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Topic: The Green Dragon's Inn
redhead44613's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:04 AM
*shaking her head*

yeah...umm fine.

*she turns a bright ted*

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:07 AM
"You sure? You are awfully a bright shade of red..I hope I didn't say something wrong.."

::He stands for a minute and stretches. His eyes move back down towards her as he then extends his hand to her, though he fails to mention why.::

redhead44613's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:09 AM
yeah I'm fine

*she looks to his hand, raises her brow then gently lays her hand in his, smiles up at him*

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:14 AM
"Let's go to a more appropriate place to sit and talk. I'd hate to see you become ill because of you sitting on the floor and me permitting such."

::As he gently pulls her to her feet in one quick motion; but in doing so caused her form to get within inches of his. Those blues seemed to stare deep into her eyes for a moment as he awaited her response.::

redhead44613's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:19 AM
ohh ok

*she stands inchs away, looking deep into his eyes. Once again she gets lost. A small smiles plays a cross her lips. She is at a lost of what to do or say.*

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:26 AM
::He returned the gaze; simply and just as quietly. As if secretly admiring her. He just stood there her one hand in his, as he raised her hand slightly, then interlocked his fingers within hers. He had no clue why he did it.. but it just felt right.::

"So.. um.."

::For a lack of something better to say; that was all he could manage as she locked him into her trance.::

redhead44613's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:33 AM
*She iches closer to his face, looks up to him from under her lashes. She whispers softly*

Let go somewhere, where are can be alone.

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:38 AM
::He smiled softly as he nodded, as he kept her hands in his but lowered them back to their sides.::

"You know this place better than I.. So just lead the way."

::As he reached a hand back to toss some coins next to his empty mug.::

redhead44613's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:39 AM
not really...but we can go outside. Its a nice evening.

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/17/09 12:43 AM
"I've only been in town for, I think, three days.. So, I'm sure you know even the landscape far better then me.."

::Then again after his little run in with those thugs and then the law two nights ago; maybe he knew it better then he was leading on. He would make the first move as he turned towards the door; he'd let go of her hand but only to open the door for her.::

"Lead on.."

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 10/17/09 07:48 PM
* strolls in. Looks around and sees no one here. Strolls to the familiar corner and the comfort of it's shadows. *

Elvaanchick's photo
Sat 10/17/09 08:45 PM
<leaves the room and goes down stairs> human barkeep i'm hungry get me something to eat

BYondLife's photo
Sun 10/18/09 05:25 PM
::The screams. They just wouldn't stop. Kashell walked slowly through the mud as the rain continued to batter across the ungrown cornfields. The scene stretched until it reached a small village that consisted mostly of farmers, hunters, women, and small children. Corpses lined the streets with some missing limbs, others decapitated, some burned,some with spears or swords sticking out of their spines; but anywhere you looked.. the seem held one distinct similiarity; death.::

::The tip of his sword was drenched in blood as it dragged through the mud just behind him. He seemed to hold a swagger about him that resemble much of that of a mindless zombie. He brushed open a small wooden gate to a fence that led directly into the center of the city where a few villagers still survived and were faced by an unrelenting demon.::

::The man held a twisted laugh as he leaned his head back his sounds rupturing the patterns of the falling drops; within his right hand he was dragging an unconcious younger lady while two little boys were curled and clinging to their mother while the father had a wooden spear within his hands attempting to protect his family.::

"Please, don't hurt my daughter! Just what.. what do you want from us?!"

::He pleaded and yelled but the monster before him seemed to just have him on mute. The man, within aswift motion, heaved the woman through the square window-like opening of the one burning hut. As his hand moved then to the hilt of his blade as he drew it and stepped forward right into the man's thrusting spear; to avenge the actions he just displayed against his oldest child.::

::All to no avail; the demon crept closer and grabbed the man's wrists and pulled the spear depper through his own chest and as he got inches from him, he lifted him off the ground.::

"It is because my Lord wills it, human! Those who do not submit will see the depths of true horror and sorrow."

::He squeezed the man's neck like it was merely a banana in his hand only to then toss hs limp frame off to the side. Kashell moved closer as his eyes raised in the direction of the man.::

"Oh, please, sir you must help us!"

::The woman and her two boys ran over to Kashell. Kashell glances up as that blade is suddenly swung in an upward motion tearing straight through the woman's torso and spine literally severing her in two. The boys gasp and run off crying and screaming as Kashell looks to the demon again.::

::The demon's white eyes peered out from beneath his black hood; his long sharp finger nails rose slightly as they formed a pointing finger of direction towards the largest hut. Kashell's eyes followed his point but as his eyes trailed back to the demon; he was suddenly right in front of him. He took a step back as his eyes went wide. They were empty, black, and void of life but they held a tiny reflection of the demon within them.::

"Forever are you one of us."

::And that demons nail slashed right down the left side of Kashell's face; as he screamed out as he hit the hard wooden floor. It took hi a minute, as he looked around; he was back at the Inn and now on the floor. He was awakening from that nightmare again. He struggled to rise to his feet, as he soon realized he dozed off in the windowsill again.::


redhead44613's photo
Sun 10/18/09 06:09 PM
*enters the Inn covered head to toe in her black cloak. She takes her usual spot in the dark corner*

BYondLife's photo
Sun 10/18/09 06:16 PM
::Slowly he rose to his feet, still trying to recover. He sat with his head in his hands as he gained his bearings on the window sill. He heard the door open but his head was down and he was rubbing his forehead::

"...it was just a dream..."

::He whispered softly over and over again to himself::

redhead44613's photo
Sun 10/18/09 06:18 PM
*raises her brow at him.*

You ok?

BYondLife's photo
Sun 10/18/09 06:24 PM
::His breathing was heavy; he tried to convince himself what he knew to a lie; a full fledged blatant lie. It was no dream.::


::He heard that sweet soft voice, his breathing began to slow again as his eyes closed as he felt the warmth soothe over him; the past was just that.. it had to be or he'd never be able to live in the now.::

"Yeah.. much better now that you're here. Your voice.. it reminds me of her."

redhead44613's photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:03 PM
*tilts her head* Who?

BYondLife's photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:18 PM
::He shakes his head slightly as he looks up and half heartedly he smiles::

"..forget it, it doesn't matter."

redhead44613's photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:19 PM
please? *She asks him giving her best puppy dog eyes*

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