Topic: 8 minute FYI .... | |
Tired of the pablum being forced down our throats by
so-called candidates....check this out for something to think about: |
...just a thought.....
if 70% of the American people are opposed , then i wonder what % would be willing to BOYCOTT the war and just not go. support our troops to force the government to stop. just a thought.... heh heh i can get OUT there sometimes too!!! ![]() |
farout Alex and im so glad you do. i think that would be a mighty fine
thing to do have a mutiny or sick of history repeating in such a negative way. ![]() ![]() |
not sure if we can repeat an anti war movement like the 60's...different
generations..but to change the mentality from within the political establishment can be accomplished by supporting the right candidate... |
Mom fed me pablum when I was little but I enjoyed the clip. Thanks for
sharing. He makes a lot of sense. |
Alex, don't you know that war is a business?
What would we do with all those who serve, if they were not in service? Why huh, what would we do with all these illegal aliens. Someone has to work, at least the government is offering jobs to it's citizens. Maybe it's not as safe as picking tomatoes, but hey, the wage is good. Well it is, at least it's above minimum wage and you get it every month, at least while you're alive. ![]() |
We have a float in our parade dedicated to stopping this war. I expect
it will draw a lot of followers. If it's allowed, there was some talk of banning it. Guess it was too big a political statement for a day meant to honor those who gave their lives to support such statements. ![]() ![]() |
US Army Announces Readiness for Total Military Takeover of America
Sorcha Faal / | October 21 2006 Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that final steps towards a full Military Dictatorship of the United States have been taken with the US Army announcing USARNORTH has now reached ‘full operational capacity’ and is now ready to: “Execute homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities missions”, and “Conduct the Army-to-Army portion of the theater cooperation mission with Canada and Mexico”. According to these reports, the first of the USANORTH plans for the total military takeover of the United States, from its few remaining civilian overseers, rest with a new series of draconian laws recently enacted by their top Military Leaders and which, among other things, suspends the right of habeas corpus for Americans, and which the American Military Leaders have ordered their courts to disallow, and as we can read as reported by the Washington Post News Service in their article titled "Court Told It Lacks Power in Detainee Cases", and which says: "Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by President Bush this week that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration has formally notified the U.S. District Court here that it no longer has jurisdiction to consider hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba. excerpt from just may be happening hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm |
so now we are going to believe the russians when it comes to things in
our own country? especialy the intelligence apparatus of the communist country. ad your better than this. as far as troops who support a mutiny? the percentage? i dunno if i had to make an uneducated guesstimate i would say its probably along the lines of the same total numbers of troops who are feigning illness to be released by the service. of course who am i as a soldier to say what might be going on within the minds of a soldier! red you confused me with your comment(not that that is difficult to do huh alex?) are you sayingthe military is akin to welfare or something? alex - just not go? like when someone is hurting on the road, with blast injuries all over- just dont run out and help right? i have another question for you too- you said that you had helped the enemy with injuries (in another thread)--- that really did confuse the hell out of me. i was unaware that doctors without borders had picked any 'side' one to help the other to call the enemy! could you please elaborate for this walking dead man as you have called me. please? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() davinci thanks for the link even if it is a cut and paste job, right alex? doc |
well doc the russian intellagence was good enough for the wmds
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and i never said it was gonna happen
but the patriot act does mack it VERY possible there is NO denying that doc |
yo! Davinci....can i borrow your thread for a quick hijack???
but still important!! thanks....keep the internet free!!! |
this one is better ![]() |
bl8ant...I'll move it to its own thread so more see it..
Well so part of the discussion on the link was getting rid of the IRS
and part was getting rid of inflation. After that I ran out of time. I'll comment on that and then move on. No IRS, Sounds good. Not likely to happen. there has to be some agency that manages tax, no matter what form the tax takes. Inflation, Get rid of inflation, sounds good. But wait. Inflation has only been a few percent per year since we recovered from the Paul Volker era with its management of the money supply based on the level of M1. So we are printing money without regard for inflation? Printed money has to do with the amount needed to be in circulation. Get rid of the money needed to be in circulation and you will see worse than inflation. Money supply growth is keyed to other things besides just how much is needed to pay the bills of the federal government. Looking at it as a simple matter and trying to explain it with some conspiracy theories is not going to cover it. Why not press for broad based education of the public into monetary policy and then let some results filter out of that over 20 to 40 years. I'm thinking about free trade at the moment. |
Wow, that certainly got my attention, Alex. I signed that petition. As a
former member of the ARRL which is the American Radio Relay League enough frequencies has been lost. Furthermore as a watcher of the PBS which the Public Broadcasting System I don't want to see Big Business or the God of Greed take any more away from us. Thank you, sincerely for posting that link. I guess if one has enough clout then they can bypass the little man. I see it as having one more thing taken away from us. |
Maybe we can direct further discussion of Bl8ant's topic (thank you,
Alex!) here: |
Redy, was the float allowed? I hope so! Freedom of speech and all
that.... Oceans |
your freedom is a fuken joke i cant even spell a swear word without it
getting fuken censored you prople shiitt me with your lack of compassion for all life.all ya seem happy with is trouble and fuken strife.evil autocrates are the only ones makin splurt and shout and dont even know watt its all train your fuken soldiers if you think its fair and go into another country and kill em all there. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
kariZman, Please don't hold back. How do you -really- feel?
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