Topic: Support the CLEAR Act | |
NumbersUSA Recognizes the Original Sponsors of the CLEAR Act
Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 10:06 AM Congressmen Who... Sponsored the CLEAR Act Updated Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 3:12 PM Total 61 Sponsors (AL) Bachus (AK) Young (AZ) Franks (AZ) Shadegg (AR) Boozman (CA) Bilbray (CA) Dreier (CA) Herger (CA) Hunter (CA) McClintock (CA) Miller (CA) Rohrabacher (CA) Royce (CO) Lamborn (GA) Broun (GA) Gingrey (GA) Linder (GA) Price (GA) Westmoreland (FL) Brown-Waite (FL) Miller (FL) Posey (ID) Simpson (IN) Burton (IN) Pence (KS) Jenkins (KS) Tiahrt (KY) Whitfield (LA) Boustany (LA) Fleming (MI) McCotter (MI) Rogers (MN) Bachmann (MO) Akin (MO) Blunt (MO) Emerson (MT) Rehberg (NV) Heller (NJ) Garrett (NC) Foxx (NC) McIntyre (NC) Myrick (OK) Cole (PA) Dent (PA) Pitts (PA) Platts (SC) Barrett (SC) Brown (SC) Wilson (TN) Blackburn (TN) Duncan (TX) Barton (TX) Culberson (TX) Hensarling (TX) Marchant (TX) McCaul (TX) Neugebauer (TX) Poe (TX) Sessions (VA) Goodlatte (VA) Wittman Official H.R. 2406 cosponsor list When Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) reintroduced the Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal (CLEAR) Act (H.R. 2406), the bill had 19 cosponsors. NumbersUSA recognizes those 19 original cosponsors for their commitment to increasing interior enforcement. The CLEAR Act would authorize the federal government to reimburse states and localities for up to $400 million per year for the costs of incarcerating illegal aliens. Pres. Barack Obama's FY2010 budget proposal eliminates all funding for this program, the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP). In addition to continuing the funding for SCAAP, the CLEAR Act also would provide the following enhancements to promote effective enforcement of immigration law: Recognition of the inherent authority of states and localities to enforce immigration law; Improved information sharing between state and local governments and the federal government; A mandate for the federal government to expeditiously remove criminal aliens being detained by states and localities; and Increased federal resources for local governments that choose to assist in immigration enforcement. |
Hell yeah! I'm tired of my tax dollars going to waste on criminals.