Topic: I'm so PROUD !!!!! | |
I just got off the phone with my sister. It's seems her son, my nephew, just got into his first fight.
Why, you may ask, am I proud? Most parents are upset by this fact, as my sister was, until I explained my role in his fight. I have had 17 years of hand to hand fighting training. Mostly with knives, but also with rifles with bayonets attached, and with bare hand fighting. Eight 1/2 years in the army, and about the same as a Sheriff's Deputy in the biggest jail in the free world- Cook County jail, here in Chicago. Why am I proud? My nephew is 12 yrs old. He's about 5'2", and weighs about 95 lbs. (6 stone, 11 lbs, or 43KG for you that use them). He's also a striaght A student, and has never been any trouble for anyone at anytime. The other boy? 15 years old, about 5'8', and about 160 lbs.(11 stone, 6 lbs, or 72KG) I've seen him, he's much bigger than Brian. Here's why I'm proud. 1. He did this in defense of his older sister, that had just gotten knocked down by some bullies in the neighborhood. (He shows her love) 2. He did not swing first at this 15 year old. He tried to talk first, and was forced into defending himself, and his sister again. (This shows common sense, and compassion). 3. He used one of the tactics I taught him. He countered with a knife hand blow to the throat. It stops an attacker quickly if delivered the right way. Saves a lot of energy. (Shows he listens to his instincts). 4. When this other boy stopped fighting, so did my nephew. (Shows restraint). My Bro-in-law-His Dad, is also proud, as are my other 3 Bros-in-law, and my Brother. My sister is not mad, per se.. But concerned. I asked her why. She says that since I have been in many fights (due to the jail, and bouncing at bars), that I may have.. for lack of a better word... Poisoned his mind. I taught him this technique about 5 years ago, and this is the first time he has ever raised a hand to anyone. Damn right, I'm proud. |
Fighting really does not solve anything. At least he was smart to not to throw the first punch.
While I do not condone fighting, unless it is absolutely necessary, it sounds like he did a great job given the situation he was placed in. The restraint, respect for others and himself as well as compassion - you should be proud of him!
Good for the lil fella
Well I have never condoned fighting. But.....always told my kids that if the other person threw the first punch or swing they had my full permission to defend themselves and I would stand behind them fully.
My son when in middle school was one of those scrawny kids and had a set of twin brothers jump him after a football game. He calmly but very efficiently beat the crap out of them and walked on to the truck where I was waiting. I had no ideal it had happen till a couple days later. Seems the boys had to confess to their mom why they had some injury's but they told her my son jumped them. The mom preceded to call the school wanting my son expelled. I asked my son the story he told me I stood behind him. When the whole story came out my son was telling the truth her sons had lied. They were all expelled my son did not get a fine and I went to bat for him at school..... Now my son stands at 6'2 around 200 he is a tough one this day he still will not throw that first punch... So kuddos to your nephew he stood up for what he believed in. |
And wiser for his efforts too.
Others may have seen and taken notice, "Don't mess with this guy or his sister" |
When it comes to fighting, Chuck Zito (actor, former bodyguard, and member of the Hell's Angels) said it best-
"Never start a fight, but ALWAYS finish one." To go even further, the bully should have gotten the unholy crap beaten out of him. Not only would it teach HIM a lesson (don't be a bully), but it would also teach his nearby friends a lesson (there ARE consequences for being a bully). Simply put, you need to instill fear into those who would do the same to you, and the way to do that would be to beat the troublemakers unmercifully. Knowing the bone-headed nature of a lot of the kids out there today, chances are that said bully has just been made angry, and will come back being even MORE of a bully as a result. And chances are that he'll be ready for another chop to the throat the next time. |
My son has been kicked out of school twice for fighting. I wasnt proud....
He fought for stupid reasons but I believe he is full of testosterone and all that piss and vinegar stuff inherited from his father and maybe me too??? Its one thing starting and a fight and one thing defending yourself. |
dude. with your nephew's case in point I am all for standing up for yourself!
no one would just take a beatin! |
| have every right to be proud of him. He protected his sister and stood up for himself without beating the crap out of the bully. Good kid....good teacher.
As a mother of 3 boys and one daughter, ALL of my kids know how to defend themselves...I know because I taught them...there is a time in every young mans life when he has to make a stand.
I think your nephew showed superb character in the way he handled this situation! Eventually your sister will see this as well.. To YOU Sully!!! |
I am not one for fighting, but his common sense, his love for his sister and having your teaching helped him take proper control of the situation. My brother had to defend me in school once, he tried to talk to the kid but he wouldn't listen, so my brother jacked him against the lockers. The other kid never bothered me again.
sounds like a kick *** family.
Ha ha, my sons Dad was an exteme fighter, and has a black belt in every kind of jui jitsu, and everything else in the universe. He was alll set before he was born, he was gnna train him like thisss.. and send him hereee, and teach him thattt. I laughed.. and told him, ha ha.. hes gonna have no interest in any of that crap. I just knew.. he would be like me. Well my son was 2, hed grapple, or whatever its called on the floor with him gently.. my son always kicked his butt.. But whats funny is.. I was right in the end. My son had absoloutely no interest in going to a dojo, or learning any of it. Hes totally not into it, allthough he defends himself fine on his own. Nice discipline, but its only for the kids who are really into it. |
Sounds like the boy has a good head on his shoulders.
You should be proud Sully.. Great job!!
Thanks for the kind words folks. My nephew called me yesterday after I got home from work, and asked me if I could give him some refreshers. His words.. "Uncle John, if this butthead comes after Sis, or me again, I don't want him thinking I'm a one trick pony".
This from a 12 year old. So, this weekend, Brian and I are going to "Guy Town". |
Thanks for the kind words folks. My nephew called me yesterday after I got home from work, and asked me if I could give him some refreshers. His words.. "Uncle John, if this butthead comes after Sis, or me again, I don't want him thinking I'm a one trick pony". This from a 12 year old. So, this weekend, Brian and I are going to "Guy Town". Have fun |