusal to recognize and accept that fact that leads to problems. In fact, it is the refusal to recognize and accept that fact that what makes it impossible to resolve problems. (But that’s a whole subject of it’s own.) |
Yup foolish. How is it even remotely possible to think this is the argument at hand . . . Well, if that's not your argument then you have no bone to pick with me. You're just out to desperately try to discredit me because I tell people the truth in the face of your false representation of science. |
Edited by
Tue 12/01/09 12:21 PM
I am sure if you where actually interested in reading other people posts and really trying to understand you could, I think abra is his own solipsistic universe.
Bushshidobillyclub, The above statement is illogical because if Abra was in his own solipsistic universe you would not really exist. You would just be a figment of his imagination. And why on earth would he have imagined you? Illogical. ![]() Therefore, I have to assume you are being sarcastic and/or just rude. But really what's meant there is clearly that abra is dellusional and living in his own little fantasy world cut off from the reality the rest of us reside in. Talking to him is much like arguing with a brick wall. |
Therefore, I have to assume you are being sarcastic and/or just rude.
I think his intention to be rude has been well-established with his insistent that I'm a fool who should wear a jester's hat. He doesn't understand. He thinks I'm attacking science, but I'm not really. I'm merely poking fun at his claims about science. Even the greatest scientists are fully aware of the follies of science. Jrbogie has been quoting Stepthen Hawlking for several days down on how Hawlking asserts that there are no such things as facts and that nothing can be proven. The wisest scientists of all time fully understand that science does the best it can do, but ultimately even that falls short of proving anything. We're all of the understanding that we don't give a shlt if you prove things exist. On the assumption that our world does exist we can prove lots of things.
I've been driving home that point recently myself. I confess that I've been doing it a bit flamboyantly lately. But I did this to try to offset the overly-serious and somber stance that people like Bushio and Creative are attempting to portray in the opposite direction. They are at the other extreme acting like as if science has reality clinched which is far from the case. Explain to me how you can tell that Pi is not a rational fraction and I'll let you talk about how much we actually know. Before then (or similar subject,) you're only allowed general concepts because you twist things out of context so much.
I'm fully aware of all the accomplishments of science and I've acknowledged that. I too admire science and the great men who have contributed to it.
How so?
But at the same time I see why it should not be worshipped as a religious philosophy. It ultimately fails. Without doubt. When it gets right down to the real nitty gritty, science fails to explain what's going on. And Quantum Mechanics (the central pillar of Modern Science) has left the door wide-open for many very interesting an potentially mystical explantions. argument from ignorance fallacy, if you pursue that as an actual reason for any of that mysticism to be valid.
That is indeed the current status of Modern Science.
The door is wide open! Don't be pretending that it's almost nailed shut. It's not even close to be closed, much less being nailed shut. Show us that you comprehend the hinges of this door before you talk about it's position. |
Make your words impeccable. Never take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. I like that. I try to do that. But I'm not sure what "impeccable" translates to. Unfortunately scientific terms are not recognized by layman so we have to spend a lot of time explaining them in simpler words (just to have abra lie to me about already knowing. He's vaguely familiar at best.) |
Edited by
Tue 12/01/09 12:39 PM
This idea that Quantum Mechanics doesn't apply to the macro world so we can just ignore it, is to do nothing more than ignore the real issues and questions in favor of pretending that science is a Salad Bar where you can just pick and chose which parts of it you'd like to accept.
The very reason scientists are looking for a single unified theory to describe all of the interactions from the micro to the macro is becuase currently we have lots of little tools that do not work the same describing different scales of reality. Then you add the very empirical fact, the well studied observations that quantum behavior does not occur at the macro level, and that the mathematical probabilities once you involve millions(no less the billion trillion's that are really involved at real levels) of particle interactions it shows that the time it would take to have a reasonable chance of a macro quantum effect such as tunneling to occur would be many many many orders of magnitude a greater length in time then the current age of the universe. If brain states are all nothing more then entangled states from some spirit realm then it defies the math without some kind of mechanism to account for it, so its easy to sit here and ask for the mechanism, much harder to produce it, however who would think they know anything about it without that mechanic being understood? Apparently abra, he thinks its reasonable to explain poorly documented phenomena (paranormal ect) <--(thats me being generous btw) with quantum phenomena that cannot be said to occur in the way it would need to in order to be the explanation he wishes. Thats fine, as long as we are all clear on that missing part that turns miracle into science. ![]() But oh wait it gets better instead of choosing just rather easy paranormal events lets try to cram an intelligent creator into that mechanism. Forget Consciousness, free will, the paranormal that's easy sauce, cram an eternal intelligent creating designing all knowing non physical spirit being into that gap. Now not only do we have a missing mechanic that makes the math go from improbable bordering on the never, we have no positive language to identify this designer to compare our mechanic to for a confirmation. That is what is really being discussed here, just thought id make that plain. So we need a mechanic and a link to this crevice where this designer resides at least to say QM supports design. Fun stuff. |
Even the greatest scientists are fully aware of the follies of science. Jrbogie has been quoting Stepthen Hawlking for several days down on how Hawlking asserts that there are no such things as facts and that nothing can be proven. somewhat dishonest me thinks abra. nudging strawman too. i quoted two sentences of one paragraph on one of hundreds of pages of one of several books that hawkings has published. perhaps you read more from this great mind than i have but where you come to the conclusion that he considers science to be "folly" is beyond me. That comes down to nothing more than what you personally accept to be folly, now doesn't it? The first sentence of post was my own personal opinion. All I stated about Hawkling was his assertion from a quote that you had posted. If you disagree that this constitutes a folly then be my guest. Perhaps too, you are misunderstanding the context in which I'm using the word. This thread is concerned with 'burderns of proof'. Well, if science can never prove anything to be fact, then it would be folly to believe that there should be any 'burdern of proof' on anyone to 'prove' anything scientific. ![]() |