Topic: Make conversation with movie quotes.
scorpio90's photo
Thu 10/08/09 02:49 PM
" She's insane to a spectacular degree...."

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 02:52 PM
Do I get to keep her?

Jhavez's photo
Sun 10/11/09 12:56 PM
Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?

no photo
Sun 10/11/09 12:57 PM
... Remember me to the Alamo ...

Jhavez's photo
Sun 10/11/09 01:04 PM

Jhavez's photo
Thu 10/15/09 07:21 PM
Make My Day

Jhavez's photo
Mon 10/19/09 03:56 PM
Ward, have you seen the Beaver? laugh

Jhavez's photo
Sun 10/25/09 01:27 AM
Houston, we got a problem!!! laugh

CatsLoveMe's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:00 AM
Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin... from now on, unacceptable.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:01 AM
Now then we need to go over some ground rules. You are to refrain from any any acts of violence including verbal assault and vulgar hand gestures. You may not use rage enhancing substances, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, crack cocaine, slippy-flippy's, jelly stingers, trick sticks, bing bangs or flying willards.

samauribaby's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:18 AM
I like it when the red water comes out.
Do you not like my mouth words?
Your skin touch is a delight to the fingers.

FETTS61's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:38 AM
just the facts, maam

CatsLoveMe's photo
Sun 10/25/09 09:40 AM
They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army.

samauribaby's photo
Mon 10/26/09 05:30 AM
OH NO! We've been CLONED!!!

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 10:19 PM
"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue."

no photo
Mon 02/22/10 12:06 AM
"I am serious - and stop calling me Shirley."

rara777's photo
Mon 02/22/10 03:47 AM
Do you feel lucky punk?
Well do ya?

no photo
Mon 02/22/10 01:30 PM
"Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have ****ed with?"

no photo
Mon 02/22/10 03:41 PM
"You know what trouble I's talkin' bout. I's talking bout Mr. Ashley Wilkes. He'll be comin' to Atlanta when he gets his leave, and you sittin' there waitin' for him, just like a spider."

Holly4459's photo
Mon 02/22/10 04:25 PM
Life is like a box of never know what you're going to get