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Topic: Pet and love of animals post
sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 10/03/09 08:31 PM

I am cat lady and have always had black ones.. right now I have a black and white shorthair that thinks he is human.. Pookie ..

animals are so like that..i think sometimes they ARE more human than some actual humans and some humans are more animal than human

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/03/09 08:32 PM
Edited by metalwing on Sat 10/03/09 08:34 PM
I especially love oysters!

((( Welcome back)))

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 10/03/09 08:45 PM

I especially love oysters!

((( Welcome back)))

lol.....stew is good..lol

TY..how are you?

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/03/09 08:51 PM

I especially love oysters!

((( Welcome back)))

lol.....stew is good..lol

TY..how are you?

Busy summer but some fun crammed in. Hope yours wasn't all about animals.flowerforyou

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 10/03/09 09:00 PM

I especially love oysters!

((( Welcome back)))

lol.....stew is good..lol

TY..how are you?

Busy summer but some fun crammed in. Hope yours wasn't all about animals.flowerforyou

animals, kids, work and now back in school on top of the rest..I need a date...(a night out)_..lol

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/03/09 09:02 PM

I especially love oysters!

((( Welcome back)))

lol.....stew is good..lol

TY..how are you?

Busy summer but some fun crammed in. Hope yours wasn't all about animals.flowerforyou

animals, kids, work and now back in school on top of the rest..I need a date...(a night out)_..lol

Wish I could take you to dinner. I am a good date.

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sat 10/03/09 09:11 PM
Edited by sweetsimplesassy on Sat 10/03/09 09:13 PM

I especially love oysters!

((( Welcome back)))

lol.....stew is good..lol

TY..how are you?

Busy summer but some fun crammed in. Hope yours wasn't all about animals.flowerforyou

animals, kids, work and now back in school on top of the rest..I need a date...(a night out)_..lol

Wish I could take you to dinner. I am a good date.

awww, TY i bet u are :)

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/03/09 11:04 PM
drinkerMy favorite animal is the griffondrinkerIt is part eagle and part liondrinkerPretty coolflowerforyou

mazdaguy38's photo
Sat 10/03/09 11:15 PM
I love animals, my 2 surgargliders are funny.

grammy09's photo
Sun 10/04/09 02:07 AM
love my dogs percess is a 11year old boarder collie shes great and snggles is a 3 year old mini picher shes so naugty but i love her and my furry husband allen love them all

krupa's photo
Sun 10/04/09 04:39 AM
Got my two pound hounds Black Betty and Chatka. Always full of happitude when I come home....really makes it nice to come home and have someone genuinely happy that you are there....so I spoil them rotten.

My cat Fluffy on the other hand is pretty lethargic but is the coolest cat EVER! But, when I hit 130 in human years.....I will probably be pretty lethargic too. (I ain't kidding...my cat is an actual mummy.....sure everyone flips out at first.....but no matter how many years pass... they ALWAYS ask about Fluffy)

It's a little early for pics of Fluffy....I will wait till you guys have had breakfast before I post one. You're welcome.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sun 10/04/09 04:46 AM
I have:
Timmy - Miniature Schnauzer
Reba - calico fluffy cat
TuTu - Persian(rescued)
Snow-Snow- white kitty(rescued)
Lydia - Siamese(rescued)

skanktricil's photo
Sun 10/04/09 04:56 AM
i love kitteh cats. but i'm sad today because the other nite my one roasty toasty marshmallow kitteh luke skywalker ran off and he hasn't been back to the house in over 24 hours. he never stays gone this long. and it's raining outside and has been for maybe the last 16 hours or so.

i'm sorry i don't mean to bring the mood of this topic down, i jes needed to say it i guess. i really miss my cat. i love him very much. the other two cats miss him also. hopefully he turns up after the rain abates.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sun 10/04/09 05:00 AM

i love kitteh cats. but i'm sad today because the other nite my one roasty toasty marshmallow kitteh luke skywalker ran off and he hasn't been back to the house in over 24 hours. he never stays gone this long. and it's raining outside and has been for maybe the last 16 hours or so.

i'm sorry i don't mean to bring the mood of this topic down, i jes needed to say it i guess. i really miss my cat. i love him very much. the other two cats miss him also. hopefully he turns up after the rain abates.

Ohhhhh. Go outside now & then with a freshly opened can of smelly cat food and call, "kitty, kitty, kitty". Drive around a little and see if you see him.:cry:

michiganman3's photo
Sun 10/04/09 05:13 AM

skanktricil's photo
Sun 10/04/09 05:16 AM

Ohhhhh. Go outside now & then with a freshly opened can of smelly cat food and call, "kitty, kitty, kitty". Drive around a little and see if you see him.:cry:

thanks for the suggestion. i appreciate it. i'm thinking we'll probably print up flyers and canvas the neighboring residential areas where he might have holed up somewhere, or someone might have thought to adopt him for being so cute. lightest blue eyes that are sort of crossed and the sweetest temprament. he's real big too, but sooo timid. probably 13.5 - 15 pounds. he's a big boy. so soft and lovable tho. if we find him again, he's getting a collar that doesn't snap loose like the previous ones he's had. and i think we're going to do the same for the new little girl we have here at the house.

the dutchess trillian ophelia medusa -squeakie- "sweetpaws" greyfur-mctabby of frankford. dunno what breed she is exactly but she's the most adorable striped grey kitten. she has some tan fur also and spots on her belly. she is tremendous! she has recently starting going outside and very quickly she has started exploring more than just the backyard. she loves to climb the trees and hop the neighbor's fence/wall. squeakie is my little girl. i love her very much, i don't want anything to happen to her.

krupa's photo
Sun 10/04/09 05:30 AM
Chin up Skank.....I am sure your cat will return looking bedraggled...smelling like a stripper...with hickeys that he won't explain.

It says alot about you that you miss your cat like you do. Pets are better than people. Keep the faith homeboy....

netobeto's photo
Sun 10/04/09 05:35 AM
am a animal lover too. but currently i dont have time to tend to any pets so i dont have any. :(

skanktricil's photo
Sun 10/04/09 05:57 AM

Chin up Skank.....I am sure your cat will return looking bedraggled...smelling like a stripper...with hickeys that he won't explain.

It says alot about you that you miss your cat like you do. Pets are better than people. Keep the faith homeboy....

thanks man. yeah i love all animals really, we just happen to have cats here at home. there have been too many times i've had to stop my car and remove a little animal from the road and later bury them because some careless driver wasn't paying attention to the road, in too much of a hurry to take the responsibility of driving seriously. people don't consider the fraction of a second it takes from looking down at the radio knob or to look at their cell phone or whatever when they are travelling at any speed above 10 miles an hour and how quickly something can happen in that amount of time. could be a squirrel running across the road, a possum, even a child chasing a ball into the street.

sorry i went a little off topic. i just love animals and life so much in general. i hate to think about someone causing needless suffering and hurt or death. i wish i could rescue all the little animals. but i do kno this. when i establish my own business a good portion of what i make will be donated to animal shelters/rescue operations. and i will do whatever i can to help animals get adopted into safe and loving homes with people who will devote all the love and attention a loving animal needs, be it cat, dog, sugarglider, whatever.

FETTS61's photo
Sun 10/04/09 06:02 AM

my dog Edgar

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