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Topic: Boys and Girls, This could be
warmachine's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:42 PM
One of those infamous "fema" camps.

Paramilitary Force To Boss Internment Camp In Montana

Empty detention facility could serve as Gitmo in the U.S., as reports emerge of APF thugs harassing citizens

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Following our earlier report about a paramilitary security force occupying a town in Montana, it has now become clear that the purpose of American Police Force is to boss a state of the art internment camp that some fear will be used to incarcerate American citizens, as reports come in of the private paramilitary unit setting up roadblocks and harassing citizens in Hardin.

A CNN report on the $27 million dollar facility in Hardin Montana states that it could become “Gitmo West” and be filled with detainees from Guantanamo Bay and other terrorists. Since a majority of the American people have now been designated as potential domestic terrorists by the federal government, fears are growing that the prison camp will be used to incarcerate citizens against their will during a flu pandemic or any other declared emergency.

The Two Rivers Detention Center is a state of the art facility, festooned with surveillance cameras and surrounded by razor wire and open land to prevent escape. The camp is also filled with riot equipment such as gas masks, riot helmets, shields and batons, as well as guns.

Since the camp is currently empty, a private paramilitary unit calling itself American Police Force has been hired by local authorities to boss the facility. However, as we reported earlier, APF, which has all the hallmarks of being another Blackwater, has virtually occupied the town, festooned their vehicles with police decals and started carrying out law enforcement duties.

According to an article carried on the Steve Quayle website, 75% of the APF agents will be foreign mercenaries after training is completed and the organization’s ultimate goal is to establishment a permanent presence in the town while scouting out another 30 U.S. towns for a similar occupation-style mandate. The writer claims that APF agents are already harassing citizens, setting up roadblocks and that they told a local business owner that they had a register of all the gun owners in the town.

All of this is of course completely illegal and unconstitutional. A private army cannot pose as a police force unless we’re talking about a third world dictatorship or a banana republic, which is what the U.S. has seemingly become.

It seems that Obama’s promise of a “national civilian security force” is being implemented as private mercenary armies are brought in to occupy American towns and set up internment camps for dissidents and people who resist a federal government takeover under the pretext of a swine flu outbreak or similar pandemic

We will have reports directly out of Hardin Montana over the next few days as we track this shocking development.

Watch the CNN clip and the KULR News 8 clip below. Further videos follow.

{ This merc group has all but performed a bloodless coup in this town. Regardless of what you think about the "Fema" camps, tell me really whats good about a private mercenary group running ops in small town America?}

willing2's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:51 PM
Here's their web site.
Looks like a good place to work for returning specials forces Troops.

They wouldn't need Public option to kill Grandma, Grandpa or the Grankids.laugh

no photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:52 PM

warmachine's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:56 PM

Here's their web site.
Looks like a good place to work for returning specials forces Troops.

They wouldn't need Public option to kill Grandma, Grandpa or the Grankids.laugh

Let me get this straight, this is funny?

Do you understand that they most definitely have this sort of thing planned in other locations?

That it would be seen as a good thing to have a detention facility being operated and full of former Spec. Ops. Forces and who knows what other kinds of Government flunky spooks, to the point they've essentially commadered a town, is flat disturbing and to see a joke made about it makes me sick to my stomach.

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 09/30/09 05:10 PM
American Police Force Corporation Takes Over Small Town Police Force and Prisoner-Less Jail

Posted by Neil Katz

HARDIN, Mont. (CBS/AP) This is the strange story of how American Police Force, a little known company which claims to specialize in training military and security forces overseas, has seemingly taken control of a $27 million, never-used jail, and a rural Montana town's nonexistent police force.

After arriving in this tiny city with three Mercedes SUVs marked with the logo of a police department that has never existed, representatives of the obscure California security company said preparations were under way to take over Hardin's jail, which has no prisoners.

Significant obstacles remain - including a lack of any contracts to acquire prisoners from other jails or other states.

And on Friday came the revelation the company's operating agreement for the facility has yet to be validated - two weeks after city leaders first unveiled what they said was a signed agreement.

Still, some Hardin leaders said the deal to turn over the 464-bed jail remained on track.

The agreement with American Police Force has been heavily promoted by members of the city's economic development branch, the Two Rivers Authority. Authority Vice President Albert Peterson on Friday repeated his claim to be “100 percent” confident in the company.

The lead public figure for American Police Force, Michael Hilton, said more than 200 employees would be sought for the jail and a proposed military and law enforcement training center.

That would be a significant boost to Hardin, a struggling town of 3,500 located about 45 miles east of Billings. An earlier announcement that a job fair would be held during the last week never came to fruition.

The bonds used to pay for the jail have been in default since May, 2008.

Hilton also said he planned a helicopter tour of the region in coming days to look at real estate for a planned tactical military training ground. He said 5,000 to 10,000 acres were needed to complement the training center, a $17 million project.

But the company's flashy arrival this week stirred new questions. The logo on the black Mercedes SUVs said “City of Hardin Police Department.”

Yet the city has not had a police force of its own for 30 years.

“Pretty looking police car, ain't it?” Hardin resident Leroy Frickle, 67, said as he eyed one of the vehicles parked in front of a bed and breakfast where Hilton and other company representatives were staying. “The things you hear about this American Police, I don't know what to think.”

Hilton said the vehicles would be handed over to the city if it forms a police force of its own. The city is now under the jurisdiction of the Big Horn County Sheriff's Office.

After meeting briefly with Hilton on Friday, Mayor Ron Adams said he wanted the police logos removed.

“This helps, but it doesn't answer everything until the contract is signed,” Adams said. “Talk is cheap.”

Hilton said the company's arrival in Hardin would help allay such concerns. And he promised that on Feb. 1, 2010, Hardin would receive its first check under a deal said to be worth more than $2.6 million annually.

Little has been revealed to date about American Police Force. The company was incorporated in California in March, soon after Hardin's empty jail gained notoriety after city leaders suggested it could be used for the Guantanamo Bay terrorism detainees.

Members of Montana's congressional delegation say they have been closely monitoring the events in Hardin, but the city has largely been going it alone.

In the two years since the jail was built, city leaders have clashed repeatedly with the administration of Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who opposed efforts to bring in out-of-state prisoners.

After then-Attorney General Mike McGrath issued a 2007 opinion saying prisoners from other states were prohibited, Hardin successfully sued the state.

Despite the city's contention that the state has continued to foil its efforts to find prisoners, Montana Department of Corrections spokesman Bob Anez said his agency is no longer involved. “That's water under the bridge,” Anez said.

On Friday, American Police Force announced its first local hire: a reporter for the Billings Gazette, Becky Shay, who has covered events surrounding the jail since its construction. She will be the company's spokeswoman for $60,000 a year.

Shay said she intended to bring new transparency to the process, but declined to directly answer the first question posed to her: Where is American Police Force getting the money to operate the jail and build the training center?

“I know enough about where the money is coming from to be confident signing on with them,” she said.

Gazette Editor Steve Prosinski said he was first informed about Shay's decision to leave the paper on Friday. “We weren't aware that she was talking with them about employment,” he said.

Hilton said he also had a job discussion with Kerri Smith, wife of Two Rivers Authority Executive Director Greg Smith, who helped craft the deal to bring American Police Force to Hardin. Greg Smith was placed on unpaid leave two weeks ago for reasons that have not been explained.

Kerri Smith is one of two finalists in the city's mayoral race. Hilton said he asked her to call him about possible employment if she did not win the race.

Kerri Smith could not be reached immediately for comment. A message was left by The Associated Press at a theater owned by the Smith family. Her home number is unlisted.

willing2's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:15 PM

Here's their web site.
Looks like a good place to work for returning specials forces Troops.

They wouldn't need Public option to kill Grandma, Grandpa or the Grankids.laugh

Let me get this straight, this is funny?

Do you understand that they most definitely have this sort of thing planned in other locations?

That it would be seen as a good thing to have a detention facility being operated and full of former Spec. Ops. Forces and who knows what other kinds of Government flunky spooks, to the point they've essentially commadered a town, is flat disturbing and to see a joke made about it makes me sick to my stomach.

It is far from funny, WM. I'm sorry it offended you.

I would have hoped it would offend those who blindly follow Hussein instead.

The Administration will find one way or other to administer Public Option.

Their newest Czar of Science has more ideas on how it can be accomplished.

Funny is, Libs think they are safe or exempt because they agree with every Policy Hussein promotes.

markumX's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:25 PM
funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:26 PM
devil I will be working therepitchfork

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:26 PM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.
:smile: good point:smile:

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:30 PM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

that is about as much of a stretch in the other direction as he was going in his direction

willing2's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:33 PM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

It's Husseins baby now and he's good at contemplating the situation.
I say, send 'em all to their homelands and next time, take no prisoners.

Anyaway, that's another topic, no?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:37 PM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

It's Husseins baby now and he's good at contemplating the situation.
I say, send 'em all to their homelands and next time, take no prisoners.

Anyaway, that's another topic, no?
:smile: What if they are U.S.citizen?:smile: Brown people come from America too:smile:

willing2's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:38 PM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 09/30/09 06:42 PM

devil I will be working therepitchfork

They've prepared a special table for you and all your other little monkey buddys. Muuuwahahahaha!!!devil

willing2's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:41 PM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

It's Husseins baby now and he's good at contemplating the situation.
I say, send 'em all to their homelands and next time, take no prisoners.

Anyaway, that's another topic, no?
:smile: What if they are U.S.citizen?:smile: Brown people come from America too:smile:

US citizens locked up in GITMO?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:48 PM

devil I will be working therepitchfork

They've prepared a special table for you and all your other little monkey buddys. Muuuwahahahaha!!!devil

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:58 PM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

It's Husseins baby now and he's good at contemplating the situation.
I say, send 'em all to their homelands and next time, take no prisoners.

Anyaway, that's another topic, no?

they tried that

most of their homelands are refusing to accept them

willing2's photo
Thu 10/01/09 09:42 AM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

It's Husseins baby now and he's good at contemplating the situation.
I say, send 'em all to their homelands and next time, take no prisoners.

Anyaway, that's another topic, no?

they tried that

most of their homelands are refusing to accept them

Ta' heII with wid dat!
Give 'em a couple jump lessons and fly in at night and throw 'em out da' plane, wid a parachute, of course.:wink:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/01/09 09:59 AM
I am sorry War. We went over this already before. The camps that are being created are for times like Katrina when we needed a place for masses to go.

The sinister plan with these places is, putting it kindly, a suggestion of little substance.

My opinion here of course.

And with all due respectflowerforyou

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/01/09 10:21 AM

funny darin, i didn't hear any complaining when Bush illegally rounded up people that were brown and prayed five times a day without legit charges and shipping them to Cuba and other secret prisons.

Actually, i believe Warmachine complained about that very thing...

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/01/09 11:20 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Thu 10/01/09 11:21 AM
Entrepreneur behind Mont. jail has checkered past


BILLINGS, Mont. — Michael Hilton showed up in Hardin, Mont., last week, presenting himself as an economic savior, the man who would take over the town's $27 million jail — empty since it was built as a development project in 2007 — and provide 200 new jobs in the process.

He wore a military-style uniform, and as a gesture to local law enforcement offered up the use of three Mercedes SUVs.

But the man who styles himself as a military veteran turned private sector entrepreneur and a California defense contractor with extensive government contracts also has another image, and that one is provided by public documents and interviews with associates and legal adversaries.

The record says that he is a convicted felon with at least 17 aliases, a string of legal judgments against him, two bankruptcies and a decades-long reputation for deals gone bad.

American Police Force is the company Hilton formed in March to take over the Hardin jail.

"Such schemes you cannot believe," said Joseph Carella, an Orange County, Calif., doctor and co-defendant with Hilton in a real estate fraud case that resulted in a civil judgment against Hilton and several others.

"The guy's brilliant. If he had been able to do honest work, he probably would have been a gazillionaire," Carella said.

Court documents show Hilton has outstanding judgments against him in three civil cases totaling more than $1.1 million.

As for Hilton's military expertise, including his claim to have advised forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, those interviewed knew of no such feats. Instead, Hilton was described alternately by those who know him as an arts dealer, cook, restaurant owner, land developer, loan broker and car salesman — always with a moneymaking scheme in the works.

Hilton did not return several calls seeking comment. American Police Force attorney Maziar Mafi referred questions to company spokeswoman Becky Shay.

When asked about court records detailing Hilton's past, Shay replied: "The documents speak for themselves. If anyone has found public documents, the documents are what they are."

Shay declined comment on Hilton's military experience.

Al Peterson, vice president of Hardin's Two Rivers Authority, which built the jail, declined to comment on Hilton's legal troubles. But authority attorney Becky Convery said Thursday that board members for the quasi-public agency were not aware of Hilton's past when they reached a 10-year agreement with American Police Force last month.

"It's never been raised with me because nobody on the board was aware of that," Convery said.

The jail deal is worth more than $2.6 million a year, according to city leaders.

The three SUVs Hilton brought to Montana have yet to be turned over to the city, which does not have a police force of its own but is considering forming one. At least one is being driven by Shay, a former reporter who abruptly quit her job at the Billings Gazette. She said Hilton offered her $60,000 a year to work for him.

Hilton has also pledged to build a $17 million military and law enforcement training center. And he's promised to dispatch security to patrol Hardin's streets, build an animal shelter and a homeless shelter and offer free health care to city residents out of the jail's clinic.

Those additional promises were not included in the jail agreement, which remains in limbo because US Bank has so far declined to sign off on the contract. The bank is the trustee for the bonds used to fund the jail.

A US Bank spokeswoman declined to comment, but Peterson was adamant the deal would be approved.

"It's a solid deal. That's all I'll say," he said.

A representative of a corrections advocacy group that has been critical of Hardin's jail and has investigated Hilton's past said city leaders dropped the ball.

"I'm amazed that city officials didn't do basic research that would have raised significant questions about American Private Police Force and Mr. Hilton's background," said Alex Friedmann, vice president of the Private Corrections Institute.

Hilton, 55, uses the title "captain" when introducing himself and on his business cards. But he acknowledged it was not a military rank.

He said he is a naturalized U.S. citizen and native of Montenegro. Aliases for Hilton that appear in court documents include Miodrag Dokovich, Michael Hamilton, Hristian Djokich and Michael Djokovich.

One attorney who dealt with Hilton in a fraud lawsuit referred to him as a "chameleon" with a reputation for winning people over with his charm.

His criminal record goes back to at least 1988, when Hilton was arrested in Santa Ana, Calif., for writing bad checks.

In 1993, Hilton was sentenced to six years in prison in California on a dozen counts of grand theft and other charges including illegal diversion of construction funds.

The charges included stealing $20,000 in a real estate swindle in which Hilton convinced an associate to give him a deed on property in Long Beach, Calif., ostensibly as collateral on a loan. Hilton turned around and sold the property to another party but was caught when the buyer contacted the original owner.

Hilton was paroled in 1995 but was back in prison eight months later on another offense.

After his release, he got entangled in at least three civil lawsuits alleging fraud or misrepresentation. Those included luring investors to sink money into gold and silver collectible coins, posing as a fine arts dealer in Utah in order to persuade a couple to give him a $100,000 silver statue, and, in the case involving co-defendant Carella, seeking investors for an assisted living complex in Southern California that was never built.

Carella said he was duped into becoming a partner in the development project and that Hilton used Carella's status as a physician to lure others into the scheme. He was described in court testimony as a "pawn" used by Hilton to lure investors.

Those involved with Hilton say he is an accomplished cook with a flair for the extravagant — wining and dining potential partners, and showing up at the Utah couple's house to negotiate for the silver statue in a chauffeur-driven Mercedes.

"This is the way we got taken," said Carolyn Call of Provo, Utah, who said she gave Hilton her family's silver statue to sell on the open market.

According to court documents, Hilton turned around and gave the statue to an attorney to pay for his services.

Two California attorneys said Wednesday that after learning of Hilton's latest activities they planned to follow him to Montana to seek payment on the outstanding judgments against him.

"Once I know that there is an asset or some sort of funds to go after, we'll go after it," said Call's attorney, Roger Naghash.

sounds like its all just a big scam to me and the Hardin people are gonna get screwed by this guy

I havent found anything about a FEMA camp. just that he is planning on taking over their jail to house out of state inmates and promises to build a zillion dollar training facility

but it sounds like anything he builds will be sued by his creditors

I bet those people in Montana feel like dumbazzes now

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