Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread | |
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Thu 08/27/09 09:57 PM
The world is deeply saddening. I think I would be in the same state as James, but I am fortunate to have a child and a wife that motivates and loves me unconditionally. This is my strength each day.
but many days I sit the late night hours depressed thinking of those things, but I always find a way to smile again. I shift my thinking on positivity each and every day by making a few laugh or using motivational technics to help others. This for me gives strength and happiness to see a smile for the first time on someone who hasn't done so in a long time. I focus on good things as much as I can knowing the world is not perfect and I can tell you I have seen it first hand as a humanitarian at one time. Diseases, starvation, war conficted, and poverty has all been seen 3 folds in my lifetime. Like many of the deeper knowledgeable spirits of this world who give time to explain in their laymen terms mention that we are at a truck stop (so to say) to gather more experiences for our spirit senses. When we pass away we will glide in space to another life somewhere else. It is a nice thought isn't it. I just hope that if we are reincarnated or our spirits fly to another galaxy to find new life, I won't re-live in a (eat each other up world) let alone back on Earth again. A one time stop on Earth suffices for me. ![]() Just knowing that a child died today because he couldn't get a hand full of rice that he urgently needed is terrifying for me. I have seen it first hand in Tanzania watching how a group of kids (about 8 of them) are fighting for a bowl of rice. At night they sleep on street corners and some inhale plastic to get a certain high to forget their problems. Over half of the children suffer from aids. Tanzania was truly a wake up call for me understanding how lucky I am in life compared to so many in the world. Okay well let me stop here and say that whatever the cause is for us to be on this planet in this life; I want to think it is because we can share such moments like this together expressing our feelings and sharing our knowledge and love together. I would also say that I wouldn't usually share this on any other thread but this one. I think in a deeper sense I found good people who truly can relate to my situation and even can talk about it. A good family we have here and I hope this thread stays strong. What say you? Do you agree? |
A good family we have here and I hope this thread stays strong. What say you? Do you agree? Yep. ![]() |
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Thu 08/27/09 10:18 PM
A good family we have here and I hope this thread stays strong. What say you? Do you agree? Yep. ![]() You should complete the Math book and get it selling. Use the money to help those who are less fortunate after you have created a foundation at your estate. Create that labyrinth that can fascinate everyone and apply your spiritual wisdom into it. It is a great feeling to help people. I do it each and everyday somehow. It is a priority for me and pretty much something I do now without even thinking about it. Tommorow I go to a foster home to read books to children. I do it almost every Friday for a couple of hours. I also sneak candy, do some magic tricks, and talk to my friend of 9 years old who suffers bone cancer and we talk about life in general. He is really a kid of 16 in knowledge (if not older) and very smart. Unfortunately, his life will not be long here on Earth and he knows it. His settle ways and calm demeneor shows that he is ready for whatever else is out there. A brave boy that I have a privilige to meet and call a friend. I learn much from him. But yes with your knowledge and intelligence James you can do much if you truly want to. It is just a matter of wanting to. You can make a difference to someones life and you know what... It may make a difference for you to. It might even bring a deeper meaning to life in general also. |
I hear you John.
![]() I'm not exactly inexperienced at helping people myself. I've done quite a bit of that in the past and I know the feeling. Deepak Chopra teaches that the feeling we get from helping others is ultimately the greatest feeling we can experience as humans. And I certainly believe that. I used to teach and I did so much more than just go to class and deliver lectures. I was very concerned with each and every student and I took the time to address all their individual problems the best I could. I would make things as simple as I possibly could for people who were having difficulty understanding the topic. I would give the bright students exceedingly difficult problems to solve to keep them entertained. And I would motivate the students who weren't even sure why they were there. ![]() To me teaching was an art, and the entire class was like my family. They were my 'kids' (albeit college kids). I loved teaching. It was the greatest thing ever. It really took a toll on me when I had to quit. It's almost like losing a family in a way. I wish I could teach again. I was even thinking about advertisting to give free music lessons in my home. I'm not really all that great at music, but I could teach a beginner on almost any insturment. And hey, if it's free they can't complain right? ![]() The idea would be to help people get started who might not otherwise be able to afford an instructor. In fact, I would love to set up a little music school like that with really cheap tuition or even a free service if possible and get people playing music together in ensembles. It's amazing what a person can do with a little ingenuity. I was talking to a music teacher on the web. I met her when I was on a composing forum. She was starting a new class and had 7 students that were each provided with an electronic keyboard. She was asking advice in general from other teachers of what pieces she should start the kids out on. The other teachers were suggesting the normal basic stuff like Bach's minuet and things like that. Then she said that she had only taught one-on-one before and she wasn't sure how to approach teaching 7 students at once. She was really worried about it. So I offered a suggesting and I wrote a very simple piano piece with 7 parts. It's just a simple tune that I made up. If I can find it I'll post it. But I'm not sure it's even on this computer. Anyway, it looked formiddable. That's because it was written like a piece of orchestra music with seven staves (one staff for each keyboard). But I told her just to tell each student that they only need to read their staff and it will be just fine. They will get a chance to see what it's like to play in an orchestra. Well, she took my idea along with all the other ideas and was gone for about week. Then she came back and posted that my little keyboard concert was a winner! She said that she had them all playing together like a band. They used differnet voices on their keyboards and played the different parts and could do it over and over and over again using the different voice and it kept sounding different even though they were playing the same thing over and over again. It got them a lot of quick practice and they were all able to play together getting better and better during the week. She had like 10 more weeks to go. But this was what I had suggested. Get them playing together QUICKLY and then the rest of the course will go slick. Her original plan was to just lecture for the first week or two. I say, NO WAY! Get that MUSIC FLOWING first! And THEN teach the theory bit by bit. Sneak it in when they aren't expecting it. ![]() So I think I made a big difference there even though I wasn't there to experience it in person. |
Edited by
Fri 08/28/09 05:52 AM
I also think what is great about music is it is fun also. I mean I don't know how to play any instrument, but I do love to listen to classical tunes, soft rock, country occassionally, and even foreign music of various countries. If it has harmony I will enjoy it.
Dancing is also alot of fun and it brings people together. So yes teaching something you yourself enjoy is probably your calling. A good idea you have. The only problem is who will drive way out to a cottage alone in the forest. ![]() If anything if you had a better connection then a online teaching course would probably be a good idea. There are some who use youtube to introduce their music and even teach it. I learn how to write Mandarin through youtube from Asian students. I am always fascinated with the artistic ability to write this ancient language. I am now how to write 187 symbols and can even give basic introductories in Mandarin. Now you might think that is alot, but in reality one needs to know 2000 symbols just to read a newspaper. So I have a long ways to go and it will probably be a lifetime endeavor. If anything I had a great time learning how to be more artistic ![]() |
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Okay well let me stop here and say that whatever the cause is for us to be on this planet in this life; I want to think it is because we can share such moments like this together expressing our feelings and sharing our knowledge and love together. I would also say that I wouldn't usually share this on any other thread but this one. I think in a deeper sense I found good people who truly can relate to my situation and even can talk about it. A good family we have here and I hope this thread stays strong. What say you? Do you agree? Yes! ![]() |
I was even thinking about advertisting to give free music lessons in my home. I'm not really all that great at music, but I could teach a beginner on almost any insturment. And hey, if it's free they can't complain right? ![]() That's a great idea! |
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Okay well let me stop here and say that whatever the cause is for us to be on this planet in this life; I want to think it is because we can share such moments like this together expressing our feelings and sharing our knowledge and love together. I would also say that I wouldn't usually share this on any other thread but this one. I think in a deeper sense I found good people who truly can relate to my situation and even can talk about it. A good family we have here and I hope this thread stays strong. What say you? Do you agree? Yes! ![]() I appreciate all of you and you are becoming my family. I don't have a family support group. My 3 sons and I are my family, they have always looked to me for strength. Now they are grown men (the youngest is only 15) and I look to them. |
Man is, at one and the same time, a solitary being and a social being. As a solitary being, he attempts to protect his own existence and that of those who are closest to him, to satisfy his personal desires, and to develop his innate abilities. As a social being, he seeks to gain the recognition and affection of his fellow human beings, to share in their pleasures, to comfort them in their sorrows, and to improve their conditions of life. - Albert Einstein
Okay well let me stop here and say that whatever the cause is for us to be on this planet in this life; I want to think it is because we can share such moments like this together expressing our feelings and sharing our knowledge and love together. I would also say that I wouldn't usually share this on any other thread but this one. I think in a deeper sense I found good people who truly can relate to my situation and even can talk about it. A good family we have here and I hope this thread stays strong. What say you? Do you agree? Yes! ![]() I appreciate all of you and you are becoming my family. I don't have a family support group. My 3 sons and I are my family, they have always looked to me for strength. Now they are grown men (the youngest is only 15) and I look to them. ![]() ![]() Love & Light ![]() |
Okay well let me stop here and say that whatever the cause is for us to be on this planet in this life; I want to think it is because we can share such moments like this together expressing our feelings and sharing our knowledge and love together. I would also say that I wouldn't usually share this on any other thread but this one. I think in a deeper sense I found good people who truly can relate to my situation and even can talk about it. A good family we have here and I hope this thread stays strong. What say you? Do you agree? Yes! ![]() I appreciate all of you and you are becoming my family. I don't have a family support group. My 3 sons and I are my family, they have always looked to me for strength. Now they are grown men (the youngest is only 15) and I look to them. You are most welcome and we are thankful that you are a part of this family. May your wisdom shine and your knowledge grow as we share them together. ![]() |
![]() A Gift for My Friend by Kirk Reinhart I have sat here and pondered the many horizons of the emotions that drift through my heart and I recollect the tears, the laughter, the heartache and the glory. And I wonder how it was, that I made the journey into today. Then you stray into my thoughts, and I recall how many times you have held my hand and guided me through the darkness and showed me the light. Then I think of the laughter you gave to me, the smiles you brought to my eyes, and the warmth you poured into my heart. For those many gifts you have offered me, I feel compelled to give something in return. But what gift is worthy of such a friend as you? Only the finest delights are suitable, But I am not wealthy in a monetary fashion, and haven’t the means to give such a wondrous gift. So I sit asking myself what I have to offer, and just what gift is worthy. So I give to you something special to me. Not a material object to be looked at or used, but rather a place where one can rest easy and drift into serenity. Close your eyes if you will and take your thoughts to a place where light dances across clear blue lakes and enchanting evergreens offer shelter and blue skies bring the warmth of the sun. Where a song is whispered to you from the doves high above, and the scents of the flowers ease your mind. Here in this special place you have wings to fly and float on warm gentle breezes. And you can see a vast array of colours burning into the distance. Here you are at one with yourself and you can be at peace in your heart. For if you can see my special place, it is yours to call home and you can always close your eyes and return again. So please take my humble offering, and go there often, knowing that in my heart I am with you in a place in my mind. This is my gift for you, as you are my special friend. |
A beautiful gift you share with all of us Lilypetal.
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What a wonderful thread I have found here in the midst of a tangle of chaos and order. A swirl of disorder has recently engulfed my life and almost brought me to the pinnacle of dispair. It was through my spirituality and recent descoveries within my self on the theories of chos and order have I been able to bring myself from it's depths.
I look forward to discussing my ideas and making new friends here. Blessed be. |
You are most welcomed here and we look forward to your wisdom and knowledge and most of all your serenity in keeping us whole and happy.
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Through time .. and space .. each faith .. and race..
let there be peace! ![]() The Peaceful Spirit Emblem was created, after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S, and represents the ancient teachings that have shaped our world. It can be used to VISUALIZE WORLD PEACE and promote UNDERSTANDING. |