Topic: Wheelclamps for Fido????
Jess642's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:35 AM
From The Northern Territory News.......


EXCLUSIVE by Nigel Adlam

September 2nd, 2009

A DOG has been booked for illegal parking.

The blue heeler was tied to a fence outside Rapid Creek market when it was approached by two Darwin City Council traffic wardens. One of the inspectors wrote out a ticket - and taped it to the dog's lead.

Witness Ray McEvoy said he couldn't believe his eyes. "I watched an elderly lady and her very faithful blue heeler roll up at the market," he said.

"The lady tied the dog to the fence and gave him a bowl full of water. And off she went into the markets.

''Then two traffic inspectors came along. They had a bit of a talk and, to my amazement, wrote out a warning infringement notice for the dog and taped it to his lead rope.''

They might think twice about booking these big dogs

Mr McEvoy, 48, of Gunn, Palmerston, said the dog was tied to a fence well away from the foodstalls.

''It was on a path rarely used,'' he said. ''And the owner made sure the dog was in the shade.

''It wasn't in distress at all. In fact, it was the most placid blue heeler I've seen in my life.''

Mr McEvoy, who runs a commercial cleaning business, said the booking caused quite a stir.

''One bloke took a photo of the infringement notice and someone shouted out, 'Send it to Bushranger'.''

The dog owner was last seen marching off in pursuit of the parking inspectors.

Council spokesman Grant Fenton said a dog was considered to be ''at large'' if the owner was not there.

''You can't tie up a dog and leave it,'' he said.

Are you the owner of the illegally parked blue heeler? We'd love to meet you and your dog. Call us on **** ****

no photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:38 AM
anything to make a dollar-should have seen the 1 about the lady pickin her kid up from school on horse back

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:38 AM
laugh "Darwin" City.........laugh kind of says it all.

Jess642's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:38 AM
<-------------------------hahahaha....I'd like to be a fly on the wall if they tried to give my bluey a ticket!!!

scared :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Jess642's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:39 AM

laugh "Darwin" City.........laugh kind of says it all.

Hahahaha...evolution...what evolution????noway laugh laugh laugh

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:44 AM

laugh "Darwin" City.........laugh kind of says it all.

Hahahaha...evolution...what evolution????noway laugh laugh laugh

laugh as far as handing out tickets...I suppose a Heeler to some would be a "natural selection".....I just wonder if if the citation had smudges on it from dirty knuckles.

Jess642's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:48 AM

laugh "Darwin" City.........laugh kind of says it all.

Hahahaha...evolution...what evolution????noway laugh laugh laugh

laugh as far as handing out tickets...I suppose a Heeler to some would be a "natural selection".....I just wonder if if the citation had smudges on it from dirty knuckles.

rofl rofl rofl

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 09/12/09 03:22 AM
Traffic wardens............ Why DO they call them that? They do NOT direct traffic!!! Last evening I was sitting in my favourite Chinese restaurant, I happened to look out of the window and could not believe my eyes, there, in tandem were two 'traffic wardens' slapping tickets on the cars parked at the front of the restaurant, unusual? Yes, it was freaking 10pm GMT!!!!! grumble grumble grumble grumble noway noway noway noway