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Topic: Nice to.... meet you??
earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:18 PM

I spoke with one gal in the early afternoon, she sounds like she has a few drinks under her belt and then tells me about all the weed she's growing.

grumble grumble grumble

Oh thats fabulous. I have an instict. I would say really? Yeah I see alot of that in the law enforcement field. bwahahahaha.bigsmile

So I tell her 'I don't drink, don't get high'
She says 'Well..... We are so not going to get along'

laugh laugh laugh

laugh uhhh YAHTZEEE? ffff ffff ffft!

michiganman3's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:23 PM

I spoke with one gal in the early afternoon, she sounds like she has a few drinks under her belt and then tells me about all the weed she's growing.

grumble grumble grumble

Oh thats fabulous. I have an instict. I would say really? Yeah I see alot of that in the law enforcement field. bwahahahaha.bigsmile

So I tell her 'I don't drink, don't get high'
She says 'Well..... We are so not going to get along'

laugh laugh laugh

laugh uhhh YAHTZEEE? ffff ffff ffft!

Mingle Yahtze rofl

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:43 PM

So heres the situation.

I meet a guy online. I speak to him a little in emails. Over a days period.

He says, "lets get together". Im like "well, Id prefer to get to know you by speaking a bit on the phone first".

He calls.

We talk.. he says.. he really wants to get together and talk,.. says he doesnt like to waste time getting to know someone that way, in his experience, he has hit it off many times on the phone, and they end up not a match after meeeting in person, SOOOOO, he prefers to meet in person. (Im thinking, wouldnt he like more of a chance for me to judge him for who he is on the phone?

He says he just really wants to meet me.

Im thinking, "hm.. he doesnt seem to eager to please me ad make ME feel confortable."

WELLLLL... I think to myself.. ok, I would probably have coffee with someone I didnt know too well,... and.. ya gotta get to know people somehow sometime.. what if hes greattt...

so anyway.. i decide, ok.. " so I agree to meet him for coffee in a public place... but I AM SOOO NERVOUS!.

I am nervous because he is someone I dont know much at all.

ARGH! Im about to cancel this freaks me out.. What do you think?

What is there to worry about? It's just a meet-up!

Just make sure the both of you meet in a place with a fair number of people present (restaurant, etc.) and remember to keep your personal safety your number one priority (in case home-fries is in actuality a serial knucklehead or something) and you should be all right.

I mean... what's the worst that could happen? You end up getting MARRIED or something??? noway

Dan99's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:45 PM
Oh shut up Moof, what do you know?

I take it you didnt read the whole thread! haha

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:45 PM

So heres the situation.

I meet a guy online. I speak to him a little in emails. Over a days period.

He says, "lets get together". Im like "well, Id prefer to get to know you by speaking a bit on the phone first".

He calls.

We talk.. he says.. he really wants to get together and talk,.. says he doesnt like to waste time getting to know someone that way, in his experience, he has hit it off many times on the phone, and they end up not a match after meeeting in person, SOOOOO, he prefers to meet in person. (Im thinking, wouldnt he like more of a chance for me to judge him for who he is on the phone?

He says he just really wants to meet me.

Im thinking, "hm.. he doesnt seem to eager to please me ad make ME feel confortable."

WELLLLL... I think to myself.. ok, I would probably have coffee with someone I didnt know too well,... and.. ya gotta get to know people somehow sometime.. what if hes greattt...

so anyway.. i decide, ok.. " so I agree to meet him for coffee in a public place... but I AM SOOO NERVOUS!.

I am nervous because he is someone I dont know much at all.

ARGH! Im about to cancel this freaks me out.. What do you think?

What is there to worry about? It's just a meet-up!

Just make sure the both of you meet in a place with a fair number of people present (restaurant, etc.) and remember to keep your personal safety your number one priority (in case home-fries is in actuality a serial knucklehead or something) and you should be all right.

I mean... what's the worst that could happen? You end up getting MARRIED or something??? noway

Ya gotta read back, I decided since i dont have my car, that it was dangerous. Talked to him, he turned out to be a total d****e.

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:46 PM

So heres the situation.

I meet a guy online. I speak to him a little in emails. Over a days period.

He says, "lets get together". Im like "well, Id prefer to get to know you by speaking a bit on the phone first".

He calls.

We talk.. he says.. he really wants to get together and talk,.. says he doesnt like to waste time getting to know someone that way, in his experience, he has hit it off many times on the phone, and they end up not a match after meeeting in person, SOOOOO, he prefers to meet in person. (Im thinking, wouldnt he like more of a chance for me to judge him for who he is on the phone?

He says he just really wants to meet me.

Im thinking, "hm.. he doesnt seem to eager to please me ad make ME feel confortable."

WELLLLL... I think to myself.. ok, I would probably have coffee with someone I didnt know too well,... and.. ya gotta get to know people somehow sometime.. what if hes greattt...

so anyway.. i decide, ok.. " so I agree to meet him for coffee in a public place... but I AM SOOO NERVOUS!.

I am nervous because he is someone I dont know much at all.

ARGH! Im about to cancel this freaks me out.. What do you think?

What is there to worry about? It's just a meet-up!

Just make sure the both of you meet in a place with a fair number of people present (restaurant, etc.) and remember to keep your personal safety your number one priority (in case home-fries is in actuality a serial knucklehead or something) and you should be all right.

I mean... what's the worst that could happen? You end up getting MARRIED or something??? noway

Ya gotta read back, I decided since i dont have my car, that it was dangerous. Talked to him, he turned out to be a total d****e.

Oh. I didn't read the whole thing. Sowwy! blushing

beauty314's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:53 PM
I'm glad you didn't goflowerforyou
Your instincts were right from the very beginning.
The hard part is to go with that and not fall for a really good game.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:59 PM
:smile: Getting to know someone in stages as I described earlier is a good way of weeding out the weirdos.:smile:It is something I have figured out from observing people on here for the last couple years:smile:

LordCole's photo
Tue 07/14/09 05:51 AM

Just do not do anything outside of your comfort zone...

your so cute with that bald head.

Thank ya, Lady... flowerforyou

snarkytwain's photo
Tue 07/14/09 06:08 AM

WELL!! After the whole deal he called, and we talked, and I told him how I felt and the fact I wasnt feeling the whole meeting thing, and it just got worse.

For a while we talked, it was fine.

Then it got into the sex area.

Instead of saying "I dont think its appropriate to discuss at this time, which was my FIRST instinct, I said, hesitantly..

Umm.. "I do whatever it takes to make my partner happy."

He then probed.. (greaatt)

he said : "What will you do?"

I said...

I dont really want to get into that.

(I wanted to hang up right then)

he pressed.

He said "I mean will you do everything?"

I said: I will do whatever makes my partner happy.

Then I said what are dealbreakers in that situation.

He said so everything? (oh lwad, I was getting creeped out)

Then he started to list, do ya do this?, this? this?

I say where I draw the line.

It was just messed up.

And I just kinda was thinking about how to tell him to get lost at this point.

ANYWAY.. I ended up hanging up on him, after warning him, "he shouldnt say every single stupid thing possible to a woman he is trying to impress", and Why are you sking me this? "Do you ask all women this?" He said no. I said. THEN WHY YA ASKIN ME??

He also asked me to cam with him, and pull my shirt against me later when I do, and also (and heres the kicker) asked me if I have "saggy ****". O yeah, and earlier in convo he was asking me my waist size.. and i was like NE-VER. And then at that point since I thought O hell no, this guys shallow, Im so never going to see him, or talk to him again, I said, "but my breasts are ______ size. ( I had to get back at him somehow, and make him suffer)

Anyway, I excused myself off the phone, and collected myself. furious as hell.

He called back, and I told him "what kind of questions are those your asking me?" And basicly after a few more choice words, I told him to loose my number.

So, the moral of the story?

TOTALLY TOTALLY get to know people first, by phone, email, any way you can before dating someone, or meeting them.

AH! It can be creepy even doing that.

I read your whole story, and can totally applaud you for your choice. I KNOW not ALL men are pigs, but damn, they sure as hell CAN be!

Raise your son to be a gentleman. I'm doing the same with mine. Maybe we'll help future generations of women at least. flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Tue 07/14/09 06:10 AM
good morning all - hey earthy - what did you decide? did you go? how'd it go? did you cancel?

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 07/14/09 09:55 AM

good morning all - hey earthy - what did you decide? did you go? how'd it go? did you cancel?

yeah Fran, I totally cancelled. I dont know if you were posting when I said I had no car to go meet him so had to go in his, but yeah, I decided, bad idea to go with a stranger, and the idea came strong.

Then I told him, and he whined, and then he got all rudie with the sex talk, and stupid things he said, and I ditched him. LOL.

Thanks for your help though, your awesome.

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 07/14/09 09:58 AM

WELL!! After the whole deal he called, and we talked, and I told him how I felt and the fact I wasnt feeling the whole meeting thing, and it just got worse.

For a while we talked, it was fine.

Then it got into the sex area.

Instead of saying "I dont think its appropriate to discuss at this time, which was my FIRST instinct, I said, hesitantly..

Umm.. "I do whatever it takes to make my partner happy."

He then probed.. (greaatt)

he said : "What will you do?"

I said...

I dont really want to get into that.

(I wanted to hang up right then)

he pressed.

He said "I mean will you do everything?"

I said: I will do whatever makes my partner happy.

Then I said what are dealbreakers in that situation.

He said so everything? (oh lwad, I was getting creeped out)

Then he started to list, do ya do this?, this? this?

I say where I draw the line.

It was just messed up.

And I just kinda was thinking about how to tell him to get lost at this point.

ANYWAY.. I ended up hanging up on him, after warning him, "he shouldnt say every single stupid thing possible to a woman he is trying to impress", and Why are you sking me this? "Do you ask all women this?" He said no. I said. THEN WHY YA ASKIN ME??

He also asked me to cam with him, and pull my shirt against me later when I do, and also (and heres the kicker) asked me if I have "saggy ****". O yeah, and earlier in convo he was asking me my waist size.. and i was like NE-VER. And then at that point since I thought O hell no, this guys shallow, Im so never going to see him, or talk to him again, I said, "but my breasts are ______ size. ( I had to get back at him somehow, and make him suffer)

Anyway, I excused myself off the phone, and collected myself. furious as hell.

He called back, and I told him "what kind of questions are those your asking me?" And basicly after a few more choice words, I told him to loose my number.

So, the moral of the story?

TOTALLY TOTALLY get to know people first, by phone, email, any way you can before dating someone, or meeting them.

AH! It can be creepy even doing that.

I read your whole story, and can totally applaud you for your choice. I KNOW not ALL men are pigs, but damn, they sure as hell CAN be!

Raise your son to be a gentleman. I'm doing the same with mine. Maybe we'll help future generations of women at least. flowerforyou

Thanks! Well I dont need to be lacking character, or judgement or morals with my little man.

Id love to throw caution to the wind, but Im not longer 18, and unfortunately no longer invincible. ha ha

Theres plenty of nice fish in the sea, I enjoy the process anyway. Love to flirt, love to experience new people, so its cool.

Your sweet.

franshade's photo
Tue 07/14/09 10:08 AM

good morning all - hey earthy - what did you decide? did you go? how'd it go? did you cancel?

yeah Fran, I totally cancelled. I dont know if you were posting when I said I had no car to go meet him so had to go in his, but yeah, I decided, bad idea to go with a stranger, and the idea came strong.

Then I told him, and he whined, and then he got all rudie with the sex talk, and stupid things he said, and I ditched him. LOL.

Thanks for your help though, your awesome.

must have missed that - but his loss

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 07/14/09 12:57 PM

good morning all - hey earthy - what did you decide? did you go? how'd it go? did you cancel?

yeah Fran, I totally cancelled. I dont know if you were posting when I said I had no car to go meet him so had to go in his, but yeah, I decided, bad idea to go with a stranger, and the idea came strong.

Then I told him, and he whined, and then he got all rudie with the sex talk, and stupid things he said, and I ditched him. LOL.

Thanks for your help though, your awesome.

must have missed that - but his loss

thanks. :heart:

firefly73's photo
Sat 08/22/09 11:10 AM
Looks like he was after one thing and one thing only. Clad you didn't go

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