Topic: Single Woman Artificially Inseminated | |
Put the pregnancy factor aside. Did she portray the capable abilities to represent your company to the fullest? Was she qualified to fill the position? As a reminder, you can NOT discriminate due to pregnancy of a person for hire. I think your emphasis on her age and artificial insemination is playing a major roll in your decision, in which is should not. No your interpretation on my op is not incorrect... What I'm asking here is should there be some rules or such as far a young single unemployed woman intentionally having a baby and possibly ending up in the system...and her age has nothing to do with it. Most who work for me are young..there are 2 colleges in my town. I worked through 2 of my 3 pregnancies. This position is semi physical, and it is sales based. I need physically strong employees who can sell. Her resume is not as impressive as some and more than some. As a mother of 3 who worked and raised children alone I wouldn't, couldn't discriminate because of her situation... I started having my family at the age of 21. I worked hard and was never in the "system". How can you set rules on this?? There are MANY women/men in the "system" with children. |
Put the pregnancy factor aside. Did she portray the capable abilities to represent your company to the fullest? Was she qualified to fill the position? As a reminder, you can NOT discriminate due to pregnancy of a person for hire. I think your emphasis on her age and artificial insemination is playing a major roll in your decision, in which is should not. No your interpretation on my op is not incorrect... What I'm asking here is should there be some rules or such as far a young single unemployed woman intentionally having a baby and possibly ending up in the system...and her age has nothing to do with it. Most who work for me are young..there are 2 colleges in my town. I worked through 2 of my 3 pregnancies. This position is semi physical, and it is sales based. I need physically strong employees who can sell. Her resume is not as impressive as some and more than some. As a mother of 3 who worked and raised children alone I wouldn't, couldn't discriminate because of her situation... I started having my family at the age of 21. I worked hard and was never in the "system". How can you set rules on this?? There are MANY women/men in the "system" with children. I feel that you have missed the entire point here... |
Put the pregnancy factor aside. Did she portray the capable abilities to represent your company to the fullest? Was she qualified to fill the position? As a reminder, you can NOT discriminate due to pregnancy of a person for hire. I think your emphasis on her age and artificial insemination is playing a major roll in your decision, in which is should not. No your interpretation on my op is not incorrect... What I'm asking here is should there be some rules or such as far a young single unemployed woman intentionally having a baby and possibly ending up in the system...and her age has nothing to do with it. Most who work for me are young..there are 2 colleges in my town. I worked through 2 of my 3 pregnancies. This position is semi physical, and it is sales based. I need physically strong employees who can sell. Her resume is not as impressive as some and more than some. As a mother of 3 who worked and raised children alone I wouldn't, couldn't discriminate because of her situation... I started having my family at the age of 21. I worked hard and was never in the "system". How can you set rules on this?? There are MANY women/men in the "system" with children. I feel that you have missed the entire point here... That happens on mingle quite often. You get used to it eventually. ![]() |
I don't know what the rush is but I wish they'd stop and take time to explore life and the world before having kids...
What I don't get is how she paid to be artificially inseminated and then needs a $10 hr job. THAT makes no sense to me.. Usually, age matured professional women do that when the feel their biological clock is ticking and they've missed their window... |
I don't know what the rush is but I wish they'd stop and take time to explore life and the world before having kids... What I don't get is how she paid to be artificially inseminated and then needs a $10 hr job. THAT makes no sense to me.. Usually, age matured professional women do that when the feel their biological clock is ticking and they've missed their window... I'd like to know that myself, it's really really expensive. And if someone else paid for her, they should be supporting her, not sending her out to make 10 bucks an hour. |
I don't know what the rush is but I wish they'd stop and take time to explore life and the world before having kids... What I don't get is how she paid to be artificially inseminated and then needs a $10 hr job. THAT makes no sense to me.. Usually, age matured professional women do that when the feel their biological clock is ticking and they've missed their window... I'd like to know that myself, it's really really expensive. And if someone else paid for her, they should be supporting her, not sending her out to make 10 bucks an hour. Something seems to be missing from her story.. I wonder if the artificial insemination came from a night out at the bar... ![]() |
I don't know what the rush is but I wish they'd stop and take time to explore life and the world before having kids... What I don't get is how she paid to be artificially inseminated and then needs a $10 hr job. THAT makes no sense to me.. Usually, age matured professional women do that when the feel their biological clock is ticking and they've missed their window... I'd like to know that myself, it's really really expensive. And if someone else paid for her, they should be supporting her, not sending her out to make 10 bucks an hour. Something seems to be missing from her story.. I wonder if the artificial insemination came from a night out at the bar... ![]() ![]() ![]() oh yeah..did I ever mention my boys are products of immaculate conception? I'm actually a virgin...I know, I know, it's a miracle...3 miracles. |
I don't know what the rush is but I wish they'd stop and take time to explore life and the world before having kids... What I don't get is how she paid to be artificially inseminated and then needs a $10 hr job. THAT makes no sense to me.. Usually, age matured professional women do that when the feel their biological clock is ticking and they've missed their window... I'd like to know that myself, it's really really expensive. And if someone else paid for her, they should be supporting her, not sending her out to make 10 bucks an hour. Something seems to be missing from her story.. I wonder if the artificial insemination came from a night out at the bar... ![]() ![]() ![]() oh yeah..did I ever mention my boys are products of immaculate conception? I'm actually a virgin...I know, I know, it's a miracle...3 miracles. ![]() ![]() |
I don't know what the rush is but I wish they'd stop and take time to explore life and the world before having kids... What I don't get is how she paid to be artificially inseminated and then needs a $10 hr job. THAT makes no sense to me.. Usually, age matured professional women do that when the feel their biological clock is ticking and they've missed their window... I'd like to know that myself, it's really really expensive. And if someone else paid for her, they should be supporting her, not sending her out to make 10 bucks an hour. Something seems to be missing from her story.. I wonder if the artificial insemination came from a night out at the bar... ![]() ![]() ![]() oh yeah..did I ever mention my boys are products of immaculate conception? I'm actually a virgin...I know, I know, it's a miracle...3 miracles. ![]() ![]() Yeah, that's my point, her pregnancy is irrelevant. She doesn't seem to be truthful or responsible. Not the mark of an invaluable employee.... |
In my experience things like that just lead to drama and issues later.. I've had some doozies... I don't know what stare you're in Lori but in Cali you have a pregnant woman working for you even one day and you're stuck...
In my experience things like that just lead to drama and issues later.. I've had some doozies... I don't know what stare you're in Lori but in Cali you have a pregnant woman working for you even one day and you're stuck... I'm in Utah...every female between 18 and 40 is pregnant... ![]() There is physical work involved in this position..not all day long, but some lifting. I would think she wouldn't want to do it in a few more months. |
She probably shouldn't be doing a lot of it now, the first trimester is when you should be really careful...
Hummmm I'm with a few of the others here on many things. One how did she afford to pay for that procedure to be done in the first place. Something is not right here with her story.
And as some have said when in a interview it is best even if they take the conversation on a personal level to change the subject and get off of it. Due to the fact if they don't get hired they can say it was discrimination due to the fact she was pregnant. As well as the fact and Employer is not allowed to ask certain questions within a interview for it will at times make a difference if they hire them. Not saying this is the case just something to really watch in the future. I've done many interviews and the Employers basically can only stick to the application only and company policy's and how they could benefit the company. But with her voluntarily giving so much information within her personal life I'm sorry that would be a red flag something funny with her story. And honestly I don't feel that procedure should be done unless the woman is very well stable that includes a job and a way to provide for the baby as well. But problem is now days if they can pay for it the Doctors to it with no concern of the ending results..... ![]() |
Could be she is too young to know what she is talking about, or too embarassed to be honest. I work with someone who made an arrangement with a friend to get her pregnant because she wanted a kid. It was strictly an arrangement with no relationship involved and no involvement from the man after. These are personal decisions which I do not agree with but I agree with the other posts that it bares no relevance to how well someone might do their JOB. We separate personal from business, or at least we should.
Legally, interviewers cannot ask personal questions, but SHE brought it up, so it is out there. I think the fact that she did bring it up and gave so much personal info is a sign of immaturity and would make her questionable as an employee. I made notes on the apps when I talked to people...if there was an "obvious" reason to not hire I would write "did not interview well" in the margin.
For instance, I had a young lady interview for a cashiering job. She ate M&Ms during the interview and actually let drool (multi colored) drip down her chin. She was just a pig!!! Just the person you want ringing up your groceries and touching your stuff!! |
Let's See.......
Young, full of s%*t, desperate for a $10 an hour job....(at least desperate enough to make up the tall tale I just read)..... Send her my way! By the time she is done with my 10 hour day...she will REALLY have earned that $100. You will be able to download the video at for "Hardcore" catagory. |
Edited by
Sat 11/07/09 06:17 PM
I had to bump this thread again just cause I like seeing the headline...
Single Woman Artificially Krupa Hell I might keep this puppy afloat single handedly! |