Topic: --- Coping with Depression ---
tohyup's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:03 PM

Bi polar/manic depressives NEED their meds. It's when they come off of them that there is a problem.

Depression is not a life long illness for many peole and therefore you should be careful if the meds are addictive .:wink: .

Winx's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:19 PM

Bi polar/manic depressives NEED their meds. It's when they come off of them that there is a problem.

Depression is not a life long illness for many peole and therefore you should be careful if the meds are addictive .:wink: .

It depends on what type of depression one has. Is the depression situational or is it a chemical imbalance in the brain? A chemical imbalance tends to be chronic.

People with a diagnosis of bi-polar do need their meds. Please don't confuse that diagnosis with depression. It is eventually a problem when they come off of their meds.

There's also dysthymia - late on-set and early on-set, btw.

Dan99's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:27 PM
I have never been depressed, so dont know what the hell i am talking about.

But, my one peice of advice, is to keep yourself busy.

Stop thinking about stuff.

Stop doing(or not doing) the things that allow you to dwell on the negative.

Thats not a solution in itself, but it might help, depending on whats causing the depression.

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 09/06/09 05:11 AM


Taking any, and all medications for any problem.

If a medication has side effects that are a problem, or are not working for you, explain to your Dr. how you are feeling, and if it is working or not, and the Dr. will do their best to modify medication, or change it, or suggest other things.

A therapist can get to the root of your issue, and give you stress reducing, and understanding skills, and tools, on what to do in order to help you with your problem. Often many things you have never thought about.

If you cant afford a Dr, or medication, every city has their own mental health center who can help you in finding something affordable, or helping you so you can absoloutely either pay for your visits, and medication, or get it for you for free if you are indigent.

Good Luck. flowerforyou

wux's photo
Sun 09/06/09 06:31 PM
Edited by wux on Sun 09/06/09 06:35 PM

1. dont lie to yourself about anything.
2. dont disillussion yourself in to anything.
3. Have great friends around you who are accountable, responsible, and carring kinds of people. They will be compassionet, but not let you off the hook.
4. counciling is great!!!!! even if your not depressed, its great to go anyway.
5. Realize you are stressed, confussed, hurt, angry or what ever. Own your feelings and then deal with each of them 1 at a time.
6. believe in yourself
7. believe in yourself
8. believe in yourself

Thanks man. I like that answer drinker

There is your problem!! Once you realize that that answer was crap, and that you DO need pills, you'll be on your way to recovery.

Depression or mental illness is only a stigma because society makes it into a stigma. Once you realize that a pill will treat it not like a dumber pill or a speed pill or whatever, but as a pill that treats diabetes when you have diabetes or treats or even cures cancer when you have cancer, you will be a much healthier man.

Society only stigmatizes mental illness because people with mental illness are extremely hart to get along with.

Give up your pride, it's worth it. Swallow the bitter pill of anti-depressants.

Don't ride life by searching for something that's not there.

Feeling better is on the corner, around the way, and fully available to you, but if you ab ovo reject treatment which smart men and women have worked out with hard research over several centuries, and which works, then don't come crying to us.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:43 AM
Edited by HawaiiMusikMan on Wed 09/09/09 01:43 AM

rigorous exercise, daily


St john's wort

Been on St Johns Wort for a few days & it seems to help a bit & doesn't seem to cause side effects like prescriptions do. Exercise is also very good advise.

I once did see a psychiatrist and he put me on Paxil, an antidepressant. Being a bit cautious about it, I took half a pill. I felt fine for about an hour so I decided to drive home from where I was. I started getting dizzy & had to pull my car over to the side of the road. I began seeing stars and everything went white for a minute or so and my ears rang to the point where it was all I could hear. Once I came to from passing out, I drove home and spent the rest of the night on the toilet. Needless to say, the rest of the bottle went out with the trash.

No more poison for me, thanks

artman48's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:45 AM
Stay where you are---there will be lots of people in there with you very soon!!

mle0626's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:46 AM
Sing a song or just make funny noises. I believe it's proven to make you feel better.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 09/09/09 01:53 AM

I have been off and on with depression since I was 15 for a number of reasons. When I was younger I didn't know how to deal with it, so I'd put myself in stupid situations. But now being older and looking back, i've found the best way to battle it and get over it is to learn to love - not just my son, but love who I am and doing what I love to do keeps me happy.

forget about that break up. That's just another person who isn't in your life, you learned from her, you are now stronger. Do what you love to do and make yourself happy.

Thanks flowerforyou I'm going to see another band tonight. Something I love doing.

I hope you had fun seeing the band, who did you see?!

Honestly, I'm not much into the bar scene but since I live in the sticks, bars are the only places with live music going on.

Last weekend I saw the typical bar band who plays classic rock/pop covers. It was alright; I had fun.

The weekend before that I saw an eighties band, The Fixx. That was friggin awesome! Once in a while we get name bands but our venues are so cramped it's few and far between. Have to fly to Oahu to see anyone noteworthy which sucks for me since I'd love to see a show every weekend if I could.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:01 AM

Stay where you are---there will be lots of people in there with you very soon!!

I'm not sure I catch your drift there guy. If it means what I think it does, that was a bastardly thing to say from someone claiming to be religious. Not going to win any converts acting like an azs.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:34 AM

Sing a song or just make funny noises. I believe it's proven to make you feel better.

Thanks flowerforyou I can attest to that. For me, singing & playing music can be very therapeutic.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:51 AM
Edited by HawaiiMusikMan on Wed 09/09/09 02:52 AM

Stay where you are---there will be lots of people in there with you very soon!!

Pit of despair, not pit of he11.

Thanks for the wonderful advise man. I feel so much better now. noway mad

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/09/09 06:29 AM
I dont really understand depression except I have felt low hundreds of times, if I took a questionnaire, I am sure I would have fallen under the 'suffering from depression' category. For me, I Juat have an inner motivation to keep going , especially for my kids. I think about what I can change and stop dwelling on what I cant at some point and then I can get back on the horse. But I am a spiritual person of sorts and I think my faith helps alot.

On the other side, it sucks being in a relationship with someone who always uses depression as an excuse. My depressed partner would threaten suicide quite a bit and change his story about random things just to get pity. If you have an illness, aknowledge it and do what is prescribed to control or live with it so u dont put others through hell.

Spirograph's photo
Sat 09/26/09 03:48 PM
The number one best thing you can do is to tell yourself

"The only thing that I can control is myself. I cannot control other people, or situations, but I can control the way that I react, I can control the way i deal with them"

Depression hurts. It's hard. People who don't have depression have a hard time understanding it, and don't give very good advice about it.

When you're low, try to think of things that make you feel good. For some it's a walk, or calling a friend to vent, or music, arts, it all depends on the person. Try doing something that makes you happy.

Hang in there, everything gets better if you only push yourself to make it that way. It's your life, make it yours :)

(hope that helps)

Kay10's photo
Tue 09/29/09 04:15 PM
try getting appointment to see your doctor talk n tell them maybe afterwards will place you upon dose of happy pills for short duration .Failing that could also suggest a psycologist to bring out underlaying feeling maybe buried somewhere this bring out so your better able to understand as to why .

Or try changing way in which you live go out meet new friends etc it could be your mearly in a little rutt at present .

Good luck to you anyway bud ;-)

Oh I forgot I know some doctors can give you self help cd my friend recieved a course of them around 5 mnths ago she's totally different now .

Sox can't be of anymore help not been there my friend best wishes .

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:36 AM
Edited by HawaiiMusikMan on Wed 09/30/09 01:37 AM

try getting appointment to see your doctor talk n tell them maybe afterwards will place you upon dose of happy pills for short duration.

I did that once & was put on Paxil. I took only half a pill of it & it made me terribly sick. Threw the rest away. Besides, one of the worst side effects of taking antidepressants is sexual dysfunction. That'd be enough to make anyone depressed LOL! Not for me, thanks.

I am taking St John's Wort & another supplement called 5-HTP. St John's Wort works the same way as many typical antidepressants by blocking the absorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin, boosting serotonin levels in the body. 5-HTP helps your body create more serotonin.

In many countries, namely Germany & others, these are not available over the counter & are prescribed far more than typical antidepressants there. Side effects are mild. For instance, St John's Wort increases your skin's sensitivity to sunlight so you have to be more careful not to get sunburned. They have been proven to be as effective as prescription drugs in cases of mild to moderate depression.

I've been a few weeks on them & find they do help boost your mood. Whether natural or prescription drugs though, it's not a cure all.

Failing that could also suggest a psycologist to bring out underlaying feeling maybe buried somewhere this bring out so your better able to understand as to why.

From what I've read, I have a mild but persistent type of depression called dysthymia. As far back as I can remember, I've always felt this way. I'm not sure it's due to circumstance so I don't think seeing a psychologist would help all that much. It might.

Or try changing way in which you live go out meet new friends etc it could be your mearly in a little rutt at present .

I was having a bad day when I made the original post. Was more the breakup blues than anything. I am attempting to get out more & socialize & make new friends, possibly even a love interest. That'd be nice, wouldn't it?

Good luck to you anyway bud ;-)


Oh I forgot I know some doctors can give you self help cd my friend recieved a course of them around 5 mnths ago she's totally different now .

Sox can't be of anymore help not been there my friend best wishes .

Glad it helped your friend & thanks for the advise bro. :smile:

kctubacity's photo
Wed 09/30/09 02:08 AM
Do what you enjoy stay away from abusive relatons talk with people that care you really did get good advice here
Best of luck
Take it slow

kctubacity's photo
Wed 09/30/09 02:08 AM
Do what you enjoy stay away from abusive relatons talk with people that care you really did get good advice here
Best of luck
Take it slow

WillPM's photo
Fri 10/02/09 11:51 AM
I go in and out of depression and I used to let it get to me. Whenever I feel down I have to think of the positives that most ppl dont have, like having a job, being able to feed and shelter myself, free leisure time, and just being alive. IDK, life can suck sometimes but it can be ALOT worse. Thats just my take. =/

tngxl65's photo
Fri 10/02/09 11:55 AM

if you need wiring done you get an electrician

if you need piping done you get a plumber

if you need an appendectomy you get a doctor

if you have depression you should get a professional

not trying to sound mean but I dont know how and I doubt anyone else who isnt an experienced professional does either

I'm sure I'm not the only one here on these forums who deals with bouts of depression. My question is directed to them. I am wanting to know what helps them out of the blues.

I'm not interested in seeing a professional pill prescriber.

A psychologist is not a pill prescriber and is often the ticket for helping deal with depression. They can also advise you if they believe you might be helped with medication. The psychologists I know are not inclined to put their clients on meds.