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Topic: Is religion important to you when finding a date
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Wed 08/26/09 12:20 PM

Does your partner have to be religious or spiritual to have a chance to date you?

Please explain your reasons. drinker


i dated a christian guy once
(and i know not all of them are CRAZY)
but this one was

totally different views on EVERYTHING

in fact we had this conversation(dont ask how it was brought up..i have no clue)

we were taking about child rapists/whatnot
and i asked him if he was married and had a child and found out if his wife was molesting his child..would he divorce he
(any sane person would be like heck yes or id kill them!)

no..his answer...
*i would try to forgive..isnt that what god taught us?*

something retarded along those lines

AND he was against homosexuality

that doesnt mean an athiest and a religious person cant get along/have a relationship

the religious person just has to be OPEN and not CRAZY

doesn't religious and crazy go hand in hand?

:laughing: rofl rofl :laughing:

Jon85213's photo
Fri 08/28/09 11:53 AM

Does your partner have to be religious or spiritual to have a chance to date you?

Please explain your reasons. drinker


i dated a christian guy once
(and i know not all of them are CRAZY)
but this one was

totally different views on EVERYTHING

in fact we had this conversation(dont ask how it was brought up..i have no clue)

we were taking about child rapists/whatnot
and i asked him if he was married and had a child and found out if his wife was molesting his child..would he divorce he
(any sane person would be like heck yes or id kill them!)

no..his answer...
*i would try to forgive..isnt that what god taught us?*

something retarded along those lines

AND he was against homosexuality

that doesnt mean an athiest and a religious person cant get along/have a relationship

the religious person just has to be OPEN and not CRAZY

doesn't religious and crazy go hand in hand?

:laughing: rofl rofl :laughing:

depends on the definition of crazy. how does it affect them. are they going on suicide missions to blow things up then yes.

blondejew's photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:11 AM
To me, religion is important in finding my beshert. It invovles the living the lifestyle that my religion calls for. Shalom!

Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:26 AM
No not at all important

As long as there's a belief in god somewhere

So I know he will be alright when he's gone!

tohyup's photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:42 AM

Does your partner have to be religious or spiritual to have a chance to date you?

Please explain your reasons. drinker

Not at all .
Religion and spirituality have nothing to do with dating unless you are looking for a life long commitment which I am not in the least .

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 08/30/09 05:28 PM
Not at all.

What is important is thier way of life. Many people possess very scriptural attributes and do not realize it it is just a part of them.

What ever you are in your way of life are going to look for or find it and religion can be or not it is the kind of person that matters..

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:11 PM
Alot of people have contributed different opinions. Thank you for sharing this.drinker

tohyup's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:16 PM

Alot of people have contributed different opinions. Thank you for sharing this.drinker

And what is your opinion ?.....waving

tohyup's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:16 PM
Edited by tohyup on Sat 09/05/09 04:17 PM
Sorry.....another double...post......tears .

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:26 PM

Alot of people have contributed different opinions. Thank you for sharing this.drinker

And what is your opinion ?.....waving

It is hard to say. Each individual is different in how they react to religion. I think it depends on the person individually on how he or she feels about it.

For me personally, I am married for 20 years to a fantastic woman and religion was never a issue for us. We are open minded to listen to all types of idealogies, including spiritualism if you will.

We don't practice intensively, but we do spend time learning the history of it, because we are curious minded individuals. laugh

I agree with each individual in this post with their response because it is important (for them) to conduct a good relationship or dating privilige.

So if one is religious and needs a partner to be the same then that is what makes them happy. If one is religious but doesn't find it important that the counterpart has the same idealogy as he or she then that is important in the end. If one isn't religious and doesn't care for a religious partner then that is important for them and makes them most happy when dating.

and the list goes on and on and on....laugh

Just like my favorite professor always says - Follow your Bliss

for that is what makes you happy. drinker

SasaL10's photo
Tue 11/04/14 09:52 AM
For me if just a date then religion doesn't matter but when it's come to let's say serious relation leading to marriage .. Hmmm then yeah it's matter..
For me I expect my partner to respect my believe n I respect his.. And not to try to change me or make me convert .. And in other hands yeah religion matter to me in marriage life as if me n my partner have same faith then we have same vision n can raise the family according to our believe.. And it's gives me " confortable" feeling somehow .. And the rules from goverment where i live for marriage is they not allowed differnt religion to get married so either we have to get married out side this contry or one of us have to convert., then again it's big headec ., so u prefer same faith .

Tomishereagain's photo
Thu 11/06/14 10:31 AM
I don't believe in Religion but I do believe in God.
Part of the dating process for me is to find a potential companion.
If her religion interfears with the reality of the courtship then there can be no relationship.
Just the fact that she believes a religion is not an issue. She can believe what she wants as long as it is not something she forces on me.
I have been religious and used to Believe many things. I can understand the need for something like religion in someones life and if it is good it can create a loving personality. Just like any good thing some people get greedy and let it consume them. I have no will to be around anyone consumed with religious beliefs.
I learned my morality thru life experiences and my religious years. Morality is a must for a healthy relationship. One thing I do expect is that she understands and respects my beliefs as she would expect me to to for hers.
Religious discussions in a dating situation is a requirement but what becomes of those discussions is more important. There will always be differences in beliefs - we are all different - its how she accepts or cant accept those differences that determines our compatability.

rubymoonheart's photo
Tue 12/30/14 02:43 PM
I don't mind what religion they have as long as they respect my beliefs also.Though come to think of it religious conflicts could cause problems in the relationship and daily life .

no photo
Tue 12/30/14 02:51 PM

Does your partner have to be religious or spiritual to have a chance to date you?

Please explain your reasons. drinker

Yes ... Differences in religious beliefs will cause big problems. Sometimes you don't find out about your differences until you are on a date with someone. If a person can't respect life in all of it's stages they are not the one for me :smile:

no photo
Tue 12/30/14 04:21 PM

Noooooooo...... I am more interested in if he has a big .. ....

:heart: Cheeky grin :-)

Hahaha...Yep, he's grinning for a reason and it's not his spirituality...:wink:

no photo
Tue 12/30/14 04:35 PM

Noooooooo...... I am more interested in if he has a big .. ....

:heart: Cheeky grin :-)

Hahaha...Yep, he's grinning for a reason and it's not his spirituality...:wink:
blushing ::bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile :bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile ::bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile
Hiya luscious :heart:

Hey, hey bootylicious!:heart: smooched

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 12/30/14 06:13 PM
In the meeting/get to know you stage, nah. In the long run/marriage material, yup. I am Eastern Orthodox, and marriage to non-orthodox is not permitted. One would be excommunicated for this. I consider my faith more important than picking a woman just for the sake of picking one. Women are a dime a dozen-the quality ones are the ones I'm interested in. drinker

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/30/14 06:18 PM

nicely put heavenly

davidben1's photo
Tue 12/30/14 07:45 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 12/30/14 07:50 PM
people that make religion their god can never create more happiness for all, so only live but half alive, as their most goal be their religions happiness, so to them life can never be about other peoples most happiness, so they go about creating what...

belief's as good, destroying happy of all as any good goal.

Rexgito's photo
Tue 02/10/15 07:12 AM
I wouldn't say she'd HAVE to be spiritual or Religious per say only because I believe that there are virteous women out there that unfortunatly do not have much if any spiritual beliefs but the thing with finding someone who is spiritually in tune with their beliefs is that you are already starting out with a seemingly impenetrable foundation to starting your relationship. I say seemingly because though spirituality builds definite character we are people at the end of the day and make "people" mistakes. But that being said I would definitly prefer a spiritual soul mate because it ensures certain virtues in that person and will most certaintly generate a strong and honest relationship between the two.

She wouldnt necessarily have to have the same beliefs as me but as long as she is devout and earnest in what she believes its a go for me because it shows a few things to me at the get-go

1. She is a faithful person, Someone who is faithful to God will be faithful to her soulmate because she acknowledges that soulmate as a gift from God.

2. She is virteous, Spirituality teaches people generally to deny your carnal self, that is the things that make us sinful per say. A person who is spiritual whether for a long time or just recently turning there life around shows a determination to change the very thing that ALL people learn to hate whether through personal experience or witnessing and that is Cheating, lieing, being loose, and rude/angry etc.

3. She is determined. You know how sometime people in general will change there mind in a relationship and do dumb things to hurt you, maybe you made them mad or didnt do what they were expecting so they stoop low as to "give you a taste of your own medicine" well I think a spiritual person has more humility than that due to their beliefs and are not so quick to jepordize their relationship with you because of how they are feeling at the time. They are more intuitive and consistent with their respect towards their mate regardless of little things that sometime drive people off the wall and turn into "irreconsilable differences" if there ever was such a thing...

Thats my opinion

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