Topic: Negros in the Bible | |
Edited by
Tue 08/04/09 04:00 PM
Negros in the Bible Genesis 2:7 Proves that Adam is Black. And the LORD God formed man of the DUST of the ground…. Dust is in color brown. Exodus 2:17-19 Moses Mistaken for an Egyptian this proves Moses was Black. …And they said, An Egyptian delivered us Egyptians are a dark skinned people. Exodus 4: 6 Moses’s black hand turns white, “leprous as snow.” …he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. Numbers 12:9-12 Miriam’s black skin turns white, like a skinned knee. Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed… Job 30:30 Job’s skin is Black. My skin is black upon me… Song of Solomon 1:5-6 Solomon is black and beautiful. He got blacker in the sun. …I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me… Isaiah 29:22 The face of Israel is black and will never turn white. Jacob…his face now wax pale. Jeremiah 8:21 Jeremiah is Black. …I am black… Jeremiah 12:9 God’s heritage (Israel) is different shades of brown. Mine heritage is unto me as a speckled bird… Jeremiah 14:2 The Jews (Judah) are black. …they are black unto the ground… They are in color as the ground is different shades of brown. Lamentations 4:8 There visage (face) is black. Their visage is blacker than a coal… Lamentations 5:10 our (Israel) skin is black. Our skin was black like an oven… Ezekiel 1:7 The Angels are black. …they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. Burned brass. Ezekiel 40:3 Black Angel. …a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass… Bass is in color brown like a penny. Daniel 7:9 God, the father is a black man with wooly hair. …the hair of his head like the pure wool… Daniel 10:5-6 Christ’s arms and feet are black. …and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass… Polished brass is burned brass. Acts 13:1 Simon called niger (black). Niger is Latin for Black. Acts 21:37-38 Paul mistaken for an Egyptian this proves he was black. …Art not thou that Egyptian. Revelation 1: 13-15 Proves Christ is black. …his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace That's interesting. I never looked at it that way before. |
Negros in the Bible
How do you define 'Negro'? Technically it refers to dark skin. Back in biblical times probably everyone who lived in the Middle East had dark skin and were closely related to tribes that originated from Africa. I personally believe that all humans are descendent from Africa. I don't know if you are aware of this, but biologically speaking there is no clear way to even define 'race'. All humans are the same "species". Things such as skin color, as well as other features most likely occurred over long periods of time due to geological isolation. Long enough to cause minor variations in some traits, but not long enough to cause incompatibility of breeding (i.e. to create a new 'species' of human) As the world become more global, humanity will most likely continue to interbreed globally until at some future time there will be no individual recognized 'races'. All humans will be equally 'mongrels'. ![]() |
Yes, of why in all the pictures of Jesus he is fair with blue eyes... interesting. That's because in the 8th or 9th century, the Catholic church figured out that they could convert people more easily if the Savior looked more like the people they're trying to convert. So..white guy, blond hair, blue eyes---Europe Yellow skin, slanted eyes, dark hair---Asia Tanned skin, dark hair, round face---American Indian ect ect ect. Name an ethic group, you can find a Jesus that looks just like them. Ain't religious duplicity grand? |
Human to human total genetic variation is approximately 0.5% Actually, I saw on Nova, it's less than 1/10 of 1%. For a comparision between any 2 humans on the planet. Human genetic variation
Main articles: Human genetic variation and Lewontin's Fallacy Human to human total genetic variation is approximately 0.5%. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are single base-pair DNA differences accounting for 0.1% variation. Of this 0.1% difference, 85% is found within any given population, 7% is found between populations within a continent and only 8% is found on average between the various continental populations. Based on this observation, Richard Lewontin has claimed that accurate classification of humans is therefore impossible and can have no taxonomic utility. However, this view has been rejected by A. W. F. Edwards in his paper entitled Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy, Edwards shows that accurate classification of humans is possible because most of the data that distinguishes populations occurs in correlations between allele frequencies, although these classifications vary depending on a number of criteria, such as sampling strategy, type of locus, distribution of loci around the genome and number of loci. On the other hand Witherspoon et al. (2007) have shown that even when accurate classification of human populations is achieved, often individuals classified into different groups are more genetically similar to each other than to members of their own group. This seems to be due to the fact that multi-locus clustering does not take into account the genetic similarities between individuals, and only uses population level traits for comparison. Witherspoon et al. conclude that accurate classification of individuals drawn from a continuously varying human population may be impossible. Compared with other species the amount of genetic diversity among humans is relatively small. For example two random chimpanzee are expected to differ by about 1 in 500 DNA base pairs, equivalent to double the diversity amongst humans. This may indicate that chimpanzees have existed as a species much longer than humans.[3] Ancestry-informative marker are stretches of DNA which have several polymorphisms that exhibit substantially different frequencies between the different populations. Using these AIMs scientists can determine a person's continent of origin based solely on their DNA. AIMs can also be used to determine someone's admixture proportions.[4] Perhaps, the second line was what Nova referred to. In any case, the differences between us are so small, as to be completely irelevant(sp?), for prejudging purposes. Why hate someone because of what they look like? After you get to know someone, you'll find so many better reasons to hate them. ![]() |
Negros in the Bible
How do you define 'Negro'? Technically it refers to dark skin. Back in biblical times probably everyone who lived in the Middle East had dark skin and were closely related to tribes that originated from Africa. I personally believe that all humans are descendent from Africa. I don't know if you are aware of this, but biologically speaking there is no clear way to even define 'race'. All humans are the same "species". Things such as skin color, as well as other features most likely occurred over long periods of time due to geological isolation. Long enough to cause minor variations in some traits, but not long enough to cause incompatibility of breeding (i.e. to create a new 'species' of human) As the world become more global, humanity will most likely continue to interbreed globally until at some future time there will be no individual recognized 'races'. All humans will be equally 'mongrels'. ![]() "race" in this context is a misnomer. There are different geno types of humans. There is only one race of humans. |
Edited by
Wed 08/05/09 01:20 AM
Negros in the Bible Genesis 2:7 Proves that Adam is Black. And the LORD God formed man of the DUST of the ground…. Dust is in color brown. Exodus 2:17-19 Moses Mistaken for an Egyptian this proves Moses was Black. …And they said, An Egyptian delivered us Egyptians are a dark skinned people. Exodus 4: 6 Moses’s black hand turns white, “leprous as snow.” …he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. Numbers 12:9-12 Miriam’s black skin turns white, like a skinned knee. Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed… Job 30:30 Job’s skin is Black. My skin is black upon me… Song of Solomon 1:5-6 Solomon is black and beautiful. He got blacker in the sun. …I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me… Isaiah 29:22 The face of Israel is black and will never turn white. Jacob…his face now wax pale. Jeremiah 8:21 Jeremiah is Black. …I am black… Jeremiah 12:9 God’s heritage (Israel) is different shades of brown. Mine heritage is unto me as a speckled bird… Jeremiah 14:2 The Jews (Judah) are black. …they are black unto the ground… They are in color as the ground is different shades of brown. Lamentations 4:8 There visage (face) is black. Their visage is blacker than a coal… Lamentations 5:10 our (Israel) skin is black. Our skin was black like an oven… Ezekiel 1:7 The Angels are black. …they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. Burned brass. Ezekiel 40:3 Black Angel. …a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass… Bass is in color brown like a penny. Daniel 7:9 God, the father is a black man with wooly hair. …the hair of his head like the pure wool… Daniel 10:5-6 Christ’s arms and feet are black. …and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass… Polished brass is burned brass. Acts 13:1 Simon called niger (black). Niger is Latin for Black. Acts 21:37-38 Paul mistaken for an Egyptian this proves he was black. …Art not thou that Egyptian. Revelation 1: 13-15 Proves Christ is black. …his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace They were all Mideastern decent, they weren't white, but I dont think they weren't black either, they were more Arabic. different ethnicity didnt come about until the tower of Babel when they decided to build a tower to heaven and because of their arrogant ways, God mixed up there tongues, (languages) character features so they could not communicate and to create confusion among them. Revelation 1: 13-15 Proves Christ is black.
…his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace since when is brass black? If our Arab descendants were black, then I guess your right.. |
Mormons believe that being black was a curse from God for sin... and all those who are black are living the sins of the fathers. What a terrible thing to teach your children..or anyone.. ![]() Yea, I agree, that is Hogwash, its not in the Bible, so where do they get that teaching? |
Yes, of why in all the pictures of Jesus he is fair with blue eyes... interesting. ethnic conceit Yep. exactly... |
Jesus looks like that because the europeans portrayed him as such. It is been proven though that he was dark skinned not black and he spoke with a lisp. What does it matter really what color he was though? People waste too much time and energy on what color he was and not the message he delivered. I mean come on black white red yellow purple green who really cares just love one another. I dont see how they proved that he spoke with a lisp, but OK |
Negros in the Bible Genesis 2:7 Proves that Adam is Black. And the LORD God formed man of the DUST of the ground…. Dust is in color brown. Exodus 2:17-19 Moses Mistaken for an Egyptian this proves Moses was Black. …And they said, An Egyptian delivered us Egyptians are a dark skinned people. Exodus 4: 6 Moses’s black hand turns white, “leprous as snow.” …he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. Numbers 12:9-12 Miriam’s black skin turns white, like a skinned knee. Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed… Job 30:30 Job’s skin is Black. My skin is black upon me… Song of Solomon 1:5-6 Solomon is black and beautiful. He got blacker in the sun. …I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me… Isaiah 29:22 The face of Israel is black and will never turn white. Jacob…his face now wax pale. Jeremiah 8:21 Jeremiah is Black. …I am black… Jeremiah 12:9 God’s heritage (Israel) is different shades of brown. Mine heritage is unto me as a speckled bird… Jeremiah 14:2 The Jews (Judah) are black. …they are black unto the ground… They are in color as the ground is different shades of brown. Lamentations 4:8 There visage (face) is black. Their visage is blacker than a coal… Lamentations 5:10 our (Israel) skin is black. Our skin was black like an oven… Ezekiel 1:7 The Angels are black. …they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. Burned brass. Ezekiel 40:3 Black Angel. …a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass… Bass is in color brown like a penny. Daniel 7:9 God, the father is a black man with wooly hair. …the hair of his head like the pure wool… Daniel 10:5-6 Christ’s arms and feet are black. …and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass… Polished brass is burned brass. Acts 13:1 Simon called niger (black). Niger is Latin for Black. Acts 21:37-38 Paul mistaken for an Egyptian this proves he was black. …Art not thou that Egyptian. Revelation 1: 13-15 Proves Christ is black. …his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace They were all Mideastern decent, they weren't white, but I dont think they weren't black either, they were more Arabic. different ethnicity didnt come about until the tower of Babel when they decided to build a tower to heaven and because of their arrogant ways, God mixed up there tongues, (languages) character features so they could not communicate and to create confusion among them. Revelation 1: 13-15 Proves Christ is black.
…his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace since when is brass black? If our Arab descents were black, then I guess your right.. ok, I'll bite. Tower of Babel. If, as you say, that was point where God gave us differing geno types of humans(which, as far as I know, it doesn't), there would be a central focal point in the world where all they all spread out from. This is completely silly. Somehow, I find it difficult to believe Eskimos started out in the Middle East...ect ect. Not to mention, this isn't what the archeological evidence shows us. Not to mention, many languages are extremely similiar, just as if they evolved over time w/ moving populations. |
Mormons believe that being black was a curse from God for sin... and all those who are black are living the sins of the fathers. What a terrible thing to teach your children..or anyone.. ![]() Yea, I agree, that is Hogwash, its not in the Bible, so where do they get that teaching? The Book of Mormon. Which is every bit as valid as the Bible. Which is to say, none at all. |
The Bible does not contain racial topics of any kind. It mentions different tribes,people,cultures but not color. Seems that God knew that if one color was mentioned for say Jesus, then people of that color would say "see, He's one of mine". Do you really think that the God who created everything we see and know of, even ourselves, is concerned about a person's skin color? Jesus died for everyone, of all colors. How could he die like that and still represent one
brand of human being? Being that Jesus did come from what we know as the middle east, he was probably brown. On the other hand, maybe he was black. It just does not matter. His earthly body was just a vehicle for him. That body was given as a perfect sacrifice for all men, all colors, all cultures....everyone. Ron |
Mormons believe that being black was a curse from God for sin... and all those who are black are living the sins of the fathers. What a terrible thing to teach your children..or anyone.. ![]() Yeah, the LDS people have a number of issues & excluding blacks is just 1 of them. They actually started inviting blacks into their fold in the '60's I believe. You don't receive invites to LDS family weddings because the ceremonies are held in secret. 1 of the more interesting portions of the ceremony occurs when the groom provides his wife with her "secret" name. This will be a name that only the groom knows, because at the end times when the "saints" are being called into heaven, if the wife has served him well or he deems her worthy, he will call her by her "secret" name so she can enter heaven with him. If not, well.... No wonder LDS couples seem to get along so well. |
I don't do religion and nor do I joke about it
![]() In Spain the culture also reveres the "Black Madonna" (An observation only) |
Thats ok with me. Ill ebrace my blackness lol. Im mixed anyway though. lol.
If everone was black how did I get here? Heres the part where he tells us an evil scientist created the white gene as part of a plot to enslave the black man. An African American muslim actually said that to me when I was 19. So I asked what color the scientist was.
I should have taken the blue pill.
Isaiah 53:2 He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. Now Jesus was also a carpenter..during the summer months they get pretty dang dark. Also he traveled around the desert most of his life..I mean it is desert and hot in the middle east. One would expect to get pretty dark living there. He was to have had woolen hair....Lebanese? Black...white who cares? Read the 4 gospels where Judas walks with the Romans to point Jesus out. Now, the 12 apostles were all Semitic, so Arab. If Jesus was whatever color....why did the Roman Army need Judas to point Jesus out? Jesus was Arab like, so modern Olive skin, brown eyes, and like most Arabs? We have evolved by way of looks...what did our ancestors look like 2 thousand years ago? Has anyone seen the picture painted by ST.LUKE of Mary mother of Jesus? (Author of Luke in the Bible.) Daniel 10:6 His body also [was] like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude. Revelation 1:14 His head and [his] hairs [were] white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire; Revelation 2:18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet [are] like fine brass; |
Doesn't the Hebrew word for Adam Mean Red Dirt.
Mormons believe that being black was a curse from God for sin... and all those who are black are living the sins of the fathers. What a terrible thing to teach your children..or anyone.. ![]() Yea, I agree, that is Hogwash, its not in the Bible, so where do they get that teaching? None of the mormons I knew taught this? |