Topic: Obama slams "scare tactics"
Logan1976's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:49 PM
Obama is my servant not my ruler. Thats a fact.

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 05:46 AM

one thing to keep in mind is that these angry people are still constituents, voters

and the legislaters need to address the anger and where it comes from or they wont be re elected

Absolutely, yes their questions should be addressed. Legislators should have a consequence when they deliberately spread the very rumors and misinformation that the people spread to each other too.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 08/16/09 07:26 AM

Obama is one big scare tactic...these townhall uprisings are the American people saying all of Obamas government is just the voice their opinion...this guy and his policies are being rejected by MOST Americans...

He doesn't scare me. The second term with Bush did though.

We've had the uprisings at two hall meetings here. One was a meeting about aging. The people doing the uprising made it into health care. Fights started. The people doing the uprising are in the minority.

Where do you get "most people"? I haven't met any yet.

The people in the town halls are the tip of the ice berg.


I don't doubt that there are others. The ones in the town halls are looking foolish, IMO.

Yep THAT would be the right tactic to play this down... Call them foolish for speaking their minds.

Some of what they are saying is lies fed to them... Some of what they are saying is right on the money... Or lack of it and true government by US.

I have seen people out there on the opposing side who have acted respectfully and were treated the same way. Others shouted and pointed at representatives with angry contorted facial expressions, and pretty much were tolerated but it didn't create an atmosphere of discussion, instead people chanted slogans and insults.

One can't play it down it's too obvious. You won't get anything from me if you scream at me, didn't these people learn that from their parents? I don't think you have to be on either side of this to be a moron, some folks just have never learned to communicate with out anger and violence.

Yep some folks... Congressmembers did their own shouting and looking like fools in those very same meetings.

Or worse they proved that listening is not something they do well.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 08/16/09 09:25 AM

Obama is one big scare tactic...these townhall uprisings are the American people saying all of Obamas government is just the voice their opinion...this guy and his policies are being rejected by MOST Americans...

He doesn't scare me. The second term with Bush did though.

We've had the uprisings at two hall meetings here. One was a meeting about aging. The people doing the uprising made it into health care. Fights started. The people doing the uprising are in the minority.

Where do you get "most people"? I haven't met any yet.

The people in the town halls are the tip of the ice berg.


If that is the case then the tip of the iceberg also includes those who want a public plan. I don't go to town halls but I do talk to my neighbors who, except for one wants health care reform and a public option.

The only people I personally know who want this are my friends who are of the looney left doctrine. and yes I have liberal friends!!!

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 09:38 AM

Obama is one big scare tactic...these townhall uprisings are the American people saying all of Obamas government is just the voice their opinion...this guy and his policies are being rejected by MOST Americans...

He doesn't scare me. The second term with Bush did though.

We've had the uprisings at two hall meetings here. One was a meeting about aging. The people doing the uprising made it into health care. Fights started. The people doing the uprising are in the minority.

Where do you get "most people"? I haven't met any yet.

The people in the town halls are the tip of the ice berg.


I don't doubt that there are others. The ones in the town halls are looking foolish, IMO.

Yep THAT would be the right tactic to play this down... Call them foolish for speaking their minds.

Some of what they are saying is lies fed to them... Some of what they are saying is right on the money... Or lack of it and true government by US.

I have seen people out there on the opposing side who have acted respectfully and were treated the same way. Others shouted and pointed at representatives with angry contorted facial expressions, and pretty much were tolerated but it didn't create an atmosphere of discussion, instead people chanted slogans and insults.

One can't play it down it's too obvious. You won't get anything from me if you scream at me, didn't these people learn that from their parents? I don't think you have to be on either side of this to be a moron, some folks just have never learned to communicate with out anger and violence.

Yep some folks... Congressmembers did their own shouting and looking like fools in those very same meetings.

Or worse they proved that listening is not something they do well.

Well I expect if people treat them disrespectfully some will get angry themselves. I saw one that did get irrate and I agree he ended up looking just as foolish. Listening is pretty hard when you can't even hear yourself think.

When folks go there to repeat the same debunked nonsense they could have learned prior to going, it also wastes valuable time when you have to repeat yourself explaining the falsehoods out there.

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 09:44 AM

Obama is one big scare tactic...these townhall uprisings are the American people saying all of Obamas government is just the voice their opinion...this guy and his policies are being rejected by MOST Americans...

He doesn't scare me. The second term with Bush did though.

We've had the uprisings at two hall meetings here. One was a meeting about aging. The people doing the uprising made it into health care. Fights started. The people doing the uprising are in the minority.

Where do you get "most people"? I haven't met any yet.

The people in the town halls are the tip of the ice berg.


If that is the case then the tip of the iceberg also includes those who want a public plan. I don't go to town halls but I do talk to my neighbors who, except for one wants health care reform and a public option.

The only people I personally know who want this are my friends who are of the looney left doctrine. and yes I have liberal friends!!!

Yes, I bet your friends love being described as looney left because the prefer the public option. Of course that makes you so much smarter because you don't want it, right? :laughing:

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 08/16/09 09:53 AM

Obama is one big scare tactic...these townhall uprisings are the American people saying all of Obamas government is just the voice their opinion...this guy and his policies are being rejected by MOST Americans...

He doesn't scare me. The second term with Bush did though.

We've had the uprisings at two hall meetings here. One was a meeting about aging. The people doing the uprising made it into health care. Fights started. The people doing the uprising are in the minority.

Where do you get "most people"? I haven't met any yet.

The people in the town halls are the tip of the ice berg.


If that is the case then the tip of the iceberg also includes those who want a public plan. I don't go to town halls but I do talk to my neighbors who, except for one wants health care reform and a public option.

The only people I personally know who want this are my friends who are of the looney left doctrine. and yes I have liberal friends!!!

Yes, I bet your friends love being described as looney left because the prefer the public option. Of course that makes you so much smarter because you don't want it, right? :laughing:

They call me an arrogant bastardo and then I offer to take them shooting! I:heart:my lefty wing nut friends!

Giocamo's photo
Sun 08/16/09 09:57 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sun 08/16/09 09:58 AM
the anger and outrage at these Townhalls...isn't so much about's more about the people of this country...telling Obama what they think about him...his policies, and his 8 months...the American people have watched the takeover of private business...telling CEO's how much money they can make...apologizing for this great nation without EVER promoting it's greatness...sucking up to Dictators...blowing a HUGE hole in the National debt by adding a trillion dollars to it in only 6 months...watching 650,000 more Americans sign up for food stamps last month...blaming George Bush for everything thats gone wrong under his watch...If my memory serves me right...wasn't Obama in the Senate when all this was taking place...taking credit for the stock market...but...when it was tanking saying that " I really don't pay attention to's like a tracking goes up and down "'s now going up...because it looks like his healthcare plan is going day saying the recession is coming to an end...then 3 days later watching another 558,000 file for unemployment...I mean is it over or isn't it ?...I remember about 4 weeks ago...Obama was talking about a second stimulis package...saying that Doctors would rather yank out tonsils and amputate limbs so they can make more you know why...they have this guy on teleprompter...calling cops stupid...implying racists motives...saying we're closing Gitmo...and it's still open...talks about ending the war in we stay in now tell me...are these townhalls just about healthcare ?...:smile: ...this guys a chip on your shoulder...America hatin'...get even with em' agitator...through and through...and the American people...are seeing one example after another...each and everyday...

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:11 AM

the anger and outrage at these Townhalls...isn't so much about's more about the people of this country...telling Obama what they think about him...his policies, and his 8 months...the American people have watched the takeover of private business...telling CEO's how much money they can make...apologizing for this great nation without EVER promoting it's greatness...sucking up to Dictators...blowing a HUGE hole in the National debt by adding a trillion dollars to it in only 6 months...watching 650,000 more Americans sign up for food stamps last month...blaming George Bush for everything thats gone wrong under his watch...If my memory serves me right...wasn't Obama in the Senate when all this was taking place...taking credit for the stock market...but...when it was tanking saying that " I really don't pay attention to's like a tracking goes up and down "'s now going up...because it looks like his healthcare plan is going day saying the recession is coming to an end...then 3 days later watching another 558,000 file for unemployment...I mean is it over or isn't it ?...I remember about 4 weeks ago...Obama was talking about a second stimulis package...saying that Doctors would rather yank out tonsils and amputate limbs so they can make more you know why...they have this guy on teleprompter...calling cops stupid...implying racists motives...saying we're closing Gitmo...and it's still open...talks about ending the war in we stay in now tell me...are these townhalls just about healthcare ?...:smile: ...this guys a chip on your shoulder...America hatin'...get even with em' agitator...through and through...and the American people...are seeing one example after another...each and everyday...


no photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:17 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 08/16/09 10:18 AM

the anger and outrage at these Townhalls...isn't so much about's more about the people of this country...telling Obama what they think about him...his policies, and his 8 months...the American people have watched the takeover of private business...telling CEO's how much money they can make...apologizing for this great nation without EVER promoting it's greatness...sucking up to Dictators...blowing a HUGE hole in the National debt by adding a trillion dollars to it in only 6 months...watching 650,000 more Americans sign up for food stamps last month...blaming George Bush for everything thats gone wrong under his watch...If my memory serves me right...wasn't Obama in the Senate when all this was taking place...taking credit for the stock market...but...when it was tanking saying that " I really don't pay attention to's like a tracking goes up and down "'s now going up...because it looks like his healthcare plan is going day saying the recession is coming to an end...then 3 days later watching another 558,000 file for unemployment...I mean is it over or isn't it ?...I remember about 4 weeks ago...Obama was talking about a second stimulis package...saying that Doctors would rather yank out tonsils and amputate limbs so they can make more you know why...they have this guy on teleprompter...calling cops stupid...implying racists motives...saying we're closing Gitmo...and it's still open...talks about ending the war in we stay in now tell me...are these townhalls just about healthcare ?...:smile: ...this guys a chip on your shoulder...America hatin'...get even with em' agitator...through and through...and the American people...are seeing one example after another...each and everyday...

Gio never answers this. Just what the he!! is the difference between the two parties!!!! He defends Bush but didnt Bush and his looneys do the same things....REALLY plz show a difference between the looney left and the almighty right!!!! THERE IS NONE!!!!!!!!!!

Giocamo's photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:24 AM
Libery vs Tyranny
Pro Life vs Abortion
Against Gay marriage based on the behavior vs anything goes
second amendment rights vs gun control
less government vs expansive and intrusive government
lower taxes vs more taxes
the death penalty vs coddling prisioners
the planet is doing just fine vs the whole global warming crowd
Reagan vs Obama
Capitalism vs Communism / Stateism

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:26 AM

the anger and outrage at these Townhalls...isn't so much about's more about the people of this country...telling Obama what they think about him...his policies, and his 8 months...the American people have watched the takeover of private business...telling CEO's how much money they can make...apologizing for this great nation without EVER promoting it's greatness...sucking up to Dictators...blowing a HUGE hole in the National debt by adding a trillion dollars to it in only 6 months...watching 650,000 more Americans sign up for food stamps last month...blaming George Bush for everything thats gone wrong under his watch...If my memory serves me right...wasn't Obama in the Senate when all this was taking place...taking credit for the stock market...but...when it was tanking saying that " I really don't pay attention to's like a tracking goes up and down "'s now going up...because it looks like his healthcare plan is going day saying the recession is coming to an end...then 3 days later watching another 558,000 file for unemployment...I mean is it over or isn't it ?...I remember about 4 weeks ago...Obama was talking about a second stimulis package...saying that Doctors would rather yank out tonsils and amputate limbs so they can make more you know why...they have this guy on teleprompter...calling cops stupid...implying racists motives...saying we're closing Gitmo...and it's still open...talks about ending the war in we stay in now tell me...are these townhalls just about healthcare ?...:smile: ...this guys a chip on your shoulder...America hatin'...get even with em' agitator...through and through...and the American people...are seeing one example after another...each and everyday...

Gio never answers this. Just what the he!! is the difference between the two parties!!!! He defends Bush but didnt Bush and his looneys do the same things....REALLY plz show a difference between the looney left and the almighty right!!!! THERE IS NONE!!!!!!!!!!

Sure there is. Its the spelling!

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:30 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 08/16/09 10:31 AM
just my opinion

but I believe that 90% of the people in the country are pretty middle of the road. a little left center or a little right center

a little liberal on this and a bit conservative on that

but the righty/lefty extremists make SO much noise that one would think the whole country is crazy. but its not. just a few hyperventilating radicals

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:30 AM

the anger and outrage at these Townhalls...isn't so much about's more about the people of this country...telling Obama what they think about him...his policies, and his 8 months...the American people have watched the takeover of private business...telling CEO's how much money they can make...apologizing for this great nation without EVER promoting it's greatness...sucking up to Dictators...blowing a HUGE hole in the National debt by adding a trillion dollars to it in only 6 months...watching 650,000 more Americans sign up for food stamps last month...blaming George Bush for everything thats gone wrong under his watch...If my memory serves me right...wasn't Obama in the Senate when all this was taking place...taking credit for the stock market...but...when it was tanking saying that " I really don't pay attention to's like a tracking goes up and down "'s now going up...because it looks like his healthcare plan is going day saying the recession is coming to an end...then 3 days later watching another 558,000 file for unemployment...I mean is it over or isn't it ?...I remember about 4 weeks ago...Obama was talking about a second stimulis package...saying that Doctors would rather yank out tonsils and amputate limbs so they can make more you know why...they have this guy on teleprompter...calling cops stupid...implying racists motives...saying we're closing Gitmo...and it's still open...talks about ending the war in we stay in now tell me...are these townhalls just about healthcare ?...:smile: ...this guys a chip on your shoulder...America hatin'...get even with em' agitator...through and through...and the American people...are seeing one example after another...each and everyday...

Gio never answers this. Just what the he!! is the difference between the two parties!!!! He defends Bush but didnt Bush and his looneys do the same things....REALLY plz show a difference between the looney left and the almighty right!!!! THERE IS NONE!!!!!!!!!!

Sure there is. Its the spelling!
So if there's no answer arnt you just as looney as your friends on the left?laugh laugh

Giocamo's photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:39 AM

the anger and outrage at these Townhalls...isn't so much about's more about the people of this country...telling Obama what they think about him...his policies, and his 8 months...the American people have watched the takeover of private business...telling CEO's how much money they can make...apologizing for this great nation without EVER promoting it's greatness...sucking up to Dictators...blowing a HUGE hole in the National debt by adding a trillion dollars to it in only 6 months...watching 650,000 more Americans sign up for food stamps last month...blaming George Bush for everything thats gone wrong under his watch...If my memory serves me right...wasn't Obama in the Senate when all this was taking place...taking credit for the stock market...but...when it was tanking saying that " I really don't pay attention to's like a tracking goes up and down "'s now going up...because it looks like his healthcare plan is going day saying the recession is coming to an end...then 3 days later watching another 558,000 file for unemployment...I mean is it over or isn't it ?...I remember about 4 weeks ago...Obama was talking about a second stimulis package...saying that Doctors would rather yank out tonsils and amputate limbs so they can make more you know why...they have this guy on teleprompter...calling cops stupid...implying racists motives...saying we're closing Gitmo...and it's still open...talks about ending the war in we stay in now tell me...are these townhalls just about healthcare ?...:smile: ...this guys a chip on your shoulder...America hatin'...get even with em' agitator...through and through...and the American people...are seeing one example after another...each and everyday...

Gio never answers this. Just what the he!! is the difference between the two parties!!!! He defends Bush but didnt Bush and his looneys do the same things....REALLY plz show a difference between the looney left and the almighty right!!!! THERE IS NONE!!!!!!!!!!

Sure there is. Its the spelling!
So if there's no answer arnt you just as looney as your friends on the left?laugh laugh

you must have missed my earlier post...ummmm...did I forget anything ?...:smile:

Libery vs Tyranny
Pro Life vs Abortion
Against Gay marriage based on the behavior vs anything goes
second amendment rights vs gun control
less government vs expansive and intrusive government
lower taxes vs more taxes
the death penalty vs coddling prisioners
the planet is doing just fine vs the whole global warming crowd
Reagan vs Obama
Capitalism vs Communism / Stateism

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:43 AM

Libery vs Tyranny
Pro Life vs Abortion
Against Gay marriage based on the behavior vs anything goes
second amendment rights vs gun control
less government vs expansive and intrusive government
lower taxes vs more taxes
the death penalty vs coddling prisioners
the planet is doing just fine vs the whole global warming crowd
Reagan vs Obama
Capitalism vs Communism / Stateism

The Pateriot Act! The IRAQ war! Chaneys death squads!
What has your party done to reverse the abortion issue? NOTHING!!!!!
Gun Control? Look at what Florida proposes to do!!!!
Less Govermentlaugh GWB
Look at the prices during GWB.. Is that not a tax? You get more revenue!!!!!
Yes they should die!!!!!
The planet is just finefrustrated The rivers are polluted, the woods are trashed, the Ice cap IS MELTING!!!! YEP JUST FINE!!!!!
REAGENlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh His your BEST PREZlaugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:43 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 08/16/09 11:19 AM

Libery vs Tyranny
Pro Life vs Abortion
Against Gay marriage based on the behavior vs anything goes
second amendment rights vs gun control
less government vs expansive and intrusive government
lower taxes vs more taxes
the death penalty vs coddling prisioners
the planet is doing just fine vs the whole global warming crowd
Reagan vs Obama
Capitalism vs Communism / Stateism

The Pateriot Act! The IRAQ war! Chaneys death squads!
What has your party done to reverse the abortion issue? NOTHING!!!!!
Gun Control? Look at what Florida proposes to do!!!!
Less Govermentlaugh GWB
GAY RIGHTS! You dont wont the goverment interfering with YOUR LIFE!!!
Look at the prices during GWB.. Is that not a tax? You get more revenue!!!!!
Yes they should die!!!!!
The planet is just finefrustrated The rivers are polluted, the woods are trashed, the Ice cap IS MELTING!!!! YEP JUST FINE!!!!!
REAGANlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh His your BEST PREZlaugh laugh laugh


Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:52 AM
surprised Cheney has death squads?

I wonder if they are hiring?

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 11:14 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 08/16/09 11:15 AM

surprised Cheney has death squads?

I wonder if they are hiring?
They wouldnt hire me I couldnt hit the broadside of a barn.laugh He!! everyone sprewing trash I might as well to!!

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 11:45 AM

Libery vs Tyranny
Pro Life vs Abortion
Against Gay marriage based on the behavior vs anything goes
second amendment rights vs gun control
less government vs expansive and intrusive government
lower taxes vs more taxes
the death penalty vs coddling prisioners
the planet is doing just fine vs the whole global warming crowd
Reagan vs Obama
Capitalism vs Communism / Stateism

I think it's very interesting that you talk about liberty and Control, yet you feel the right to tell me as a woman what I can and can't decide about my own body. I say stay the hell out of decisions related to my own body, and stay the hell out of my bed room and my personal partnerships. You are just as controlling as those on the left that want to decide what the hell I should eat and drink, whether I should smoke etc.

I am beginning to understand what folks mean by the left is no different from the right. But I will say there are people republican and democrat that I admire that have common sense ideas even if there are somethings they believe that I don't, we just don't hear enough from them. Instead we hear from flaming wingnuts on both sides simply want to shut down any and all discussion that might move us forward.