Topic: Message to Students spread Obama's "Socialist Ideology"
Giocamo's photo
Fri 09/04/09 08:55 AM

Obama Under Fire on Message to Students
The right side of the blogosphere is buzzing about next week's presidential speech. Not the address to Congress about health care reform on Wednesday -- the message to America's schoolchildren he'll deliver Tuesday morning.
President Obama's speech on the day many kids start classes this year will urge students to be responsible and stay in school. But some conservatives are up in arms over what they see as an attempt to spread Obama's "socialist ideology," as Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer put it. There's even an online movement encouraging parents to protest by calling in to work sick and keeping their children home from school on Sept. 8.
The White House denies there's anything political about Tuesday's speech, but the government's suggested lesson plans for teachers have been changed because of the conservative criticism. A call for students to write about "what they can do to help the president“ has been cut.
An incident in Utah is also stoking fears about government indoctrination of students.
The principal of an elementary school in Farmington showed this "I Pledge" video at an assembly. It begins with images of President Obama talking about patriotism, hard work and responsibility, followed by celebrities making pledges. Most are apolitical, but in one clip, Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis says, "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama."
Gayle Ruzicka, president of the Utah Eagle Forum, blasted the video as "radical, leftist propaganda." A school district spokesman says the PTA board picked the video and the principal -- who hadn't seen it before it was shown to kids -- has apologized.

technically he's a Fascist...socialism is when the government owns and runs private business...fascism is when the private sector owns the business...but the governement runs it...although...there is an arguement for both sides...:smile:

Well said. :)

What does that have to do with a president speaking to children?

I was referring to his subject/topic...and his reference to Socialist Ideology...

willing2's photo
Fri 09/04/09 09:05 AM

Obama Under Fire on Message to Students
The right side of the blogosphere is buzzing about next week's presidential speech. Not the address to Congress about health care reform on Wednesday -- the message to America's schoolchildren he'll deliver Tuesday morning.
President Obama's speech on the day many kids start classes this year will urge students to be responsible and stay in school. But some conservatives are up in arms over what they see as an attempt to spread Obama's "socialist ideology," as Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer put it. There's even an online movement encouraging parents to protest by calling in to work sick and keeping their children home from school on Sept. 8.
The White House denies there's anything political about Tuesday's speech, but the government's suggested lesson plans for teachers have been changed because of the conservative criticism. A call for students to write about "what they can do to help the president“ has been cut.
An incident in Utah is also stoking fears about government indoctrination of students.
The principal of an elementary school in Farmington showed this "I Pledge" video at an assembly. It begins with images of President Obama talking about patriotism, hard work and responsibility, followed by celebrities making pledges. Most are apolitical, but in one clip, Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis says, "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama."
Gayle Ruzicka, president of the Utah Eagle Forum, blasted the video as "radical, leftist propaganda." A school district spokesman says the PTA board picked the video and the principal -- who hadn't seen it before it was shown to kids -- has apologized.

technically he's a Fascist...socialism is when the government owns and runs private business...fascism is when the private sector owns the business...but the governement runs it...although...there is an arguement for both sides...:smile:

Well said. :)

What does that have to do with a president speaking to children?

I was referring to his subject/topic...and his reference to Socialist Ideology...

I quoted what MSM printed.
They probably won't ever use the term Facist.

Winx's photo
Fri 09/04/09 09:28 AM
Well...if people don't want a Democratic president talking to children, I guess that we shouldn't ever have a Republican president doing it either.

I, personally, don't care if each and every president did it. It's good for children to learn about politics and it's good for them to learn about their presidents.

cas6285's photo
Fri 09/04/09 10:55 AM

I have consulted the bones and this is my prophesy:

once he gives this speech to the kids, 99% of the people are gonna say "that was it? all that foofaraw over that?"

but 1% of the people are gonna parse his words and manipulate the context and meaning to find some great government conspiracy in it and we'll have to hear about it for the next 4 and maybe 8 years

mark my words

I have spoken

Your world are wise and and true, I like to subscribe to your news letter.

Speaking of witch

Ronald Regan's speech to school children.

Winx's photo
Fri 09/04/09 11:13 AM
Good find, Cas.:thumbsup:

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 09/05/09 06:17 AM
Dont get me wrong, i'm disillusioned with Obama. But let's look at a little difference in style. Bush told someone (our enemies?) to bring it on, and dressed up in military drag to be dropped on a carrier and have a photo op (he who had never been in the military). Obama wants to have a talk about the importance of education and hard work with school children.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/05/09 06:33 AM

Dont get me wrong, i'm disillusioned with Obama. But let's look at a little difference in style. Bush told someone (our enemies?) to bring it on, and dressed up in military drag to be dropped on a carrier and have a photo op (he who had never been in the military). Obama wants to have a talk about the importance of education and hard work with school children.

We'll see after the edited speech gets posted for review.

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 07:57 AM

Obama Under Fire on Message to Students
The right side of the blogosphere is buzzing about next week's presidential speech. Not the address to Congress about health care reform on Wednesday -- the message to America's schoolchildren he'll deliver Tuesday morning.
President Obama's speech on the day many kids start classes this year will urge students to be responsible and stay in school. But some conservatives are up in arms over what they see as an attempt to spread Obama's "socialist ideology," as Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer put it. There's even an online movement encouraging parents to protest by calling in to work sick and keeping their children home from school on Sept. 8.
The White House denies there's anything political about Tuesday's speech, but the government's suggested lesson plans for teachers have been changed because of the conservative criticism. A call for students to write about "what they can do to help the president“ has been cut.
An incident in Utah is also stoking fears about government indoctrination of students.
The principal of an elementary school in Farmington showed this "I Pledge" video at an assembly. It begins with images of President Obama talking about patriotism, hard work and responsibility, followed by celebrities making pledges. Most are apolitical, but in one clip, Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis says, "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama."
Gayle Ruzicka, president of the Utah Eagle Forum, blasted the video as "radical, leftist propaganda." A school district spokesman says the PTA board picked the video and the principal -- who hadn't seen it before it was shown to kids -- has apologized.

technically he's a Fascist...socialism is when the government owns and runs private business...fascism is when the private sector owns the business...but the governement runs it...although...there is an arguement for both sides...:smile:

Well said. :)

What does that have to do with a president speaking to children?

it means...I don't listen to or believe ANYTHING any Fascist...reads off a teleprompter...words written by someone else...:smile:

Oh please, even you believe words written by someone else, just not the ones you dislike.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 09/05/09 08:35 AM

Obama Under Fire on Message to Students
The right side of the blogosphere is buzzing about next week's presidential speech. Not the address to Congress about health care reform on Wednesday -- the message to America's schoolchildren he'll deliver Tuesday morning.
President Obama's speech on the day many kids start classes this year will urge students to be responsible and stay in school. But some conservatives are up in arms over what they see as an attempt to spread Obama's "socialist ideology," as Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer put it. There's even an online movement encouraging parents to protest by calling in to work sick and keeping their children home from school on Sept. 8.
The White House denies there's anything political about Tuesday's speech, but the government's suggested lesson plans for teachers have been changed because of the conservative criticism. A call for students to write about "what they can do to help the president“ has been cut.
An incident in Utah is also stoking fears about government indoctrination of students.
The principal of an elementary school in Farmington showed this "I Pledge" video at an assembly. It begins with images of President Obama talking about patriotism, hard work and responsibility, followed by celebrities making pledges. Most are apolitical, but in one clip, Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis says, "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama."
Gayle Ruzicka, president of the Utah Eagle Forum, blasted the video as "radical, leftist propaganda." A school district spokesman says the PTA board picked the video and the principal -- who hadn't seen it before it was shown to kids -- has apologized.

technically he's a Fascist...socialism is when the government owns and runs private business...fascism is when the private sector owns the business...but the governement runs it...although...there is an arguement for both sides...:smile:

Well said. :)

What does that have to do with a president speaking to children?

it means...I don't listen to or believe ANYTHING any Fascist...reads off a teleprompter...words written by someone else...:smile:

Oh please, even you believe words written by someone else, just not the ones you dislike.

the point is...does HE believe what he's reading...

Moondark's photo
Sat 09/05/09 09:01 AM
Edited by Moondark on Sat 09/05/09 09:03 AM
I saw a list of some of these questions. And the key thing they all had in common was to question authority. To pinpoint the things that they themselves seem most to connect with. Helps to define what is important to each indivual.

The core of this seems to be, from what I've been reading, it to question things, to think about things, to DECIDE FOR YOURSELF what you think and how you feel about these issues.

It is teaching kids to take responsibility for their own governance and NOT to follow blindly and be lead around by the nose, blindly following whatever leaders tell you that you should do and how you ought to think.

The institution of education is in fact an indoctrination process as it is. Do this, do that, believe this, believe that, authority knows best so you just have to trust in it.

People who say that the suggested questions are brainwashing kids into little Obama deciples are over reacting to it. At least in terms of brainwashing and indoctrination.

On the other hand, I can see where people conservative and religious types might be upset at teaching kids to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. That goes agains religious ideals and conservatism.

The religious ideals say to go ahead and question, so long as you come up with these accepted interpretations and nothing else. If you do, you are then misinterpreting it and need to be pointed back in the 'right' direction.

Conservatism is build on tradition, if it was good then it will be good now. Even if the conditions have so changed that it is irrelevant now. Conservatism tries to hold back change and growth. Because that will make things different and if things are different, they can't 'control' those things anymore. If you question and don't just follow, you may see things you don't like or want to be different. And that is bad. Conservatism doesn't like free thinkers and loves a little robotic populous set on remote control to whom they can feed intructions that will be instantly obeyed.

It's okay for concervative president to address school kids, because they ultimately say, "Do what you are told." They don't like Obama addressing students because he is saying, "what do YOU think? What is important to YOU?"

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:06 AM

I saw a list of some of these questions. And the key thing they all had in common was to question authority. To pinpoint the things that they themselves seem most to connect with. Helps to define what is important to each indivual.

The core of this seems to be, from what I've been reading, it to question things, to think about things, to DECIDE FOR YOURSELF what you think and how you feel about these issues.

It is teaching kids to take responsibility for their own governance and NOT to follow blindly and be lead around by the nose, blindly following whatever leaders tell you that you should do and how you ought to think.

The institution of education is in fact an indoctrination process as it is. Do this, do that, believe this, believe that, authority knows best so you just have to trust in it.

People who say that the suggested questions are brainwashing kids into little Obama deciples are over reacting to it. At least in terms of brainwashing and indoctrination.

On the other hand, I can see where people conservative and religious types might be upset at teaching kids to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. That goes agains religious ideals and conservatism.

The religious ideals say to go ahead and question, so long as you come up with these accepted interpretations and nothing else. If you do, you are then misinterpreting it and need to be pointed back in the 'right' direction.

Conservatism is build on tradition, if it was good then it will be good now. Even if the conditions have so changed that it is irrelevant now. Conservatism tries to hold back change and growth. Because that will make things different and if things are different, they can't 'control' those things anymore. If you question and don't just follow, you may see things you don't like or want to be different. And that is bad. Conservatism doesn't like free thinkers and loves a little robotic populous set on remote control to whom they can feed intructions that will be instantly obeyed.

It's okay for concervative president to address school kids, because they ultimately say, "Do what you are told." They don't like Obama addressing students because he is saying, "what do YOU think? What is important to YOU?"

Absolutely, course remember there are religious conservatives on the left as well that have a problem with it, they just aren't as loud about.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:13 AM
The original speech is being edited. It is supposed to be available for adult viewing on Monday.
Too bad the original speech wasn't leaked for viewing.
Having to edit shows me, there was inappropriate content that needed deleting.

Winx's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:18 AM

The original speech is being edited. It is supposed to be available for adult viewing on Monday.
Too bad the original speech wasn't leaked for viewing.
Having to edit shows me, there was inappropriate content that needed deleting.

Of course, editing shows you that. lol Nevermind the possibility that it could of been too long or boring for children and they had to edit it for that reason.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:18 AM
I think some are underestimating the intelligence of these children...

willing2's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:21 AM
Edited by willing2 on Sat 09/05/09 11:23 AM

The original speech is being edited. It is supposed to be available for adult viewing on Monday.
Too bad the original speech wasn't leaked for viewing.
Having to edit shows me, there was inappropriate content that needed deleting.

Of course, editing shows you that. lol Nevermind the possibility that it could of been too long or boring for children and they had to edit it for that reason.

Until he caught sheite about indoctorination, the plan was use what he had drawn up. Now, he edits.
I'd like to see the original speech.
Wut did he say about transparency??

Winx's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:22 AM

I think some are underestimating the intelligence of these children...


It's for grades K-6. They don't have long attention spans.

My child has watched a debate and a speech and has been to a health care rally and seen the inauguration at school. My kid gets sooo bored. lol

Winx's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:22 AM

The original speech is being edited. It is supposed to be available for adult viewing on Monday.
Too bad the original speech wasn't leaked for viewing.
Having to edit shows me, there was inappropriate content that needed deleting.

Of course, editing shows you that. lol Nevermind the possibility that it could of been too long or boring for children and they had to edit it for that reason.

I'd like to see the original speech.
Wut did he say about transparency??

Why, the original speech? I'm only interested in the final product.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:25 AM

The original speech is being edited. It is supposed to be available for adult viewing on Monday.
Too bad the original speech wasn't leaked for viewing.
Having to edit shows me, there was inappropriate content that needed deleting.

Of course, editing shows you that. lol Nevermind the possibility that it could of been too long or boring for children and they had to edit it for that reason.

Until he caught sheite about indoctorination, the plan was use what he had drawn up. Now, he edits.
I'd like to see the original speech.
Wut did he say about transparency??

Why, the original speech? I'm only interested in the final product.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:26 AM

I think some are underestimating the intelligence of these children...


It's for grades K-6. They don't have long attention spans.

My child has watched a debate and a speech and has been to a health care rally and seen the inauguration at school. My kid gets sooo bored. lol

My boys are much older and still don't have the attention span to sit through something like that age are still influenced by their parents opinions. I don't think this is going to have the impact most think it will. Except on the will give them more to fight about.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:31 AM
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

He can include one of his famous quotes. Crack the kids up a little.rofl rofl rofl rofl