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Topic: Over 10% unemployment
HuckleberryFinn's photo
Sun 11/08/09 03:42 AM
ObaMao and 95% of Congress need to resign and go straight to prison.

^finally someone who can spot a crook a mile a way, the whole congress is crooked, maybe the newly elected ones have their hearts in doing the right thing, but after a term or two, they too will end up screwing the american people.....It's funny, people continue to accept this garbage year in and year out without holding anyone accountable.....

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sun 11/08/09 05:10 AM
Edited by Katzenschnauzer on Sun 11/08/09 05:16 AM

10 months, or even a year isn't that long. He started with a mess, is in pretty deep and has a lot to prove. He is our first African-American President. I'm just saying it's a bit early to be pointing fingers. If I did point a finger right now, it definitely would not be at Obama.

I wouldn't try to get into a debate about this, I will admit myself that I am far from an expert in politics. It isn't my area.

Let's say that I look at the sky and see that it is blue, and most everyone else sees that it is blue because it is unlikely that we would all witness different wave-frequencies of light. Let's say that someone standing next to me says that it is red, and proceeds to give me what he or she thinks is a good argument supporting it. Even someone like me is going to feel inclined to step forward and object, mostly out of sheer surprise that that person actually managed to come to that conclusion. All I'm saying is that it is obvious that the sky is blue.

What on earth does being the first African-American president have to do with his failure to follow through on at least the Hope & Change he drummed for 2.5 years? When you guys pull up that race card whenever you can't debate or when you can't admit that maybe you voted in a rookie my attention span goes by the wayside.

Also, whenever you guys are hit with a question that you can't answer you're so good at some analogy like a weather scenario.slaphead

no photo
Sun 11/08/09 09:55 AM
Edited by OutkastBoss on Sun 11/08/09 09:58 AM

Also My origional point wasnt that its the workers fault

Here are your exact words:

A big problem w the unemplolyment is people arent willing to take a job they feel is below them.. Americans want Premium pay and to be treated like gold and not have to work hard... its tough to find american workers that dont want to get paid tons while being soft and lazy..There are jobs for those WILLING to work.. and kudos to the americans doing it... but no wonder jobs are going elsewhere if the pay to product turn out is unbalanced.. if americans arent willing to realize theyre job can be done just as well and cheaper maybe we will figure out that we neeed to compete for these jobs on a worldwide scale..

Hardly a glowing testimonial. Would you have the guts to say that to an engineer I read about lately who did some consulting jobs for _FREE_ for some companies hoping to get his foot in the door? Yet STILL hasn't secured a job with health insurance? All he got for his trouble so far is taken advantage of.

See, you don't see any of this sort of thing going on. To lots of people, unemployment is something that happens to OTHER people who are deficient in some manner, but who, in better times are gainfully employed people helping to fuel the national economy.

-Kerry O.

Wasnt supposed to be a glowing testimonial obviously.. and i would tell that eginerr to do some FRee work for churches or other charites that not only appreciate it but reccomend others use you. instead of doing free work for a company that unless your dealing with the owner will be a heartless entity that will take your free work and continue on with no consideration of your skill..I Take care of multipl churches in my area and their ball fields ..when ever ive gotten slow me and my guys keep their hours by working on the churchs grounds and its brought ALOT of buisness..

There isnt necessarily something wrong with an unemployed person and its not somethin that happens to OTHER people ,.. my family had some tough times when my father was laid off when i was a kid.. My father worked hard VERY hard.. he did all he could.. i never said it was the only factor you just would like to hear it that way and say its not a factor at all.. i think asked in a diferent context you may agree work ethic has declined..if not whatever most people i discuss this with feel the same..

The reason i started my company was i was tired of being laid off all winter eventhough i wore my *** of during the busy season...Wasnt a big fan of uneven pay either...my guys work YEAR ROUND and start at 12 and if they work out can be moved to 15 in as little as a month or two after proving they are able to keep up with how hard i work... maybe thats not enough in your opinion bu its what i can afford and stay in buisness...The cost of running and insuring my buisnees often means my guys have more "take home pay" than i do , but i NEED them...I do my best to compete to keep my guys but i tell them if they get an better oportunity they better jump on it and theyre welcome back.. it was hard finding guys that work this hard and losing ONE of them would be a big deal cause it seems to be hard to find guys like that..

IF you beleive its not a factor AT ALL in the unemployment issue thats fine .. but you really dont think american work ethic has suffered ???

my origional point was still that theres other factors than just what OBamas doing.. did people really thing we hired a magical president that could just fix everything..everyone just wants to blame Obama or Bush.. when there are other factors like CEOs making millions for doing jack...Workers not being able to compete on a global level because of OUR standards of work to pay ratio..

Dragoness's photo
Sun 11/08/09 10:00 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Sun 11/08/09 10:02 AM

I thought Obama said with this stimulas plan it wouldn't go over 9%
the stimulas seems to really be doing it's job!


It was an estimate that it wouldn't go over. There was no way to predict how high it would go. The fact that we are not in a depression was the point of the stimulus anyway, it could not stop the recession and unemployment, Obama got in office too late to stop that.

If we do not go into depression the stimulus will be successful.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 11/08/09 10:04 AM

Companies have cut back on staff and found they could do without them. Productivity has increased because everyone is working harder. So since productivity has increased, companies are saying "What the heck, why hire now? Let's wait until the economy turns around."

Trouble is, the economy won't turn around until the Companies start hiring again.

It's a viscious circle. slaphead

Or if spending increases causing higher demand.

It is a terrible thing when a recession hits but if we do not go into depression then we will be better off. I will take less time to recover.

KerryO's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:16 PM

Wasnt supposed to be a glowing testimonial obviously.. and i would tell that eginerr to do some FRee work for churches or other charites that not only appreciate it but reccomend others use you. instead of doing free work for a company that unless your dealing with the owner will be a heartless entity that will take your free work and continue on with no consideration of your skill..

I've done that myself. It never hurts to network like that-- it often pays dividends down the road. But, the engineer in question is getting somewhat desperate. His benefits have run out, his savings are about exhausted and yet he still has to pay a mortgage and a huge COBRA bill for his health insurance. If I remember correctly, he and his wife took some space on their small property to raise chickens to help ends meet.

In other words, the guy is anything BUT lazy and soft. He obviously wants to work and is doing everything anyone could reasonably expect of someone.

I Take care of multipl churches in my area and their ball fields ..when ever ive gotten slow me and my guys keep their hours by working on the churchs grounds and its brought ALOT of buisness..

I think that's great. Kudos,as you say. Not many business owners would do that. Do you know what the Jewish word 'mensch' means? It is often reserved for those who build community and it means 'honorable person.' Now more than ever, the country needs more mensches.

There isnt necessarily something wrong with an unemployed person and its not somethin that happens to OTHER people ,.. my family had some tough times when my father was laid off when i was a kid.. My father worked hard VERY hard.. he did all he could.. i never said it was the only factor you just would like to hear it that way and say its not a factor at all.. i think asked in a diferent context you may agree work ethic has declined..if not whatever most people i discuss this with feel the same..

The reason i started my company was i was tired of being laid off all winter eventhough i wore my *** of during the busy season...Wasnt a big fan of uneven pay either...my guys work YEAR ROUND and start at 12 and if they work out can be moved to 15 in as little as a month or two after proving they are able to keep up with how hard i work... maybe thats not enough in your opinion bu its what i can afford and stay in buisness...The cost of running and insuring my buisnees often means my guys have more "take home pay" than i do , but i NEED them...I do my best to compete to keep my guys but i tell them if they get an better oportunity they better jump on it and theyre welcome back.. it was hard finding guys that work this hard and losing ONE of them would be a big deal cause it seems to be hard to find guys like that..

IF you beleive its not a factor AT ALL in the unemployment issue thats fine .. but you really dont think american work ethic has suffered ???

I don't. And remember, I draw from a sample size twice the size of yours. Human nature hasn't changed that much-- there are probably the same amount of people now as there was in the 70s and 80s whose work is adversely affected by substance abuse. I'm sure nepotism is alive and well, where the boss's offspring get the highest paying jobs in the company and often put in the least amount of hours and have the least amount of training.

Have you heard of the story where Tandy corporation laid people off via email? If anything, the social contract that used to exist between employer and employee has become a thing of the past. My father and the president of the Fortune 500 company he worked for were on a first name basis. And he wasn't even a leadman. He did his 35 years and got his gold watch. Now, you don't even know who runs the company and the stock is worth half of what it was before because of some really, really BAD mergers.

my origional point was still that theres other factors than just what OBamas doing.. did people really thing we hired a magical president that could just fix everything..everyone just wants to blame Obama or Bush.. when there are other factors like CEOs making millions for doing jack...Workers not being able to compete on a global level because of OUR standards of work to pay ratio..

I voted for Obama, and I wasn't expecting a miracle. When Phil Gramm, lobbyist extraordinaire to the international investment banking community and McCain's pick to be top economic advisor, said in the summer of '08 that Americans are whiners, the economy wasn't that bad? That clinched it for me. We just didn't know for a while just HOW BAD it was going to get. The Republicans were just totally out of touch.

-Kerry O.

bdpm's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:23 PM

10 months, or even a year isn't that long. He started with a mess, is in pretty deep and has a lot to prove. He is our first African-American President. I'm just saying it's a bit early to be pointing fingers. If I did point a finger right now, it definitely would not be at Obama.

I wouldn't try to get into a debate about this, I will admit myself that I am far from an expert in politics. It isn't my area.

Let's say that I look at the sky and see that it is blue, and most everyone else sees that it is blue because it is unlikely that we would all witness different wave-frequencies of light. Let's say that someone standing next to me says that it is red, and proceeds to give me what he or she thinks is a good argument supporting it. Even someone like me is going to feel inclined to step forward and object, mostly out of sheer surprise that that person actually managed to come to that conclusion. All I'm saying is that it is obvious that the sky is blue.

What on earth does being the first African-American president have to do with his failure to follow through on at least the Hope & Change he drummed for 2.5 years? When you guys pull up that race card whenever you can't debate or when you can't admit that maybe you voted in a rookie my attention span goes by the wayside.

Also, whenever you guys are hit with a question that you can't answer you're so good at some analogy like a weather scenario.slaphead

HEY! Back off lady. My anologies are poetry :)

My point is he's a first, and his actions will be heavily documented and closely watched. If he tries to get away with some of the s*h*i*t that Bush got away with, the public will crucify him. I really thought that the implication that I made was clear.

This thread is getting long enough, and old. I hate leaving without supporting a statement that I make, but I didn't know how else to say it. I don't want to spawn another un-related debate that would never end and that has been run into the ground countless times before.

I have a very limited knowledge-base in POLS and I don't closely follow current events. I preferred the hard and applied sciences in school. It is MY opinion that BUSH is a complete TOOL and that he set us back instead of moving us forward. That is my opinion and I am not speaking for anyone but myself, nor do I presume to be a credible source.

I'm done here.

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:31 PM
Edited by HuckleberryFinn on Sun 11/08/09 04:33 PM
What on earth does being the first African-American president have to do with his failure to follow through on at least the Hope & Change he drummed for 2.5 years? When you guys pull up that race card whenever you can't debate

^since when do we have an African American President.....Oh you mean the self proclaimed one who like most, don't understand the term Mulata...which is what he is, so we get the best of both worlds, too bad him and others can't seem to understand that......His skin color regardless what it is or is claimed to be has no bearing on his inexperience to lead this country, I could care less if he was purple....but in reality he himself played the race card long ago and still does to this day, why not, it helped him get elected....His mother must be rolling around in her grave wondering what part of her heritage he has forgotten....

anyhow back to the real topic, it will only get worse and even the jobs that open up will be mediocre at best. Have any of you looked at how small businesses are ran in your cities. Foreigners are getting huge tax breaks, have little over head and the american gets the hell taxed out of him driving him out of business....why do you think there are few gas stations and stores owned by americans anymore. Government makes it next to impossible for them to survive.

no photo
Sun 11/08/09 07:42 PM
I LIke the word mensch Thanx for the new word i think ill work it in somewhere REAL soon..

InvictusV's photo
Sun 11/08/09 07:48 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Sun 11/08/09 07:49 PM

I thought Obama said with this stimulas plan it wouldn't go over 9%
the stimulas seems to really be doing it's job!


It was an estimate that it wouldn't go over. There was no way to predict how high it would go. The fact that we are not in a depression was the point of the stimulus anyway, it could not stop the recession and unemployment, Obama got in office too late to stop that.

If we do not go into depression the stimulus will be successful.


Why don't you just say if sun doesn't explode by 2012, the stimulus was successful.

Can you set the bar any lower?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 11/08/09 08:14 PM

WOOHOO!!! 10% is the new " normal ".

What a great country.

when you cannot excel, simply lower the bar.

Yep. And it keeps getting set " progressively " lower..and lower...and lower.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/08/09 08:30 PM

Main Entry: Af·ri·can–Amer·i·can
Pronunciation: \ˌa-fri-kə-nə-ˈmer-ə-kən, -ˈme-rə- also ˌä-\
Function: noun
Date: 1855
: an American of African and especially of black African descent

Being that our president has an AFRICAN father,, I think he qualifies. Which qualifies him as a first.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/08/09 08:30 PM

Main Entry: Af·ri·can–Amer·i·can
Pronunciation: \ˌa-fri-kə-nə-ˈmer-ə-kən, -ˈme-rə- also ˌä-\
Function: noun
Date: 1855
: an American of African and especially of black African descent

Being that our president has an AFRICAN father,, I think he qualifies. Which qualifies him as a first.

no photo
Mon 11/09/09 12:20 AM

Companies have cut back on staff and found they could do without them. Productivity has increased because everyone is working harder. So since productivity has increased, companies are saying "What the heck, why hire now? Let's wait until the economy turns around."

Trouble is, the economy won't turn around until the Companies start hiring again.

It's a viscious circle. slaphead

People can only work so hard for so long then the productivity will go down. They have decreased staff in hospitals how scarey is that for both the worker and the patient.
The workload is just too much in most cases yet people are afraid they will not find another job (that makes sense).
The health of the American worker is completely ignored very sad.

grumble grumble grumble

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 02:10 AM
When they say Unemployment is 10%, I'm pretty sure that the real number is somewhere around 30-50% or so. At least these past two solid years of job-hunting with a single interview tell me that.

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