Topic: Targeting middle America | |
People say we shouldn't talk about this sort of thing, but as long as our stressed out teens and 20 somethings join these groups, we have to talk about it, because it's the only thing that will prevent our kids from being used to further a distructive agenda. ~~~~~
White supremacists target middle America Updated 10/21/2008 6:01 PM By Marisol Bello, USA TODAY The white-power movement is changing its marketing strategy to broaden its appeal. The USA's largest neo-Nazi group is ditching its trademark brown Nazi uniform with swastika armband for a more muted look in black fatigues. In Pennsylvania, the Keystone State Skinheads is changing its name to Keystone United to attract members. The nation's largest white-power website, Stormfront, has a new feature that lets members create social-networking pages. The site has had as many as 42,700 unique visitors in a 24-hour period this month, a steady rise since it started in 1995. Supremacist groups are on the rise as they market themselves to middle America, according to leaders of the groups and organizations that monitor them. They are fueled by the debate over illegal immigration and a struggling economy. "Many white supremacist groups are going more mainstream," says Jack Levin, a Northeastern University criminologist who studies hate crime. "They are eliminating the sheets and armbands. … The groups realize if they want to be attractive to middle-class types, they need to look middle-class." Levin estimates fewer than 50,000 people are members of white supremacist groups, but he says their influence is growing with a more sophisticated approach. From 2006 to 2007, the number of such groups rose by 5% to 888, says the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks them through news reports and other sources. The number is up 48% since 2000. The FBI knows of about 24 domestic terrorist groups. Spokesman Richard Kolko would not say how many are white supremacists. Jeff Schoep, head of the National Socialist Movement, says the government classifies his group as a domestic group of interest, not domestic terrorists. The FBI would not comment. Interest in the group "has really spiked up," says Schoep, who would not say by how much. "Historically, when times get tough in our nation, that's how movements like ours gain a foothold," he says. "When the economy suffers, people are looking for answers. … We are the answer for white people. "And now this immigrant thing in the past couple of years has been the biggest boon to us," Schoep says. "The immigration issue is the biggest problem we're facing because it's changing the face of our country. We see stuff in English and Spanish. … They are turning our country into a Third World ghetto." The National Socialist Movement is the largest neo-Nazi group in the USA, according to the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League, which works to fight bigotry. The NSM has chapters in 38 states, its website says. Mark Potok, director of the SPLC's Intelligence Project, says the debate over immigration has led to a rise in hate groups. In Pennsylvania, where the Hispanic population increased by 41% from 2000 through 2007, Keystone United has been busy. Members distribute fliers calling on residents to fight crime they say is committed by illegal immigrants, gangs and drug dealers. In September, members joined a rally against illegal immigration in Shenandoah that was organized after four white teens were arrested in connection with the beating death of a Latino illegal immigrant. "A lot of these small working-class towns are being invaded by different types of people," says Douglas Myers, one of Keystone United's founders. He says the group speaks out for the rights of whites being pushed aside by newcomers. "It appears they are tapping into and fanning the flames of mainstream America's fear of immigrants," says Ann Van Dyke of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission. "They are increasingly using the language of Main Street, things like, 'We want safe communities to raise our children.' " Myers says the group is organizing family-friendly activities, rejecting the violence that made skinheads notorious. For example, they plan gatherings in public libraries. "It's not the footage from the '80s with people burning crosses. It's a very healthy environment," Myers, 26, says. The renewed activity includes a boom on the Internet, says Don Black, creator of the Stormfront website. The site has 144,000 registered members. "Many people in this country, even if they were upset with the country's immigration policies, never felt that threatened until now," Black, 55, says. "White people were the majority. That's rapidly changing." Black says the candidacy of Barack Obama has raised his site's profile. In the past year, members have posted 337 entries on Stormfront related to Obama, ranging from whether an Obama victory will start a revolution among whites to whether the candidate will take away gun rights. Black's son, Derek, 19, was elected to the Palm Beach County, Fla., Republican committee in August. Local Republican leaders are trying to unseat him after learning of his white supremacist ties. Don Black, once a Ku Klux Klan leader in Alabama, says he's encouraged by the enthusiasm he sees. "We see a lot of people coming out of the woodwork," he says. Article found here.. |
Of course, I have said it all along. They have changed in their sheets for business suits but the bottom line is still the same. America belongs to the white man and they will make sure it stays that way no matter what.
Which America belongs to humans just like all other countries belong to humans and we are all the same. So the battle is one of hatred and ignorance. Bringing us down as human beings. |
This is something that will never go away. Each time our country falls into a recession these jack ***** come out and start recruiting.
It's sad that hate groups get themselves involved in legitimate opposition to the establishment. It's the politics of irrationality, as usual. People are going to latch onto this and use it to further the false left/right paradigm and keep the masses trapped in fighting over dialectics instead of principles. Same old crap.
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This is something that will never go away. Each time our country falls into a recession these jack ***** come out and start recruiting. Yes, you are right about that. I do see documentaries on these folks from time to time, pretty scarey. Used to hang out now and then with a biker group down in florida that were a great bunch of people until they would start to rag on blacks and mexicans. It's really a jolt to anyone not expecting it. It's makes otherwise pretty nice people, scarey. |
The Mobfather just said that " Obama IS ACORN ! "...
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These groups don't just attack people that aren't white. They also attack gay people.
At times like these I am really proud of the way I raised my sons...
They have been approached by such hatred and found it despicable. People say we shouldn't talk about this sort of thing, but as long as our stressed out teens and 20 somethings join these groups, we have to talk about it, because it's the only thing that will prevent our kids from being used to further a distructive agenda. ~~~~~ |
These groups don't just attack people that aren't white. They also attack gay people. Gays aren't the closet dwellers they might have been at one time. I wouldn't suggest ever seeing them as an easy target anymore. When 'physically threatened', my attitude is so bad, I scare myself, even at my age. So though these people concern me they don't personally scare me. Of course that could also be because i have the added advantage of being gay and WHITE. Just as blacks aren't as accommodating to violence against them as they might have being another time. This is a price all of humanity pays when they spend decades fearful of people that aren't like themselves and violent and inhumane toward them.. Actually I being gay was a gift, I know what it feels like to be the focus of hatred and to never be completely comfortable with ones surroundings due to not knowing who can be trusted. It's not a good feeling. Lucky for straights, I was never inclined to be violent, and smart enough to know to consider the source. IGNORANCE The results of that ugliness lives for decades beyond the worst of it and is not forgotten. This is why I am concerned about the rhetoric spread by the politicians and the people about immigration. I hear all the time how you can't even discuss immigration with out being called a racist. I say to that it's not the discussion it's the way it's delivered. This goes for all humans that have found them selves living amongst people they must compete with for jobs and survival, their base emotions surface and the cycle begins again and again and again. Too many humans do not learn the simplest of lessons. And when supposedly educated lawmakers foster the attitudes it does not speak well of our country. |
Top ten most dangerous and organized gangs. Each group aside from The Mungiki (Kenyan Mafia)can boast into the tens of thousands of members.
The reason the Klan isn't listed is because they aren't seen as significant a threat as when they were a large organization. The last one is up and coming in the brutality factor is the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). They are proving to be indesriminating, targeting anyone with extreme consequenses. I forget the name of the gang but, there's one in St. Louis that is targeting Cops and Security Guards. Injure or kill one and you can become a member All these gangs have chapters all over the country. They also have prison chapters. Some prison chapters can run bussiness outside from inside the walls. Last point. The FBI has stated the Aryan Brotherhood and Mexican Mafia have joined aliances. For pictures and other links; The word gang has taken on many meanings throughout the years. Originally, the word was just used to express a group or band of people. You probably have heard someone talk about the local gang of boys or something of that sort. In older times, the word gang didn’t have such the negative tone that comes along with it today. As time has gone on, the word gang has grown to be a word that many worry about when they hear it. It seems a “gang” has evolved from just being a group of people to a group of people that associate for some criminal or other antisocial purpose. Depending on where you live, you have probably heard about gang crimes. If you don’t live too close to a big city, it is sure that you have read or watched the news and heard about some sort of gang activity. Gangs exist all over the world, not just in your own country. Here are the top 10 of the most dangerous gangs that you definitely don’t want to come into contact with. Aryan Brotherhood (AB, The Brand) Another jailhouse gang for you. Even though they are not one of the biggest prison gangs, the Aryan Brotherhood is known to have murdered many prisoners in jail. The gang only makes up about 1% of prison populations, but size doesn’t matter to the AB. In fact, this gang is known for at least 26% of the murders that occur in prisons around the U.S. The AB is split into two groups, usually those in federal prisons and other members that are located in some of the smaller state prisons, especially those in California. In order to join the Aryan Brotherhood, one has to kill or assault another prisoner. This is known as blood in, blood out. Any who try to leave the gang are generally assaulted or murdered by a member. The AB is known for organized crime, extortion, inmate prostitution, drug trafficking, and murder-for-hire. Mexican Mafia (La eMe) The Mexican Mafia is a gang that has its strongholds in many prisons throughout the U.S. The gang was started in the 1950s in Tracy California. La eMe is well known for its drug trafficking, extortion, and murder. Closely knit with the Aryan Brotherhood, La eMe has made many contracts with ally gangs in order to kill other gang members from rivals. The gang doesn’t have many rules for its members: no exposing the gang, no homosexual acts, and no cowardice. Mexican Mafia gang members also cannot practice the Christian religion. Once your join the Mexican Mafia and are released from jail, members are expected to send some of their earnings to those lead gang members who are still in jail. The gang isn’t known to kill random civilians. The Mungiki (Kenyan Mafia) This gang isn’t one that you’ll find in the U.S. The Mungiki is mostly found in poor parts of Kenya, especially Nairobi, which is one of Kenya’s largest cities. The gang was formed during the 1980s and has since grown, but not much. The gang is known to work in “cells,” each of them consisting of about 50 members that get involved with racketeering. The Mungiki are extremely against Christianity as well as any type of Westernization. The gang believes in forced female genital cutting, beheading, and mutilation. As many as 50 people have been killed because of clashes with the Mungiki, two of these people being Kenyan police offers who were beheaded. The gang is said to have some ties in the U.S., but this has never been concretely proven. Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) A Brazilian gang, Primeiro Comando da Capital comes in at #7. This gang is one of the newest Brazilian prison gangs to be formed. Founded in 1993 by eight prisoners, PCC is one of the smallest prison gangs around today. Primeiro Comando da Capital is extremely against government establishments like police stations, justice forums, and even buses. Since the middle of 2006, the gang is known to have carried out about 300 attacks, all of them being against public establishments. The gang is mostly funded by its members. All members have to pay a monthly fee to be in the gang, which is about $27 if the member is in jail, and $270 if the member is out of a prison. Most of the money is used to buy weapons as well as drugs. Some of the money is put towards bailing out members. In order to become part of the Primeiro Comando da Capital, you have to be introduced by a regular member of the gang. An oath must also be accepted. Black Guerrilla Family (Black Family, Black Vanguard) Founded in 1966 by a man named George Jackson, located in Marin County, California, the Black Guerrilla family is one of the many gangs that is associated with the African-American race. The gang was established in order to maintain Black dignity in prison as well as planning to overthrow the U.S. government. Standing as one of the most politically influenced gangs, the Black Guerrilla Family has very strong emotions towards Marxism. Today, the Black Family has about 50,000 gang members, many of which who are associated with other gangs. In order to join the gang, one must be black, and must be nominated by an already existing member. Recently it has been said that the gang is experiencing internal conflicts between old and new members. La Nuestra Familia La Nuestra Familia is a Mexican American prison gang that originated in Northern California. The gang has been around since 1968 and has always been a rival of the Mexican Mafia. Many speculate that the gang was created just to deliver a blow to their rival gang. The gang puts a high focus on protecting as well as preserving the Chicano culture, especially while living in a society that is dominated by so many different races. La Nuestra Familia is known to control intra-prison drug and sex trades. From the prison, high-up gang members call to those outside of the prison to prefer hits. The gang is known to kill anyone, sometimes members of the gang. Members of La Nuestra Familia are known to be serious criminals because the gang requires a two year time period to join. La Nuestra Familia requires that all gang members put the gang above family, money, drugs, and women. Women cannot join the gang but are sometimes used for running drugs. Texas Syndicate (Texas 7) Texas Syndicate is a California State Prison gang that was created in response to other Californian gangs like the Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood. Because these gangs were preying on inmates, especially those in Texas, prisoners saw a need to have a rival gang to protect these Texas prisoners as a means for self-protection. The Texas 7 doesn’t allow any members that are outside of the Hispanic race. Caucasian members are extremely frowned upon. The gang is made up generally of Mexican immigrant prisoners, not Mexicans who were born and raised in the U.S. In 2000, the gang was said to have about 1,000 members in jail, and about 830 outside of jail. Texas Syndicate is known for contract murder, gambling, prostitution, extortion, and drug trafficking. Many of the gang’s leaders are imprisoned due to drug charges. Crips The Crips was started in 1969 by a 16-year-olds Stanley Williams and Raymond Washington. The two started the gang as a playoff of the Black Panthers. The gang started off small and was a loosely connected network of individual gangs. Since its origination, the gang has grown to be one of the largest as well as one of the most powerful gangs that exist in the U.S. Today, the gang is said to have over 300,000 gang members both inside and outside of jail. The Crips are known for wearing the color blue. The gang is known to carry out murders, robberies, as well as drug deals. The Crips are extremely bitter rivals towards the Bloods as well as many different Hispanic street gangs. The gang is known to be extremely violent and sometimes brawls and fights explode within the gang, which usually end up in deaths of Crips members. While fighting other gangs, the Crips also fights against itself. This gang is so big that it has even spread to other countries like Canada. Bloods The Bloods is a Los Angeles based gang that is known mainly for its rivalry with the Crips as well as for wearing the color red. The gang started in 1972 and grew slowly by taking over territory that was controlled by other L.A. street gangs. Because the Bloods were so fearless, many of the gang members that they encountered decided to band together and join the Bloods. The gang is separated into “sets,” which have their own tactics, especially when it comes to recruiting. The gang overall is known to recruit members through those who volunteer while the Bloods’ sets are known to send threats to people to join the gang. Bloods members often combine with other gangs in order to carry out criminal activity, especially drug trafficking. Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) Mara Salvatrucha makes all of these other gangs seem like foolish people selling drugs. MS-13 is in fact the deadliest gang that anyone will ever come into contact with. The gang mainly consists of Guatemalans, Hondurans, Salvadorans, and other Central Americans and was started in the 1980s to protect immigrants from other big gangs. The gang has been able to spread beyond Central America into Spain, U.S., Great Britain, Germany, and even Canada. MS-13 is well known for drug smuggling, black market gun sales, theft, contract killing, human trafficking, and assault, especially on law enforcement. In the U.S. alone, the gang has 10,000 members. This gang has no remorse for killing anyone. Mara Salvatrucha is known for hunting down and killing anyone who speaks to law enforcement about the gang. MS-13 is known for its extremely violent crimes, especially against innocents. The gang has gone as far to set a bus full of children and women on fire which ended in 28 deaths. |
Ms Boo.
You posted an excelent article. Too bad folks want to focus on a pi$$ant group like the Klan. The Klan, compared to what's going on now is so last decade. |
At times like these I am really proud of the way I raised my sons... They have been approached by such hatred and found it despicable. People say we shouldn't talk about this sort of thing, but as long as our stressed out teens and 20 somethings join these groups, we have to talk about it, because it's the only thing that will prevent our kids from being used to further a distructive agenda. ~~~~~ That's awesome that they are like that, Ladylid. ![]() ![]() |
The Mobfather just said that " Obama IS ACORN ! "... ![]() That's funny. Acorn was founded in 1970. Obama was just a little kid then. ![]() |
Ms Boo. You posted an excelent article. Too bad folks want to focus on a pi$$ant group like the Klan. The Klan, compared to what's going on now is so last decade. I agree it's last decade. Those that were part of it evolved and not in a good way, younger folks having the same philosphy have evolved into and joined other groups. It's all the same hatred, just a different form. We humans created the environment for this to grow and fester over time... I hope to be long gone before the shlt hits the fan because we never bothered to face it head on and do something about it. |
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Mon 09/21/09 10:26 PM
God those people are just low class a holes.
Freaking malajusted, mentally ill people. Not even worth the discussion. |