Topic: Ft. Hood Shooter NOT Dead.. | |
this is like a suacide bombing exept it is suicide attack with guns. not the first one in the us. here are some other american suacide shooting rampages known or likely linked to is Islamic extreemism 1997 empire state building 1 dead, 2002 LAX shooting 2 dead, 2003 camp PA. shooting 2 dead*, 2006 seattle jewish federation shooting 1 dead* 2007 trolley square mall shooting 5 dead, and fort hood shooting 12+ dead. *:perpatraitor survived note: death toals do NOT include attackers so should we make a big deal out of all the Christians that go on shooting rampages??? In this country they far out number isolated incidents perpetrated by those in the islamic community any reports of his yelling religious sayings while doing his killing? or that his actions were motivated by his religious beliefs? That's the difference.. so quick, you are, to assume another's meaning.. goes to motive.. |