Topic: SIN??? | |
Invisible nice definition. I know the difference between
fornication and adultery ..I like how you defined it |
Spider not a 700 year old word.
The exact word you used 'Poneria' is the word in the manuscript as it was written 2000 years ago. That word is also present in the old testement in the hebrew version of the word zanah. Both, according to the Christian Ministries Definition BEFORE REFORMATION IN THE 1300'S were the word 'Prostitute' and nothing else. Stop forging lies about what I have said. I did not say a word that is only 700 years old is in there I said a word that was translated into FORNICATION some 700 YEARS AGO actualy meant 'Prostitution' or 'Prostitute' AT THE TIME THE WORD WAS USED BY PAUL. The current definition means not a thing when you are talking about a work that occured 1000's of years ago. The meaning of the word AT THE TIME IT WAS USED is what I am talking about. The meaning 'prostitute' not only ment that IN THE GREEK THAT THIS QUOTE WAS SUPPOSEDLY WRITTEN IN it also ment 'Prostitute' in the hebrew that the OLT TESTEMENT WAS WRITTEN IN which is A LOT OLDER THAN THE 2000 YEARS FOR THE WORDS WRITTEN BY PAUL. Why must you post at me all the time. By now you should have realized that I know, check and verify what I say. You are posting a definition that was made 700 years ago. I posted the definition that was used at the time the verse in question was uttered. |
Show me some proof that it only meant prostitute, cause I'm not finding that. zanah --------------------------------------------------------------- to commit fornication, be a harlot, play the harlot (Qal) to be a harlot, act as a harlot, commit fornication to commit adultery to be a cult prostitute to be unfaithful (to God) (fig.) (Pual) to play the harlot (Hiphil) to cause to commit adultery to force into prostitution to commit fornication --------------------------------------------------------------- porneia --------------------------------------------------------------- illicit sexual intercourse adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc. sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18 sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11, metaph. the worship of idols of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols --------------------------------------------------------------- Your own quote says "Most often", not "always". Let's see what Jesus had to say... Matthew 5:32 --------------------------------------------------------------- But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. --------------------------------------------------------------- So, by your own logic, Jesus is saying "If your wife is selling her ass on the street, you can divorce her. But if she's just giving it away to every guy she meets, you are stuck buddy." Yeah, I think your defintion is WAY off. |
I repost it for you Spider, you might have overlooked it
Fornication is a term which refers to sexual intercourse between consenting unmarried partners. Sex between unmarried persons is distinguished from adultery by use of the term 'simple fornication'. The origin of the word derives from Latin. The word fornix means "an archway" or "vault" (in Rome, prostitutes could be solicited there). More directly, fornicatio means "of the archway"; thus a euphemism for prostitution. Fornication is dealt with differently in various religions, societies and cultures. |
Thank you invisible, but it's not relavant. I'm talking about the greek word porneia, which AB says only means "prostitution". I haven't found any source that says that and he hasn't provided one. If Jesus used the word "porneia" to be prostitution only, then he taught a very unfair doctrine to men and women who are cheated upon. |
So then why do most of the modern bibles use different words instead
of “fornication”, in effect mistranslating the word “Pornea”? The reason is that the definition of the word “Pornea” has changed in modern years. “Young’s Analytical Concordance” (English translation of 1611) correctly list the translation for the Greek word “Pornea” as “Fornication” or “whoredom” and the English Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, fifth edition of 1948, defines fornication as “illicit sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried” or “Figuratively, esp. in Scripture, idolatry”. In the KJV, the word “Pornea” is correctly translated as “fornication” but like the redefinition of our English word “gay”, the modern Greek interlinear versions have redefined “Pornea” to include “Adultery” as a possible translation for “Pornea”, thereby causing complete confusion over the correct words of Jesus, in effect incorrectly teaching that “Adultery” is a grounds for divorce. See the results (over 50% divorce rate in USA) of changing the Greek definition of “Pornea” |
Sorry , I posted too quickly, I hope this helps you
If sex was not meant/made to feel good & make everyone want to do it,
our species would have come to an end long ago. Just my opinion & I know this will start a brawl, but sex should never be considered a "sin" & according to the path I walk, it is not. Not to mention it is a great stress reliever & a fun form of excersize! |
You are so right. Sometimes we only come to appreciate things when we don't have them. |
I concur!!!!!
Appreciating the less complicated things in life is what makes it special & worthwhile. And sex is about as basic as it gets. A persons sex drive is the second highest instinct, only preceeded by the will to survive. |
It is so true, you know. I we would listen more to these basic instincts there might be less war in the world. |
Doesn't cultural upbringing hone our instincts to be what is tradition
to that culture? For instance, a culture raised on leadership roles and subservient individuals - wouldn't those individuals have different instincts other than to protect themselves to survive? |
The majority of our Greek authorities are generally in line with one
another as to the meaning of the word fornication. Fornication is derived from the Greek word, (pornea) and refers to some form of illicit sexual intercourse in general. Fornication can be committed between a man and woman, a man and man, a woman and a woman, or a man/woman and an animal. Our English term “pornography” is also derived from this Greek word. Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary (Encyclopedia Edition) defines fornication as “Illicit sexual intercourse of unmarried persons.” Though this term is most commonly used to describe sexual relations outside of marriage, it is not limited to unmarried people because Jesus allows “fornication” as an exception to scripturally divorce a spouse (Matt. 5:32, 19:9). Therefore, a married person can commit fornication just as an unmarried person can. Why is Fornication Wrong? The Bible unequivocally condemns the committing of fornication by anyone, saint or sinner alike. The apostle Paul deals with this subject on several occasions in the epistles that he penned. The Christians at Thessalonica were commanded by him to abstain from fornication (I Thessalonians 4:3). In his epistle to the churches of Galatia, he classified fornication as one of the works of the flesh that can prevent one from entering into the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21). In the book of Romans he reflects upon the status of many Gentiles of the long ago when he stated, “Wherefore God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves…For this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness…” (Romans 1:24, 26-29a). This passage alone should be enough to convince the world that fornication and homosexuality are anything but pleasing to the eyes of the Almighty God. Nowhere does the apostle Paul deal with this problem in greater detail than in the book of I Corinthians. He deals with this problem throughout this book. In chapter 5, he deals with a particular situation of one that was committing fornication with his father’s wife. The church at Corinth had failed to properly teach, admonish, and discipline this individual. In chapter 6, Paul condemns fornication in vv. 9-20. Likewise, he deals with this problem from a different perspective in chapter 7 saying, “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let everyman have his own wife…” (v. 2). In chapter 10:8 he warns them to avoid fornication unlike those in Numbers 25 who committed fornication with the daughters of Moab. These passages explain to us that fornication is wrong, but what makes it wrong? There are two passages that should be discussed in order to set in order the reason that fornication is wrong. First let us notice I Timothy 5:14. Paul writes to the young preacher, “I will that younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” This is God’s plan for the woman. Notice that bearing children comes after the command to marry. Why, because the sexual relationship is confined ONLY to the marriage relationship. Sexual intercourse between two unwed persons is wrong. Second, let us go to the book of Hebrews. The penman of the book makes it clear in chapter 13:4 that “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” When a married person commits fornication with another, that individual has defiled his/her marriage bed. Once again, the sexual relationship is confined to married couples and married couples only! Kat |
No, I think our basic instincts are all the same, how they develop
depends on the culture. |
Associating sin with sex is just plain wrong. That tactic has mess up a
lot of people’s heads. There are countless testimonials from people who will tell you that religious ideas about sex really messed them up big time. I think it’s really sad when people resort to using religion to teach their children morals especially. There are much more positive and effect ways to teach healthy sexual behavior rather than instilling in a child that sex is inherently sinful. I dream of a day when people can actually teach healthy sexual behavior based on nothing more than good logic and common sense. There are a lot of sound logical reasons to teach healthy sexual behavior. I sincerely believe that it is much better to teach a child these genuinely practical reasons for healthy sexual behavior, rather than to just instill in them that they are sinful. Using the idea of sin to try to instill healthy morals is wrong on so many levels. First off, it avoids the issue of teaching and explaining sound logical reasons for healthy sexual behavior. Secondly it can have the adverse affect of making an honest child feel guilty about having natural urges and desires. I prefer not to use religion to teach morals to begin with. There are so many practical reasons to teach good morals in all areas that religion shouldn’t even be required. A belief in a god should be associated with the beauty of life, not with the need to control adverse responses to life. There are much better ways of educating humans to the hazards of unhealthy behaviors. Trying to control people via a guilt complex is actually a very negative technique and is ultimately a cop out to avoid having to face the issues head-on with sound logic and explanations. Religions should not be used as a cop out to avoid teaching sound intellectual-based moral values. On the contrary the intellectual-based morality is much more effective and positive. Not to mention enlightening. |
So the war comment doesn't really apply all that much....ok I
see.....just wondering. |
Not really, but if we'd follow the one instinct more than the other,
meaning sex before the instinct of self protection, maybe there could something be happening. |
Strongs Ancient Greek dictionary (this is a hard bound book not a web
site) states that ancient greek definitions are frequently mistranslated and have had their meaning changed in this age. Porneia Ancient Greek definitions from strong Ancient Greek dictionary. Pornos [to sell] a male prostitute or whoremonger. Porne [prostitute]a strumpet; figuratively, an idolater:--harlot, whore. Porneou to act the harlot;to practice idolatry. Porneia Harlotry and idolatry. You give the modern definition I give the definition that was in the time of Paul. Which definition do you think he was using. The one that we use in this day (requires time travel) or the one that was in his day. |
Look further up AB, I posted something I found on the web, stating that
the word got translated wrong in later times. |