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Topic: Sickness Will Surely Take The Mind...
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Wed 09/02/09 06:36 AM
...where minds can't usually go...from "Tommy" The Who.

I see a lot of profiles stating they don't want to date anyone with any type of mental illness...some even go as far as listing certain pharmaceuticals... This leads me to believe that there MUST be a lot of mentally ill wandering around or it wouldn't be such an issue...ohwell questions are: Do you have compassion or disdain towards someone dealing with mental illness...?

Has mental illness ever touched your life?

Would you dump someone you were dating (& liked) if you found out they were on medication?

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Wed 09/02/09 06:41 AM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Wed 09/02/09 06:41 AM ex-is Bipolar, and will not stay on medication.
He knocked out 12 of my teeth, etc..
Had spending spree's
Had mood swings
The list could go on and on.....

If I were with someone, with an illness, they would have to take medication,4 sure,but I wouldnt refuse to date them, because of it.

No, would not dump them.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:42 AM
Myself I have never dealt with any kind of mental illness within the family...... And it would all really depend on the extent of mental illness whether I would stay away from them.

Now many would call those that are Bi-Polar as mentally ill. sister in-law is Bi-Polar and well I never knew till someone told me. She stays on her meds and all is well.

So as long as it can be controlled then I don't have a problem with it.

But now if we are talking way out there in left field ect... then they would not be someone I would be most likely get involved with....noway

tngxl65's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:43 AM
Edited by tngxl65 on Wed 09/02/09 06:50 AM
I think that we are medicating for any sort of perceived anxiety or abnormality anymore. However it did wonders for someone I know very well and I'm not sure she would be functional without it.

I don't think I would shy away from someone just because they were taking anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medicines.... heck i shouldn't even know about them in the beginning anyhow. It should be obvious if they're not working, right?

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:46 AM ex-is Bipolar, and will not stay on medication.
He knocked out 12 of my teeth, etc..
Had spending spree's
Had mood swings
The list could go on and on.....

If I were with someone, with an illness, they would have to take medication,4 sure,but I wouldnt refuse to date them, because of it.

No, would not dump them.

Yea my oldest daughter too

Her manic attacks were violent

Mess helped. She's doing better now thank god!

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:48 AM
Her meds helped

I used to be scared of mental illness

Now I'm not

I've learned patience and love through her!

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:49 AM
You didn't hear it
You didn't see it
You won't say nothing to no one
ever in your life
You never heard it
Oh how absurd it
All seems without any proof

I've known a few people that needed meds to cope. Much of mental illness is chemical in nature. Neurotransmitters and such out balance. amino acids and peptides.

Meds balance out these deficiencies

So as long as a person stays on their meds I wouldn't have a problem any more than any other medically ill person

EDIT: unless they start freaking out in a restaurant and get me kicked out

no photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:52 AM
How many believe that mental illness runs in families?

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Wed 09/02/09 06:53 AM
Mental illness can be very touchy,I would never get involved with some one that had problems that could lead to violance!Other wise as long as they are on meds properly,I would not have a problem.

tngxl65's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:55 AM

How many believe that mental illness runs in families?

I think there's a tendency for it to run in families, depending on the illness.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:56 AM

How many believe that mental illness runs in families?

I believe it is like any other illness cancer, emphysema or even Bi-Polar I feel the genes are more predominated within certain family's and cases tend to show up more within the family history then they do with others.......

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:58 AM
I think there is a genetic component

usually on the mother's side

weman are just naturally crazy

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:59 AM
Yes that's true it can run in families

newarkjw's photo
Wed 09/02/09 06:59 AM
It is definately a tough gig. I believe they hand out the meds like candy but for some it is the only solution. These type of people also tend to be brilliant....smokin

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 09/02/09 07:00 AM
As long as they took their meds like they were supposed to I would have no problem dating them. I would have a problem moving in with them because of my children, however, depending on what the diagnosis was.

Of course, I have decided not to live with anyone until my children are grown so I guess that last part is irrelevant.

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 09/02/09 07:01 AM

It is definately a tough gig. I believe they hand out the meds like candy but for some it is the only solution. These type of people also tend to be brilliant....smokin

That is so true!!

My daughter has a genius IQ

Handling everyday life is hard for her

no photo
Wed 09/02/09 07:03 AM

How many believe that mental illness runs in families?

Think so...

michiganman3's photo
Wed 09/02/09 07:03 AM
Some folks have had experience dating someone who has been on, or needed to be on medication for mental health issues, and they don't want to participate in that again.

As a healthcare professional I know that emotional/mental health issues have a direct impact on physical health.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 09/02/09 07:06 AM
Thats a tough call for me... My oldest son here in the picture with me has had many problems, diagnosed with several disorders, constant medication. It was very challenging for many years, he's 25 now and doing well. And my last partner committed suicide because of severe depression, abusing his meds and mixing them up with alcohol, just went crazy. It has been 5 years since but it was terribly draining dealing with them both..trying to help them both.
I may be a bit jaded in this area... very scary at times and don't know if I could take that on again.

no photo
Wed 09/02/09 07:06 AM

...where minds can't usually go...from "Tommy" The Who.

I see a lot of profiles stating they don't want to date anyone with any type of mental illness...some even go as far as listing certain pharmaceuticals... This leads me to believe that there MUST be a lot of mentally ill wandering around or it wouldn't be such an issue...ohwell questions are: Do you have compassion or disdain towards someone dealing with mental illness...?

Has mental illness ever touched your life?

Would you dump someone you were dating (& liked) if you found out they were on medication?

I would judge them on their actions not on their pharmacy, I have a bipolar friend, schizo friend and who knows what others I do not know about, if they are aware of their problems and take actions to treat it with meds why would I dump them or not get involve as long as they are decent people under their meds sure I would date or be friends but if even under meds they are a$$hole then sorry and see you.

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