Topic: Post Tribulation Christians | |
Hi, I'm a Post Tribber, and as a post Tribber, I believe we will go all the way through the Tribulation. It seems that the Tribulation is already starting.
We are living in the END TIMES Spoken of by Daniel, and John on the Isle of patmos. Personally, I desire to meet a younger woman who is also a Post tribber, who may have Nursing skills to compliment my skills of Medical and Survuival training. But the thing is, I have hoped to find such a person for a long time, but it seems that there aren't many around. Has Hal Lindsey Turned all the Post Tribbers into Pre-Tribbers? Don't believe the Pre Trib stuff, because Jesus said out of his Own Mouth, in the first three boos of the New Testement, what we could expect, and what would happen. He would not LIE to his Deciples I'm Sure, so either Jesus is Lying, or he was telling the truth, and we who believe what he said are the equivilent of the five Virgins who had oil in their lamps. So why is it so hard to find a Post Trib lady that will be my End Time Partner???? Any Ideas? |
what about the rapture...I thought all this was suppose to take place after the rapture...
and just cuz that is the woman you have in mind for yourself does not mean that is the one God has in mind for you... |
I am not very religious but the forums might help
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Thanks for the welcome, and I doubt god would put someone who did not have the same faith in my path. Maybe not as knowledgeble, but certainly of the same faith. A miss match could be desasstorus for either of us.
As far as the Tribulation goes, like I said, the Tribulation will happen Before the Rapture. the Rapture won't happen till the very end of the tribulation, as spoken by Jesus in the first three books of the New Testement. He gives many parables about this, and all the parables all point to the same thing he said to his deciples, and that was that he would not return till there be a Great Falling away from the faith. What would cause such an exidas from the faith? for thousands of Pre Trib Rapture people to find themselves in the middle of the Tribulation Period, where they should have already been raptured up, but because of many false teachings, now believe they have been LEFT BEHIND. Those people, or a great many of them, would forsake their faith because they felt that Jesus forsook them. And why is it so hard to believe what Jesus said anyway, he also said that when he returns, EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, so if this is the case, then if someone believes what he said, all they have to do is wait till they see him. |
That is what is being taught around the world by well meaning Christians, that the Tribulation would happen AFTER the Rapture, but it is just not so, and contrary to what Jesus said in his own words in the Bible.
False teachings of a Pre Trib are Cryptic at best. Those people who believe they will miss the tribulation are being taught a Cryptic passage, a single line in the intire Bible that talks about eagles wings, but says Nothing about the Rapture. Christians are being taught that this single verse means that they will be raptured out before the tribulation, and they will be accounted as one of the 144,000 thousand that will simply vanish without a trace. The Bible NEVER Said anything to that case, but on the contrary, has many Books, old and New Testement that coroberate Jesus words in the first three books of the New Testement. I prefer to believe Jesus own words, then what some preacher is pushing |
I'm a Christian, but I'm not going to spend my time worrying over what the Holy book says about present or future tribulations.
To me, walking in faith is just that... It's about trusting in God's living word that I am saved by his sacrifice. The good Lord has a plan for my life. It's good enough for me to abide in him whole heartedly and look forward to being in his majestic presence. ![]() |
I'm a Christian, but I'm not going to spend my time worrying over what the Holy book says about present or future tribulations. To me, walking in faith is just that... It's about trusting in God's living word that I am saved by his sacrifice. The good Lord has a plan for my life. It's good enough for me to abide in him whole heartedly and look forward to being in his majestic presence. ![]() I believe your right, However, Jesus DID command us to WATCH. He wants all his people to be ready for that day he returns, and the only way to do that is to watch what happens, and understand what the Bible says. We don't have any reason to fear, just be willing to follow the spirit where it leads us. But he does want us to be ready, because at a time that we know not, the Last trump will sound. And those who are not ready, and have not been watching, will not be ready. The parable of the strong man, says that if the strong man had known at what time his home would have been invaded, he might have saved his home, but because he did not watch, his house was ransacked and he was robbed. Only the devil can Rob us of that, and he is real good at it. That is why Jesus told us to watch. Also, like the story of the ten virgins, five were ready, and five were not ready. Those who were ready, because they watched the times and seasons, and signs of the Bible, had enough oil in their lamps, where those who did not have the oil were those who had that I don't have to be ready attitude. |
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![]() No it is not. Paul spoke of it & it's vividly described in the The Book of Revelation. The question is where does it fall into the end times time line. And please MrFixit, capitalize God's name. He deserves at least that much from His followers. Hank Hanegraaf of the Bible Answer Man show & The Christian Research Institute is a post trib rapture proponent & he makes a very strong case. Have struggled with this 1 myself. One pastor I know called himself a pan mellenist. Meaning everything will pan out as God intended. My one concern is the OT reference of God not letting the shedding of innocent blood go unpunished. We as a nation have the travesty of abortion to answer for. I don't see how we escape without some suffering for that alone. tf73 |
I believe that the Church will go through the Great Tribulation, I believe it is really important to be prayed up and ready dont think it will be an easy time at all it truly be a time of testing, in a way one comes to a better understanding of choose you this day whom ye will serve..." Joshua 24.15.
In the long run I kinda sorta of think it can be a time of great victory for our Lords children,so I also pray for a great end–time harvest. |
Edited by
Sun 09/27/09 10:44 PM
![]() No it is not. Paul spoke of it & it's vividly described in the The Book of Revelation. The question is where does it fall into the end times time line. And please MrFixit, capitalize God's name. He deserves at least that much from His followers. Hank Hanegraaf of the Bible Answer Man show & The Christian Research Institute is a post trib rapture proponent & he makes a very strong case. Have struggled with this 1 myself. One pastor I know called himself a pan mellenist. Meaning everything will pan out as God intended. My one concern is the OT reference of God not letting the shedding of innocent blood go unpunished. We as a nation have the travesty of abortion to answer for. I don't see how we escape without some suffering for that alone. tf73 Why the attack on Mr. Fix it? g-d is not a name any way when you learn his name and his sons name then the Holy spirit will begin to show you what you have never seen. But attacking people over something for sure you all see as his name when all u have to do is look at where Gawd comes from then you would understand what g- d comes from..shalom..Miles |
I guess we all have different beliefs on the tribulation. My belief is that there will be a Rapture, believers will be taken up. And then the Tribulation begins. But there will be those that either rejected Jesus, that will turn their hearts to them, in this final time.
But yeah, we live in a world that is so wicked. I wonder if it is more wicked than in Noah's time, where the world was so wicked it had to be destroyed. Even talking about God, or Jesus is considered passe, and in some ways forbidden. Crazy. I remember going to school and we'd say the Lord's prayer. And now, schools don't do it. They have taken God out of the equation, even for Christmas and that is a shame and sad. Parents need to stand up for their faith. That's my belief... |
![]() No it is not. Paul spoke of it & it's vividly described in the The Book of Revelation. The question is where does it fall into the end times time line. And please MrFixit, capitalize God's name. He deserves at least that much from His followers. Hank Hanegraaf of the Bible Answer Man show & The Christian Research Institute is a post trib rapture proponent & he makes a very strong case. Have struggled with this 1 myself. One pastor I know called himself a pan mellenist. Meaning everything will pan out as God intended. My one concern is the OT reference of God not letting the shedding of innocent blood go unpunished. We as a nation have the travesty of abortion to answer for. I don't see how we escape without some suffering for that alone. tf73 Why the attack on Mr. Fix it? g-d is not a name any way when you learn his name and his sons name then the Holy spirit will begin to show you what you have never seen. But attacking people over something for sure you all see as his name when all u have to do is look at where Gawd comes from then you would understand what g- d comes from..shalom..Miles Miles: It was not meant as an attack. It was more about not being so casual when we are calling to the One to whom we owe everything, by name. Whether someone uses the generic "God" or Yahweh or Jehovah, they all should be capitalized. It is a matter of respect. It is common practice to use the lower case "god", when referring to someone or some occult being other than Yahweh. BTW, how do you know what I have "seen" & not seen? tf73 |
![]() No it is not. Paul spoke of it & it's vividly described in the The Book of Revelation. The question is where does it fall into the end times time line. And please MrFixit, capitalize God's name. He deserves at least that much from His followers. Hank Hanegraaf of the Bible Answer Man show & The Christian Research Institute is a post trib rapture proponent & he makes a very strong case. Have struggled with this 1 myself. One pastor I know called himself a pan mellenist. Meaning everything will pan out as God intended. My one concern is the OT reference of God not letting the shedding of innocent blood go unpunished. We as a nation have the travesty of abortion to answer for. I don't see how we escape without some suffering for that alone. tf73 Why the attack on Mr. Fix it? g-d is not a name any way when you learn his name and his sons name then the Holy spirit will begin to show you what you have never seen. But attacking people over something for sure you all see as his name when all u have to do is look at where Gawd comes from then you would understand what g- d comes from..shalom..Miles Miles: It was not meant as an attack. It was more about not being so casual when we are calling to the One to whom we owe everything, by name. Whether someone uses the generic "God" or Yahweh or Jehovah, they all should be capitalized. It is a matter of respect. It is common practice to use the lower case "god", when referring to someone or some occult being other than Yahweh. BTW, how do you know what I have "seen" & not seen? tf73 By your words I know. Yahshua said thats how we can know many many things..Shalom...Miles |