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Topic: How long?
MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/27/09 05:12 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 10/27/09 05:15 PM
:smile: Dude is hiding something:smile: Either married,jail,or very unattractive:smile: Or isnt the person he is portraying himself to be:smile:

no photo
Tue 10/27/09 05:13 PM

No my dear it happens all the time!!

Thank you!waving

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/27/09 05:14 PM
:smile: Tell this dude to show you his picture or its game over.:smile:

:smile: I have seen this game being played too many times and it is always b.s.:smile:

madmax2588's photo
Tue 10/27/09 05:19 PM
A great looking woman like you should not have a problem getting a good guy,so dump him! There's other fish in the sea!Good luck.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 10/27/09 05:29 PM
Talking about the biggest red flag I have seen. I'm with the rest of them get away from that one and fast. Shshshs can't give a picture due to his job guess if you met him he could not take you around anyone he knows either......................noway

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/27/09 05:35 PM

Talking about the biggest red flag I have seen. I'm with the rest of them get away from that one and fast. Shshshs can't give a picture due to his job guess if you met him he could not take you around anyone he knows either......................noway


michiganman3's photo
Tue 10/27/09 05:35 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Tue 10/27/09 05:37 PM
I am in agreement with the others here.

This guy is hiding something, like a wife, or girlfriend that he lives with. E-mail from job but not at home, and only to Mingle? No pics except from phone?

This fish has been in the fridge a bout two weeks too long and it really smells fishy to me.


TheShadow's photo
Tue 10/27/09 06:26 PM
For me if it depends on how much i want to get to know the person, but then again. Pic is just a pic, so even if they did show a pic, before i would meet i would want to see them on a web cam. Although, there are those people ill talk to once in a while and if they don't want to have a pic up thats fine, but if they want a little more from me. Then they have to give a little. It works both ways or no way at all.

artman48's photo
Tue 10/27/09 06:28 PM

I generally don't talk to anyone without a pic or pics!


no photo
Tue 10/27/09 06:52 PM
ummm now and web chat pretty quick, to make sure they weren't foolin with the picture

no photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:14 PM

ummm now and web chat pretty quick, to make sure they weren't foolin with the picture

And here I was thinking all along that this lady was genuine.frustrated laugh

no photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:29 PM
Edited by Alzeimer on Tue 10/27/09 07:33 PM

How long should one have to wait before they get a picture of who they are talking to?

Say this guy has a certain kind of job where he cannot post his picture online or can't call that often. The other person wants to know who is behind all the words they've exchanged. The person who's face is not shown has the advantage. So, they don't talk much but nice emails, emails only on mingle. She gave him her email address and she's guessing because of security reasons that he has not either emailed her nor sent her a picture. They don't live in the same state either.

So again, how long before someone should send a picture to the one they have been emailing on mingle extensively?

Sounds fishy to me,noway grumble

What kind of job does not permit you to put your face on a dating site (job of being in a relationship) security reason (his wife/girlfriend killing him) not wanting to show his face (a scammer).

So watch it, does not sound good.huh huh

no photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:44 PM

Talking about the biggest red flag I have seen. I'm with the rest of them get away from that one and fast. Shshshs can't give a picture due to his job guess if you met him he could not take you around anyone he knows either......................noway


rofl Oh that's a good one. Great responses everyone and thanks for the laughs and enlightenment!flowerforyou

catseyes1's photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:52 PM
I would say ASAP

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:54 PM
:smile: Well, did you tell the guy,and what did he say?:smile:

no photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:32 PM

:smile: Well, did you tell the guy,and what did he say?:smile:

He hasn't read his email yet. I basically said I want to know who I am talking to. It's only fair. As TheShadow said it works both ways.

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