Topic: Romance and alcohol | |
What do they have in common?
Alcohol makes you feel good....Romance makes you feel like you are on top of the world. When combined, sparks might fly. Whethter it be for 90 seconds or a lifetime.
I'm drinakin rightanow and I'm preety jackead up! nO B AODY LOEVES ME... nO BODY CARESS!!! I'm aaalll thea flick alone thais holigadday!
Alcohol makes you feel good....Romance makes you feel like you are on top of the world. When combined, sparks might fly. Whethter it be for 90 seconds or a lifetime. Cheers for the response. Much obliged. |
the downward spiral that ends in death is present with both romance and alcohol.
the downward spiral that ends in death is present with both romance and alcohol. I don't consider it downward, or directional at all in its capacity. Death is just another part of life. |
no the downward spiral isn't death, it can just end in death. big difference. the downward spiral just means that there is a force, spiraling which pulls you low, then lower, then lower, and the lower you get, the harder it is to get out of the viscous cycle.
no the downward spiral isn't death, it can just end in death. big difference. the downward spiral just means that there is a force, spiraling which pulls you low, then lower, then lower, and the lower you get, the harder it is to get out of the viscous cycle. Yeah, true. I've seen alcoholism and romance be the conduits to self-destruction. And the vicious cycle. I guess I always thought it was cute, though, when you kiss a girl and she has a hint of whiskey on her lips. Ugh... the next generation's screwed in terms of mental health. |
well, in my opinion, there haven't been any generations (ever) that weren't screwed in that department.
What do they have in common? i have experienced neither ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What do they have in common?
Ahhh, Romancahol, my favoutie drink! Two sips of the most potent liquer and you're dancing in the moonlight whisking away the love of your life to the most romantic place ever where love and time never end.... reality you're actually in an abandoned buildings doorway doing it doggy style, while holding the lucky lady's hair back as she sicks up the kebab you just ate together! Romancahol ![]() |