Topic: Why did you decided to email me?
franshade's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:43 AM
rarely get emails as my profile is blank and no pics, but the emails that I do receive, no I dont ask for a reason, I respond like I would in a conversation.

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:45 AM
lol its like the question......"What are your intentions?"scared rofl rofl

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:49 AM
I am in no hurry to be in a relationship. So, if someone was to bolt because I was curious what about my profile initiated them emailing me.... oh well!

newarkjw's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:49 AM

I generally ask this question when I get an inital email from a guy.

Do you ever ask this? What kind of responses do you get?

What do you say when asked the question?

I generally say... You seem cool and I 'liked' or 'found interesting' this <something specific about their profile>.

I am just usually happy to actually get an email and just roll with it. smokin

7z3r05's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:49 AM
i emailed you cuz i want to talk to your inquisitive a$s...

fairly obvious.

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:51 AM
Edited by tanyaann on Fri 07/17/09 09:51 AM

i emailed you cuz i want to talk to your inquisitive a$s...

fairly obvious.


Well OK! whoa


btw, it is totally creepy with you going around with that pic!!! scared

7z3r05's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:57 AM
there, better?

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:59 AM

there, better?

A little. Thanks! :smile:

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:55 AM

I am in no hurry to be in a relationship. So, if someone was to bolt because I was curious what about my profile initiated them emailing me.... oh well!

"Oh well" until the thread about "OMG WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? WAI IZ PPL ALWEHS RUNNIN AWAY"

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:07 AM

I am in no hurry to be in a relationship. So, if someone was to bolt because I was curious what about my profile initiated them emailing me.... oh well!

"Oh well" until the thread about "OMG WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? WAI IZ PPL ALWEHS RUNNIN AWAY"


no photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:31 AM

I am in no hurry to be in a relationship. So, if someone was to bolt because I was curious what about my profile initiated them emailing me.... oh well!

"Oh well" until the thread about "OMG WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? WAI IZ PPL ALWEHS RUNNIN AWAY"


But really, if you have to question a guy due to the insufficient ability to illustrate a coherent thought or reasoning for emailing you, then is he really worth your time?

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:36 AM
Edited by tanyaann on Fri 07/17/09 11:36 AM
never mind

tngxl65's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:39 AM
Edited by tngxl65 on Fri 07/17/09 11:40 AM
Most of my emails come from mods or Charles. I usually know why they emailed me.

msmyka's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:41 AM

Most of my emails come from mods or Charles. I usually know why they emailed me.

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:42 AM

Most of my emails come from mods or Charles. I usually know why they emailed me.



no photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:45 AM
They even keep a history file of your mingle criminal record. For instance, "You've been warned 8 times, this is your last warning"

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:46 AM

They even keep a history file of your mingle criminal record. For instance, "You've been warned 8 times, this is your last warning"
scared surprised scared

Lilypetal's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:50 AM
Nothing wrong with marketing surveys and target research!

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/17/09 11:51 AM

Nothing wrong with marketing surveys and target research!

Yeah!!!! :laughing: tongue2

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 12:13 PM
...that's what HE said.