Topic: Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8 | |
Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8
Russian President shows reporters example of “united future world currency” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, July 10, 2009 In a highly symbolic moment at the G8 summit in Italy today, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev unveiled to reporters a coin representing a “united future world currency”. “We are discussing both the use of other national currencies, including the ruble, as a reserve currency, as well as supranational currencies,” the Russian leader said at a news conference. However, those who have downplayed the formulation of a world currency by dismissing it as merely a progression of SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights) and not something that would physically be used by citizens in a system of world government, were contradicted when Medvedev clearly outlined that the new currency would be “used for payment” by citizens as a “united future world currency”. “This is a symbol of our unity and our desire to settle such issues jointly,” Medvedev said. “Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it,” reports Bloomberg. The question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.” Press images released to the Yahoo photo wire did not show any close up shots of the coin and little was known about it, except that it had been minted in Belgium and bears the words “unity in diversity”. An RIA Novosti report noted that the coin represented an example of a “possible global currency”. China and Russia have repeatedly called for a new global currency to replace the dollar. When confronted about plans to supplant the dollar with a new global currency, both Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner denied that such an agenda existed. However, just days after he told a Congressional hearing that there were no plans to move towards a global currency, Geithner sought to please the elitist CFR by assuring them that he was “open” to the notion of a new global currency system. The scandal-ridden and highly secretive Bank For International Settlements, considered to be the world’s top central banking power hub, released a policy paper in 2006 that called for the end of national currencies in favor of a global model of currency formats. The global currency would be a key central plank of a future system of world government. Earlier this week, Pope Benedict called for a “world political authority” to manage the global economy. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 07/10/09 05:22 PM
Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8 Russian President shows reporters example of “united future world currency” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, July 10, 2009 In a highly symbolic moment at the G8 summit in Italy today, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev unveiled to reporters a coin representing a “united future world currency”. “We are discussing both the use of other national currencies, including the ruble, as a reserve currency, as well as supranational currencies,” the Russian leader said at a news conference. However, those who have downplayed the formulation of a world currency by dismissing it as merely a progression of SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights) and not something that would physically be used by citizens in a system of world government, were contradicted when Medvedev clearly outlined that the new currency would be “used for payment” by citizens as a “united future world currency”. “This is a symbol of our unity and our desire to settle such issues jointly,” Medvedev said. “Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it,” reports Bloomberg. The question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.” Press images released to the Yahoo photo wire did not show any close up shots of the coin and little was known about it, except that it had been minted in Belgium and bears the words “unity in diversity”. An RIA Novosti report noted that the coin represented an example of a “possible global currency”. China and Russia have repeatedly called for a new global currency to replace the dollar. When confronted about plans to supplant the dollar with a new global currency, both Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner denied that such an agenda existed. However, just days after he told a Congressional hearing that there were no plans to move towards a global currency, Geithner sought to please the elitist CFR by assuring them that he was “open” to the notion of a new global currency system. The scandal-ridden and highly secretive Bank For International Settlements, considered to be the world’s top central banking power hub, released a policy paper in 2006 that called for the end of national currencies in favor of a global model of currency formats. The global currency would be a key central plank of a future system of world government. Earlier this week, Pope Benedict called for a “world political authority” to manage the global economy. ![]() Take the power of controlling wealth out of the hands of a nations people and soon they are enslaved to the power of the press and those few who control it, the bankers, and the corporations they have stolen thru their actions! JP Morgan did the exact same thing in 1929(?) saying a large independent bank was insolvent, causing a bank run. As a result, he and a few others were able to buy up these banks, and corporations, at pennies on the dollar, leading to more power in the hands of the central banks, the gold seizure, and the start of our dollars devaluation, and our slavery to their system. |
As long as we can play "quarters" with it...I am good.
I am not sure I understand why this would be a horrible idea. I mean we really are interdependent in many ways. I wish someone could explain this in plain language I can grasp.
I am not sure I understand why this would be a horrible idea. I mean we really are interdependent in many ways. I wish someone could explain this in plain language I can grasp. Think of it this way...... If we were under this system now, we would be a bankrupt nation, for they would determine our ability to pay, and if our dollar is hyper-inflated (as it already is), and devalued, not accepted as payment....... our nation would be up for sale (that part of it that they don't already own). We are already in debt to the central banks of other nations! It's globalization, world domination, by the few wealthy central bankers. Think of the situation we are in today under the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (a private central bank). Now think of it on a global scale with private banks controlling the currency and economies of the world..... This is the agenda of the FED, to devalue our dollar, indebt us to the central banks, to make this sound like a good thing... it is not! You would be enslaved by debt you could never hope to repay. You would be rich or poor, no "American Dream", no middle class, have only what you are allowed. Either a slave or a slave owner. This is how I decypher what I have read. I truly hope someone with more economic brains can prove to me I am wrong! If I am right, are we scared yet? |
I am not sure I understand why this would be a horrible idea. I mean we really are interdependent in many ways. I wish someone could explain this in plain language I can grasp. Think of it this way...... If we were under this system now, we would be a bankrupt nation, for they would determine our ability to pay, and if our dollar is hyper-inflated (as it already is), and devalued, not accepted as payment....... our nation would be up for sale (that part of it that they don't already own). We are already in debt to the central banks of other nations! It's globalization, world domination, by the few wealthy central bankers. Think of the situation we are in today under the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (a private central bank). Now think of it on a global scale with private banks controlling the currency and economies of the world..... This is the agenda of the FED, to devalue our dollar, indebt us to the central banks, to make this sound like a good thing... it is not! You would be enslaved by debt you could never hope to repay. You would be rich or poor, no "American Dream", no middle class, have only what you are allowed. Either a slave or a slave owner. This is how I decypher what I have read. I truly hope someone with more economic brains can prove to me I am wrong! If I am right, are we scared yet? I appreciate you trying to help me understand it, but I am afraid it's still a bit over my head. Don't private banks already control our economies in one way or the other? |
in 20 years the only people who will be in the middle class are those who own their own businesses. there will only be the rich and the poor. it's already been happening. at caterpillar inc. they reduced the rates for all of the jobs for all of the newly hired people. then they sit back and wait while all of the older people who still make decent money finish out their time and eventually retire. once they are all gone there will only be one pay scale. currently the wages on that scale are less than what cat was paying in the mid 80's. i could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure that inflation hasn't deflated back to what it was in the mid 80's, why should people be making those wages when people next to them make middle class wages now. i now make so little that while i'm laid off i get more money from unemployment than i do by going to work for 40 hours.
more and more companies will be doing similar acts. cuts in bonuses, cuts in salaries, it's already happening. you can blame the economy, but when the economy turns around don't be naive in thinking that the wages will also. the people in control of the salaries and bonuses will just make sure that they are paid better, not that the average person is paid better. within the next 20 years you will see people who make more than 120k per year and people who make less than 40k per year. the few people who reside in the middle will be those that work 80 hours a week making sure that their business prosper. personally, i couldn't care less about what they do with our currency. what i make already doesn't stretch far enough for me to be independent any longer. the haves are doing their best to make sure that the have-nots remain right where they are. as long as we don't have the power to make policy, we will never have the power over our own futures. we've dug our own graves by believing in capitalism; the opportunity to succeed if you work hard enough. it's a fallacy. capitalism is kill or be killed. step on whoever you can to make your way. we deserve what we get because of how we've behaved. . . . |
that's funny....mathmatically taxes place the biggest strain on the middle class. High taxes are usually the result of socialistic ideas. Capitalism has it's faults, but so does every other system the powers that be try to push on us. Saying that the system of capitalism is our enemy is committing a HUGE fallacy. In it's purest form, without corruption, capitalism strongly supports technological advancement and a luxurious way of life for all, by promoting the production of capital.
Find the need and fill it. Where capitalism fails, i believe, is when the need is artificially created, wasting our labors on something not truely valued or need by society. Capitalism also fails when too many social programs are created because it throws off the balance of creating capital, with taxes. These taxes, no one would argue, puts the biggest pressure on middle income families. The way they are set up, the tax bracketing system, also discourages financial advancement. So it's harder to "get ahead". One of our biggest problems with our currency is inflation. This is a heavy tax no one really sees because it's unofficial. When you create money, without creating the exact amount of capital to back it up, you create a universal tax on everyone. The only beneficiaries are the ones recieving this printed money. This is just the tip of the iceburg. Capitalism has flaws, yes. But saying that it's the cause of our problems is mathmatically, and logically incorrect. |
I am not sure I understand why this would be a horrible idea. I mean we really are interdependent in many ways. I wish someone could explain this in plain language I can grasp. Think of it this way...... If we were under this system now, we would be a bankrupt nation, for they would determine our ability to pay, and if our dollar is hyper-inflated (as it already is), and devalued, not accepted as payment....... our nation would be up for sale (that part of it that they don't already own). We are already in debt to the central banks of other nations! It's globalization, world domination, by the few wealthy central bankers. Think of the situation we are in today under the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (a private central bank). Now think of it on a global scale with private banks controlling the currency and economies of the world..... This is the agenda of the FED, to devalue our dollar, indebt us to the central banks, to make this sound like a good thing... it is not! You would be enslaved by debt you could never hope to repay. You would be rich or poor, no "American Dream", no middle class, have only what you are allowed. Either a slave or a slave owner. This is how I decypher what I have read. I truly hope someone with more economic brains can prove to me I am wrong! If I am right, are we scared yet? I appreciate you trying to help me understand it, but I am afraid it's still a bit over my head. Don't private banks already control our economies in one way or the other? If we have one world currency, we no longer have control of our own money. By popular vote countries could bankrupt us. For instance, what if the world bank decided to print a whole ton of money and give it to every country BUT the u.s.? Or give more to every other country? We could be turned into a third world country, and the U.S. only has one out of six votes (there abouts). See where this makes us vulnerable? If we don't control the money, we lose our soverignty. We lose that, kiss all your rights goodbye, because our constitution no longer exists. |
Edited by
Sat 07/11/09 09:52 AM
More food for thought, has it ever occured to anyone that perhaps the intelligence and problem solving capability (or lack thereof) of the general population may be where our system is failing us? Perhaps our dependancy on big government to make our decisions for us, and take care of us may be our biggest problem? Has it ever occured to anyone, that governments can be as corrupt, or even run by big business?
You know, if i was a corrupt owner of a huge business, such as pharmacueticals or something of that nature, i would get as many hands in the media as i could to get my workers into public office. Then you invent programs like, the department of education, and have them require schools start dumbing down their criteria. Then we could push us all towards bigger government, giving me more power, and more control. My biggest enemy, of course, would be the constitution. SO i would convince the population that it is outdated, and start overriding amendments like in Article 1, where it states that only congress has the power to make money. Then, while i still had enough hands in the government, i would get my memebers into this bank, and block of congressional oversight. Then i would control the currency. Now it wouldn't matter how many people i had in power in the government. I would control the money, and the media. See where this all goes? Kinda scary when you think about it. Whether or not someone has done this, the opportunity exists for anyone that has the resources. Even worse, if several companies with the resources got together, and did this to multiple countries, you could centralize everything, making it much, much harder for everyone to follow. And if they did, they would have even less say it what happens. Centralize the currency first, that gives you the power, then centralize the media, that gives you the influence. You could eventually work yourself into a position where almost everyone is a slave-like workforce. If we were smart, we would be independent, removing most of the power of anyone that happens to be corrupt. We would spend and invest wisely and keep most of the government power at the local level, where it can be watched closely, and where i can have a say in what happens. If our neighbors were struggling, we could get with other neighbors and help out. This, i truely believe, is the only way we will all be prosperous. |
BTW Good post War
![]() ![]() ![]() I honestly don't see us adopting this currency any time soon. If we ever came close, that would be the time for Americans to take up arms and take back their country. Only if it went that far should blood be shed. But at the stage, it would be necessary. |
hey drivin
here is to you ![]() |
hey drivin here is to you ![]() back at ya bro ![]() |
I am not sure I understand why this would be a horrible idea. I mean we really are interdependent in many ways. I wish someone could explain this in plain language I can grasp. Think of it this way...... If we were under this system now, we would be a bankrupt nation, for they would determine our ability to pay, and if our dollar is hyper-inflated (as it already is), and devalued, not accepted as payment....... our nation would be up for sale (that part of it that they don't already own). We are already in debt to the central banks of other nations! It's globalization, world domination, by the few wealthy central bankers. Think of the situation we are in today under the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (a private central bank). Now think of it on a global scale with private banks controlling the currency and economies of the world..... This is the agenda of the FED, to devalue our dollar, indebt us to the central banks, to make this sound like a good thing... it is not! You would be enslaved by debt you could never hope to repay. You would be rich or poor, no "American Dream", no middle class, have only what you are allowed. Either a slave or a slave owner. This is how I decypher what I have read. I truly hope someone with more economic brains can prove to me I am wrong! If I am right, are we scared yet? I appreciate you trying to help me understand it, but I am afraid it's still a bit over my head. Don't private banks already control our economies in one way or the other? If we have one world currency, we no longer have control of our own money. By popular vote countries could bankrupt us. For instance, what if the world bank decided to print a whole ton of money and give it to every country BUT the u.s.? Or give more to every other country? We could be turned into a third world country, and the U.S. only has one out of six votes (there abouts). See where this makes us vulnerable? If we don't control the money, we lose our soverignty. We lose that, kiss all your rights goodbye, because our constitution no longer exists. Thanks Driven, I actually understood it that time. |
Edited by
Sat 07/11/09 10:04 PM
I am not sure I understand why this would be a horrible idea. I mean we really are interdependent in many ways. I wish someone could explain this in plain language I can grasp. Think of it this way...... If we were under this system now, we would be a bankrupt nation, for they would determine our ability to pay, and if our dollar is hyper-inflated (as it already is), and devalued, not accepted as payment....... our nation would be up for sale (that part of it that they don't already own). We are already in debt to the central banks of other nations! It's globalization, world domination, by the few wealthy central bankers. Think of the situation we are in today under the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (a private central bank). Now think of it on a global scale with private banks controlling the currency and economies of the world..... This is the agenda of the FED, to devalue our dollar, indebt us to the central banks, to make this sound like a good thing... it is not! You would be enslaved by debt you could never hope to repay. You would be rich or poor, no "American Dream", no middle class, have only what you are allowed. Either a slave or a slave owner. This is how I decypher what I have read. I truly hope someone with more economic brains can prove to me I am wrong! If I am right, are we scared yet? I appreciate you trying to help me understand it, but I am afraid it's still a bit over my head. Don't private banks already control our economies in one way or the other? Every penny the government uses for bailout is a loan, you do understand this right? There is an interest on also, to be paid back to the Federal Reserve. Just like - for example- when you got a credit card. The difference is, that the government doesn't have a "job" and a "salary" to create money to be paid back, but imposes taxes on the population to gather the money. So every time the government "bails out" or spends money, it's a money you ( taxpayer) the one who's gonna pay one way or another. Essentially it's slavery, especially if you don't get any benefit out of this whatsoever. |
BTW Good post War ![]() ![]() ![]() I honestly don't see us adopting this currency any time soon. If we ever came close, that would be the time for Americans to take up arms and take back their country. Only if it went that far should blood be shed. But at the stage, it would be necessary. Unfortunately that might end up occuring sooner than we think...hope not, this country can't handle anarchy. |
BTW Good post War ![]() ![]() ![]() I honestly don't see us adopting this currency any time soon. If we ever came close, that would be the time for Americans to take up arms and take back their country. Only if it went that far should blood be shed. But at the stage, it would be necessary. Unfortunately that might end up occuring sooner than we think...hope not, this country can't handle anarchy. We are Americans, we can handle anything, adapt to anything, we think, respond, differently than the rest of the peoples of the world. Our problem is we are 11th hour activists. We don't unite until there is crisis, then we start looking for and striving to be, heros. We're prideful, determined, spoiled and like things our way, and we will prevail bringing about change through our determination. It's the lies, the false prophets, our leaders, who seem to forget we are slow to anger but quick to wrath. They can lead us all down the garden path, we'll let them, until they strike a nerve. We and our children have been "dumbed down" by the easy access to TVs in every home, lowering the bars on education, political correctness, slowly losing our freedom of choice as corporations eliminate "the little guys" (average small businessman/woman) thru rules, regulations, taxes and inflation. Japan said it best.... "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant (or was it tiger?)!". We are a nation of individuals, independent thinkers, thanks to the sacrifices of our soldiers and veterans, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. They can change the words, but they will never change the heart of the nation and its people. In the 11th hour, there will be HELL to pay, and we are quickly approaching it. |
BTW Good post War ![]() ![]() ![]() I honestly don't see us adopting this currency any time soon. If we ever came close, that would be the time for Americans to take up arms and take back their country. Only if it went that far should blood be shed. But at the stage, it would be necessary. n Awesome posts in your own right bro! |