Topic: Deputy Sees Nothing Wrong In Tasering Mom with kids | |
when in doubt, whip it out
I would rather be alive and suspended for 30 days..... Just saying something here smells, and it's not the fish.... 5mph over and you get pulled over?????? really????? no, Really??? perhaps, he liked the cut of her jib and wanted her to be... shall we say "compliant"...... It is a large problem in many departments...... |
when in doubt, whip it out I would rather be alive and suspended for 30 days..... Just saying something here smells, and it's not the fish.... 5mph over and you get pulled over?????? really????? no, Really??? perhaps, he liked the cut of her jib and wanted her to be... shall we say "compliant"...... It is a large problem in many departments...... or....she was speeding with snow on the ground??? possibly??? he might have let her go with a warning after he checked for warrants. her actions changed the scenario |
I'm bad about goin anywhere from 5-10 over the limit. I've been let go with a warnin more than I've gotten tickets. Why? Cause I comply an do as I'm told. Bottom line, u get pulled over then just comply
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Snow...when did this happen???
Around here, if you go 5 mph over the speed limit they are likely to pull you over for acting suspicious...... |
I'm bad about goin anywhere from 5-10 over the limit. I've been let go with a warnin more than I've gotten tickets. Why? Cause I comply an do as I'm told. Bottom line, u get pulled over then just comply ![]() very true. I was 16 and I owned up to it. I knew even then not to follow the cop after being told repeatedly (the driver said she was asked) to get back in the car. then resist arrest by getting in the car...not once but twice. she could have gone for a weapon or driven off. |
Snow...when did this happen??? Around here, if you go 5 mph over the speed limit they are likely to pull you over for acting suspicious...... did you even see the video. my eyes may be playing tricks on me but I saw snow |
Here's a story for u, I was bartendin in this lil hole in the wall country bar in ND. One of the regulars left to go home drunker than a d@mn skunk. A mile from home he gets pulled over by a deputy. Deputy asks him if he's been drinkin. Cowboy tells him, yes sir I have an I'm on my way home, it's right there down the road. Deputy tells him alright then get movin. Deputy follows him to make sure he got home. Cowboy comes in the next time an tells me about it. Prime example, fess up to ur stoopidity an be done with it
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Deputy Sees Nothing Wrong In Tasering Mom In Front of her kids video: A New York sheriff’s deputy has defended his actions in tasering a woman in front of her two young children, and says that the decision to suspend him for thirty days came only after the story made national headlines earlier this month. Sean Andrews, a deputy in Onondaga County, tased Audra Harmon twice after pulling her over for driving 50 mph in a 45 mph zone last January. Her two young children were strapped in the back seat of the vehicle. Harmon was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and speeding, however, all charges against her were subsequently dismissed and she announced she would sue the sheriff’s department in early August. Now, in an email, reportedly intended for friends and family only, leaked to and published by the Syracuse Post-Standard, Andrews says was right to stun Harmon because she refused to follow his orders, claiming he could not see her hands at all times. “I drew my Taser on her because we are trained in the police academy and throughout our careers that all people are considered a threat on a traffic stop… Anyone with hands can kill a cop, it doesn’t matter how old they are.” he writes. Andrews also states that his sheriff is pandering to public pressure by suspending him without pay for one month and asking him to resign, following an administrative hearing last week. “It is no mystery that this was a completely political move on the sheriff’s part because he realizes that the video alone with no explanation does not look good and he feels his job will be in jeopardy,” Andrews wrote. Harmon and her legal representatives have stated that Andrews’ justification of the incident is incorrect owing to the fact that she posed no physical threat to the sheriff’s deputy and her hands are clearly showing at all times in the video. Andrews could face further disciplinary actions over the Jan. 31 incident. She had it coming. Only an idiot ignores an officer's orders. IMO, stupid should be a crime. |
I saw the utube video, with her speaking. Where is the actual video and what tape was the woman asking the officer for?
I saw the utube video, with her speaking. Where is the actual video and what tape was the woman asking the officer for? that was kinda my point. you don't know what really happened or if the cop enjoyed manhandling the women etc. I went by what she, herself, said and what I saw |
I saw the utube video, with her speaking. Where is the actual video and what tape was the woman asking the officer for? that was kinda my point. you don't know what really happened or if the cop enjoyed manhandling the women etc. I went by what she, herself, said and what I saw All I saw as him in front of her and snow on the side of the road, just not enough there to see anything and you didn't hear him at all, that's weird. Appearance wise she seemed well dressed and not like a raving loon. Still would like to know what tape she was asking the cop for. Some thing just isn't right here, did someone say the charges were dropped? |
I saw the utube video, with her speaking. Where is the actual video and what tape was the woman asking the officer for? that was kinda my point. you don't know what really happened or if the cop enjoyed manhandling the women etc. I went by what she, herself, said and what I saw All I saw as him in front of her and snow on the side of the road, just not enough there to see anything and you didn't hear him at all, that's weird. Appearance wise she seemed well dressed and not like a raving loon. Still would like to know what tape she was asking the cop for. Some thing just isn't right here, did someone say the charges were dropped? I was going by the fact that she said the cop asked her 2 times to get back in the car and saw her going back in 2 times when she was being arrested (even according to her) I get irritated when people jump to the conclusion that the cop was at fault when no one really even knows what happened and IMO from what she said herself...she was wrong |
she was askin for it
Edited by
Mon 08/31/09 08:42 PM
I saw the utube video, with her speaking. Where is the actual video and what tape was the woman asking the officer for? that was kinda my point. you don't know what really happened or if the cop enjoyed manhandling the women etc. I went by what she, herself, said and what I saw All I saw as him in front of her and snow on the side of the road, just not enough there to see anything and you didn't hear him at all, that's weird. Appearance wise she seemed well dressed and not like a raving loon. Still would like to know what tape she was asking the cop for. Some thing just isn't right here, did someone say the charges were dropped? I was going by the fact that she said the cop asked her 2 times to get back in the car and saw her going back in 2 times when she was being arrested (even according to her) I get irritated when people jump to the conclusion that the cop was at fault when no one really even knows what happened and IMO from what she said herself...she was wrong It seems like several folks here are interpreting it differently, just as I am. I didn't see her acting irrationally, and unless I know why she was asking for the tape, there's no way of telling if that had something to do with the whole encounter. I just don't see her doing anything that would require a taser. Oh well it's not worth my time with out more information. |
she wasn't a raving loon I agree...but she was asked several times to get back in the car and she refused. cops can't assume someone isn't going to do anything because of gender, age, how they look. if they do...that could be the last thing they assume. more than likely she would have gotten a warning after shown she didn't have warrants. the cop didn't even get a chance to check. for all he knew..she could have had warrants (even little ones) and would have gone crazy not wanting to be arrested for that. cops don't know. that is why she should have gotten back in her car and stayed there. and not try to get back in when she was being arrested. she could have been going for something...mace, gun, bat, anything. cops have been shot over routine traffic stops before. and there are bad guys that you least expect because of how they look. it's taking precautions
From what I have read here, she wasnt arrested for going 5 over, she was arrested for refusing to comply with the officer in charge, and only tazered after she tried to get away from him and reach into her car TWICE, where any wepon could have been within reach.
Only an opinion here, but maybe more and more precincts are going with tazer over physical restraint because of all the nonsense court scenes, where someone is resisting arrest, tried to get away or strike the officer, and then gets hurt when they are wrestled to the ground. I know it is getting more and more where the criminal has more rights than the public and the police. Some thing smells..... Since when do you get arrested for a 5 mph violation...imo should not even have been pulled over... |
she wasn't a raving loon I agree...but she was asked several times to get back in the car and she refused. cops can't assume someone isn't going to do anything because of gender, age, how they look. if they do...that could be the last thing they assume. more than likely she would have gotten a warning after shown she didn't have warrants. the cop didn't even get a chance to check. for all he knew..she could have had warrants (even little ones) and would have gone crazy not wanting to be arrested for that. cops don't know. that is why she should have gotten back in her car and stayed there. and not try to get back in when she was being arrested. she could have been going for something...mace, gun, bat, anything. cops have been shot over routine traffic stops before. and there are bad guys that you least expect because of how they look. it's taking precautions Wait, now it's several times instead of 2 times? Are you reading something I am not? I know how unpredictable people can be, I took a job repossessing people's cars in the dead of night in some pretty bad areas. Cops aren't the only ones with dangerous jobs, try repossessing a vehicle from a crazed owner with a tiny bottle of Mace and no gun. I almost got my legs taken off at the knees when the man tried to crush them between cars. I've gone on calls with cops I know personally, so I know what they face. I don't see any good reason to use a taser on this particular woman is all I am saying and especially in front of her children, but I will reserve judgment till I see the whole thing, not just a tiny piece of it. The problem in too many instances is that the citizens are as afraid of bad cops as cops are afraid of bad citizens. So afraid they want to use a taser now in place of intellect? Sad... I'll be happy to stand behind the officer when I see the whole tape. |
Just wanted to say also, that when I got pulled over a couple years ago, for driving about two blocks without my seatbelt on, I HAD to step out, because my back was spasming something intense (which was why I was out; I had driven tot he corner store for some pain medicine). Before even trying top open the door, I explained to the officer that I needed to get out and stand for a moment and why. He directed me to put my hands on the steering wheel and keep them there while he opened my door for me. I did so. He gently took one arm, guided me from the car and just as gently asked me to turn around, while his partner walked up, hand on gun, but gun holstered (though definitely unstrapped). While the partner kept an eye on me, the original officer patted me down, quite gently and professionally (My background is security as well, and I have done government work with security), and when I flinched from his hand touching the smasming area on my back he simply apologized for hurting me. After making sure I had no weapons, he went back to the patrol car, pulled my record and everything, then came back and gave me a warning. His partner stayed with me, and I did not get back into my car, until he came back with the warning.
My point is very simple. I did not do anything to cause them to be nervous, other than ASK to get out of my car, and I had a valid reason to want out. I allowed them to ascertain that I was not dangerous, and that I had an actual problem with my back, and did not give them any hassles. after just a couple minutes, I was on my way back home with nothing more than a warning to not drive without a seatbelt, next time have a neighbor go for me. Now imagine if I had just stepped out without any explanation, and with my back spasming so that I was jerking around. Plus it was dusk outside. Any takers on a bet that I would have been shot? (Tazers were not isued to the force in my town then) |
my word was several...but I got tired of saying 2 times (when that is just the driver's version...true or not)
I already said I wouldn't comment on the tazering because I've not been in that position and we don't know what really happened. I'm not necessarily standing behind the cop either...I'm saying no one knows the whole story and the situation. I have just given other theories and food for thought about it. I have admitted before and will do it now...there are bad cops...just like in everything else. my problem is people assuming the worst here. it is this kind of assumptions (not saying you boo) from people and the media that bring the fear and make it dangerous. you never know when you will run into someone bad wherever you go. but because of cop killing songs and the media headlining the "bad cops" that people assume they are all bad and makes it dangerous for the good cops. you rarely hear about the good cop or the good they do because it's not news worthy. and some of the same people in the world that talk about the political media...are some of the same that listen to everything the media says in other aspects of life and doesn't think twice about why they report what they do or put their spin on things off my soap box now ![]() |
Just wanted to say also, that when I got pulled over a couple years ago, for driving about two blocks without my seatbelt on, I HAD to step out, because my back was spasming something intense (which was why I was out; I had driven tot he corner store for some pain medicine). Before even trying top open the door, I explained to the officer that I needed to get out and stand for a moment and why. He directed me to put my hands on the steering wheel and keep them there while he opened my door for me. I did so. He gently took one arm, guided me from the car and just as gently asked me to turn around, while his partner walked up, hand on gun, but gun holstered (though definitely unstrapped). While the partner kept an eye on me, the original officer patted me down, quite gently and professionally (My background is security as well, and I have done government work with security), and when I flinched from his hand touching the smasming area on my back he simply apologized for hurting me. After making sure I had no weapons, he went back to the patrol car, pulled my record and everything, then came back and gave me a warning. His partner stayed with me, and I did not get back into my car, until he came back with the warning. My point is very simple. I did not do anything to cause them to be nervous, other than ASK to get out of my car, and I had a valid reason to want out. I allowed them to ascertain that I was not dangerous, and that I had an actual problem with my back, and did not give them any hassles. after just a couple minutes, I was on my way back home with nothing more than a warning to not drive without a seatbelt, next time have a neighbor go for me. Now imagine if I had just stepped out without any explanation, and with my back spasming so that I was jerking around. Plus it was dusk outside. Any takers on a bet that I would have been shot? (Tazers were not isued to the force in my town then) ![]() |