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Topic: I Can See You!
Winx's photo
Mon 08/10/09 10:13 PM

Visine by the gallonrofl

Gallons plural.laugh

Jimmy59's photo
Mon 08/10/09 10:16 PM
She has her eye on you mister !!!!smokin

Winx's photo
Mon 08/10/09 10:21 PM

I have an anti-eye shield up...



So you think.laugh pitchfork

Winx's photo
Mon 08/10/09 10:22 PM

eye spy....

ok don't be spying on me any more!

I can't help it.pitchfork

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 08/10/09 10:30 PM

I have an anti-eye shield up...



So you think.laugh pitchfork

Darn ya almost got me...

Had to transfer warp power...

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 08/10/09 11:37 PM

I have an anti-eye shield up...



So you think.laugh pitchfork

Darn ya almost got me...

Had to transfer warp power...

See it worked...

You don't know where I am.bigsmile

Winx's photo
Mon 08/10/09 11:39 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 08/10/09 11:39 PM

I have an anti-eye shield up...



So you think.laugh pitchfork

Darn ya almost got me...

Had to transfer warp power...

See it worked...

You don't know where I am.bigsmile


Your warp power was set at the wrong speed.:wink:

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 08/10/09 11:55 PM
Nope right speed.

You are 15 light minutes behind.

I was gone.

Winx's photo
Tue 08/11/09 08:54 AM

She has her eye on you mister !!!!smokin


Winx's photo
Tue 08/11/09 08:55 AM

Nope right speed.

You are 15 light minutes behind.

I was gone.


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