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Topic: what's the biggest difference
Atlantis75's photo
Mon 10/19/09 05:40 PM

I turn into a slut when I drink, so no drunk-meeting men for me.....:angel:

surprised bad girl.

hmmm... can you get drunk through the net?

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 05:43 PM
Meeting guys in a bar is not for me, and the only reason I am in a club or bar is with my friends (no ulterior motive).

The different between meeting people online and in real life (aside from a bar), is the people in real life are more serious about dating.

Real life peeps don't want to have email relationships nor are they text freaks. They tend to ask me out (in person) and they want to relate to me in the flesh!

That being said, I am almost as successful at meeting guys online as in real life but there is that aforementioned difference.

I don't have time for online crap nor do I care to foster an online relationship. If I meet someone of interest but they lag online -- or don't want to really meet -- I drop 'em like safe. :laughing:

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/19/09 05:45 PM

The only thing that gets infected online is your computer

Yeah but some of us are smart enough to have developed condoms for the computer lurgys people try to attach...mad

So they can go snoop in someone else's backyard.

AaronS816's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:26 PM

Meeting guys in a bar is not for me, and the only reason I am in a club or bar is with my friends (no ulterior motive).

The different between meeting people online and in real life (aside from a bar), is the people in real life are more serious about dating.

Real life peeps don't want to have email relationships nor are they text freaks. They tend to ask me out (in person) and they want to relate to me in the flesh!

That being said, I am almost as successful at meeting guys online as in real life but there is that aforementioned difference.

I don't have time for online crap nor do I care to foster an online relationship. If I meet someone of interest but they lag online -- or don't want to really meet -- I drop 'em like safe. :laughing:

you don't have a problem meeting people because your beautiful...gorgeous even.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:42 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Mon 10/19/09 06:47 PM
I have dated women that I met at work, church, and online. They more you are engaged in life, the greater your chances of meeting someone to date.

I don't drink, so bars are out. But I do go for the music sometimes.
I have hobbies and acclivities that I enjoy, and lucky me, I now have someone who enjoys them too.!!!

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:59 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Mon 10/19/09 07:00 PM

Meeting guys in a bar is not for me, and the only reason I am in a club or bar is with my friends (no ulterior motive).

The different between meeting people online and in real life (aside from a bar), is the people in real life are more serious about dating.

Real life peeps don't want to have email relationships nor are they text freaks. They tend to ask me out (in person) and they want to relate to me in the flesh!

That being said, I am almost as successful at meeting guys online as in real life but there is that aforementioned difference.

I don't have time for online crap nor do I care to foster an online relationship. If I meet someone of interest but they lag online -- or don't want to really meet -- I drop 'em like safe. :laughing:

you don't have a problem meeting people because your beautiful...gorgeous even.

I appreciate your compliment very much! blushing

I learned a long time ago though that looks only carry a person so far. I happen to think I am very average. I work hard to have a personality worth putting up with rather than just being "something to look at". :laughing:

I don't think I have an easy time of meeting people. sad2

Luck and timing has more to do with meeting someone than anything else. After you meet is when the challenge begins! You caught their attention – now, can you keep it? :laughing:

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:11 PM

I turn into a slut when I drink, so no drunk-meeting men for me.....:angel:

Wow that sounds like a serious problem, maybe we could discuss it over a few drinks...... JK

DrBogenbroom's photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:16 PM
When I'm online, I message people while I'm drunk. When at the bar, I sit quietly and watch the game on tv while I'm drunk. I don't see a reason to confuse the two past-times. I guess alcohol is the scotch tape that holds this life together...

no photo
Tue 10/20/09 02:10 PM

I turn into a slut when I drink, so no drunk-meeting men for me.....:angel:

surprised bad girl.

hmmm... can you get drunk through the net?

I only drink about once a year now, so I have no idea.

Anastasia66's photo
Tue 10/20/09 02:15 PM
They both have their good and bad points and offer the same chance to produce a date.

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 10/20/09 05:54 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Tue 10/20/09 05:58 PM

They both have their good and bad points and offer the same chance to produce a date.

I disagree. Online dating shows what the person is really inside first, while traditional dating show what the person outside first.

neither of them shows the full picture until you spend some time with the person in real life. Spending time with someone through the net is only half of the picture, even if it goes on for months or longer.

The advantage of online first for a while and then in real life, that you already know how the person thinks. In this perspective, it helps to avoid the problem with the traditional dating problem, that we like the person's looks but later we figure out his/her mentality, but there is already a child on the way and big big problems on the way too!

Even if you lie online, it can't go on forever, sooner or later the truth will show through, same in traditional outside dating, but if you already made personal and physical contact, it can be a lot harder to distance yourself away.

seahawks's photo
Tue 10/20/09 05:57 PM

The only thing that gets infected online is your computer
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 10/20/09 05:58 PM

I turn into a slut when I drink, so no drunk-meeting men for me.....:angel:

yep..that's WHY I quit drinking...alcohol is BAD for my legs.

seahawks's photo
Tue 10/20/09 05:59 PM

I turn into a slut when I drink, so no drunk-meeting men for me.....:angel:

yep..that's WHY I quit drinking...alcohol is BAD for my legs.
laugh laugh laugh :wink: :tongue: flowerforyou

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:00 PM

I turn into a slut when I drink, so no drunk-meeting men for me.....:angel:

yep..that's WHY I quit drinking...alcohol is BAD for my legs.

here is a date for you hon..bigsmile

seahawks's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:01 PM

I turn into a slut when I drink, so no drunk-meeting men for me.....:angel:

yep..that's WHY I quit drinking...alcohol is BAD for my legs.

here is a date for you hon..bigsmile

laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker drinker laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:03 PM
I QUIT drinking ten years ago....bigsmile

RKISIT's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:05 PM

I QUIT drinking ten years ago....bigsmile
i'll drink to thatdrinker drinker drinker

Roco's photo
Tue 10/20/09 08:01 PM
biggest difference is physical interaction

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