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Topic: Town Hall meetings staged
no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:08 AM
They are nothing more than Infomercials.......

usual whiners on the issue of “pre-screened” questions go oddly silent about it every time it happens with Obama.

little girl from NH is the daughter of Maine fund raiser...been to the easter egg roll at white house.

Pediatrician from Texas is not even a Doctor.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:40 AM
PROOF? or its just MORE lies!!!

KerryO's photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:46 AM
Lebanon, Pa. An angry man literally gets in Senator Arlen Specter's face in a scene that looked more like a millionaire baseball player having a snit about being called out on strikes.

New Hampshire- a man flaunts a gun he brought to the Town Hall meeting while carrying a sign that said something to the effect that sometimes liberty had to be defended by spilling the blood of patriots and tyrants.(I wonder who he thought the 'tyrants' were- anyone want to guess?) The man was permitted to stay and keep his firearm when security checked and found out that it wasn't illegal for him to do so.

Contrast this with Bush events, where you one had to sign affadavits to get tickets to get within site distance of the politicians participating.


-Kerry O.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:51 AM
Do a little research

When Bush staged his town hall meetings it was highly reported now....nothing.....

PROOF? or its just MORE lies!!!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:52 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 08/15/09 07:53 AM

Do a little research

When Bush staged his town hall meetings it was highly reported now....nothing.....

PROOF? or its just MORE lies!!!

PROOF OR LIES is quite simple!!!! You posted it it!!! Show PROOF!!!!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:53 AM
if you choose not to educate one will do it for you....

Do a little research

When Bush staged his town hall meetings it was highly reported now....nothing.....

PROOF? or its just MORE lies!!!

PROOF OR LIES is quite simple!!!!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:55 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 08/15/09 07:59 AM

if you choose not to educate one will do it for you....

Do a little research

When Bush staged his town hall meetings it was highly reported now....nothing.....

PROOF? or its just MORE lies!!!

PROOF OR LIES is quite simple!!!!

NO!!!! You ran YOUR mouth...Now cowboy up and show proof...Why should I even waste my time researching something that YOU CLAIM TO BE FACT!!! SHOW PROOF!!!! IF YOU CANT ITS JUST LIES!!

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:55 AM
bush bashers, obama bashers

don't ya'll realize that you're all the same people?

tools of the propaganda machine all buying the same distortions and lies and repeating them?

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:59 AM

Patterico continues to do terrific investigative reporting on the fake doctor who turned up at Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee’s town hall. Turns out Obama delegate and Organizing for America activist Roxana Mayer, who lied about being a pediatrician, was invited to the forum

if you choose not to educate one will do it for you....

Do a little research

When Bush staged his town hall meetings it was highly reported now....nothing.....

PROOF? or its just MORE lies!!!

PROOF OR LIES is quite simple!!!!

NO!!!! You ran YOUR mouth...Now cowboy up and show proof...Why should I even waste my time researching something that YOU CLAIM TO BE FACT!!! SHOW PROOF!!!!

robert1652's photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:00 AM
I don't do politics
But supporters left or right you are ALL screwed
The sooner you realize it the better it is for your own sakes

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:02 AM

Patterico continues to do terrific investigative reporting on the fake doctor who turned up at Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee’s town hall. Turns out Obama delegate and Organizing for America activist Roxana Mayer, who lied about being a pediatrician, was invited to the forum

if you choose not to educate one will do it for you....

Do a little research

When Bush staged his town hall meetings it was highly reported now....nothing.....

PROOF? or its just MORE lies!!!

PROOF OR LIES is quite simple!!!!

NO!!!! You ran YOUR mouth...Now cowboy up and show proof...Why should I even waste my time researching something that YOU CLAIM TO BE FACT!!! SHOW PROOF!!!!

Well NOW I have to beleive itlaugh

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:03 AM

I don't do politics
But supporters left or right you are ALL screwed
The sooner you realize it the better it is for your own sakes

Well said!!!!! When will people realize this!!!!!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:03 AM
Julia’s mother was an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:07 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 08/15/09 08:09 AM

Julia’s mother was an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden.
No site, No news paper post????? If that would even make it fact!!!! All you are doing is typing with no eveidence of anything!!!! He!! I met Obama and did a line of coke with him!!!! It was left over from the Bush administration!!laugh

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:11 AM
Boston globe

Austin statesman are the news papers...go look it up

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:15 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 08/15/09 08:16 AM

Boston globe

Austin statesman are the news papers...go look it up
Again just post it if you feel its fact!!!!! WHY SHOULD I LOOK IT UP???? YOU STARTED this thread NOT ME!!!!!!! Again if its in the BOSTEN GLOBE which Im sure is a RIGHT WING paper it must be fact!!! Fox news, Cnn, and MSNBC all show nothing but the truthlaugh

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:17 AM
three out of 8...come on you can do better.....

8 Simple Rules Liberals Use For Arguments

1. Blame Bush, Limbaugh, Palin etc.
2. Change the subject.
3. Attack the poster. check
4. Call the other person names. check
5. Log on using different names and have a bunch of fake people say you are right.
6. Find something personal about the poster to claim he has no credibility (but ignore the point).
7. Claim the source of the data is unreliable (again, ignore the point). check
8. Send you a personal email to try to intimidate you.

Boston globe

Austin statesman are the news papers...go look it up
Again just post it if you feel its fact!!!!! WHY SHOULD I LOOK IT UP???? YOU STARTED this thread NOT ME!!!!!!! Again if its in the BOSTEN GLOBE which Im sure is a RIGHT WING paper it must be fact!!!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:20 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 08/15/09 08:21 AM

three out of 8...come on you can do better.....

8 Simple Rules Liberals Use For Arguments

1. Blame Bush, Limbaugh, Palin etc.
2. Change the subject.
3. Attack the poster. check
4. Call the other person names. check
5. Log on using different names and have a bunch of fake people say you are right.
6. Find something personal about the poster to claim he has no credibility (but ignore the point).
7. Claim the source of the data is unreliable (again, ignore the point). check
8. Send you a personal email to try to intimidate you.

Boston globe

Austin statesman are the news papers...go look it up
Again just post it if you feel its fact!!!!! WHY SHOULD I LOOK IT UP???? YOU STARTED this thread NOT ME!!!!!!! Again if its in the BOSTEN GLOBE which Im sure is a RIGHT WING paper it must be fact!!!

AND THE RIGHT DOSNT DO THAT!!! COME out of your hole!!!! I will just take this post as LIES since YOU HAVE failed to prove anything!!!!! The GLOBE is not a conservative paper? If I posted something from a left wing source you would do the same ONLY I WOULD POST IT!!!!!

PS>>> I have done none of what you have said. I ASKED YOU TO SHOW PROOF AND YOU FAILED TO DO SO!!!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:22 AM
usual whiners on the issue of “pre-screened” questions go oddly silent about it every time it happens with Obama.

lack of media coverage does not make it untrue.......

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:25 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 08/15/09 08:30 AM

usual whiners on the issue of “pre-screened” questions go oddly silent about it every time it happens with Obama.

lack of media coverage does not make it untrue.......
DUDE!!!! Im an INDEPENDENT and will not keep my head stuck up either parties azz. BUT I WILL NOT SPREAD SOMETHING AS FACT UNLESS I CAN BACK IT UP!!!!!! I personally dont like the smell of CRAP and it comes from both sides which you continue to prove IT!!!!

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