Topic: List of thieves | |
It has become obvious to me that we are lead by theives.
Congress and the Senate seem to believe they live in ancient Rome. I think its time to show the the difference. If you got a congressperson or senator that you believe falls into the 'theif' catagory list them here so we can all know them. Orin Hatch. |
John Conley...
***why should I have to read the thing... Just pay me my grip and get the bill outa my face.*** |
John Conley... ***why should I have to read the thing... Just pay me my grip and get the bill outa my face.*** It might help if we put D or R next to their name? |
John Conley... ***why should I have to read the thing... Just pay me my grip and get the bill outa my face.*** It might help if we put D or R next to their name? Why? A theif is a theif... It matters not what party they currently claim. ![]() |
John Conley... ***why should I have to read the thing... Just pay me my grip and get the bill outa my face.*** It might help if we put D or R next to their name? Why? A theif is a theif... It matters not what party they currently claim. ![]() Yes that is true, but I think it does matter when one claims to be better than the other. It might be informative to know just how alike the are if that is really the case. |
![]() ![]() Notable Reptilians: George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew President Bush's Cabinet Cabinet Positions & Cabinet Officials Attorney General John Ashcroft -- High order Reptilian Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson-High Order Reptilian Interior Secretary Gale Norton -- Alien controlled Secretary of State Colin Powell --Reptilian of the Highest Order Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reptilian President Bush's Advisors White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mitch Daniels -- Alien controlled National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice --Alien --other type Senators of the 107th Congress Akaka, Daniel (D - HI) Reptilian Allen, George (R - VA) Reptilian Bayh, Evan (D - IN) -- Alien/other type Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE) -- Reptilian Bond, Christopher (R - MO) -- Reptilian Boxer, Barbara (D - CA) -- Alien supported Bunning, Jim (R - KY) -- Alien supported Byrd, Robert (D - WV) -- Reptilian Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO) Pleiadean (fallen to the other side) Carper, Thomas (D - DE) -- Alien supported Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) --Alien/other type Conrad, Kent (D - ND) --Alien/other type Crapo, Mike (R - ID) --- Alien supported Daschle, Thomas (D - SD) --Reptilian Dodd, Christopher (D - CT) -- Alien supported Domenici, Pete (R - NM) --Reptilian Dorgan, Byron (D - ND) -- Reptilian Durbin, Richard (D - IL) --Alien supported Feingold, Russell (D - WI) -- Alien/other type Graham, Bob (D - FL) -- Reptilian Gramm, Phil (R - TX) -- Reptilian of high office Harkin, Tom (D - IA) -- Alien of high office Hollings, Ernest (D - SC) -- Alien /other type Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX) -- Alien supported Inouye, Daniel (D - HI) --Reptilian Kennedy, Edward (D - MA) --Very high reptilian Leahy, Patrick (D - VT) -- Reptilian Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT) --Very high alien/other type McCain, John (R - AZ) -- Alien hybrid Nickles, Don (R - OK) --- Alien/other type Reid, Harry (D - NV) -- Alien supported Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV) --Reptilian of very high office/leadership Santorum, Rick (R - PA) Alien/other type Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD) Very high (nasty) alien type Specter, Arlen (R - PA) __Very high reptilian Thurmond, Strom (R - SC) Alien/other type Warner, John (R - VA) Reptilian/Warrior Leader Reptilian's in the House (Not exactly The West Wing) House of Representatives: Aderholt, Robert; Alabama, 4th (Reptilian and group leader of other aliens) Armey, Richard; Texas, 26th (Alien/other breed) Baird, Brian; Washington, 3rd (Alien/other type) Baldwin, Tammy; Wisconsin, 2nd (Reptilian) Barrett, Thomas; Wisconsin, 5th (Alien/other type) Becerra, Xavier; California, 30th (Reptilian) Bilirakis, Michael; Florida, 9th (Reptilian of High Office) Blunt, Roy; Missouri, 7th Reptilian of High Office) Bonior, David; Michigan, 10th (Very high Reptilian--Leader of sub-group) Boucher, Rick; Virginia, 9th (Reptilian--high office) Brown, Henry; South Carolina, 1st (Reptilian -- very high order) Callahan, Sonny; Alabama, 1st (Reptilian --other type) Capito, Shelley; West Virginia, 2nd (Alien --other type) Carson, Brad; Oklahoma, 2nd (Reptilian --very high officer) Clayton, Eva; North Carolina,1st (Reptilian --very high order) Condit, Gary; California, 18th (Levy died because she found out his secret--he's Reptilian --not such a high order (obviously)) Crenshaw, Ander; Florida, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Culberson, John; Texas, 7th (Extremely high order reptilian) Davis, Susan; California, 49th (Reptilian) DeFazio, Peter; Oregon, 4th (Reptilian--very high order) DeLay, Tom; Texas, 22nd (A leader of the Reptilians here on planet Earth) Doggett, Lloyd; Texas, 10th (Reptilian --very high order) English, Phil; Pennsylvania, 21st (Reptilian commander) Flake, Jeff; Arizona, 1st (Reptilian, leader of lesser order) Fossella, Vito; New York, 13th (Alien --other type) Gilchrest, Wayne; Maryland, 1st (Reptilian --very high order) Goss, Porter; Florida, 14th (Reptilian/alien hybrid) Green, Mark; Wisconsin, 8th (Alien --other type) Gutierrez, Luis; Illinois, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Hansen, James; Utah, 1st (Reptilian leader) Hefley, Joel; Colorado, 5th (Reptilian leader) Hobson, David; Ohio, 7th (Alien--other type) Houghton, Amo; New York, 31st (Reptilian --very high order) Hyde, Henry; Illinois, 6th (Reptilian of the Supreme Command (er)) Jackson-Lee, Sheila; Texas, 18th (Reptilian --other type) Jones, Walter; North Carolina, 3rd (Reptilian --High Command) Kennedy, Patrick; Rhode Island, 1st (Alien influenced) Kind, Ron; Wisconsin, 3rd (Reptilian --supreme command) Langevin, James; Rhode Island, 2nd (Reptilian --First Order) Lewis, John; Georgia, 5th (Reptilian) Luther, Bill; Minnesota, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Markey, Edward; Massachusetts, 7th (Reptilian --Very High Order) McHugh, John; New York, 24th (Reptilian --extremely High Order) McNulty, Michael; New York, 21st (Reptilian --Very High Order) Miller, George; California, 7th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Nethercutt, George; Washington, 5th (Reptilian --Supreme Command) Owens, Major; New York, 11th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Pence, Mike; Indiana, 2nd (Reptilianj --Very High Order) Platts, Todd; Pennsylvania, 19th (Reptilian --VEry High Order) Rahall, Nick; West Virginia, 3rd (Reptilian) Rangel, Charles; New York, 15th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Rodriguez, Ciro; Texas, 28th (Reptilian) Ryan, Paul; Wisconsin, 1st (Reptilian) Serrano, Jose; New York, 16th (Reptilian --High Order) Shimkus, John; Illinois, 20th (Alien --other type) Slaughter, Louise; New York, 28th (Reptilian) Stearns, Cliff; Florida, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Strickland, Ted; Ohio, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Thomas, William; California, 21st (Reptilian --High Order) Walsh, James; New York, 25th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Weller, Jerry; Illinois, 11th (Alien --other type) Wilson, Heather; New Mexico, 1st (Reptilian) |
Mitch McConnell......
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Mitch McConnell...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() I don't give a hoot if they are reptiles as long as they are doing the job we 'hired' them for. All I care about is gettin rid of the thieves... I'd be willing to bet there is at least one from every state in the Union. |
Dude?... ![]() I don't give a hoot if they are reptiles as long as they are doing the job we 'hired' them for. All I care about is gettin rid of the thieves... I'd be willing to bet there is at least one from every state in the Union. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 07/30/09 01:21 PM
It would be easier to list them all and them pick out the few that are not thieves.........opps already done...
It would be easier to list them all and them pick out the few that are not thieves.........opps already done... I have been researching... You are quite right. It would appear that we might have but a few current congressperson and senators that don't have their hands in our pockets. I am acutally suprised that we let this go as far as it has. |
It would be easier to list them all and them pick out the few that are not thieves.........opps already done... I have been researching... You are quite right. It would appear that we might have but a few current congressperson and senators that don't have their hands in our pockets. I am acutally suprised that we let this go as far as it has. I'm not sure why you would be suprised. This country elected Bush TWICE.... ![]() |
It would be easier to list them all and them pick out the few that are not thieves.........opps already done... I have been researching... You are quite right. It would appear that we might have but a few current congressperson and senators that don't have their hands in our pockets. I am acutally suprised that we let this go as far as it has. I'm not sure why you would be suprised. This country elected Bush TWICE.... ![]() Bush was an adequate president. Obama will be adequate also. I really don't care. I just want to clean out congress and the senate. (when it comes to law pres is only as good as his/her veto - congress makes them). My problem is... I can only effect the thief that comes from my state. Need people in other states to do the same. |
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Jeez - some of these people must think we are BLIND. are we? |
Mark Sanford (r)
Edited by
Thu 07/30/09 06:18 PM
Mark Sanford (r) Agreed... John Murtha. Wow I am editing a post. Needed to add something. I got respect for Murtha. He says it like he sees it. He has never denied that he takes... And he has brought improvements to his constituency. My problem is that he is bought... and bought means he can't do the job right. |
Biden and his Amtrak daily trip
Biden and his Amtrak daily trip Yeah but Biden is safely tucked away as VP. Won't have to worry bout him till next presidential. Grasley. |