Topic: Going back to school...
superstar23's photo
Thu 05/31/07 11:51 PM
Ok so i decided to go back to college for my gen. ed and then decide
what i want i want to major in when i grow up lol, cause i cant figure
it out so i register tomorrow i am very scared so wish me luck i'm gonna
need it.

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 05/31/07 11:52 PM
You'll do great! Don't worry. It is a whole new adventure.

superstar23's photo
Thu 05/31/07 11:54 PM
I hope so it's been a while thought eeek

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 05/31/07 11:57 PM
There is no age limit to learning. I take classes all the time ... too
many interests ... It won't take you long and you'll fit right in. The
initial uneasiness will fade quickly as you learn the routine and make
new friends. Best wishes :smile:

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:00 AM
Awesome!!! You'll do well!!flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:01 AM
You will do great. I took a Humanities course last quarter, hadn't been
in a college classroom since 1980, my brain was in hibernation, wow, had
to really work to get it back into learning mode, but you are young, you
will do great. Do it now while you are young. Much easier while you
are younger.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:02 AM
Good luck, I'm going back to college soon myself. I'm planning
eventually get at least a masters in psychology. When I retire from the
army in a few years here, I hope to teach psychology in a college.

izzie's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:02 AM
good luck and worry not.. you will do great!!!
and if not theres always rum..

oh wait!!!
i mean you will be fine!!!!
drinker drinker drinker drinker
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

superstar23's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:04 AM
thank you everybody the motivation really helps alotflowerforyou

superstar23's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:05 AM
thanks izzie i will just drink rum then go to scool i will learn so much
that way lmao

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:06 AM
I agree with Sherrie, there is no age limit to learning. It is much
easier when your younger though.
If you have the opportunity to further your education, take it by all
means. Go back to school and learn all you can and don't ever stop

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:06 AM
I went back and got my GED the went back or on to college.

IT WAS SO COOL AND FUN!!!!:heart: drinker bigsmile

izzie's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:07 AM
i thought i was a pirate for like a week.. the rule is.... NEVER listen
to me!!!!!!

you should go to class then drink like normal ppl!!!!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

superstar23's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:11 AM
ok izzie i will go to class. and not listen to you yes i graduated with
an adult ed diploma in 04 i dropped out of high school so when i
realized that is is so important to have an education i figured i better
get one while i was young.

superstar23's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:13 AM
so izzie i take it you have a thing for johnny depp huh so we can both
pretend were pirates then cause i love orland

iRon's photo
Fri 06/01/07 01:34 AM
Good for you!!!!!!!

I would go back but they kicked me out of Kindergarten and told me to
never come backlaugh laugh laugh

nusalor's photo
Fri 06/01/07 03:10 AM
Congratulations superstar! Pay attention in class and take good notes
and ask questions...lots of questions!
You'll do great!happy happy

starryhopes's photo
Fri 06/01/07 04:10 AM
Go for it girl...I did college in my 20's and graduate school in my 40's
and have never regretted it!!