Topic: Question for all...
MicheleNC's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:05 PM
So, there seem to be a lot of differing opinions on religion in here.

Does anyone believe that all religions are different paths to the same
place? Or is your one religion the 'only' way?

I personally believe the former. What about everyone else?

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:07 PM
yes and I agree with you.

Many paths.

One destination.

grizz11952001's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:14 PM
not sure on all of them some maybe but not some others just my opinion
im not going to list which ones .

no photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:15 PM
Been trying to answer that for myself. For me I think Christianity in
any form. But what do I know?

thedoctor's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:15 PM
I agree with both of you...

wonderman37's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:16 PM
any road that leads to christ he is the only way

PetiteKitten's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:20 PM
I agree with Wonderman

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:30 PM
I agree with Adventure and Wonderman.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes
to the Father except by (through) Me.

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/29/07 07:39 PM
I have no
special prize for being the goodest..or punishment for not being good

I find the whole concept of religion affronting...and a little

As to whether all paths lead to anywhere...another hypothetical

As a matter of fact...I am so sick of looking backwards, in just about
every subject and topic in every one of these categories.

The whole splitting hairs...and arguing the finer points of theories,
blaming and challenging every statement leaves me cold.

The whining and the moaning and the hand embarrassing...

Enjoy your dogmas and your theories.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:04 PM
I have to say that I feel much the same as Jess.

Religion is about the least important thing in my life.

What you believe is totally irrelevant.

All that matters I how you behave.

Life is not a path but the destination.

We all get to the same place in the end no matter what we do.

To believe that life is just a test for something ‘better’ is to spit in
the face of creation.

Like Jess, I get tired of watching everyone spit in the face of

I love the way she put it and I totally agree:
“The whining and the moaning and the hand embarrassing...

Enjoy your dogmas and your theories.”

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:52 PM
From the moment we take our first breath of air in this world, we begin
to die. That is the one commonality we all share. This life is

This, however, is how I view my death, from it's beginning.

There is only one thing to be done and it is not to prepare for the end,
I am in the end, having begun it's journey with my first breath. So I
challenge the senses to reach their highest potential. I reflect and
find the joys and the sorrows so deeply rooted that I can touch them
again and again. To learn whatever is within my grasp of understanding.
To walk a path and take a journey with many others, without whom, I
would find little in this life to concern me. Why?

Because when you don't have a creator, when you don't have a God, when
you get just this one hour, day, month or year there is only now. Making
peace with the inevitable is giving yourself freedom to take whatever
this life offers, with joy, humility, enthusiasm, and to know that at
the end, whenever it comes, I fulfilled the gift I got when I took my
first breath. I took that one-way ticket and turned it into a wonderous

No matter the belief, we can find wonder and take joy in all we meet
along this path. To do anything less, is to hasten the journey, by
wasting the opportunities along the way.

No preparation is needed, the end will come to fulfillment, prepared or

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:58 PM
The begining has happened.

The end will get here when it does.

What matters is what we do along the way.

This makes us what we are at the end.

My journey has so far been filled with wonder.

When I reach the end of this path I will be looking for the Gate that
leads me to my next road.

So I can begin again on a new level and see more wonders.

Darrell's photo
Wed 05/30/07 02:19 AM
If all religions were a path to the same place, then people would not
condemn themselves to hell. The harshest judge of the soul will always
be the self.

Personally I always thought of gods as beings to be emulated. To look
upon their deeds as examples that we might learn from their great
blunders and achievements in story and saga, to walk their trodden paths
and reach a place that we might actually look at ourselves when our time
comes to evaluate who we are as people. Destinations are fine, but
adventures to destinations are always better. I am a heathen, not
proud, not pompous, possibly out spoken and a little annoying but I
enjoy it as such. My god is the god of magic, death, rebirth and wisdom
as well as war. Where I go is my choosing, the only certainty is that I
shall fall like the gods themselves, when the world burns and the seas
are as ash unto an eternal plane. Gods die, men die, cattle die and so
too shall I pass unto cold oblivion, with peace . . . . or perhaps not .
. . Davey Jones said, "Life's not fair, so why should the afterlife be
any different?"

Aside from that, I doubt I'll be feasting in Valhalla . . . I'm a poor

kariZman's photo
Wed 05/30/07 03:07 AM
im a very strict founding member of TOOTPU The Order Of The Perpetually will all be doomed if ya dont follow the manifesto
smokin smokin thinkin thinkin,got the first page donebigsmile
smokin smokin thinkin thinkin

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 05/30/07 08:25 AM
The scriptures say that thier are many paths to destruction. but
Yahshua said HE was the way the life and the truth. Thier is 1 way and
only one. We may take many paths to find it. As he said in the
scriptures you believe you have eternal life but in those same
scriptures they say you have damnatation (paraphrasing)being with out
YHWH. If you say you know him and do not keep his commandments then you
are a liar and the father is not in you. Take it up with YHWH not me..

no photo
Wed 05/30/07 05:37 PM
I believe Jesus is the only way

no photo
Thu 05/31/07 09:30 AM
there is only ONE path to God, but before anyone says "my way is the
right way", take the time to really study your religion and do your own
investigating on other will never know which path is
correct until you look at them all...I was born a Hindu, but by God's
grace, he guided my entire family to Christianity, away from
paganism...when I was 17, i began searching for God in my life, and it
wasnt easy...i stopped looking at Christianity from a Christian
perspective, and saw many things that I normally would have been too
ignorant to notice...after 2 full years of searching and studying ALL
religions, my path led me to i am a proud Muslim and i
feel truly blessed with God's mercy and kindness...there have even been
times as a Muslim that I questioned Islam, but I found truth, meaning
and reason, and for that I am truly greatful...anyone truly wanting to
look for God, start within your own heart...with a clean heart, you gain
an open mind and therefore able to make an unbiased decision..

no photo
Thu 05/31/07 10:12 AM
wd85 great post and testimony :)

Thank you for sharing. I really agree with doing your research

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 05/31/07 10:59 AM
Me too.