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Topic: Whats the point???
no photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:35 PM
Whats the point??

What if there really isn't anything out there, no god
goddesses..nothing absolutely nothing no heave no hell...( I am not
asking to be saved or anything like that so don't bother)
Really think about it..if there is nothing out there...then all this
discussion, wars, fighting, ball of it has been for nothing

You say you know there is..because you feel it..then tell me what it
feels don't give me word for word from the bible or any other
book..reach down and tell me in your own words what it feels like

I'm questioning because I want to know and I don't know, because I don't
So explain it to me....

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:43 PM
Nothing is hard to prove. Prove to me that nothing exists.

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:44 PM
What if there is a REVERSE..

Can you explain to me what would you do if it was true but it was too
late? Have you ever thought about your question in reverse?

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:48 PM
It feels like that moment when you first hold a newborn, and if a
parent, yours.

An unending, insurmountable love...a hugeness, so much more than any
materialistic pleasure.

A calmness...a sense of all is as it should be.

A moment of expansion, far past your physical boundaries.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:53 PM
Thats my Lee. So there ya go. Good post honey.


no photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:53 PM
wow Jess that is so deep.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:56 PM
The void of something can be felt but the void is more than nothing. The
void of nothing must be less than nothing.

wonderman37's photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:56 PM
cherub, I feel things in my life that can not be explain except by jesus
being real.
first of all I went to credo a christian retreat for addicts, we were on
the mountain here in maryland.
After I got back, I have this anger issue well one day everything went
bad, but not once did I get angry,Jesus poured his strenght into me that
is all that could have happen.
there are other things showing me just how real jesus truely is.

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:57 PM

I would truely love to tell you, but there is no language with the
necessary words. I have tried before and failed, but I will try again
and maybe another believer can assist me where my words fail.

It's sort of like being held by your lover, you feel completely
enclosed. But at the same time, it's a burning swelling feeling in your
chest that radiates out beyond your body. It brings the most bizzare
feeling of contentment and anticipation at the same time. It's kind of
like Christmas eve as a know you will get your presents
soon, so you are calm, but at the same time you feel like you should
jump up and shout. Sometimes the feelings are very intense, this is
when God is "looking" at you. Sometimes the feeling isn't there at all,
that's when God turns his face away to test your faith. When God is
looking at me, I feel that anything he asks I can do, kind of like how
Clark Kent might feel.

Sometimes, I live in the flesh and I lust or hate or think earthly
thoughts and I don't feel God, because I have moved away from him. For
a month or more, I was backslid and I missed God so much. So I started
reading the Bible and praying again and he started smiling at me again.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/22/07 09:05 PM
Jess that is the most straight to the point answer I have ever read for
such a question.

It is exactally like that I would imagine for a woman. For Men do you
remember the feeling when the nurse handed you your newborn child? That
moment when your eyes touched that childs eyes and the world melted away
to only your heart and those innocent eyes looking at you with complete
trust. In that moment you have no doubts nor can fear touch you.

That is what the breath of the holy spirit inside you feels like. All
is calm, nothing can hurt nor does fear touch you. Evil can not harm
you for God is present and where God is Evil is not.

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 09:18 PM
Thank you Jess, Wonderman,Spider and AB..for giving me something to hold
on to something tangible in my mind and heart

For those that questioned me...thanks for making me doubt even more in
myself and what there is out that..I question because I don't know and
need some sort of direction and this is not an open
invitation to chase after me and save me....ones faith and thoughts of
this matter are for one to choose themselves not to be chased after...if
I knew the answers to your questions I wouldn't be questioning myself
now would I

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/22/07 09:38 PM
Please remember,

That no matter what label, term, expression placed upon what I feel and
have felt by others...are my experiences, personal, and I choose not to
clearly box belonging to one dogma, one indoctrination,

Whatever fills me, inspires me, is from outside and within is
through me.

I did not find found me...

Sound familiar?

And from as young as six, I have experienced this, long before I had a
reference point to place it in words, that another may hear it...and
again, and again, many times through my life.

Whenever I am open to it, and do not close myself off.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/22/07 09:46 PM
CC - we spend our life time becoming aware. Maybe it begins as a baby
aware that it has some power, because the sound, the cry it makes brings
attention to meet it's need. It grows as we do.
Awareness of self, of others, of things, events, and eventually an
awareness so large that it must encompass even the things we don't know.

During all this learning we often try to accomodate others, try to say,
think, act, be, what others expect or want. We do this because we are a
social creature of conscience. Because we have this need to 'fit in' we
often try so hard to validate who we are, by going to extremes with
explanations, logic, theories and the like.

The surprise is, that when you are comfortable with YOU, when you stop
questioning what others expect of you, when you look inside and know
that your cry, even now, will bring those you love to fill your need,
that is when, no matter who you are to them, you feel safe, secure, and
content. To learn whatever you can, when you want, without feeling
compelled, or required, without fear because you don't know something
you think you should. Because what you know is that you are worthy of
being human, that your answered cries are your proof.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:02 PM
God never turns his face away. Sometimes we put a barrier between us
but God is allways there.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:36 PM
CCP wrote:
“You say you know there is..because you feel it..then tell me what it
feels don't give me word for word from the bible or any other
book..reach down and tell me in your own words what it feels like”

I agree that Jess probably gave the best description that could be put
into words. It’s something that you just know, kind of like you know
you are in your body. I you can imagine for a moment that the whole
universe is your body, then this is how it feels.

CCP wrote:
“What if there really isn't anything out there, no god
goddesses..nothing absolutely nothing”

It wouldn’t make absolutely no difference at all. None whatsoever. Ask
a content atheist.

It’s not important to me that god exists. I don’t believe in god
because I need to exist. I believe in god because I have no choice.

You say, “What if there isn’t anything out there?”

But there is. Just open your eyes and what do you see? Are you alone?
Do you see something around you? Other people? Trees? Sky? Birds
and bees? A myriad of other living creatures?

You are already a part of something much larger than yourself.

Are you separate from the earth?

How long would you last in outer space without protection? No air to
breathe. No air pressure to keep your body from exploding like an
overblown balloon. How long would last with out food and water?

You carry your roots around inside your body in the form of a stomach
and you think that because you aren’t planted in one spot this somehow
means that you are separate from the earth. But you aren’t separate.
You are as much a part of the earth as your finger is a part of your

You are a part of this universe. You weren’t ‘put here’ from some
external source. You were born out of this universe. You are a part of
this universe. You and when your body dies you’ll go back into the
universe from whence you came.

There was never a time when you were not, and there will never be a time
when you will cease to exist.

What more do you want?

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 05/22/07 11:23 PM
I often say to people, smile just because you can. After all do we
really need a reason?

Perhaps the 'point' of it all regardless of whether there is a God or
not is for the experience. The opportunity to interract. The
opportunity to grow. The opportunity to co-create that which has
become our perceived reality.

I don't know what exactly is out there....but I do not believe it to be
a humanized ego in the sky. There is something though that keeps things
in motion.

A single tiny atom - its nucleus and electrons orbiting - what keeps
those electrons in motion? Whether I believe in it or not is
irrelevant. The electrons stay in motion.

Looking deeper, there are quarks that flit in and out of existence -
seen then unseen then seen ... where do they go?

It is estimated that the average human body contains 10 trillion cells
(although some believe it to be as high as 50 trillion).

Many believe that our bodies are merely illusion. Others believe that
it houses our soul so that we may interract with the world. Others
believe it is a body with a brain with no parts that live on.

What is the point of those 10 trillion cells? Particularly if our
bodies only exist in our mind. Some cells work in harmony. Some war
with other cells. Some form tight groups and have a common vision like
a heart - all working together. Sometimes they invade another like a
cancer cell. They are interracting. They are experiencing.

Many believe that each cell is a hologram of the whole .. a reflection
of the whole. What if the one cell does not not believe it is housed
within a larger system? Does it make its experience any less valid?
Does it make its role any less valued?

I have to wonder if we aren't like cells in a bigger system - whether we
are aware of it or not. Whether we believe it or not. Does it matter?
We all have a function.

What does it feel like to me ....

I sit in wonder and in the center of all that is. I feel a part of
everything in a very palpable way. When I drive through the Canadian
Rockies, all at once I feel incredibly big and incredibly small.

When I sit by a lake and small birds land on my feet and shoulders
instinctively knowing that I am no threat or dozens of Canada Geese take
flight all around me while I sit in silence - so close I can feel the
rush of air as they pass by within a couple of feet of me....I am part
of something bigger.

When I walk in the hills and a black bird walks with me from tree to
tree as if in silent communion.

We get busy in our lives and the external noise drowns out the internal
symphony. When we get quiet the song becomes clear.

We create our reality. If our belief structure supports a belief in a
particular dogma or picture of God then that is true reality for us. If
our belief structure supports a belief that aliens exist then that is
true. We collectively create our world. Energy first, matter follows.
Thought is energy. Collective thought is powerful - just look at all of
the fear and what it is manifesting in the world.

Is there a God - I don't know. But something keeps it all in motion.
What you call it doesn't really matter to me. I am just grateful that
it exists.

Thank you for the post Cherub and for the opportunity to swim around in
those nebulous grey areas I love so much.


Jess642's photo
Tue 05/22/07 11:49 PM
Aaaaahhhh!!! Hello you!!!:heart: flowerforyou

bibby7's photo
Tue 05/22/07 11:53 PM
If there isn't a God..There is a reasonable facimile, that keeps us
human, and in need..

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 05/22/07 11:54 PM
Hello Jess....Bobby! flowerforyou

bibby7's photo
Tue 05/22/07 11:55 PM
Hello, Sherrey..:heart: flowerforyou

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