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Topic: Self evident!
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Thu 10/01/09 03:24 PM
I wonder what causes people not to see this, is it the same thing that causes them not to see their shoe is untide their fly is open their missing a button from their shirt or blouse, and I also wonder why they choose to deny it before they've looked at it. I don't get that, oh wait, I keep forgetting people function on automatic program thinking, they don't stop themselves to consider that what they are thinking may not be correct, because 95% of what they tought yesterday they thought today and tomorrow and a week later and a month later, same thoughts different day and they don't even notice this happening, there sure are a lot of people asleep at the wheel. Eckani

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:42 PM

I will share A little secret - and the only reason it's a secret is because no one wants to hear - is that your life is (absolutely and totally) a reflection of your own (beliefs and thoughts)and point of view. Your (beliefs) come first,and life is shaped accordingly. No matter what you believe, the universe will provide you with situations and evidence consistent with your belief. You are really the sole auther of your personal experience. This is self evident, just look! There is nothing to prove in this statement, you are the evidence, just look! This tends to be a slap in the face to religion, because of its truth.Eckani

You sound like a student of Napoleon Hill's work. :) I like what you're sayin'!

The exception comes in cases of disability and other circumstances beyond individual control, though.

no photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:47 PM
Edited by Eckani on Thu 10/01/09 03:51 PM
Consider this? Most of us are aware of that corporations or companies are in business to make money they do not base their decisions on unquantifiable information because their bottom line, is cash flow. Do you know how all the drug companies decide whether to market a product or not, they compare it to the placebo effect, if it is 5% better than the placebo effect, they market it. For those who may not know what the placebo effect is, I will explain it, it is when a company takes a certain number of people, that number can vary of course, they give sugar pills to half and the others they give the medication to and then see which one does better, and as a whole they find the placebo effect has far greater results than the medication and of course they will not tell you this because then they can't make money from you and that is their agenda to make money.If knowledge of this fact wasn't quantifiable you better believe they would not based their decisions on it. (Reference this)Bruce Lipton - Try It On Everything - Youtube for placebo effect. Eckani

Jess642's photo
Thu 10/01/09 04:08 PM

It is interesting that people either find the idea empowering or maddening... laugh

Either you have more control that you realize or you can't hold on to that victim robe that got so comfy.

We have conscious thoughts - and we have unconscious ones ... they all send out a vibration. The unconscious ones hold more power though because they show up as results we don't always want and that we 'think' come out of the blue.

Ain't life grande? laugh

It sure is....:wink: laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 10/01/09 04:13 PM

that it does. but my questions involved why what works for you, works for you. i don't have to understand, just thought it an interesting topic that you brought up.

Beliefs and belief systems are as many as there are people. There's very little point in explaining why what I believe works for me to someone else.

jrbogie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 04:29 PM

I wonder what causes people not to see this, is it the same thing that causes them not to see their shoe is untide their fly is open their missing a button from their shirt or blouse, and I also wonder why they choose to deny it before they've looked at it. I don't get that, oh wait, I keep forgetting people function on automatic program thinking, they don't stop themselves to consider that what they are thinking may not be correct, because 95% of what they tought yesterday they thought today and tomorrow and a week later and a month later, same thoughts different day and they don't even notice this happening, there sure are a lot of people asleep at the wheel. Eckani


jrbogie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 04:32 PM
Edited by jrbogie on Thu 10/01/09 04:41 PM

Consider this? Most of us are aware of that corporations or companies are in business to make money they do not base their decisions on unquantifiable information because their bottom line, is cash flow. Do you know how all the drug companies decide whether to market a product or not, they compare it to the placebo effect, if it is 5% better than the placebo effect, they market it. For those who may not know what the placebo effect is, I will explain it, it is when a company takes a certain number of people, that number can vary of course, they give sugar pills to half and the others they give the medication to and then see which one does better, and as a whole they find the placebo effect has far greater results than the medication and of course they will not tell you this because then they can't make money from you and that is their agenda to make money.If knowledge of this fact wasn't quantifiable you better believe they would not based their decisions on it. (Reference this)Bruce Lipton - Try It On Everything - Youtube for placebo effect. Eckani

well golly gee thank you so much for explaining something i learned in the sixties. now how could that possibly be? there was no youtube back then. and are you just figuring out that corporations have an agenda for making profit? why else would they be in business? why else would shareholders invest if not retern on investment through profits? of course they base decisions on quantifiable decisions to make profit. why else would they make a decision if not to affect the bottom line positively? jeez man do you live in this world or some other?

no photo
Thu 10/01/09 05:06 PM
Edited by Eckani on Thu 10/01/09 05:20 PM

I will share A little secret - and the only reason it's a secret is because no one wants to hear - is that your life is (absolutely and totally) a reflection of your own (beliefs and thoughts)and point of view.

ok, first you say (and I doubt this is original thought but I'll go with it at the moment)... you shape your own destiny...

Your (beliefs) come first,and life is shaped accordingly. No matter what you believe, the universe will provide you with situations and evidence consistent with your belief.

now you say, the universe provides your experience for you (this is a direct contradiction to the above statement that your life is 'absolutely and totally a reflection of your own beliefs".. you have the tought, and the universe provides you the proof evidence conditions circumstances of that thinking so how does that contradict itself?

You are really the sole auther of your personal experience. This is self evident, just look! There is nothing to prove in this statement,

of course not, it's back to the original thought, which is in direct contradiction to the second... so let me ask you this, what's the difference between a good day and a bad day, the only difference is what you think. Because the day itself is doing just fine.

you are the evidence, This tends to be a slap in the face to religion, because of its truth.Eckani

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth. Go back and read the book again, perhaps make direct quotes... I am sure the book you got this from did a better job at trying to explain it than you have... and that's why I said to look for your self, and I would rather you didn't believe it, but have your own experience of it, then you will know, no doubt

OY VEY!! sorry don't know how to do this,quote thing yetbigsmile

frustrated drinker

jrbogie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 05:21 PM

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth.

correct and just because you say it's self evident doesn't make it self evident.

no photo
Thu 10/01/09 06:22 PM
Edited by Eckani on Thu 10/01/09 07:01 PM

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth.

correct and just because you say it's self evident doesn't make it self evident.
Of course not, geez people, what I'm saying is look at it for your self, take a hard look, look, look, look, how can I be any clearer than that, when you examine your thinking and the results, it's there. One way, is to change our judgment on something whatever it might be and then see what happens, like say, why is this a good day or a bad day, what kind of thinking has caused it to be one way or the other? And then it's entirely up to you how you respond to it, the thinking that is. And that has an effect on your body, look at when you're stressed what happens to the body look at when you're happy what happens to the body, look at it, pay attention, it's there for you to see. Now thoughts have a measurable energy way, and everything that exists also a has a measurable wave energy, so why then would your thinking not have an effect on it, since it is energy that can be directed or not, but we do not see it!Eckani

jrbogie's photo
Thu 10/01/09 06:31 PM

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth.

correct and just because you say it's self evident doesn't make it self evident.
Of course not, geez people, what I'm saying is look at it for your self, take a hard look, look, look, look, how can I be any clearer than that, when you examine your thinking and the results, it's there. One way, is to change our judgment on something whatever it might be and then see what happens, like say, why is this a good day or a bad day, what kind of thinking has caused it to be one way or the other? And then it's entirely up to you how you respond to it, the thinking that is. And that has an effect on your body, look at when you're stressed what happens to the body look at when you're happy what happens to the body, look at it, pay attention, it's there for you to see.

is all of this a new revelation to you?

no photo
Thu 10/01/09 07:05 PM

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth.

correct and just because you say it's self evident doesn't make it self evident.
apparently you didn't know!

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 10/02/09 06:20 AM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Fri 10/02/09 06:21 AM
I will share A little secret - and the only reason it's a secret is because no one wants to hear - is that your life is (absolutely and totally) a reflection of your own (beliefs and thoughts)and point of view. Your (beliefs) come first,and life is shaped accordingly.
Up to that point, I agree 100%. (At least, I agree what I interpret it to mean.)

No matter what you believe, the universe will provide you with situations and evidence consistent with your belief.
This I have some difficulty agreeing with. Partly because it seems to directly contradict the next sentence.

You are really the sole auther of your personal experience.
Now that I heartily agree with.

And yes, I also agree that the whole concept is a difficult pill for many people to swallow. But the philosophy itself says that the difficulty is self-imposed.

It has an elegant simplicity that is absent in virtually all other philosophies.

no photo
Fri 10/02/09 10:57 AM
"Truth is constructed"
elizabeth fiorenza

I disagree as my beliefs have changed over the years based on my experiences and the fact that I am open to learning new things. I seek the truth....wherever that may lead.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 10/03/09 12:28 AM

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth.

correct and just because you say it's self evident doesn't make it self evident.
Of course not, geez people, what I'm saying is look at it for your self, take a hard look, look, look, look, how can I be any clearer than that, when you examine your thinking and the results, it's there. One way, is to change our judgment on something whatever it might be and then see what happens, like say, why is this a good day or a bad day, what kind of thinking has caused it to be one way or the other? And then it's entirely up to you how you respond to it, the thinking that is. And that has an effect on your body, look at when you're stressed what happens to the body look at when you're happy what happens to the body, look at it, pay attention, it's there for you to see. Now thoughts have a measurable energy way, and everything that exists also a has a measurable wave energy, so why then would your thinking not have an effect on it, since it is energy that can be directed or not, but we do not see it!Eckani

Well, of course this is true when you define it this way.

All you're saying here is the following:

It's a cold, dark, windy, raining day. You're stuck on a back road with a flat tire. You're cell phone won't connect and you're wearing your best clothes on the way to an important meeting.

You could become stressed out, frustrated, even angry, and claim that's it's a horrible miserable situation. frown

(and thus become a victim)


You could smile and say, "Oh what a beautiful day to change a flat tire in the rain whilst wearing my best clothes!" bigsmile

(and thus be the master in control of your life)

You're in total control of how you respond to life. laugh

I think I always knew that. :wink:


Now if you're going to try to tell me that your beliefs are going to control when it rains, and when you're car's going to break down, (or things like that), then I think you'd have to come up with some evidence to back up that claim. :wink:

no photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:11 AM
(Now if you're going to try to tell me that your beliefs are going to control when it rains, and when you're car's going to break down, or things like that, then I think you'd have to come up with some evidence to back up that claim.) Yes there is proof, provided you accept science as proof, quantum physics has proved this time and time again if you want to do the research. Of course if you don't believe in science, then you have to rely on your own personal experience, and even in the psychological sciences(if you want to call them that) have experimented with this from backwards upside down to stand on your head, the effect is the same you're thinking affects other objects. And the thing I'm trying to tell people is look, you can see it, I don't need to try to convince anybody. If you take the time to look for yourself then it does become self-evident and I'm not sure why people want to dispute this when they haven't even looked or trying to look. The idea is for you to have your own experience with it, that's all that simple! Anybody can try this experiment, take two plants and separate them, the one you come around it when you're in a good mood and feeling fine and loving, water and do whether you need to, the second plant you only go around when you're angry or in a bad mood, and attended at, and see what happens. So I don't know why this statement I made isn't relevant to this, it is showing you the same thing, if you choose not to recognize it as that oh well then don't. Because it has the same affect on you whether you see it or not, because life becomes a whole lot more fun when you do!

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 10/04/09 01:07 PM
(Now if you're going to try to tell me that your beliefs are going to control when it rains, and when you're car's going to break down, or things like that, then I think you'd have to come up with some evidence to back up that claim.)

Yes there is proof, provided you accept science as proof, quantum physics has proved this time and time again if you want to do the research.

Just for the record you're currently speaking to a retired physicist who is very well educated in quantum mechanics.

I see no evidence in quantum mechanics that suggests that our beliefs can control the macro day-to-day weather or when macro machines like cars might break down.

So for you to claim that quantum mechanics has actually proved this time and time again is simply a false and misleading notion of what we actually know about the behavior of the quantum world and it's relationship to the macro world.

I can quite confidently tell you that quantum mechanics has proven no such thing. There is nothing in quantum mechanics that makes any statments about the beliefs of humans. Nor is there anything in quantum mechanics that states that macro events can be dramatically changed via mere observation of belief. On the contrary, once events have become manifest on the macro scale the quantum effects basically disapppear altogether.

So I hold that your claim that quantum mechanics has proven this time and time again to be seriously flawed and not at all representative of what the science of quantum mechanics actaully states.

After all, if you and I are headed to a common place, and I believe that it is going to rain and you believe that it is going to be a sunny cloudless day, only one of our beliefs can become manifest.

Such a world would be nothing more than a competition of beliefs. Whoever's beliefs are the strongest would need to rule.

Do you think that everyone who was in the world trade centers on 9/11 believed that they were going to perish in that building on that day? I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of them, if not all of them, believed that they would all just go home from work that day like any other day.

How do your claims fit in with those kinds of events? Please explain.

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