Topic: Dear Diary...........OMG another Diary Part 120 + - part 61
chevylover1965's photo
Fri 04/23/10 06:46 AM
it's just a pipe dream......lollaugh

no photo
Fri 04/23/10 06:48 AM
hahahah in your case , an exhaust PIPE dream guy noway laugh laugh laugh

OK .. I best get at it .. work beckons .. DOH!!!!,,, have a great weekend drinks

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 04/23/10 06:48 AM
you have a great weekend too my friend......drinker

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 04/23/10 06:52 AM
im sittin' at a bar .....drinker drinker

no photo
Fri 04/23/10 06:57 AM
<--- I'm sitting in a car ... LOL wish it was a BAR tho'

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 04/23/10 07:15 AM
im sittin' in my truck

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 04/23/10 07:19 AM
stand in the corner and scream with me ! :banana:

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 04/23/10 07:25 AM
i think i need to go to sleep ......
but im wide awake......
might have to take these little blue pill's !:banana:

no photo
Fri 04/23/10 09:17 AM
I have been told " those blue pills"... keep you MORE then awakenoway .. guy ... LMAO .laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 04/23/10 12:30 PM
waving :thumbsup: drinks waving

chevylover1965's photo
Sat 04/24/10 12:00 AM
they put me sleep.....
now im wide

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 04/24/10 01:44 AM
wth does a pipe dream?

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Sat 04/24/10 02:37 AM
I want gypsy back. No one else can come close to her insane banter

purplecat's photo
Mon 04/26/10 12:26 PM
some how I dont think she is missing much , I'd give her an update but there's nothing to update on :laughing:

no photo
Mon 04/26/10 01:57 PM
She better be missing usfrustrated , is all I gotta say :wink: ... the COWnoway laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Mon 04/26/10 10:01 PM
she'z on FB :)
I'll see if I can send you a friends suggestion thinger there :smile:

no photo
Wed 04/28/10 05:50 AM
Purple .. found youse guys , eh ....Happy Hump day world :thumbsup: waving

wiley's photo
Wed 04/28/10 05:55 AM
"If you don't know what Ruby is, you don't live in Portland." Whatever lady. I live in Portland and I have no facking clue what Ruby is.

chevylover1965's photo
Wed 04/28/10 07:17 AM

"If you don't know what Ruby is, you don't live in Portland." Whatever lady. I live in Portland and I have no facking clue what Ruby is.
aint that a damn grapefruit ?????laugh
wiley, you old dog you .....drinker

no photo
Wed 04/28/10 11:36 AM

"If you don't know what Ruby is, you don't live in Portland." Whatever lady. I live in Portland and I have no facking clue what Ruby is.

isn't it a colour of wine ? Rose, White, Red RUBY ??... hahahahahah
What he said ... Wiley you OLD DAWGwaving rofl rofl rofl rofl