Topic: losing the love of your life
babygirl98270's photo
Thu 07/16/09 09:38 PM
Racer I was j/k
Hope everyone has a good night

romee's photo
Thu 07/16/09 09:39 PM

Love does not suck...only whiners would say that.
[/quotei am not a whiner and love does suck to some of us scttrbrain just maybe not to you:angry:

auburngirl's photo
Thu 07/16/09 09:40 PM
Edited by auburngirl on Thu 07/16/09 09:44 PM

Love does not suck...only whiners would say that.
[/quotei am not a whiner and love does suck to some of us scttrbrain just maybe not to you:angry:

Love isn't what sucks. It's the pain we feel when we've lost it that does.

romee's photo
Thu 07/16/09 09:48 PM

Love does not suck...only whiners would say that.
[/quotei am not a whiner and love does suck to some of us scttrbrain just maybe not to you:angry:

Love isn't what sucks. It's the pain we feel when we've lost it that does.well i hate love period feeling and all.:angry: :cry:

auburngirl's photo
Thu 07/16/09 09:50 PM you wish. But somehow I'm guessing that is only temporary. Wishing you luck that it is.

romee's photo
Thu 07/16/09 09:59 PM you wish. But somehow I'm guessing that is only temporary. Wishing you luck that it is.
thank you auburngirl flowerforyou

nvkikigirl's photo
Fri 07/17/09 01:45 AM

Has anyone else ever noticed that when you lose the love of your life,nothing feels the same, things just arent fun anymore?sad2 sorry just venting

its okay to vent, i think it helps us feel better, or to get advice or perspectives...ive never had a love of my life but i know what its like to hurt so i hope you feel better soon...flowerforyou

snarkytwain's photo
Fri 07/17/09 02:05 AM
I've never even found him. frown I have never had my heart broken, no... but I have never felt true love, either.

I think I'd rather to have loved and lost... yadda yadda. Honestly.

74Drew's photo
Fri 07/17/09 03:28 AM
Edited by 74Drew on Fri 07/17/09 03:29 AM

Has anyone else ever noticed that when you lose the love of your life,nothing feels the same, things just arent fun anymore?sad2 sorry just venting

yep. to me what's worse are the things that constantly remind you of that person. stupid little things that before hand wouldn't have mattered at all.

. . .

krupa's photo
Fri 07/17/09 05:04 AM
Yeah...losing the love of ones life does suck.....

But, I got lucky and 18 years later we found each other again....

love springs eternal.........

brokenwings30's photo
Fri 07/17/09 08:21 AM
thanks for all your advice,I know what I have to do,and It sucks but I cant be his friend,atleast for now, thanks for all.well some of the kind wordsflowerforyou

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:46 PM
I know you can't see it now, but you will get through this stronger than before. It does take time so you need to surround yourself with friends and family. Do things to occupy your mind so you don't sit and think about him all day. Best of luck to you. flowerforyou

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:47 PM

How do you know for sure they were the "love of your life" when your life isn't over yet? Perception on such a limited time line... you might still have the opportunity to meet the "love of your life".

:thumbsup: Theres some awesome amazing sexy, intelligent men out there when your ready.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:47 PM
turn your pimp game on bigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/17/09 07:33 PM

turn your pimp game on bigsmile

rara777's photo
Fri 07/17/09 07:37 PM

Has anyone else ever noticed that when you lose the love of your life,nothing feels the same, things just arent fun anymore?sad2 sorry just venting

It`s ok sweetie.flowerforyou

The LOVE of my life passed away 2 and a half years ago.tears brokenheart

I have a great support group here on mingle.

People on here just don`t know how much they have helped me get over a lot of my grief.

When you are ready, I`m sure that someone special will come into your life. I wish you all the luck.flowerforyou

pokerface1200's photo
Fri 07/17/09 07:46 PM

Has anyone else ever noticed that when you lose the love of your life,nothing feels the same, things just arent fun anymore?sad2 sorry just venting
yes sadly i can

pokerface1200's photo
Fri 07/17/09 07:47 PM

Yes, but in time that feeling goes away
i disagree sometimes it dont and sometimes at the wrong moment u think of the times u were happy so it dont always go away

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 07:50 PM
Hi everyone.. i have never posted on here B4, i lost my first love and only love, Easter sunday 2008. we were together for 18 years
I still cry? everyone said it takes time? how much is enough!!! and to answer 1 of your questons, Dont try to be friends, if u 2 were able to b friends then you would be together now:) thats how i feel
Good luck, move on and what will be will be u dont get to pick it.

brokenwings30's photo
Fri 07/17/09 08:56 PM
they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new,tee hee so thats what Im going to do,met a really sweet man who lives very close,Im going to give him a shot:heart: