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Topic: Women and their makeup
michiganman3's photo
Mon 09/21/09 05:58 AM
When I find the Avon catalogs at work I throw them away.

metalwing's photo
Mon 09/21/09 06:18 AM
Way to go! Fun is what life is all about!
rofl rofl rofl

MeChrissy2's photo
Mon 09/21/09 07:23 AM
Quiet, you are a riot.:tongue:

newarkjw's photo
Mon 09/21/09 07:31 AM

Would I ever do that??????

Cool picture............smokin

Shasta1's photo
Mon 09/21/09 02:29 PM
:laughing: Thats the first time I've laughed outloud in a week. Whatlaugh a hoot!laugh

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 02:33 PM

my ex wife used to be a makeup hound. she was always browsing and hanging around the makeup counters in Macy's and Dillards and such

and of course I would have to hang around and wait and get bored and impatient. Alaways a bad combo for me

so we were in this Macy's once in the mall and she was looking over some kind of new makeup. I was getting really bored and impatient. so I dipped my thumb in a bit of green eyeshadow stuff and said, "Oh here, you have a smudge" and wiped a streak of green across her forehead.

A few second later I got some blue and pinched her cheek and "said you look so good I just have to pinch you"

a few seconds later I was able to smear some lipstick across her nose. she never caught on.

After about ten minutes she look like a Indian war chief on acid

so we left the store, I kept talking so she wouldnt notice the looks people were giving her

after a while I said "Oh there was something in Macy's I wanted to get my mom"

so we started back. But I walked really fast. and she had to walk fast to keep up. Then I started running and she was running behind me wondering what was going on

I was too busy giggling at the thought of all the people in the mall seeing me being chased by this crazy woman in war paint

I got to the makeup counter seconds before her and yelled at the lady "Oh my God! You have to help my wife with her makeup!"

and just then she came running up to the counter

A woman chasing a man inside mall....PRICELESS!!!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 02:36 PM
Another good reason not to wear makeup ... hehehe ...

Couldn't get me to pull up to one of those counters ...

OK, I do like my tinted Burt's lip cremes ... shades

no photo
Mon 09/21/09 08:53 PM
shame on you...

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

CatsLoveMe's photo
Mon 09/21/09 09:00 PM
Very funny story. You are a clever man, Quiet, well played.rofl rofl rofl rofl

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